La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1908, Image 1

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nvmber. 20s.
20,000 FOR HIS
m n
local Inventor of Turpentine From
Old Stumps Method Have Been Of-
: fared Liberal Royalty Cor Seert
Not Decided If They Will SeU or
;; Build Retort and Conduct Business
Abne Output Enormous With a
Crr fteowed Al
a plant would consist of a retort, the
exact pattern of which Is, of course.
In the secret, but In the rough Is a
vertical steel boiler, about 14 feet
high and. seven feet In diameter, en
cased partially In brick. About eight
men could operate the plant once It
la In working order.
In Paying Quantities.
Mr. Powell experimented with Quan
tities of stumps found near Hllgard.
and the amount of fluid procured from
the sample was highly pleasing. With
the sal of by-products which would
be formed by the roasting process, the
plant would be In position to turn out
at least 1(00 in a week. The size of
the crew for this output specified
means, of course, only as long as there
la suitable stumpage where the retort
Is located.
. Patent Secured.
' A patent has already been secured,
but the bushels of red tape requisite,
will not be completed for a week or
.., -. ... . V .- . . . ........ ,, . ....
more At itt uu
Bhort aiiU the milling . company v.a
forced to order nil water belonging to
their water right to be turnd Into the
canal that feeds the mill supply.
The hardship that will be worked
on those who have spent their, time
and work in cultivating lands that
were watered by the mill's surplus
will probably be hard. . According to
the opinion of many, however, there
was nothing else for the mill to do
In order to protect Its business.
Saddest Tragedy That Haa Occurred la (lie History of Huntington Took
Place Saturday Night, When a Fattier and Two Children Drown To-
settier -Children Flaring In the W ater Went Too Far Father to the
Rescue, But Drown With Tbem. '. '
Twenty thousand dollars is the sum
that has already been proffered W. E.
Powell, a painter of this city, who In
vented a process of making commer
cial turpentine from old stumps that
cover the Blue mountains, but whether
or hot he and H. H. Thomas, who Is
. now connected with Powell In the per
fection of the Invention and the pat
gt process, will dispose of their
s2eme, Is not yet decided.
Two firms are after the Invention
one an eastern concern and the other
a Portland firm. The eastern proffer
is also for a royalty " while tha Port.
land buyer Is desirous of securing the
entire scheme bodily. '
Simple, Yet Effective. .
The plant for tha manufacture of
this high grade ot turpentine, will be
erected on the N. K. West ranch up
the Grande Bonds river, if the in.
vVrs do not sell their rights. Such
ventor will be able to sell If he wishes,
or proceed to build the retort which is
uUd of his mal'lng.
The Third Attemit.
Mr. Powell had Invented two smlllar
processes before, but In each instance
they have been stolen. The third at
tempt has been carefully covered up
until it reached a stage in patent
proceedure where stealing Is not like
ly. The third trial Is also more prac
tical than either of the others, as the
defects existing In them have been
remedied in this last model.
Combs WU1 Put In Sawmill.
, W. C. Combs was over from La
Gra ide Monday night He Is operat
ing a thresher In the Grande Ronde
valley, and states that as soon as the
season closes, he will bring the engine
and a sawmill to hi timber on Dry
creek and put in the sawmill to be
ready to begin sawing In the spring.
wanown nun.
Huntington,. ; Aug. 10. (Observer
special.) One of ...the most tragic
deaths In the history of Huntington oc
curred here Saturday night at 6 o'clock
when a father and his son and daugh
ter went to the bottom of the Snake
liver toirruiat. ... "
All Huntington and Baker City is
shocked at the untimely, and triple
death.' George E. Evans and his two
children, aged 1 and 16 years, were
bathing In the Snake river, 17 miles
from Huntington, near what Is known
as the W, E. Baker ranch. The father
was sitting on the bank watching his
children. The boy was teaching his
younger sister how to swim, and It Is
supposed both were seized with
cramps at the same time.
Attempted Rescue Costa life.
The father lost his life in attempt
ing to save his children. He swam
rapidly to the deep water where his
children were floundering In the
stream-. Before he had pulled them
to shore he had tost control of his
nerve and began a hopeless whipping
of the stream in order to reach shore
alive. His struggles were In vain. He
went down with his children.
. Evans was well known in Baker
City. Ha Is a member of the Wood.
men and ( another lodge In that city.
The rancher who owns the farm where
the 'terrible Incident took place, was
also a Baker Clty'man.. Parties have
gone to the scene from Baker City and
It is presumed he will be brought to
that place for burial. He has a wife
ana-nvi'M u.,.u
vlve him. '.,-''
Reduced Prices This Week
President's Daughter Weds. '
Parish Aug. 10. Mile, Fallleres,
daughter of the president of France,
today ' became the bride of M. Jean
Lanes, her father's private secretary.
The wedding was a quiet affair and
was wholly accompanied by the enthu
slasm and publicity which attended
the marriage of President Roosevelt's
daughter. The bride received many
handsome presents. ':
Declare Switching Charges Illegal and
; Will Contort Raise,
San Francisco, Aug. 10. Alleging
the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe
roads are raising freight rates despite
the law, by Imposing extra switching
charges In connection . with , regular
charges and other extras, thus bring
Ing the rates above . the published
schedule, the San Francisco merchants
and those In the vicinity, will file
the Interstate commission meets here
next week. They will contest the le
gality of the extra charges. ' .
;The Jobbers4 association will join
with the merchants.
" ;-'...,-
DUSTERS in all the most popular and serviceable
Materials including mercerized cottons and real
linen, made mostly in the large' roomy auto styles
which can be worn with the greatest comfort and
without mussing the most dainty waist some made
perfectly plain others trimmed with straps and buttons
others with trimmings on collars and cuffs of con
trasting colors of the most pleasing ysort. All at
especially reduced prices this
Atlantic Fleet Now In the Harbor of
Auckland Presence of the Fleet
IBu Revived Crusade for White Con
lAit of the Pacific Traffic New
Zealand Paper Blames England for
Retracting' From , Pacific Ocean
Goal Kerms Assured.
EifjrS 100
Conductors' Excunikra Now a Tiling of
the Past, and Everybody Is Satss
tied Some Fish, Others Sleep, But
All Eat Few Plan Caught Band
Liberal With Muxlc Beautiful
Scenery En Route and at the Creek,
IllglUy Admired by AU.
ami strike
Many Strikebreaker Are Now Em-
ployed on the Canadian parlflo
. Paper Say Commerce Will Suffer
: and Want Peace First Load of
Wheat From the Fields Is at Wiuiii-
peg to Forestall Possibility of Later
Food Shortage.
; Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 10. The first
train ot this season's wheat arrived to.
day direct from the fields of Fort Wll.
Ham to avert a possibility of hindrance
resulting from the strike on the Can
adian Paslflc. . Violence is reported at
several western stations today.
Many strikebreakers are employed
Auckland, New Zealand, Aug. 10. n the roaa. tseverai cars were
Ri.nhm.nt w favors the formation smashed in tne local ireigm yaras.
of an Anglo-American alliance In the The newspapers here demand Inter
Pacific ocean for the advancement ventlon of the government to stop the
and defense of the Interests of the strike.
white men as against the yellow races. The papers say that the commerce
Th m of the .him. of the Allan- f the Dominion may suffer seriously
$2.50 Dusters for $1.98;
$2.79; $5.00 Du
.50 Dusters
for $3.98
7.50 Slack Voile Skirts $t 73
A shipment of these beautiful Skirts
Just received from New York a few
days ago. The moBt superb values
we have ever offered. Eleven-gore
Skirts, with pleats and t -Inch
satin band ''around bottom; choose
this week for $4.78
Ladies Dainty Embroidered Front
White Lawn Waist $1.75
With pleated fronts, short sleeves,
lacs edging on collar and cuffs.
In all colors and all styles, with fancy
and plain buckles, worth regularly
up to $1.26; choice for 4 He
tic fleet were recolved today with the
wildest enthusiasm, and were wol
corned as brothers. The' sailors are
glad they are with a people who speak
their own language.
Everywhere there is the sentiment
that the white men must control the
Pacllfc. On all sides there is confi
dence of their ability to do so. The
Auckland Herald snys, editorially:
"The visit of the American' fleet
emphasises the fact that the United
States Is not going to take a secondary
position In the Pacific. Even if the
mother country has chosen to aban
don the ocean, her daughter will not
allow her to follow in those footsteps.
The United States has the Gibraltar
of the Pacific at Honolulu and the
splendid harbors at Pagopago and the
Philippines." , ,
from a prolonged strike,
tnand arbitration between
and the strikers at once.
IUInc Tesas Kates.
Houston. Texas. Aug. 10. A raise
of 10 per cent In Interstate freight
rates and steamship rates to Texas
common points becomes effective to
day. Owing to neglect In filing the
new tariff with the' Interstate com
merce commission, the Increase will
not affect the seaport cities, Galves.
ton. Houston and Beaumont, until
next month.
"The deserted village" dons not
Grande yesterday, for the Conductors
excursion took place and about 700
citizens of La Grande spent tho day In
a delightful way on Looking Glass
creek, or on the Wallowa river, fish
On schedule time. the trains left
here yesterday morning and at each
station en route the number of pas
sengers on the local 'train was added
to by scores.' ' , "
The affair was a huge success, fop
not an accident marred the event, and
Old Sol was especially kind and gener
ous. The rids into the moqntalns, the
stay there, and the return at twilight
was all so pleasant that not a word of
criticism has been heard, and the con
ductors' order Is to be congratulated
ou the success of tha event. , But a
very tow had ever been over the new .
raod beyond Elgin and the r highly
beautiful scenery en route was the ob
ject of admiration form everyone. The .
trains progressed slowly to avoid ac- ,
cldents on tha sharp curves, and this
gave the passengers ample opportuni
ty to see the Innumerable beauty
SpOtS. '
Scatter Out In Woods,
Though the Looking Glass canyoa
Is an extremely narrow one, still It
has length galore as those who at
tempted to find the falls will vouch '
for and immediately after the pas
sengers were unloaded, (hey began to
seek the most satisfactory spots tor
temporary camps. For a distance of
mors than a mile, every level space
wus oseupled by a group of rest-seuk-r.
Many Tried to Fish. .
Fishing In Looking Glass was prac-
Thcy de- tcaty out 0f the question, as th'ers
the road I u,.r. Am tim.k than flah.
A few', however, who went up to the
fulls, a distance variously estimated
between two and four miles, found
many nice bull trout. '
Many at the Mouth,
The conductors who so skilfully
managed their axcurslmi, provided
ample seats and temporary dinner ta
bles for the many aged who could not
wend their way farther up the stream.
Around the mouth of the canyon
(Continued on page i.)
! Take a Lime Sodal
For Your Stomach's Sake
Cnoml lafrfPC in Cniinn RlnnLfotc fncf fhP Thint tn
0 pwblUI m UIM Val 111 V VII Vll IsflUIIIIVIk MjsTI flllW a
tor Your Camping Trip, fcacn x.
SUIT CASES at attractive
prices, In all leather, mat
ting and waterproof Imi
tation leather; In large as
sortment; In prices from
flt.00 down to tS-BO
ues up to 75c, now ,...45c
In light, dark, and medium
colors; special this week, at
each 45c
Boys Canvas Shoes, Leather Sole3 - 95c
Boys Canvas Oxfords, Rubber Soles - 50c
Ladies White Duck Oxfords - - $1.29 up
Men's, boys and ladles' 50c
Straw Hats, suitable for
Outing wear ......... .5o
7lc to f 1.50 Straw and Cloth
Hats, for, cholcs 45c
North Powder M. M. Company
Nerds Water and Will Not Divide.
North Powder, Aug. 10. That the
ranchers in some portions of the
North Powder country are to suffer
the loss of water at this Important
time of the year Is evident If the order
goes Into effect that was made recent
ly by the North Powder M. aV M.
company, which owns and operates
tha flouring mill at that place.
The company has prior water rights.
but In tha past has had a surplus of
water. It was decided to divide the
water with ranchers who would put
land In cultivation, tha division to con
tinue until any time It was found nec
essary to have the whole supply for
mining purposes. Crops have been
planted and ths desert soil responded
admirably to the tiller's efforts.
Now, however, ths water supply Is
This Advice Certainly Holds Good with Everyone
This Sort of Weather
Soda served at our fountain is more than a
tasty thirst-quenching beverage. It Is tonic and
refreshing and every glass a strengthener for
the stomach.
' Our Soda is absolutely pure, strengthening,
reviving, refreshing and healthful. It "lands di
rect" on the "dry" spot and quenches thirst as
nothing else will, because we serve, it at just the
right temperature.