EVEX1.NQ OnsF.KVElt. LA GKANDE OREGON, WEDNESDAY, At'GtST 12, 108. f AGE TUJtlU - . , .T nibroTODv : ' ' OF -THE :.;-'.:; F" R AT FR N A I nRn FRR 4? L.A GRANDE. ORE. I easy mm EIGHT PAGES. W k f I M. W. A. I. O. O. F. T i . L Grande Dodge No. II, meets In their hall every Saturday sight Vis iting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. T. J. SCROGOIN, N. Q. D. E. COX. Secretary. , & J. VANDERPOEU Fm. Sec, La Grande Camp No. .7703 meets very first and third Monday evening at L O. O. F. hall. AU visiting neigh bora are cordially Invited to attend. . Relief committee: E. C. Davis, Charles Disqua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. E. C. DAVIS, C. D. B. COX, Clerk. F. O. S. ' La Grande Aerie No. 151, r. O. BL. meets every Friday night In Elks' hall at I p. m. Visiting brethren In Tlted to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. B. .' . O. K. S. " Hope Chapter No. II, O. B. S., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting memoers cordially Invited. MART O. FORREST, W. M. . ' MART A. WARNICK, Secretary. - , I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. II,' L O. O. F meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In. Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always Welcome. D. E. COX, C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. Foresters ol America, Court Maid Marian No, II meets Mcond and fourth Wednesday night in K. of P. halt, Brothers are Invited to attaad. "-,. NERI ACKLES, C. R. O. V. HENDRICKS. F. S. Board of Trustee: Dr. O. L. Bl- gers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Patterson,. .... A.F. A.M. f, , La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M., holds regular meetings firat ind third Saturdays at T.iO p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. P. HUFFMAN. Secretary. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve at I. O. O. F, hall. Visiting members always welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLBJ. President C J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. ? Woodmen of Uie World. La Grande Lodge No. Ill, W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of p. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting members wel come. M. M. MARQUIS, . J. H. KEENET. Consul Commander. Clerk. V ,, , ........ Brotberhooa of Owls. ...... La Grande Nest No. 17. meets In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at I o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Kea cross Lodge No. 17. meets very Monday evening In Castle Hall. Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. . . D. H. PROCTOR, C. a R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. B. B. P. O. B. La Grande Lodge No. 411, meeU each Thursday evening at o'clock In Elks' hall on Adams avenue. Visit ing brothers are cordially Invited to attend.' W. B. SARGENT, ExalUd Rult-. G. E. M'CULLT, Reo. See. , D. O. T. M. ;:' Hive No. 17. L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at I o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L. C. MRS. EVA M'INTTRE, K. of R. , Rebekahs. . Crystal Lodge No. 10. meets every Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F nan. All visiting members are In vited to attend. , RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. G TILLIH COX Secretary. f River Ice Takes the Lead k V2Xt haV6 demon"trat beyond all doubt that th. natural Ice , handled by V. E. Bean 1. the Purest and most durable Ice on the makr.t For further evidence ask the numerous patrons in al parts of the city. Cheapest Fuel - I??".mn fore"ee,h v nd yth a carload of Bean's shaln wood In Urn. to season for winter use. The foolish pass on. and are pun ched by paying seven to nine dollar, per cord next winter. Dry wood, bigger loads for less money, and put Into your woodsheds. V. B. BE A N 'PHONE RED 1741. This is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pre pared )o furnisn the trade with the very best. Re member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen : : : E. D. SELDER, the Candy Man iMm.iiAAAAAsA4 A BRYAN DEFEATED BY 141 . ELECTORAL VOTES. Local Politicians Figure Out How the Electoral Vote Will Stand When Uie Presidential Election is Over Bry an Vote Will Bo 141 Behind Accord lng to Conservative Estimate. v ' William Jennings Bryan la a coner. La Grande prognostlcators have com piled a table which is based on fhrures and conservative estimates as to how each state will "go" on presidential election day, and the result Is that Bryan will be defeated by William H. Taft, the republican, by at least 141 electoral votes. The table is not all guess-work, by any means, as the number of electoral votes given In the Instance of each state, are correct In all places of doubt, except one, Bryan has been given the benefit of any pos sible doubt, while there Is wtruoii room for doubt In all the states that have been given to Taft, democrats may, claim Indiana for the reason that Vice-President Kern is a favored 'son In that state. Indiana has IS electoral votes.' Following is the table and gives the electoral votes In each state: Taft. Bryan. i Hot Weather Bargains In our Matting Department we show a splendid assort ment, both as regards Shades, Quality and Prices . . . . .SEASONABLE FURNISHINGS,; Alabama Arkansas 11 I - be given by the ladles of the Presby terian church .Friday evening, at the Anson home. Everyone invited. Come and have a good time. California .............. 10 ' . , Colorado , E ' , , Connecticut 7 Delaware , . j Florida .. ( Georgia.....'....,.., ij Idaho S Illinois 27 Indiana IS .'. Iowa 18 Kansas , , , io ... Kentucky . U Louisiana g Maine , t . . Maryland g ' j , Massachusetts H . .', Michigan 14 Minnesota .............. 11 Mississippi io Missouri 18 Montana A ,. Nebraska 8 Nevada I ,. New Hampshire 4 New Jersey n New Tork It ' North Carolina v n North Dakota 4 .. Ohio II Oklahoma. '. .. 7 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 84 , . Rhode Island 4 , , South Carolina 9 South Dakota 4 Tennessee 12 Texas , 18 Utah '. , Vermont 4 Virginia it Washington 5 West Virginia 7 Wisconsin 11 Wyoming J Totarrr..... ..m 170 Moonlight Festival. , By this we mean articles of house furnishings which the La.......:(. ! .i ii i 1. 11 . . . ... requires ai mis lime. iNow tmnK 01 the arti cle most needed and call at our store and ask to see it. You will find it here at a price you can afford to pay. " ' m ' ' -Ha Lace Curtains, Portieres and Draperies We have cut the prices in this line nearly 50 percent. You cannot afford to overlook this opportunity to fill lon,g felt want at a substantial money saving. MORE GRIEF FOR 199. , DEALERS IN FURNITURE AND r addfk J , - 7 - ----- -- - - " ' -w bi s J A 44t4t rk- ... . - . - 1 1 i , ' " ThSt our ..mnririLn rnrtwr, ahnnMi f- . " ..wvuuu IU pisnis wuicn po&icas the must valuable uiruiuumi virtues aounaantly att!std by scores of tba mimt tmim.nt m.ii.i wnmrs anu icacnrs. tven the untu tored Indians bad dlscovird tlm ,,..f,,i noss of man? nnrlvA nlnnt. v.. . l advent ol the white ruco. This Informs. uun, lmparK-a rrecly to the whites, nA the latter to continue Invostieatlons until tO-dav WA hnva a rlf.li n . .,- ..r . . valuable American medicinal roots. ' -C Dr. Pierre faellere. thumir 1... fttts sltound in most valnahiM niMiiin.i ww... (ol the ciJVjr most obttuiale .till fatsl dls t4 If v5"HU properly larettUate tbemi n4 lOwiBTnntyn of this conviction, be pulrfM'wlth onaesi ttm 'irmt mr..in.n .iv Ml. ...... i ni, ,! i .. CQTery.- wlili h - nn.v..n n..i . .i. n-.ns i ' f 1 1 1 ' luii i Li .i. ........ .Ui. bvaruimifc I ! .ll.-i . Ill i M uiai-h Iniilr. IIv.t lnvg..r-jadr-ruliiinr. and liliKj la. or UiaisnonTtljTI?ir7luiictkosl end even valvular and otber sffectlons of uiv oean rieia m its inr.ii.. i. irk. reason why It cures theae and many otber Sffectlons. la rlearlv nli.vn 1 II. .1 i.l of extracts from the standard medical works wu.i-o u mauea jrtt to any address by Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffiin. N v tn -n ,n-- request for tbe same. "2v Not Im. m.rvnlnii. Im .v.. ii. i. - ujimisiiciou cures It is cunnantl. makin i.t aianr uerullar ffe i!i,n.. w...ina-.. .. dlttMns dvrkktVDi.'rtL u n- pi... FsrtleNPiwrlp(kva Is amply attested by tboutaiWi pNuiiie.itlinonlaU coo tlibuted biAtmilul DulKTamrlio hnrWn :!.l"22'-".l;xJu, Notorious Hoodoo Engine on Its Way to Alblna Ilospllnl. I 6he Like Good Tilings. Mrs. Charles E.' Smith of West Franklin, Me., says: "I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's Kew Lift Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about It" These painless purifiers old at Newlln's drug store. Ito. 6trayed or Siolssa. A sorrel filly, 1 years old; branded 8." on left shoulder. Whits stripe ' full length of forehead, and on white fcmd foot One bay, 1-year-old. branded the same as first named, leading to r.oovsry. fred Bradaa, Ladd Oaayea. J Advertised Letters, Miss Allle Oale. Miss Myrtle Hough I. Mrs. Jennie Linn. V Miss Stella La Mont I. Miss Agnes Meade. Mrs. M. L, Snyder, i Mrs. 8. B. Shleldsi ' Mrs. E. E. Vanderstlca. Schuyler Cundlff. . . , ' M. J. Davis. . , . Will F. Ksenan. a B. Krysha, . : ' , K. W. nardln. , Levin Hurley. Avery Wllllama. Walter Wyatt , O. U. RICHtT, Postmaster. Passenger engine No. 191 Is sgaln bound for the hospital. The hoodoo which has hovered over that locomo tive refuses to leave, and any time an engine Is broken local trainmen at one surmise It Is the unlucky 199. It was lit that killed Fireman McFat rtdge la the disastrous wreck near Cayuse a little more then a year ago, and It was 199 that suffered various Injuries after It had been practically rebuilt after the smaahup It received In the big wreck. Mondsy night, near Durkee, It went wrong again to such an extent that It must go to Alblna for repairs. There Is always one an gina la every division point that bears tba brunt of hoodoo Ism and H la cer tainly Iff la this place. ulrer- ftflfcr niknV iltluT r i iZH. f V, fT.Tt ; ,fi . . ."L s auvuivuiVIs SU1U pbtalclSDs bad failed. im 'i ii mi riiutv itii 1 1 1 n m 1 1 i mruinim are wholly niadff ut from il- slyc-rrlr rxirartauf Dative. nmMi'inal imlrt. rii tintrfitM miii- ii.i..-u in linn, iiibiii,iui-i uii' v.i',1. .irivlllll wlih Iir. PliTi-c. ami lln-y arc rarrlnl on ly lulled rhomNiK and iilifinTincliU with the iu ui ai,p.raiiiH aim appiiaw'Plf apeciau di-luned and twill for tlila purixxo. Hot ii-uiriiir irarnnr-iT m- iniin aitiinoi an all oihcr hamiful. liHliii-funnliis drum. A full lint of their Insredieiils is prlntvdui sscb bulUe-wrupper. G. W. Preston Big Cut in Oxfords for Thirty Days I C W. Preston tetsQ) Kio3 rnju,i,v3t ejj iddns pus nt 3U1 Of HI miUM mivtiulEl am .... ' . i .11. - -T jo ooiitjnuitui pus ipin)3 tnt io vuui UltlnoO SOIOS3IOUM OI ann iinli ltrvrrm . ' i i i 1 -:r . u. wpwatoM pus uonruiunrmn tssnn ' A. I. . . I . d . "--', muhj -NJgq pAIVJUS s to stjt sin sxmpai Isnoiip-xsao muu sraanMuspsrmasstrituM lios imtimbxa mn Mn uiim iiiiiniiD iin ui niniMf pWnpojd pus pSAiitMd DnfraidniM nmn t v . I FOR BAD BLOOD When bad bltvul rautuwt frrn M iMr: t i . n'ZT Bl0Od l'f,aJ' hows ln l!" tm o ttlceratcd The Lli? WPtore4 plptclw. on the body, swollen gland. 12 -" F lzcs lne oanjferotis cliaracter of the tr utiUe. If allowed In mnniM In Ik. il. jl. i . r- "Jwcu . ..v yolKIll iq u.Rcasr win unauy wreck tu health and break P?? eMruTM con8ti.,?ti' No medicine can cure ContiJ S 5 T T m fid .irolation of every particle of the vln ihJ Pt'rol lV .n."!"1 and.eeruitt cur: it goes dowu to tlie very bottom ' the trouble, and by removing every truce of the p.ison. and addinir rk-h 1 SttlT1 ril'.a',,,,e ' M ,,l0od Purif,c". its concentrated ingredients of heal hful vejretJiblc extract and juicca especially n-lnpt it to coring this Jns.diou.1 trouble. Write for our home treatment ho,)c. wl ich h vafun c pecial medical advice you with. No charge for either. wny ' HIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. A Notra Dam tsuly'a Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheu matism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumbagoe, backache, pains In ths kidneys'' or nenrala-la pains, to writs to her for a horn treat ment which has repeaUdly oared aU . . .. . " " vroct Mdrsas Mrs. K. Sua. w suneiw. rrse bsrs. Bog R. Notes Dame, lad. xou cura yours.lt at horn as thous ands will testify no change of cll maU being neoessary. This simple discovery bsnlshea urls acid from rhs blood, loosens the stiffened Jobsta, purifies the blood and brightens the ysa. giving elasticity and tons to ths whole system. If fhs abovs interest for proof address Mrs,