EIGHT PAGES. EVENING O BSERVER. LA GRANDE OREGON. SATI RDAT, ACGVST 15, 1908. PAGE THREE. .'- OF THE hi FRATERNAL ORDERS 1 LA! GRANDE, ORE. t M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7701 meeta every first and third Monday evening at L O. O. P. hall. All visiting neigh bors are cordially Invited to attend. - Relief committee: E. C. Davis, Charlea Dlsqua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox E. C DAVIS, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. ft. O. Z. La Grand Aerie No. tit, F. O. E., meeta every Friday night in Elks' hall at t p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W p. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. & ' O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. It, O. E. 8., hold stated communication the second and fourth Wednesdays . of each month. VI!t' is;s;r; ?wtt invito. MART O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARNICK. Secretary. I. O. O. P. Star Encampment No. II, L O. O. P., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarch always welcome. D. E. COX, C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. H.B.OIA. Meet first and third Thursday eve at I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLlS. President C. J. VANDERPOEL. Secretary. Woodmen of Uie World. La, Grande Lodge No. 168, W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corps building. All visiting member wel come. M." M. MARQUIS, J. H. KEENET, Consul Commander. , Clerk. L O. O. P. La Grande Lodge No. 11, meeta In their hall every Saturday night Vis iting brother cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. C. H. BLTSTONE, N. G. D. E. COX. Secretary. C J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. See.' Forester ot America. Court Maid Marian No. It meets econd and fourth Wednesday night n K. of P. bait Brothers are Invited 'o attend. NERI ACKLES, C, R. G. V; HENDRICKS, F. 8. Board of Trustee: Dr. G. L. Big cers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. ' , A. F, A A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A . M.. holds regular meetings .first tnd third Saturdays at 7: JO p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. nrotberhooa of Owls. L Grand Neat No. 17, meets in the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother cordially invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Red Cross Lodge No. Z7, (meeta very Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. 'A S. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meets each Thursday evening at t o'clock in Elks' hall on Adams avenue. , Visit ing brothers are cordially invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Ruler. O. E. M'CULLT. Rec Sec. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 17, L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at t o'clock in the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MRS. EVA M'INTTRE, K. of R. Rebe kalis. Crystal Lodge No. 60, meet every Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F. hall. All visiting members are In vited to attend. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. G. TILLIE COX. Secretary. River Ice Takes the Lead Scores of people have demonstrated beyond all doubt that the natural Ice handled by V. E. Bean is the Purest and most durable Ice on the makret. For further evidence ask the numerous patrons In all parts of the city. Cheapest Fuel The wise man foreteeth the evil and buyeth a carload. of Bean's chain wood In time to season for winter use. The foolish pass on, and are pun ished by paying seven to nine dollars per cord next winter. Dry wood, bigger loads for less money, and put nto your woodsheds. V. E, BEAN PHONE RED 1741. ICE CREAM This is tHe open season for Ice Cream and we are pre- j pared to furnisn the trade with the very best. Re member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon.' A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen :::::: E. D. S ELDER, the Candy Man Notice of Filing Plata. Notice la hereby given, that the ap proved plata of surveys of fractional sections It, 14, 15, 14. 17 and It, EH and NWV4 Section to, Wft and NE Bee. 21, Townships I North, Rang 44 E., and all of Township 4 North, Rsnge 41, Esst Willamette meridian, have been received In this office. The above plats of surveys will be filed on Tuesdsy, the 16th day of September, 1101, at I a. m. On and after that dale this office will receive applications for the entry of lands In said township. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A. A. nOBBSTB. Receiver. Jaekrabblu Attack Tree. Jackrabblts In large numbers are overrunning the Lfwlston orchard section, and protection to the young fruit trees has been msde necessary, says the Lrwlston Teller. The rsbblts are particularly fond of the bark of the young trees, and their depredations have resulted In a sum ber of trees being killed. During the past few days men have been engaged In wrapping the trees with tarred pa per and steps have been taken to ex terminate the rabbits. ' Carrots containing strychnine have been scattered In th sections where th rsbblts rang and hunting partis are shooting the rabbits by moonlight. MIT Will (0 10 (OAS! Every day adds a name or tw$ to the list of people who are going to avail themselves ot the low rates to the coast with the special train that leaves here August tl. Twenty names are already down for berths and doubtless before the train arrives the number wiH be doubled. In Baker City over 100 tickets have already been sold, . that number Including those who will go from the county at large. The rates are so low that many will take advantage of the opportuni ty to visit the seashore at a very low expense.' Those who are thinking of going should make reservations for their berths at an early date, as the number of standard berths set aside for La Grande may be limited. Postpone Lumber Rates. Bon Francisco. Aug. ... IS. Lumber carrying railroads of the Pacific coast, which were ordered by the Interstate commerce commission to reduce their rates on lumber and Its products, ef fective today, have been granted an extension of time until October 15. It was Bhown by the carriers Involved that It would be Impossible to check up rates and file new tariffs In time to become effective today". Assurance was given the commission by some of the carriers that if the ex tension were granted they would not apply for an Injunction to restrain the commission's order from becoming ef fective. However, the 'carriers ex pressly retain the right to test the reasonableness of the rates ordered by the commission In a suit to be brought for that purpose, or In suits which may develop out 'of reparation claims ms.de by shippers who have been ship ping under the advanced rates. This does not Include the case In volving rates from the Willamette val ley to San Francisco In which the Southern Pacific has already filed a petition at San Francisco asking for an Injunction against the commission's order. Prolm Lumber Trust. St. Louis, Aug. 15. A hearing on the restraining order secured by 100 lumber companies, capitalized at $300, 000,000, alleged to be Interested In the formation of a yellow pine lumber trust, will be held Monday. Actions have been brought against tne con cerns unaer the Sherman anti-trust act by the attorneys-general of Mis souri, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma. . Old Home Week. Concord, N. H., Aug. 15. Old Home week In New Hampshire will open here this evening with an enormous bonfire on Rattlesnake hill. Religious services will be held tomorrow for the special benefit of the home-comers. Many distinguished natives of New Hampshire have promised to deliver addresses during the coming week. Mirtlfe. To My Frv-it an Patrons: Havids oil iov stock of hardware tc, to Al ises l'.ly' and Foster, who will continue in the same line of bus men and at th same place. Mr. Lilly Laving been associated wtth me for thi pest six yesrs, I take pleasure In recommending the new firm to my many friend and patron and trust ih; you will find business with them tr pessnl as our business relations have always been. I will be found at the store during th month of July, and will bs pleased to have as many of my friends call and settle their ac counts as possible during the month. Thanking you for the many favors shown mc, I remain. Very respectfully, MRS. T. N. MtTRPHT. Special Train Excursion to Portland nd tli Seashore. The O. R. A N. Co. beg to announce that on Friday, August list, they will operate a special train, consisting of Standard Pullman and Tourist sleeping car and free reclining chair car to Portland, leaving La Grand at I p. m., arriving at Portland following morning at 1:11 a. m. Steamer T. J. Potter leaving Portland at t p. m ar riving en th Beach at 7:10 p. m. Tickets limited to September tth. Passengers msy tak advantage of a 11-day stop-over at Portland on th return trip if thy so desire, and can leave th Beach Sunday, August tld. Th very low rate of tlO.tt tor th round trip wtll be mad. t-7tf u r ,- I iritv 9 J . To Investigate Her Resources Union County offers a home, a market and health to all who wish to work and prosper. There's Room for All FRUIT LUMBER HAY GRAIN STOCK ' DAIRYING MINES SUGAR Crop Failures Unknown Markets Unlimited FOR LITERATURE ADDRESS THE IA GRANDE COMMERCIAL CLUB LA GRANDE, OREGON