PAGE FOCR. EYEMXG OOSERtTH. 1A WW ORKGOV TTrnXESPAY. ACGrST 12, 1908. n.V'T PAGES. If ! .1 4 i li Grands Evenint Observer Published Dally Except Sunday. V CCKREY BROTHKR8, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. I'nited Press Trlcirntplt Service. Dally, per month........; .65 Dally, tingle copy .05 Dally, one year In advanco, . . , . .SS.BO Dally, six months, in advance. .'.13. 50 Weekly, one year. In advance, . .$1.00 .Weekly, six months, In advance. . .75 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande a second-class matter. This paper will not publish any arti cle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion ot the editors. Please slj-n yflur articles and save disappointment.;." . Advertising Itatee. Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. " Local reading notices 10a per line i. i;:rt!-T rT tor on UD eequent Insertion. . . . Resolutions of condolence, tc a line. Cards of thanks, Ec a line. 7jfij! nil 3 0 7 8 m ia'oa'siIm 10202122 ll25;;2C2rli28l!2 BRYAN ACCEPTS disappoints the hopes and expecta tions of reformers, whether those re formers be republicans or democrats. So far did the republican convention fall short of Its duty that the repub lican candidate felt It necessary to add to his platform In several Important particulars, thus rebuking; the leaders of the party upon whose co-operation he must rely for the enactment of re medial legislation. . As I shall, In sep arate speeches, discuss the leading questions at issue, I shall at this time confine myself to the paramount ques tion, and to the far-reaching; purpose of our party, as that purpose is set forth in the platform. . , ' Shall the 'People Rule? Our platform declares that the over shadowing Issue which manifests It self In all the questions now under discussion, . Is, "Shall the - people rule?" No matter which way we turn; no matter to what subject we address ourselves, the same question confronts us: "Shall the people control their own government, and use that govern ment for the protection of their right and for. the promotion of their wel- tarer ur snail me representative. u. predatory wealth prey upon a defense less public, while the offenders secure Immunity from subservient officials whom they raise to power by"unscru pulous methods?" This Is the lnaue raised by the "known abuses" to which Mr. Taft refers. Why No Tariff Reform? The president's colse friends have been promising for several years that he would attack the Iniquities of the tariff. We have had Intimation that Mr. Tfft was restive under the de mands of the highly protected Indus tries. And yet the Influence of the manufacturers, who have for 25 years contributed to the republican cam paign fund, and who in return have ,.i (Continued from page 1.) policies have given me whatever po litical strength I possess, the action ot the convention only renews my faith In them, but strengthens my attach ment to them. Vluttorm Is Hlnding. I ehall In the near future prepare a more formal reply to youtr notification and In that letter of acceptance will deal with the platform, in detail. It is sufficient at this time toasaure you that I am in hearty accord with both the letter and the spirit of the pint- form. I endorse it In whole and In part, and shall, If elected, regard Its declarations as binding upon me. And, I may add. a platform Is binding as to what It omits as well as to what it contains, according to the democratic Idea, the people think for themselves and select officials to carry out their wishes. The voters are the sovereigns: the officials are the servants, employ ed for a fixed time and at a stated alary to do what the sovereigns want done, and to do It In the wsy the overelgna wsnt It dune. Platforms ! re entirely in harmony . with this democratic Idea. A platrorm announces the party's position on the questions which are at issue; and an official Is not at liberty to use the authority , rested In him to urge personal views which have not been submitted to the Voters for their approval. If one is nominated upon a platform which is not satisfactory to him. he must, If candid, either decline the nomination, or In accepting It, propose an amend , ed platform In lieu of the one adopted by the convention. No such situation however, confronts your candidate, for the platform upon nhl.-h I was nom inaieit not only contains nothing from whirl) I dlsent, but It specifically outlines elt( the remedial leglxlatlon which we ran hone to secure during the next four years. ltiiiMIn tlinllenite Accepted. The distinguished statesman who re ceived the republican nomination for president, said In his notification speech: "The strength of the republican causa Injhe campaign at hand is the fact that we represent the policies es sential to the reform of known abuses, to the continuance of liberty and true prosperity, and that we are determined -as our platform unequivocally de clares to maintain them and carry them on." In the name of the democratic par ty, I accept the challenge, and charge that the republican party la reaponsl ble for all the abuses which not only exist In the federal government and that It la Impotent to accomplish the reforms which are Imperatively need ed, further. I cannot concur In the statement that the republican platform unequivocally declares for the reforms that are necessary; on the contrary, I Affirm that It openly and notoriously framed the tariff schedules, has been sufficient to prevent tariff reform. As the present campaign approached, both the president and Mr. Taft de clared In favor of tariff revision, but set the date of revision after the elec tion. But the ' pressure brought to bear by the protected interests has been great fcnough to prevent any at tempt at tariff reform before the elec tion; and the reduction promised af ter ' the election Is so hedged about cent republican national convention, the plank was repudiated by tt vote of 880 to M. Hera, too, Mr. Taft has been driven to apologize for his con vention and to declare himself In fa vor of a publicity law; and yet. If you will read what he says upon this sub ject, you will find that his promise falls far short of the requirements of the situation. He says: "Jf I am elected president, I shall urge upon congress with every hope of success, that a law be1 passed re quiring the filing, In a federal office, ot a statement of the contributions re. ceived by committees and candidates in elections for members of congress, and In such other elections as are con stitutionally within the control of con gress." ;; . , ..; . , 1 I shall not embarrass him by asking him upon what he bases his hope of success; it is certainly not on any en couragement he has received from re publican leaders. It Is sufficient to say that If his hopes were realized If, In spite of ths adverse action of his convention, he should succeed In se curing the enactment of the very law partial relief. He has read the dem ocratic platform; not only his Ian guage, but his evident alarm, Indicates that he has read it carefully. He even had before him the action of the dem ocratic national committee In Inter preting and applying that platform; and yet, he falls to say that he favors the publication of the contributions before the elections." Of course, It sat isfies a natural curiosity to find out how an election has been purchased even when the knowledge comes too late to be of service, but why should the people be kept In darkness until the election is past? Why should the locking of the door be delayed until the horse is gone? An Election a. public Affair. An election Is a public affair. The people, exercising the right to select their officials and to decide upon the policies to be . pursued. , proceed to their several polling places on election day and register their will. What ex cuse can be given for secrecy as to the Influences at work? If a man, pecu niarily Interested In "concentrating the control of the railroads In one man agement" subscribes a lara-e sum to with qualifying phraes. that no one !ld In carrying the election, why should can estimate with accuracy the sum total of tariff reform to be expected In case of republican success. If the past can be taken as a guide, the re publican party will be so obligated by campaign contributions from the ben eflclarlesVf protection, as to make that party powerless to bring to the country any material relief from the present tariff burdens. Why No Anti-Trust iU'trl-liillon? A few years ago the republican leadi- In the house of representa tives were coerced by public opinion Into the support of an anti-trust law which had the endorsement of the prexldunt, but the senate refused even to consider the measure, and since that time no effort has been made by the dominant party to secure remedi al legislation upon thla subject. Why No lUllroud I legislation? For' 10 years the Interstate com merce commission has been asking for an enlargement of Its powers, that It might prevent rebate and discrimin ations, but a republican senate and a republican house of representatives were unmoved by Its entreaties. In 100 the republican national' conven tion was urged to endorse the demand for railway legislation, but Its plat-1 form was silent on the subject. Kven In 1904. the convention gave no pleilgi to remedy these abuses. When the president finally asked for legislation, he drew his Inspiration from three democratic national platforms and he received more cordial support from the democrats than from the republi cans. The republics n In the senute deliberately defeated several amend ments offered by Henatur Ij Follette and supported by the democrats amendments embodying legislation asked by the Interstate commerce commission. One of these amend ments authorized the ascertainment of the value of railroads. This amend ment was not only defeated by the senate, but It was overwhelmingly re jected by the recent republican na tional convention and the republican candidate has sought to rescue his party from tho disastrous results of this act by expressing himself, In a qualified way. In favor ot ascertain ing the value of railroads. Campaign Contribution Publicity. An effort has been made to secure legislation requiring publicity as to campaign contributions and expendi tures: but the republican leaders, even In tha face of an Indignant public, re fused to consent to a law which would compel honesty In elections. When the matter wat brought up In the re- democratic national platforms the platforms of 1900, 1904 and 1908 specifically call for a change In the constitution which will put the elec tion of senators In the hands 'si the voters, and the proposition has been endorsed by a number of the smaller parties, but no republican national convention has been willing to cham pion the cause of the people on this subject The subject was Ignored by the republican national convention in 1900; it was ignored in 1904. and the proposition waa explicitly repudiated in 1908, for the recent republican na tional convention, by a vote of 568 to 114, rejected the plank .endorsing the popular election of senators and this was done In the convention which nominated Mr. Taft, few delegates from his own state voting for the plank. Gateway to Other Reforms. "Shall the people, rule?" Every re medial measure of a national charac ter must run the gauntlet of the sen ate.' The president may personally In cline toward a reform; the house may consent to It; but as long as the sen ate obstruct the reform, the people must wan. ma (.ilJy.: n;-;- SC?5 ? popular demand; the house may yield to public opinion; but as long as the senate Is defiant, the rule of the peo ple is defeated. The democratic plat form very properly describes the pop ular election of senators as "the gate. way to other national reforms." Shall we open the gate, or shall we allow the exploiting Interests to bar the way by the control of this branch of the federal legislator. Through a demo cratto victory, and through a demo. cratic victory only, can the people so. cure the popular election of senators The smaller parties .are unable to se cure this reform; the republican par ty, under Its present leadership, ls.res- olutely opposed to It; the democratic party stunds for It and has boldly de. manded It. If I am elected to th presidency, those who are elected upon the ticket with me, will be. like my sen, pledged to this reform, and I shall convene congress In extraordtn. ary session Immediately after Inaugur atlon, and ask, among other things, for the fulfillment of this platform pledge. DIhcukh Other Issue IjiU-r onaii me people rule?" I reneat his part In the campaign beconcealed i 's declared by our platform to be th. until he has put the officials under overshadowing question, and as the obligation to him? If a trust magnate contributes 1100,000 to elect political friends to office, with a view to pre venting hostile legislation, why should that fact be concealed until his friend are securely seated in their official po sltlons? This is not a new question; It Is question which has been agitated a question which the republican leaders fully understand a question which the republican candidate has studied, and yet' he refuses to declare himself In favor of the legislation absolutely necessary, namely, legislation requir ing the publication before the election Popular Election of Senator, Next to th corrupt use of money, th present method of electing United States senators Is most responsible for the obstruction of reforms. For 100 years after the adoption of the con stltutlon, the demand for the popular election of senator, while finding In creased expression, did not become a dominant sentiment. A constitutional amendment had from time to time been suggested and the matter hud been more or less discussed In a few of the states, but the movement had not reached a point where It manl- fested Itself through congressional ac tion. In tho 52d congress, however, a resolution vtas reported from a house committee proposing the necessary constitutional amendment and this re solution passed the house of represen tatives by a rote which was practi cally unanimous. In th 53d congress a similar resolution was reported, and adopted by the house of representa live. Both the 6!d and 53d con grease were democratic. The repub llcan gained control of the house as a result of the election ot 1894 and In the 54th congress tha proposition died In committee. A time went on, how ver, in sentiment grew upon the people until It forced a republican congress to follow th example set by th democrat and then another and another congress acted favorably. State after atate ha endorsed this re form, until nearly two-thirds ot the state have recorded themselves In Its favor. The United State senate, how. ver. Impudently and arrogantly ob structed th passage of the resolution, notwithstanding the fact that the vot er of the United States, by an over whelming majority, demanded It. And this refusal is the mart signifi cant when It I remembered that a number of senators owe their election to great corporate Interests. Three campaign progresses, I shall take oc caslon to discuss this question as It manifests itself In other Issues; fni what ever we consider the tariff ques. tlon; the railroad question; the bank Ing question; tha labor question; the question of Imperialism; the develop. mcnt of our waterway or any of the other numerous problems which' press for solution, we shall find that the real question Involved In each Is what ever, the government shall remain a mere business asset of favor-seeking corporations or bo an Instrument In the hands of the people for the ad vaneement of the common weal. Party Una Earned Confidence. If the voters are satisfied with the record of the republican party and with Its management of public affair we cannot reasonably ask for a change In administration; If, however, the voters feel that the people, a a whole, have too little Influence In shaping the policies of the government; If they feel that great combinations of capi tal have encroached upon the rights of the masses, and employed the In strumentalttles of government to se cure an unfair share of the total wealth produced, then we have a right to expect a verdict against the republican party and In favor of the democratic party for our party has risked defeat aye, suffered defeat In It effort to arouse the conscience of the public and to bring about that very awakening to which Mr. Taft has referred. Only those are worthy to be entrusted with leadership In a great cause who are willing to die for It. and the democratic party has proven Its worthiness by It refusal to pur. chase victory by delivering the people Into the hands of those who have de spoiled them. In this contest between democracy on on side and plutocracy on tha other, the democratic party ha taken It position on th side of equal rights, and Invites the opposition of those who use politic to ecure special privilege and governmental favorit ism. Gauging th progress of th na tion, not by th happiness or wealth or refinement of a few, but "by th prosperity and advancement of the average man, th democratic party charge tha republican parly with be ing th promoter of present abuses, th opponent of necessary remedies, and th only bulwark of private mon opoly. The democratic party affirms that In this campaign It 1 th only (Continued on pagel.) Fruit Season is Now On Phone Us Your Orders for ECONOMYJARS Pints $1.10 doxen I Quurts ................. 1JI5 doien J 2 Half gallons .$1.75dosen J Extra clamps 10c doscn , Extra caps 20c doxen j EXTRAS FOR tASY VACUUM JARS Caps 18c dozen V Rubber rings 20o, dozen . Clnmp loedoicn Extra large .Telly Glasses .. .4Sc dozen These are ?n attractive and chape, ?"H are easily worth 60 cents per dozen F- D- HAISTEN I4II-I4I5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 1161' Catarrh A Guaranteed Cure One thousand retail druggists who arc the leaders of the drug trade of the United States, and that means the world, rated by Bradstrect's and Dun's at twenty m million dollars and whose retail business aggregates over seventy million dollars annual sales, have . agreed to give their name, finan cial backing and endorsement to the guarantee that Rexall Mucu Tone vill cure any disease or . trouble arising from catarrh or they will refund che money. We are proud of our connection with the Rexall Remedies, particularly so of Mucu-Tone, because a rem edy must be something out of the ordinary to get our backing. It is not all profit that leads us and our one thousand associates into endorsing this remedy; it is our years of exDerience with nwii. cines and our knowledge of them that makes us believe that .Rexall Mucu-Tone js a bona-fide discov ry for the cure f all ailments . due to catarrhal affection. We know that it is not a cure at all, but a remedy built on scientific lines and not a patent medicine as each one of the one thousand druggists knows its formula and its value. It has one great addi tional value besides curing consti tutional catarrh that it is a sys tem builder. No such tonic was ever before designed for the cur ing of inflammation of the mu cous membrane nor can it be improved on in the present age." Just stop and reason with your self for one minute. We are do ing business right here in your midst. Could we afford to offer our name and endorsement to IMucu-Tone as we do if we did not know that it was an honest medicine? Could we afford to agree as we do that we will re fund every penny paid us for the medicine if it docs not benefit. All we ask is the customer's word and the empty bottle and we hand the money back. 'No signed certificate. We believe the public, especially the sick, are honest, certainly every sick per son who suffers from any of the following ailments should take ad vantage of our offer to-day. Rex all Mucu-Tone cures catarrh of the nose, throat, stomach, intes tines, liver, kidneys or bladder, and any who are convalcscine from sickness of any kind should take advantage of our offer and purchase what we recommend as We have a large trial siz! t fifty cents and we guarantee it or refund your money. A REASON dtservt eonhdence. As nil these Remedies re grouped under one name, they must succeed er fail together. There muit be no weak links in this chain. One un worthy remedy wouli mean disaster for the en tire plan. If you, for example, purchased th Rexall Cough Cure and were not cured by it, how could expect you to plaet any faith thereafter in the Rexall Dyspepsia Cure or y other member of the Rexall family? You can undtrttaai4t, I therefore, why such aanx ioiu care was given t finding and choosins; the remedies to which the name "Rexall" was given. We have ad. mitted none to this cir cle until our committee of experts had been con vinced by investigation jnd test that it was the best remedy knoien to medical tcienci for the . ailment it aimed to re Hieve. ; Who should know bet 'trr than th leading thousand druggists cf 'this country what are, and what-are not, eflr cient medicines? Remember, the success of our enterprise depends on the merit of each fr. dividual remedy. Our reputation, which Is our very business existence. at stake, Ctn yon 'hat in buying a Kexall Remedy you are '"lying the best that science and experience can give you? For Nervousness Rexall mericanitis Ehxir, 75c. For Constipation. Rexall Orderlies Price, loc. For Coughs Rexall Cherry Jul, large bottle, aSc And JSS ?,Iier R'l Rem ii" ior 196 other ail. merits. A. T HIT 1 .:-T$ ry La Grande Oregon