La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 05, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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kvexixg OBprrm rn, la gr vxde oregon, WEoxrrsmv, acgvpt 5. inos.
li 0. Cranile Evening : Oiwvef i ' 'Z7s.
1 I'uViMiol Dully KxcPDt Sunday.
rrmtmr nnoTHEits,
Vultctl I'rt" Ti'lOftTiiiili Service.
Dally, per month. . ............. .85
Dally, single copy , . .......... ,
Dally, one year in advance, . ... . 4.50
Dally, six months, in advance'. , ,)3. 59
Weekly, one year, In advance. , . $1.00
,KVeekly, Blx months, In advance. . ,7S
Entered at the post office at La Grande
an Recond-claM matter.
This paper wilt not publish any aril-
do appearing over a nom da plume.
Signed article will be received subject
to the discretion of the editors. Please
tan your articles and save disappoint
ment. V ' . ' "
AdverllNlngr Rate.
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Resolutions of condolence, 6c a line.
Cards of thanks. 5c a line, r- - (
M rjj 12 IH MjMml
The Commercial club ha decided
upon a policy that will bring; results,
and, in our opinion, the only policy
, that will In the end prove satisfactory
Conditions In Union county are not the
ante as Id the majority of the, cdun
- ties of the state. We have no cheap
lands. Our beat farming; lands bring
from $50 to $76 per acre. A great
many of the eastern people entertain
the erroneous Idea that this entire
northwest 1 simply a howling wilder
ness and that they can find home
steads Just outxlde of the- limits of
most of our cities. The Interior of
the etute does offer Inducements In
the way of rheap land, but not Union
county. We have a valley tinder
proper conditions, that will support a
much greater population than at pres
ent. To bring this about Is the object
of our Commercial club, and all boost
r' movements In the county.
j ne wnrniKrowmg niMiict of our
county, as long as the greater portion
of this land Is devoted to whratgrow
Ing, can never support a much greater
population than at present. It ro
q U I res largo holdings to make whent
gTOwing profitable. . It require prac
tically the same Investment In horse
and nmrMnery to farm a qunrter sec
tion of wheat land ns It does to farm
twice or three times this amount.
Py degrees, a portion of our when!
land will be cut up Into fruit farms,
but no great arrenge will he thus de
voted until we get water onto It. Then
we have several thouxand acres In the
valley that under prracnt conditions Is
w,.,,n very little, but If water was famine. There are a great mnnv far-
ur...iBni ij.ho u, raeii nil every acre i iners who w ill
he could
0 or 80-
acre-lots; and still reserve, sufficient
land to keep hlrli busy and malip more
off of lila remaining holdings' than he
formerly mnd oft of the entire tract.
.Take a drive through, Frultduto or
May Park 'and seo what watr makes
possible. There are 2S and 31. hoinss
upon what was formerly, two or three
farms.; . r .. '. ! -',..-' . ' ;',
.' The "omnicrrial club Is an the right
lead. Water will bring more people
to this valley than ail of the. ordinary
forms of boosting; will In a generation.
Factories give , employment and pro
vides means for tho support jf fami
ne. "- . ' -' "
; It became known even In a very
limited way a few weeks ago that the
Commercial club wanted a secretary.
Pat Lavey heard of It and he got on
the train and came.' Men are continu
ally keeping their wits about them to
sectire employment. The policy adopt
ed by the Commercial club means
simply a reversal of tho former cti..
tonw, Thaf. la., instead of this "count
going out Into the world' see sing new
people, such conditions will be brought
about as to- cause the people' to bunt
us'up. r That Is the only (rue perma
nent foundation to, build 'on. ' Let the
club land the Irrigation porpositlon,
and It will be the .recipient of a last
ing monument that not only the pres
ent generation Nvlll sing praises, . but
will be lauded by the generations yet
to come. (
Over In Wales, the populace la Just
pining for American . soda water.
Think of (00,000 thirsty souls, who
know not the delight of a chocolate
sundae, or strawberry tea cream soda!
' The United States has a wide-awake
consul at Swansea, somewhere In that
region. In the person of Jesse H. John
son. Perhaps Johnson himself yearns
for the American soft drink, being
aweary of the English cup that cheers
but not Inebriates at any rale he
writes to the department of commerce
and labor declaring naively that he
has made a special and complete tour
of Wales and uneurthed ''only two
very small soda fountains." . Johnson
admits that he Just ache to convert
the stolid Britishers to the non-lntoxl-
cntlng delights of American iiuda wa
ter. He devotes a couple of para
graphs to the subject and pleads with
American manufacturer of soda
fountains to civilize the Welsh Vith
the fruit, extract bottle and carbonic
acid gits, , .
, ,i
AiiiKe it possible for a family to
make a living and there will be three
or four families trying to get posses
sion. '. .i S ii,
When we can grow two good crops
nr. alfalfa on high dry land, without
Irrigation, what could we expect If we
had the water.
. The pioneers of Walla Walla meet
next Saturday and II Is expected that
several hundred early settler of that
city and valley will axsemhle on this
The reports from the harvest fields
o fur do not Indicate any danger of a
have more wheat
ntniiev than they hud hisl year, when
it was hernMed f ir nnd near as a
would be readily In demnnd at $100
per acre and upon each nnd every 80
acres or less n prosperous home could' bumper rrop.
oe maintained. i t , t
The -writer recently returned from). Lincoln. NYli., girls are Wearing em
It extended trip through lh east. , broidery pictures r great men on their
and having never visited that section hosiery. At first It was thought 'that
of the country before, was nr,,, i.,,i i m. i . .
'iii iiif mnii noouiiir rrom
the fart that his picture largely pre
l.wiilruiiKl. The secret was f.iund out
t Inst. Hint there were few girl who
wore hiH sufficiently large to contain
Tuffs likeness.
io rind out how iniK-h unoccupied
land there was. In states like New
York, Ylrglnlr., Maryland and so on.
Clear lip Into Maine. It Is true, much
of these lands are considered worn
Out, but under eleniffl,-. faniilns Will
soon become productive nnen more.
We reuitlly lieenme convinced that In
following the system of niMiiiy every
section, nf. the northwest, that Is try
ing ti seurv farmers to rome here,
was sin,, st n waste .if lime and money.
If yon will pause a moment, you
will soon convince 'yourself that this
IniHatlon project Is not so gigantic an
undertaking. Some of these day,
will lie ccom. tinned, and then we will
all say. "How easy! How stui.l.l It
lent to a $225,000 annual payroll. If
tho business men of tills city thought
there wus a chance of securing a $225,.
D0 payroll In this city there would
soot, be a call for a mass meeting.
Mr. fiiiRlnessr Man. take out your pen
cil and do a little figuring on what
wi!i;t. Would do or the tract of lund
Just east of our city, and If you do not
Join the Irrigation boosters,' you ulm
piy need fixing. .
Old staid Mexico has awoke from
It's lethargy along moral lines and has
issued a ban on sheath skirts. ' Ilex
Ico stands for bull and prizefights, but
It can readily be seen that It has a
code of morals and w(in occasion de
mands enforces the rule; It Is a safe
prediction that the leading society lady
at court Is not feasting on anti-fat.
; ' i ., ',- '
Itoy Rreaks Ankle."
George Vc-hrs met with a painful
accident last Sunday while wrestling,
lie fell In a perulla way , and sus
tained a fractured bone in the ankle.
, Kfrt lluffimin's poems on Pule.
''Song of the Oregon Pine.'? e book
Of poems by Bert Huffman. Is now on
sale: at Le'avitt'a cigar store and New
tin's drug store, 1 Price 60 cents.
d&w .- '-..: - "-' '. ..-'' : .'
I Fruit Season is
l'dwartl I-'nln, Employed on tho Pasro
to Dayton Run, is Apprelicmled,.
; Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 8. After
he had operated successfully for more
than four, months, it is tnougnt, to
ward Fain, a railway mall celrk on the
Dayton- to Pasco -run 'of ttie Northern
Pacific railroad, 'was arrested today
at Pasco bh the 'charge of- purloining
money left temporarily In his posses
sion., His abstractions, It Is believed
amounted .. to . .about jSOO.'S"- .Thls
money tie Is said to -have lnveste in
Tacoma real estate. -' ... - ; -f'
The discovery of fh evidence upon
which it Is expected to convict Fain
was unearthed by a couple of govern
ment detectives who were assigned to
the ease several days ago. They sent
a package with an amount of marked
money through the clerk's hands. The
package was mailed at Dayton and ad
dressed to a party In Pasco. It failed
to reach Its Intended - destination.
When Fain was arrested In Pasco he
was said to have had upon his person
some of the marked money. . He was
taken to Spokane.
To Survey Soon, -
Pendleton, Aug. 4. That engineers
will soon be at work t odctermlne the
feasibility of an electric railway sys
tem which will unite Pendleton with
the Irrigated country of the Furnish
Coe company and later with Walla
Wulln was the statement made last
night by Dr. Charles Coe. They will
be busy he says within 90 days.
From present figures It la assumed
that the road Is emlnently'practlcable
lnee the maximum grade revealed bo
far Is four-tenths ef 1 per cent, an
Item which means much to the sort
of road that is conceived for construe
. "The road will be a business propo
sition entirely," said a representative
of the company. "It Is a matter of
dollars and cents whether Pendleton
Is reached or not. ' Dr. Coe Is here to
look over the situation generally and
lo determine to some extent whnt the
eitv can return. It Is certain, how
ever, that If the council grants t
blanket 'franchise and the streets are
monopolised by some other company
Hint fact will be given due considera
tion by our company."
Dr. Coe' visit to the city was short.
He remained here little longer than
th wnlt between trains. While here
he visited a number of local people
with whom he Is acquainted.
IVs Dentist Rill.
"I guess paw must Wve passed a
l"f of' time at tho dentist's when In
Xoo York," said Johnny Cii'ern.
"Why do you think so?" queried
his ma,
" "niiM I heard him tell A man to
day that It cost hlin neatly $S00 lo
g t his eye tooth cut," replied Johnny.
...,.... wt. ,Wo Mr. Thompson! W. f , to let these waters go lo
..f Indiana to come M.r ,, hliy , ,,, f th(,,e y1Rnr w
"....i nave w e gallie,! 7 , ,,mn . pnrt. , ha ukctl us the
' lr. John -,,u
"'million we nr.. a J mountain rnng-s to hold our winter
loser, Mr. Jolin.on would not think -now. There r numerous places
"( selling his farm nni. s, he Intended where large reservoirs ran rt-l'r he
to go sway. That being the. ess. we
k . ....
jmwi simiuv exenanueil sn experienced
constructed and the bed of flrnnde
Itonrto river provides an ciueduct to
f f rn'oiivw iin si-oeuiici o
jar:ler for a new man. who must of (convey the slored water to the lands
,HK 'vp"" "" '""- he in the valley, where later ditch- will
aeqi lre. the knowledge that ll.ns convey It where needed. ' -alone
.npi'lles. That may not hs nit. J
t'te chance are that Mr. Thompson I Just e..t of this city there are no
will -not pay Mr. Johnson In full, Mtt I lorn than .000 acre, of n,l. nd pos.
vlll he sending the of the farml slhly twloe this uniount. that If w,ter
a vy for several years. Tho It re- was .vallahle a family cmld live and
.Aitlrcs no seer to se, ,ht the county' malnlsln prosperous homes easily nn
whole I Igsrr.' Now, If wsler WKM DO ,rre. This means 0 families
ronveyed on thl tafin nf Mr Johnson, j where 'there f scarcely ' t)
It would ltnmedllly Income too vnl- Thrse SOO famllle. Would be equlva
Tirasnrer's Cull for t My Warrants,
Notice Is hereby given that there are
now fund on hand to pay all out
standing warrants Issued nn General
Fund of thn La Grande i Ity. un to and
including No. .CTIil, endorsed March
1J, 1907.
Interest on all warrant on general
fund' from No. 6644 to No. 6751, 1n
elusive, ceasi a from thl tlato.
There n.-o aim fund In the treas
ury to pay all warrants Issued against
water fund of La Grande City, up to
and Including Nm 7311. endorsed
March II, I90S. Interest on all war
rnht on water fund from No. 7J91I to
No. 7J1I. Inclusive, cease from date
of thl call.. I .A Grande, Ore., August
S, 1908.
..'-.' J. K. WRIGHT.
1 City Treasurer.
house with bath, eolse In,' 'Phone
lllnck ISI. i i s-r.-i:
FWi UKN'T Rlx-room house i with
tmth, Ijoi Second street. Inquire of
D. II. Proctor, Thone 191$. 8-$-It
Notice to Water Users.
All patrons of the city, water works
are urged not to Irrigate the evening
of the fifth, Inst., Wednesday, as we
will bs cleaning the reservoir and. the
water remaining in the pipe will be
needed for fire protection.
' '; ., '"' "'. : II. C. OILMAN, -.
' Water Superintendent,
3 j. TK fa f e nf the
breakfast is decided
by the quality of
the' Coffee. ' 7
Phone Us Your Orders for ,
Pints .......
Quniis , . . , .
Half gallons .
Extra clamps
Extra rap . .
....... ..$1.10 d0 '
.$1.85 down X
......... .$1.75 down
, ". ', ....... 10c down
.......... 20c down . .
(." ''.''
18c down .
. , . , , .200 down . 2
,10c down - ,
2 : Rubber rings
Clamps -
,-.-.,... Extra large
These are an attractive size and shape, and are easily
.; worth 60 cents per dozen ; . ' ; ' ,
F- D-
I4IM4I5 Adams Ave.
Phone Red 1161 t
makes breakfast the begin-
I ning of a cheerful day.
Aroma-tight tins save all
the fragrance and strentrth.
Sold on merit. No prizes R
No couponsNo crockery.
J. A. Folder CSX Co.,
- San Francisco
A Business Directory of each
City. Town and Village In
Oregon and Washington, giv
ing a Descriptive Sketch of.
each place. Location, Ship
ping Facilities and a Classi
fied Directory of each Busi
ness and Profession.
R. L. POLK & CO., he.
and CURE thi LUNGS
Dr. ing'i
lev; Discovery
wii OLDS Trial BoUl FrM
BOc A tl.OO,
'&W?4T Cctfo oi the Largest Tent Evsr Pdo Mlf&i
bMfel!kb!? "Very nco! a3 th, E 8. cSMP
. , " ..1' '- ' ihiS i3i.W..C.,S
...a biBnoing au uancrcto an J Pertsct Into tiia GreUctt c:rcuWV
' Uitin fr Mm. r .
70 Elsphint ana
. Camol.
A FanuYof
Only Twa-Korntd
KMnoctrM In
A Thousand
Animal Wondsra,
Liartnc i,
I Feat '
J I.
I ""If
In th.;r mad Auto '
otiicr in tapir st
i cart whlls flyinj
', - and icmoriault
'; Inff In tha Air
. Imitation
Earope Dc?!cfcd To Ms!: 4!W
Baby Bunting,
A Tiny Kurting
Baby Elephant
Smillsr thin a
Niw Foundland
rrltky and Cut
- a Kitten.
This Show Tremendously Mor9 Glorious ThaTEv
Araoni ih Imported Aril,,. f .-..w "UJ 4aa"tVef
- Italy's fhe Pctr7s7rcT
Acrobats, 1 he fredianis R Ln . Im Y 1
uMr.y.HMrtM,. prape.'.r,r... v"1"
fiMwiwiacrttba,, ABdABJ:r7Mr-..uL
lit llfcl.f " '"
. Ulniih,njil., - v 1,J J
Si,rJ MORNING ' - AdniltiUAlU
" WG NEW. FRE.E. STREET VIZznyr, llal.pric.
.. - ...! D A Ts A wv-i 3 r.rf.. '":."-;" " 1 1 11
rfiisiiim " p,n r. m.
HrwcrTrd fkis and Admission Ticket on .. ' A' r ' "wl!-3BMR2MBsMBsjsjBaWB&
-. Adan. a, JIZJZZLT br,
' ..'fav-c!OJ7
Tit n n
- - f iivii gmumia