PAGE SEVEN. JOIUH't twist" EVENINO OBSERVER, IA GRANDE OREGON, TgCKSDAY. AUGUST 18, 1008. '( . jjW size ; - ALL GOOD THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK. Propr. Phone Main 75 . Real estate transfers il'iriPB the pant week have been brl.'K, d'tittc the fact that harvesting Is n full oiaM ana that one day of the weK wis nr- cus dny. For the week ending . lost evening the following list of tr aiert (furnished by the La Grando Invest ment company) have been made: J. K. Romlg,, to Zora E. Pat ty, lots 16 and 17, of block 108, in Chaplin's addition to La Grande. $1000. C. R. Hlbberd to John Walker, lots 15 and 16 of block 4, of Imbler. 1650, : S. L. Burnough to Lee Bell, land In lot 4, of section 19, township 1 north range 40 E. 1126. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. I . A. J. Nusbaum,, Batesvllle, ' lnd.,1 writes: "Last year 1 sutfered for three months with a summer cold so dis tressing that It Interfered with my business. I had many of the symp toms of hoy fever, and a doctor's pro scription did not reach, my case, and I took several medicines which seem ed to only aggravate my case. For tunately I Insisted upon havhig Fo ley's Honey and Tar and It quickly cured me. : My wife has since used Foley's Honey and .Tar with the same succera." A. T. Hill, druggist. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Cor. 4fh & Adams Ave.; One Block West of the Foley Hotel '- Wood Sawed. By Oliver AHugerty, with gasoline wood saw. 'Phone Black 1851. A14 ttiORGE PALMER, President' W. H. BRENHOLTS Ass't Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vice President ' C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier ' 3655 All New Rigs- iVei Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies f GLASSES THAT FIT JHE V EYE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE REFERENCES: 1 have Ask any on fitted. at HFsrnfiK'S Daily Observer, 65c per Month Seeds Seeds All Kinds FIELD and. GARDEN t? Ibulk and in packages. ? We have been the seed 1.1 distributor of this county j for several years and our stock as usual is complete. i ; r Feed of All Kinds EARLY ROSE SEED 4" POTATOES : : STORAGE : : WELLS DRILLED Tnunh Palmer, et UX, to J. M. Bai t lett, lots 7 and 8. of block 87, In Chap lin's add. to La QranOe. $80. F. and T. Bank to J. M. Bartlett, .same as last above. $60. Thomas Lindsay, heirs to J. M NW ff SWK and WV4 of NW14 of section 15, township 1 south, range 38 E. $1. Dora Elberhard. et al. to Laura Woodell, N of SE of section 27, township 2, south, range 88 B. $1. R. W' Holman. et ux, to Laura Woodell, same as last above. II La Grande Investment Co., to Wm cvuatnin lntn 1 and (. of block 4 of Home Investment add. to La Grande $300. i La Grande R. E. Association to Ida n. nionmer. lots 6. 7 and 8. or diock 48. Riverside add. to La Grande. $100 U. S. to I. Pentecost, 8W of sec Hon 26, township 1 north, range 88 E. patent. W. A. Spalding, et al., to A m. Thompson, lots 12 and IS, of block 22. of Predmore's add. to La Grande $241.65. . U. 8. to Wm. Swlger, NEi4 of NW IL of section 28. township 4 soufn, range 40 east. Patent. C. L. Rogers to Clarissa P.'Thomp son, W4 of lot 6 and lots 7. 8, and 10. In block 7. town of Hllgard. $1. C. H. Norris to Mrs. L. B. O'Con nell. lot 2 of block 60, of Chaplin s add. to La Grande. $2400. A. I. Gale to George Balrd, BE 14 of section 6, township 4 south, range 41 E. $1. it a tn Oen. E. Kellnaa-. BE 14 of section 22. townahlp 1 south, range 40v E. Patent. V. 8. to Kate Parent, NWtt of sec tlon 26, township 1 south, range. 40 E Patent. U. 8. to Edna Rohan, NW14 of NE section 27. and BW14 of BE 14 of sec tir,n tnanahln 4 south, range 88 E. Patent. J. F. Sapptngton to Kellogg and Parent, NEtt'Of section 22; W14 of NW14. and WH of SWfc'ot section tnwnahin 1 south, range 40 E $2000. John Walker to C. R. Hlbberd, lots 15 and 14 of block 4. tow nof Imbler. $1000. Anderson to C. R. Hlbberd, EV4 NE4 of section 88, NW14 of section township 1 south, range 89 E. Better Than Spanking. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetttng. There is a constitution al cause for this trouble: Mrs, M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send tree to any mother her suc cessful Instructions. Send no money, but write her today If your children trouble tn tha way. Don't ' blame the child, the chances are it can't helo it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people -trouoiea iu urine difficulties uy day or night m La Grand e PJatio nal Ban Si : , Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY . . DIRECTORS "". 'v'-;-'. J. M.Berry !A. B. Conley , . F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykit , C. CPennington F. L. Meysrt Oeo.'L. Cleaver " ' W. L. Brenholts George Palmer - j : . - .AKiAKBAAAMAaa IN A HURRY? :' THEN CALL "' THE TRANSFER MAN. He will take that trunk to the depot nr vnnr hnitie In less time than it takes to tell It Day 'Phone Red 781. Night Thone, Black J792. WAGON ALWATS SERVICE. AT TOUR 4 Ice- I WITH TWENTY JEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. . TELEPHONE CS A LABOR OF LOVE. . Tou never get tired of our delight ful ice cream, made from purest in aredtcnts, it's always of a uniformly high quality. Absolutely pure, whole some and delicious. All flavors of se- leglng his efforts at refor mare Insln ing, soothing. Try a plate and well no more need be said. 34. 000. If you need water fur Irrigation or domestic use," why nut have m well drilled and cased up with steel case- IntT R'a the only way to secure Pure Water, and a Clean Well R.V.OLIVER Slater Block . B. A. West of La Grande, successor to Miller West, O. R. A N. drillers will be glad to give you figures and do your drilling , ' R. A. WEST Jiwunh Huffman to T. E. Parks. 8W BW 14 of section 14, sn dother land In section 11. township 1 norlh. range 40, E. $7000. O. B. McKlnnls to J. F. Bapplngton S'4 8K'A of socllon 19, and N14 NE of section $0. townithlp 1 north. rnnge 89 E. $K00. rovrle?i Jo A. Loveless, BH ot hlnek 12. Bwarkhammer's add to Union. $700. Martin ?lnrk to Joseph Clark, un divided W Interest In land In Sw4 BE'i of section 17, township t south range 38 E. $t. Summervllle Itrma. Bummervllle. Ore,. Aug. 12. (Spe eial.) Quite a large number of our young people went on the excurslqn to the Looking Glass last Bunday The social at Mm Mrs. J. H. Rlne ki'i home, riven by the C. B.s, was well attended and all had an enjoy able time. Fall wheat la about all headed. Wheat threshing that haa been dune Indicates a nearly average crop. Itev. Kline and wife will leave soon to attmd conference. Mont of our merchants enjoyed a day o'f and attended the circus at La Grande Tuesday. For aale at , A. T. HILL. FRED DCTLI. 6IXVERTIIORN MACK. r Blue Mountain Creamery Co. Keep the money at home 'by using LA GRANDE SUGAR Costno n ere r.d. just cs sweet. All dealers. If the Glassas I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I 6tand ready to refuna your money . . . . . I am here three hundred and sixty five dafs In the year to make my assertions good : : : : : : : J. H- PEARE LEADING PIGNEER JEWELER W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. HARDWARE,STOVES,fl)RITlJRE,BtlLDIllG MATERIAL J CLMENT AND LlMB-j Agents for Union Portland Cement Co's Red Devil Brand BPEX ASD RINGS - FIXED AT IIEACOCK'8 SO TOU .CANNOT BEE THE PLACE 'WHERE THEY ARE SOLDERED. THERE'S NOT A HEADACHE, not a single bad affect following tbe use of our bottle beverages. That is I one reason why so many people are giving up tbe use of alcoholic drinks and taking.' Instead, our Ginger Alo, Root Beer, Sodas, Mineral Waters, etc They taste good, are good, and hava only effects. . ' " Union Bottling Work Both Cement and Lime Highest Quality Obtainable Satisfaction Guaranteed ......a..t..a..'' You'll Pay With Pleasure For tvery meal Jou eat hert. will be a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurar.t is Intend ed for people who appreciate g od eating, 1o (or people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost. If you oolong to that c!is, cimo lit and see wha we can do foi you. The Model Restaurant. J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. We t&ll weekly meal tickets for - , a 5