La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 13, 1908, Image 1

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( Ill
nt tiw, order and Law De
partment of the County Baa Its
Emissaries Out In the Hills Looking
for Nels Holverson of Hllgard Very
Likely He Will Be Brought to La
Grande Tonight May Have Eluded
the Of fU era Jail Sentence Must
Necessarily Follow Conviction of the
Second Offense,
The mighty forces of law and order
have been set in motion for the third
time since the local option law was
adopted in Union county. This time
it is Nels Holverson of Hllgard who Is
accused of having stepped on the
law's toes and It the authorities' plans
fall not, Holverson Is now In the grip
of the law. Not alone la his contem
plated arrest consummated on a
charge of selling liquor In this county,
but ha is charged with selling It twice,
which means that If " Holverson is
caught and brought to La Grande for
trial and found guilty, he will spend
from 10 to SO days In the county jail,
rand pay a heavy fine. Holverson has
Binned twice, and as, many charges
have been preferred against him. For
the first offense he will be arraigned
and tried, and If found guilty, will .be
' fined. In the event that the first fine
is paid, the second charge will be pre
ferred and for this the law says he
must suffer Imprisonment Imthe coun
ty Jail not loss than 10, nor more than
30 days, and be fined as the court may
see fit. , ;" " , '-' '. V
The law makes its obligatory for the
court to name a Jail sentence, hence
the' cells In the Union county court
house await the arrival' of Nels Hol
verson. - i
Fight-Actuatr Complaints.
Though the Holverson soft drink
parlor at Hllgard has been searched
previously, it was not until last Mon
day that the warrants for his arrest
were sworn out, following disclosures
made by a saloon brawl at that place.
I Holverson Disappears.
! Whether advertenuy my uui, U UCt
known, but Holverson left Hllgard the
same time that the warrants were
sworn out after investigations by the
district attorney. Yesterday morning
Constable Faulk went to where the
prisoner is supposed to be visiting rel
atives Teel Springs. To Teel Springs
Is a 60-mlle drive over a rough road,
and It Is possible that the news of the
constable's coming ; may have been
rushed ahead of the constable himself,
and that Holverson has moved. It Is
more than likely, however, that Con
stable Faulk will be seen In La
Grande tonight, having his prisoner
In custody, Local authorities are In
cllned to think that as the drive to
Teel Springs Is a strenuous one, the
constable may have rested a day when
he found his man, and will, therefore,
not return here until tomorrow
Officials to Be Complimented.
The prosecuting attorney, the justice
of the peace and Constable Faulk make
a trio that Is dangerous to bootleggers.
The county is fortunate In having
three men, each In his respective of
fice, who are willing to follow the will
of the people and enforce the laws.
There Is no question but that If Hol
verson Is arrested he will be given a
taste of the law that will be a lesson
to him and to others who may at
tempt to practice bootlegging In this
0 CI
Los Angelos, tai.,
.ihtr. who was .seated beside a
ping oft the heads of his son Fred,
and daughter, Mrs. Ala Lacomb, at
tempting to kill his wife with a big
cleaver, slashing his own throat with
suicidal intent, and savagely attacking
Policeman Coe, M. -J. Duffy, an aged
capitalist, ran amuck today. ' He was
captured and taken to the hospital,
where he is expected to recover. He
committed the crimes during a sudden
attack of epileptic insanity, v .
Duffy was about to plunge the
blade Into Coe's heart when another
policeman came to the rescue.
Duffy lived with hls'son, and mur
dered htm while he waa sleeping li?
his bed.
Making sure that his son was dead
he ran from the house with the same
sewing machine. He chopped her
head off with one blow and hacked!
the body with the ax. As It fell to
the floor his wife rushed In. She was
struck with the blad of the ax, but is
not fatally wounded.
After horribly hacking the daugh
ter's "body the aged man returned to
his home. Laying in a pool of his
son's blood, he tried to commit sul
clde by hacking his throat. The po
lice broke down the door and Duffy
attacked Officer Coe with a sharp
knife. Both clinched and fell. Coe
was rescued by another policeman.
Mrs. Duffy Is In the hospital a hope
less maniac and little hope Is held out
of her regaining her ' reason. She
chatters incessantly while trying to
Jacob Finger, pastor of the Baker I
City M. E. church pronounced a very
beautiful prayer. Dr. Seemann, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church of this
city, read the scriptural lesson. The
Methodist choir rendered fitting music.
The remains were laid to rest beside
those of his wife In the Masonic ceme
tery, Thus ends all that is- mortal of
one who was both loved and respect
ed by hundreds of men and women,
who have seen him grow old in the
service of ' the Master., Though his
personal career on this earth is ended,
the result and Influence of his labors
will continue undiminished so long as
time shall continue.
ax In his hand to the home of his play like a child.
North Powder Lu'niier Company's
Case in Court Th's Aflernoon.
I Sherman Notification.
! Utlca, N. Y., Aug. IS. Preparations
are going forward for a great cele.
', bratton here next Tuesday, when J. 8.
. i
Arguments In the MeUler-Norih Sherman will be formally notified of
Powder Lumber comai.iv's case were nl "election as republican vlce-presl
heardv today In the u- house. The dentlel csndldate. Tlje town will be
litigation has assumed a point where decorated In an elaborate manner and
th. sheriff has been ordered to sell thousands of visitors are expected,
the defendants' property at North , Senator Burrows will make the notlfL
PnMr tn cover hut amnnntinir to i cation speech. Mr. Sherman Is now at
14000. and the arguments today were ' rlt on nl speech of acceptance
to secure a restraining order, forbid
ding the sheriff to carry out his orig
inal orders. Attorney J. L. Rand of
Baker City, appeared for tlie plaintiff,
E. J. Metzler. while Attorneys Ram
sey & Oliver of this city represented
the defendant.
Imbler, Ore., Aug. 13. (Special.)
The town of Imbler Is on the boom.
. Since the announcement that the Pio
neer Flouring Mill Co. had purchased
the Idle mill here and will operate It
In two weeks there has been such a
sudden revival -of business thrift that
the slow ones here are sitting down In
utter despair. Every day brings loads
and loads of wheat to the mill here,
which Is now being extensively re
paired. ' In a short time the wheels
will turn and the growers will realise
rich profits from their crops.
Harvest Report Good.
Yesterday Sam Brooks threshed
wheat that brought him 40 bushels to
the acre. Reports from every section
where the threshers are at work, are
that the' crop will be equal to the
Brooks report. The Pierce brothers.
In Booth lane, realised 4S bushels in
yesterday's threshing. Imbler bos no
complaint to make over poor corps, as
It Is evident that other parts of the
valley will not harvest as much wheat
as this section.
Building Fever Rampant.
With an average wheat crop assured,
with additional confidence as a result
of the promised flour Industry here,
the prospective builders have taken
to making definite plans for extensive
Improvements. H. L. Alexander, the
blacksmith. Is about to erect a large
two-story building which will be used
as a wagon shop, and the second floor
for a rooming house. There sre at
least five residences now planned,
which will bo In process of erection
within a very short time. Imbler ts
booming and every one Is happy.
. Canadian Wheat Crop.
Winnipeg, Man., Aug. IS. One hun
dred million bushels la a conservative
estimate of this year's wheat crop In
western Canada. In many sections of
Manitoba and other provinces consid
erable difficulty has been experienced
In securing sufficient harvest hands,
and in some places the jjalls have
been opened and prisoners serving
terms for minor offenses released, on
condition that they aid In gathering
the bumper crop.
W1U You Answer How La Grande Re
ceived, its Name?
A subscriber to The Observer asks
us the question, who first named La
Grande, and what the name meant.
We have asked several, but so far
have received no authentic Informa
tion, and as there are many no doubt.
who would be Interested In the an
swer, we are going to ask Commission
er Ben Brown to answer the question
for us. He was the first settler and
no doubt his little diary which on so
many prior occasions has set things
right, will be found with the necessary
Information this time.
Presence of Large Crowd During Trial
Flight Partially twKnlllo for the
First Accident to Wright's Aero
plane FbIIh Twenty-five Feet and
Is Considerably Broken Up Amcr-
k-an is Hero of the Da In Pari
I'suuUy SiiccCHufnl. .
Bryan Una Heaps of Fan With Mam
moth Gourd Termed Big Slick.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. IS. A bit of
trenchant humor at the expense of
the "big stick" was Indulged In today
by Bryan while addressing a delega
tion of Nebraska farmers, who pre
sented Bryan with a huge gourd.
."This mammoth gourd," said Bry
an, "certainly resembles the big stick.
I think It is fitting emblem to repre
sent the republican policies, for the
big stick, which was so loudly herald
ed, has not accomplished a great deal
of actual legislation."
The farmers also contributed III to
the democratic campaign fund.
Danger of Open Mutiny Among the
Soldiers of Poe' Guard.
Rome, Aug. IS. A threatened mu
tiny of the Palatine guards of the
pope today caused an order of dls
bandment. It is known that there
has been much discontent among the
soldiers on account of alleged unfair
ness In the system of promotion. It
is charged that some of the men were
advanced through favoritism. The re
port Is general that the discontented
ones had planned a mutiny.
llarrlnwif Lines Will Arto New Sys
tem of Cars for lis Road.
New York, Aug. IS. Agents of the
various railroad car equipment com
panies are here preparing to submit
bids on (000 steel cars that are report
ed will be selected for use by the
liarrlinan lines. It Is not stated where
the cars will be used. The cost will
be between six and seven million dol
Yismaiay'si Baseball Huosea.
Los Angeles, 1; Portland, I.
Ran FrsksMlMO, Oakland, t.
" Powers WIU Keep Away.
London, Aug. IS. An official of the
foreign office today said. In discuss
ing ths Turkish situation. In connec
tion with the meeting of King Ed
ward and Emperor Josef of Austria.
that the powers had decided not to
Interfere in the affairs.
Lemans, France, April IS. Wilbur
Wright's great aeroplane met with its
first accident In a flight here today,
when it was brought to the ground by
a false maneuver. The framework was
shattered. It was sailing M a height
of 23 feet The machine made a quick
change and shot down. Wright Is an
Wright had been worried by the
crowds who gathered to witness the
flight. Heretofore flights were made
In private. To avoid the crdwds he
decided to make an early morning
trip. He said the damage to the ma
chine will be repnlred In a few dnys.
Wright Is the hero of the day In
Paris. The papers are filled with
I stories of his flights. He Is so Itn
Iportant the,- they Interview him on
the weather I he will discuss It.
First Shot at. Then Stuck in Telephone
Booth and Now Thrown Heavily
From Ills Horse Is Exciting Career
of Tart Animal Which Taft Rode
on Mountain Howl, Collaiwed.
Throwing Candidate Heavily Was
Bruised and Shaken Up.
Hot Springs, Aug. IS. It has bc
como known today that Taft narrowly
escaped Injury lust Tuesday when the
horse he had been riding on the moun
tain road, gave way under the extreme
I weight, throwing Taft heacflong. The
animals knees collapsed and H went
down In a heap. Taft fell on his hands
and knees In front of the horse with
great force. He was slightly bruised.
This Is the third accident In which
the big candidate has figured, for not
long since. It was reported that some
one fired point blank on the steam
boat on which Taft was riding, with
the evident intention gt hitting some
member of tho Taft party. The shot
was fired from the bank of the Ohio
river, but fortunately Taft was not on
deck. The telephone booth Incident
augmented to this, has given the re
publican standard bearer considerable
notoriety of the thrilling kind of late.
Red Cap for Aanerlrstn.
Komt, Aug. IS. Archbishop rarley
Is on his) way to ftwitxerlano. to re
main some time. It la probaMe the
pope will soon as sou oee that Arch'
bishop Farley will be saad Ms Amer
ican cardinal.
Last Sad Rltea Over Pioneer Minister
Held Tills Morning.
This morning at 10:10 o'clock at the
Methodist church In South La Grande.
the funeral srrrlees over the remains
of the late Abraham Eadea were held.
Rev. C. E. Deal, pastor of the . La
Grande M. C. church, and Iter. W. W
Deal, paster of tho Union M.
church, both pronounced dstogMI
tribute te the depart SJtA the tier
Sudden Revival of Irrigation Scheme
Today When. David Eccles Alights
From PaaMenger Train Toured the
Valley With Leading; Financiers and
.VMWfM,.,H Mint V SMS K;Uw.nto w
'Sirutchea of Valuable Land, 'when'" "--r
Water la Once Applied Club MeeM '
Tonight and Sugar King WIU No
Doubt Give Voice to Sentiments.
The presence of David Ecclea, head
of the Amalgamated Sugar company,
holding controlling Interests tn many
railroads of the west, and recognized
the world over as the king of sugar
men, has added new vim and ginger .
to the Irrigation project. To prove to
Mr. Eccles that there Is land In abund
ance which would, be trebled In value '
by application of water accumulated In
the basin of the Grande Ronde river
In the Blue mountains, was the pur
pose of an automobile drive over the
valley today In company with promt- ,
n'ent commercial club , members and
other financiers of the valley. While .
It is not announced that Mr. Eckles Is
here for the purpose of studying the
Irrigation proposition with a view of
lending his financial aid to the pro
ject, still those who ere advancing Ir
rigation schemes have revived hope In
the visit today. '
It Is more than probable that Mr. i
Ecctes will meet with the Commercial
club tonight, when' Walter M. Pierce
and others who fostered the engineer's
Investigation of the water supply up
the Grande ttonde river, will be pres-.
ent and discuss the matter with the
club managers. It is also more than
likely that Mr.' Eckles will give voice
to the project and what he may say
will be Interestingly awaited. It ts
rumored that Mr, Eccles hup some
time ago Intimated that he might fi
nance the momentous project If the
conditions were sultnble. What Im
pression his trip over the valley to
day may have made on the capitalist
may be put Into word form this eve
ning when he meets with the commer
cial club.
Somehow or other. Irrigation has
been the chief subject of discussion to
day, primarily because a man with un
limited capital Is here. By tomorrow
Union county may be on the threshold
of a new era. , .
Mr. Eccles visited the sugar factory
while here. He also Inspected the
hundreds of acres of sugur-beets In
the valley during his auto trip.
Take a lime bodal
For Your Stomach's Sake
This Advice Certainly Holds Good with Everyone
This Sort of Weather
Soda served at our fountain is more than a
tasty thirst-quenching beverage. It is tonic and
refreshing and every glass a strengthener for
the stomach. ' .
Our Soda is absolutely pure, strengthening,
reviving, refreshing and healthful. It "lands di
rect" on the "dry" spot and quenches thirst as
nothing else will, because we serve it at just the
right temperature.'