9rv PAGE TWO. EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE! OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IS, 1008. TTGHT PACKS. e a a La Grande Professional Directory PHYSICIANS. : . a. x. biggers, m, v.. Physician and Burgeon. , Office, Lewis Building, over Henry . 4b Carr Undertaking Parlor. Office 'Phono Black 1111. , Residence 'Phono Bed 1001. J. H. H'.'-TA"", v t. " , Physician and Burgeon. '" Office In Now Bank Building. Room 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main ; l(; Office, lialn 7t. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Snrgeoau Offloo over Hill' Drug Store, Office 'Phone 11(1. Residence Main It . N. MOUTOR, M. D.. Physician and Burgeon. Corner Adam Ave. and Depot Bt Offloo Main t Reeldenco Main (I BACON HALL, Phvrtclana and Burgeons. Office A Grande National Bank Bunding. 'Phone Main II. , C T. Bacon. Residence, Main II. , . M. K. Hall, Residence, Main II. DR. f. B. MOORB DR. H. C. P. .MOOR Osteopathic PhyskHaa. Klrksvllle Graduate Under Pounder i Office Bnmmer Bolldlng. Phone: Office Main 1; Roe. Mala 4. CM. UPTON, PU. G., M. D. PhyiitWan and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Car, . Nose and Throat Offloo In La G'-and National Dink Building. "Phone Office, Main I; Residence, Main 11. VETERINARY BURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. . Veterinary Burgees. Office at Hill' Drug Btore, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black lit 1. Inderendent 'Phone II. DR. W. H. RILEY, . Graduate Ohio State University. ' Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery f aU kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Office 1414 Adam Avenue,' Phone: PacificBlack 101. Independent,' I7S. SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS ' We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. . All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money SIEGRIST & CO- JEWFLERS AMD OPTICIANS Complete equipment for Tubber buggy tires. " e , - LA GRANDE ., , ,. tt FITZQKRALO, Complete Machine DENTISTS. , C & CAUTEORN. . .. Office over Hlll'e Drug Store. . La Grande .,. ,. ,., Oregon i.C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. ; ; ' Room II, La Grand National Bank ' Building, -fnone tiw liil. La Grand ' Oregon TEACHERS OP MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Principal. La Grande School of Mimic, Mr. Day, assistant. School, 106 Greenwood Ave., on door south of Adams Ave. 'Phon Black 1811. Ml 88 STELLA D. OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry Store. EL1XTIUCAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineer! and Surveying. Estimates, plan and specifications . Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande ------ Oregoi , C. R, THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Tears' Experience. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurance. Office next door to La Grande Na tional' Bank. La Grande ------ Oregoi ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochran Geo, P. Oochrae COCHRAN COCHRAN. -Attorney. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - - - . Oregon R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Iw. Practice In all the court of the State and United State.. Elgin ...... Oregon VIA VI MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Parmer 17I, resetting and repairing IRON AV0RKS Proprietor Shops nd Foundry WTRAIII DELAYED Walla Walla was cheated out of a parade '.and perhaps this afternoon's performance of the Barnura & Bailey circus. ; The last section to leave La Grande last night wa delayed at Mea cham for many hour this morning and was not able to proceed on It way to Walla Walla until after 1:30 this morning. Due to the spreading of the rails, Engine SOT, which headed the last section of the circus train, was ditched, though without injury to any one. That section left La Grande shortly after midnight and occasioned a deiay which U costly to the com pany, as the big tent and all the ao umV vr? ! train. Number Delayed. No. I, eastbound, encountered the wreck and wa held at Meacham until after the engine had been straightened up. The passenger train arrived In La Grande at 10:20, thereby occasioning delay to the Elgin passenger train as well.. By extra speed the last section may have reached Walla Walla In time to allow a late afternoon performance. UNION MAN HURT. Falls From. a Third-Story Window ' Baker City Hotel. Early Tuesday mori.lng B. F. Plas ter, who lately came here from Union to take charge of the Columbia cafe In the Columbia hotel building near the O. R. A N. depot, walked out of third story window on the north side' of the hotel, relates the Baker City Herald. He alighted on his feet but fell over and cut a severe gash In his head The general shake-up was severe and ha wa Immediately taken to St. Pran cl hospital, where he Is resting com fortably today. ' How Plaster ever happened to do such a thing Is a mystery. He gives no explanation of the strange act him self and there are those who are close to him who cannot say positively how It happened. The claim Is made that he Is a somnambulist and while In comatose condition took the perilous leap which, under ordinary conditions It Is thought, would have resulted in many broken bones, If not In Instant death. Mr. Plaster I known to many peo. pi here. He has lived In Union for a long time and only a short time ago decided to come to Baker and cast his lot here. It I known that he wa greatly worried over business affairs, but there Is a belief that this would not have caused him to Intentionally commit this ' morning's peculiar incl dent. EADKS FCXF.KAL TOMORROW. Remain W Ul Arrive on Tonight's Train From Spokane. The remain of Rev. Abraham Eade. who died In Spokane Monday morning, will reach La Grande to night, and the funeral will be held to morrow at 10:30 from the M. E enwrrn, oi wnicti tne deceased was a loyal member and ardent worker. Rev. C. E. Deal will dollver the funeral sermon. DENTIST. Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 151. Pair less extraction. Expert goli) work. Special attention to children' teeth. La Grande National Rank Rulldin STOCK INSURANCE. Louse Paid by the National Livestock . Insurance Association. Th following well known stockmen and farmers of Union county have been paid losses during the past few months: D. A. Philip, on horse, 100; W. D. Orandy, two horse. IKS. La Grand. . ' P. J. Goytt, on horse, 1100. Cove.' Sam Ruckman, one horse, 100; 1, A. Woodle, one horse, 100. Attcet. B. P. Ooff, four horses, 1110; Wal ter Hill, one horse, 1100; J. F. Hill, tone horse, 1100; Matt Buswell. one horee. $100. Elgin. .. ' . ; v . . It pay to insure your stock against death from all causes. i ' A. SANDKRCOCK, La Grande. Ore. Agent d-wltp It Is A Safe Plan B i ' yi a"" .' . '' 7 Nft m c-l jsv---- r J n to bank one's money and not to hoard It where It can be stolen. Do not keep much money about your person, or in your house or office. ' Bank It with us and It will be absolutely secure, both night and day. ' We secure our customers against loss, and they find us' courfcous and reliable " people to deal with. Our methods of doing bus iness will be perfectly satisfactory to you, . The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings Bank OFFICERS I P. M. BYRKIT, President WM. MILLER, Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. SCROGGIN, Assistant Cashier P. J. HOLMES; Treasurer. 4 a ; TO TRAVELING PUBLIC ; Persons desiring neat I and comfortable rooms and wholesome meals should stop at the PALMER HOTEL t Board and room by the J week : : : : $5 00 t By the day : : : 1.00 The only First Glass $1.00 per day house m La Grande. White help e only Employed. Two Blocks from Depot ; W. J. RAMS0M Prop. ; PHONE BLAGK 402 l'lle Cured at Home sy New Abaorp. Sana Method. If you suffer from bleeding, Itch Ing, blind or protruding piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat tnent free for trial, with references from youtr own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent crre assured. Send no money, but other of thla offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summer, Box P, Nolrt Dame, Ind. OltDFJl In the County Court of Union County, Oregon, Sitting In Probate. In the matter of the guardianship of Louis W. Bay, a minor. It appearing to the court from the petition of Anna B. Bay, guardian of the person and estate of Louis W. Bay, a minor, that said minor Is the owner of the following described real estate, to-wtt: An undivided one-half Interest (subject to the dower Interest of Anna B. Bay) In and to lots and 10, of block 108, of Chaplin's addition to the town of I Grande, Union county, Oregon. Also an undivided one-sixth Interest In and to lot S, of block ! B" street original townslte of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. And It further appearing to the court that It la necessary for th maintenance of eald ward and that It I expedient and for the best Interest of the estate of said ward that such real estate , be sold and that the proceeds thereof be used for the mslntenance of said ward and be put out on Interest or Invested In some productive stock; It I by this court ordered that the next of kin and all persona interested In said estate of said minor be and they are hereby required to appear at th office of the undersigned county Judge of Union county, Oregon, at the court nonse in-La-'Oranfle.'-'Cmon county, Oregon, on Tuesday, the (th day of September, 1108. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, to show eause why license should not be granted to said guardian to sell said above-described real estate, and It le further ordered that a eopy of thla order be published In the La Grand Evening Observe for four successive week, i La Grand. Oregon, August 4, 1I0S. J. C HENRT. County Judge. We Want Our Want Ad Column , i . ' ' '": ' : " ' Your wst is plaeed before a thousand or more want-eeker very day Can you afford to pend one cent per word of your want ad where result are the keynotes? i i . FOR RENT. FOR RENT Six-room house with bath, 1203 Second street Inquire of D. H. Proctor, 'Phone 1095. M-l! FOR RENT Six room, en suite, In Lewis building, with water and toilet upstairs. FOR RENT Five-room furnished flat on ground floor. Inquire of Mrs. Zuber. FOR RENT Suite of rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. Swart FOR RENT One 4-room house, un furnished, and one modern 4-room cottage, furnished. Inquire of Mrs. C. S. Zuber. , FOR RENT Furnished houaekeep' ing rooms In suites of two; rooms close In, at reasonable rates. Inquire at 1417 Washington avenue. ..(-12tf FOR RENT The Mrs. Laura Stulti rooming and boarding house, corner Sixth and Spring, containing bath, and partly furnished. 'Phone Red 1981. FOR RENT A suite of rooms for light housekeeping. Modern resi dence, ground floor. 'Phone Red 1712. ' 7-16tf LOST Gold bracelet' with "Minnie' engraved upon it Finder please re turn to Observer office, or 'phone Black 1161. Suitable reward. 8-8-14 WANTED. HEACOCK"S GLASSES FIT. ITS HEACOCK'S GLASSES THAT FIT. WANTED Position as cook. Apply at thla office. 8-10-22p HOUSE WANTED Five or -room house with bath, colse In. 'Phone Black' 151. 8-6-11 TO LOAN Twelve hundred dollars on first mortgage securities, from one to five years, at 10 per cent Inquire of P. S. lvanhoe. WANTED Gentleman roomer, board If desired. Inquire 1407 Ninth St, Phone Red 1042." ' WANTED Roomer and table boarder at the Swart Rooming house.' In quire of Mrs. Edna Swart WANTED Chance e make quick service In moving furniture and pianos with special equipment for safe hauling. All kind of transfer business solicited. Leave orders at Halsten's store or 'phone to Red 1161. J. W. Black. STRAYED Two horses; one a grey; other white; weight about 1000 lbs. White has wire cara on face and breast. Reward for their return or Information leading to their return will be paid by the Home Independ ent Telephone Co. 8ALESMAN AND AGENTS 160 per week and over can be made selling new campaign novelties from now until election. Sell to etore. county fair, picnic and private famine. Complete line of samples charges pre paid for 60c. Order today. Chicago Novelty Co., 60 Wabash Av., Chi cago. ' ' ED MlirWGHAM, AUUTTOtTaTBB. Sales erted si ikort notice. SatlsfmetJosi guaranteed. No extra charge for distance, LA GRANDE - -' - OREGON Rout No. . 'Phone No. lllxl Land for nntfV' :',." We have 220 acres of excellent Isnd for rent Call at. once. P. a. BRAMWELL, C J. BLACK. ... Chorrle for 8aK , t , , , , . Royal Anne cherries at BtoddarA frm, 20c gallon. Inquire of J. VanDermuellen, Red 132. 7-l2tf Your Wants IN FOR SALE. FOR SALE Practically new Smith Premier typewriter. Inquire' at thla office, or at Ferguson' book store. FOR SALE 600 feet of picket fence. In good condition. Apply to Mr. Zuber. i " ' ',J FOR SALE Reo Touring car. Po? particulars Inquire of Mrs. T. N. Murphy. 7-12tf f Uxl DAljlli A iirsi grsue yiuu, win vg trade for a team or good city prop erty. 'Phone or call on H. A. Wat-' son, Red 1401. FOR SALE One first-class wardrobe. Iron bedsteads, springs, mattresses, tables, buggy top and storm front Inquire of Mrs. R. E. Worstell, 801 Second St 'Phone Black 181. 7-2 3tf FOR SALE High-grade, 600-Ib ca pacity cream separator in good con dition, or will exchange for spring wagon or good work horse. Robt. Miller, B St., South La Grande. 8-ltf Danger in a Cold Because you have con tracted ordinary coldi and recovered from them without tr :imen of any kind, do not for a morn'-nt Imtigln that colds are not dangerous. Not olily pneo moots, but also the Infectious dlaa- such as diphtheria aud scarlet fever start with . cold. The cold prepares the system for th reception and developmeut of the germs of thext dtuaaea. Take our advice cure youi cold while yon can. f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ' by Its remarkable cures of colds has becomt staple article of trade and commerce. Itli prompt: It Is effectual; It Is reliable. Try it Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon, ' Offers collegiate courses In Agri culture, Including Agronomy, HortU culture,' Animal Husbandry, DalrJrT Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Domestlo Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. utters elementary courses In Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Selene and Art, Commerce and Mechanlo Arts, Including forae work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma chine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens September 26. . Jf Illustrated catalogue with full Infor- " matlon on application to the Regis trar, free. dAwl-Itf .llliV Arrival and Departure of Train at La Grande. No. 1, westbound Portland Special, arrive 9:26 a. m.; depart. :I0 a. m. No. 0, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at 1:46 a. m.; do- ' parts 1.60 a. m. No. 2, eastbound Chicago Special, arrive 1:06 p. m.; depart, 1:10 p. m. No. I, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrive 1:66 p. m.; de part. 10 p. m. Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leave La Grand at 8 o'clock and return at t o'clock p. m. Th logging train leave La Grand at 11:10 p. m. and return at 7:46 p. m. - J. IL KEENET, Agent, .. La Graodo, Oregon. Insure Tour Stock. Th National Live Stock Insurance sssoctatlon . win v insure your stock against death from all cause at a rat you can afford to pay. For par ticular Inquire of ageat, , , , , A. BANDERCOCK. La Grand. Ora. D.AFjtfjATrtP .uti