La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 05, 1908, Image 1

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Confirmed Report la Received Tliat an
Astfossln Attempted to Drive Knife
' Into Itanrt of Sultan Blake Broke,
Frustrating Uie Deed Guards Over
power the Assassin Entlro Reor
jranlzatloa o Ministry Because SuU
Xaa Is Frightened. -
Is expected immediately following the
announcement today of the success
of the mission of the Salonika com
mittee, which came here to present a
demand of the young Turk, acting a
an intermediary between the organi
zation and the sultan. It Is understood
the sultan is anxious to make every
change possible now that ' he hag
started to revolutionize the govern
ment, ' . V.
, arSultan of Turkey was stabbed in the
'.breast by a minor palace official in
-the ruler's apartments, according to a
"Constantinople dispatch. The . only
thing that saved the sultan's life was
Ills heavy armor coat The knife was
. -directed at his heart, but the blade
lroke.' The assassin failed to make
Ills escape on account of a bag of gold
-which he carried.' It Is supposed the
sold was given him to kill the sul
an. ".. ' '
The assassin Was captured by the
nalace guard and thrown into a dun-
tlLlon' - The sultan was so frightened,
it Is said, that he Is almcst ready to
yield to any demands the young Turks
might make, j
' Report Confirmed.
London, Aug. S. The attempt to
assassinate the sultan was confirmed
ty Constantinople dispatches.. He was
stabbed Monday night Since then he
has not appeared in public. The pal
ace is heavily guarded. -
Reorganize Turkish Ministry.
Constantinople, Aug. 8. An entire
vrganlzatron of the Turkish ministry
First Death on the Atlantic : Fleet
, Since it left for the Orient, Occurs
Today Common Seaman Receive
Letter From Sweetheart Tliat Makes
. Him Melancholy Refused to State
Nature of Uie Trouble Plunged
From Quarter, Dock. -
of the wire had been laid out, It snap-1
ped again, and the vessels returned to
Plymouth. In, June of the following
year a second attempt failed through
a violent storm. The third voyage
was successful. Junction of the con
tinents was completed by 2050 miles
of wire from Ireland to Newfound
land. August 5, 1858. The first two
messages were from Queen Victoria to
President Buchanan and his reply.
v.:. ' 1 , ' .
Wireless, Aboard the- Georgia, Aug.
5. Albert E. Helael, an ordinary sea
man on the Wisconsin, is the first to
lose his life on ths voyage of the
fleet across the Pacific He flung
himself into the sea. . He received a
letter In Honolulu from .his sweet
heart In the United States. Immedi
ately he became morose and wrote a
long reply. He refused to tell what
was in the letter, saying "It was all
wrong." "'-h
Last night he slipped away from his
comrades and plunged from the quftr
ter deck, carrying his secret with him.
The fleet is a thousand miles from
Auckland,1" . ."
Forced to Land for Repairs, German
Count Who Yesterday Started Test
Trip aiftl Was Making Good Head'
way, Today Meet Dire Calamity
Wlille Moored the Balloon I Wreck.
' ed by Explosion and Salla Away In
Smoke Count Is Heart Broken.
. .. Berlin, Aug, - 8. Count Zeppelin's
airship was torcsa to uu .
descent near Stuttgart this morning
so he could return to Friedrlchshafen !
within the prescribed time of ti hours
In which he was to make- a wonderful
record-breaking trip. J Ths.. descent
was forced by trouble with one of the
motors .similar to that which forced
him to land late yesterday.
Balloon Is Ruined. '' '.
Count Zeppelin's "dirigible balloon
was torn from Its moorings on the
plateau this afternoon in an electrical
storm, and caught fire. It sailed away
In a cloud of smoke. ' It is unknown
whether anybody was In the balloon
at the time. ''
Count Is Heart Broken.
The count is heart broken over the
loss of the biggest airship In the world.
Four workmen were seriously Injured
by the explosion of the motor.
The count wept like a child. He
has worked on the ship for years, but
Is cheered by word from the kaiser
that he'would contribute funds for a
new one. Parties are looking fqr what
Is left of the ship."
Great Scene of Devastation Near Con
stantine, Algeria, Where an Earth
quake Yesterday Rendered Thowi-
ands Homeless French Soldiers
Shoot Down the Looters Fear, of
Famine In Interior Wliere Provis
ions Are Hard to Be Had Yet..
Tilt C P.
Constantlne, Algeria, Aug. 8. Fol
'; terrible earthquake ot yes
terday, killing between BOO and 1000
in a score of Algerian . towns, hordes
of wild bandits have swept in from
the desert bent on loot and a reign
of terror exlats. French soldiers are
shooting them down. Hundreds of
dead are being removed from the ru
ins. ' .' ' . J v .. . '
. .Two Thousand Homeleos,.
Rescuers ; frequently Interspersed
their work with fighting. Two thous
and natives are homeless. . The French
authorities have taken measures for
their relief. It is feared a famine will
result before the outlying districts are
reached with food. In some places
the earth disturbances have dried up
springs. : -i
.A.f -fa.,
Montreal, Winnipeg " and -' Vancouver
Machinists for the Canadian Pacific
Walk Out as Per Schedule An
nounced Yesterday Will Be Most
Bitter Fight In History of Uie Road
Men Determined to Stay Out Ex
pect No Sttlko-breakers, ,,',
Ladies' Dusters at Specia
Reduced Prices This Week l
. a
rUSTERS in all the most popular and serviceable
.V'. Materials including mercerized cottons and real
linen, made mostly in the lare roomy auto : styles
which can be worn with the greatest comfort and
without mussing the most dainty waist sorpe made
perfectly plain others trimmed with strapstCnd buttons
others with trimmings on collars andyCuffs of con
trasting colors of the most pleasing sort. All at
especially reduced prices , thisweek.
I $2:50 Dusters f
I $2.79; $
57.50 Black Voile Skirts $
A shipment of these beautiful b)
Just received from New York a few
days ago. The most superb values
we have ever offered. Eleven-gore
Skirts, with pleats and 2 V -Inch
satin band around bottom; choose
this week for M.Ia
a C1 OQi
c nn n
v.vv JJ
$3.50 Dusters
usters for $3.98
Ten Thouxaml Bryan-Kern Clubs Are
to Ho Organized Where Outlook
Dubious as to Outcome Bryan An
' nouiK-cs a Long I,lt of Th'S for
Coming KimwIhs tK ?aiiioned by Uie
CanipnUrn Ijilmr, Banks and Peo
ple's Rule Are His Uilcf Subjects.
Oregon and Washington Militia Arei
Today , Preparing for Mlmlo War
With Imaginary Bullete Next Mon
day Tacoma Troop Carries Off
Honors YesterdayBtutalion Drill Ov
cuplos Attention of Of fleers In Snap- -Ing
New Men Into Form.
Ladies Dainty Embroidered Front
.White Lawn Waist 51.75
With pleated fronts, short sleeves,
.lace edging on collar and cuffs.
In alt colors and all styles, with fancy
and plain buckles, worth regularly
up to $125; choice for ...... 4Ho
i Special Values in Cotton BlanketsJust the Thing to take
l tor Your Camping Trip. Each 75c.
Fall-view Farm, Neb., Aug. B. Ten
thousand Bryan-Kern clubs are to be
formed In doubtful states according to
plans approved by Bryan today. The
I speech of acceptance was printed to
day and the notification ceremonies In
charge ot Mayor Brown of Lincoln
will be held next Wednesday.
. lit discussing the plsns this after
noon Bryan said he considered tne
question of ths people ruling the coun
try to be the paramount campaign Is-
ue. He announced tha he will dls
cuss the trusts at the Kern notlflca
on ceremonies. At Topeka, on Aug
ust 7, he will speak on the guarantee
of bank deposits. He will talk the la
bor question at Chicago on Labor day
and will discuss relations of the state
nd nation at Peoria, III., on Septem
ber .
SciiHalkin In politic.
Chicago, Aug. J. The unofficial
announcement that Moses Wetmore,
the St. Louis stockholder of the so
called tobacco trust, has been selected
by Bryan for chairman of the finance
committee, has created a sensation In
political circles today.- Wetmore is
widely known as a trust buster. Three
times he opened strong Independent
concerns with the avowed Intention of
putting ths the gigantic American To
bacco company out of business.
Vancouver B..C, Aug. 5. Prompt
ly on- schedule time the men employed
In the shops of the Canadian Pacific
railroad laid down their topis and
quit work. This probably means the
bitterest Industrial fight in the his
tory of this city Is on. : .
J. H. McVety, secretary of the ma
chinists, who Is in charge of the strike,
declared today that the men will stay
out until the demands are granted.
add strike .'
The strike revolves Itself Into a bat
tle between the company and the men I
as to the status of the unions on the!
rood. That Is what the men are fight
ing for. "Within 10 days not a wheel
will be turning on the company's
western lines,; said one leader after
quitting work. "The public is with us
and will see to It that no non-union
labor is brought in from the United
States or Europe.". ,
Reports Indicate that at least 8000
machinists have already quit. It Is
estimated that 1500 left the shops
ere. . The railroad Is taking a nega
tive attitude and Is making no move.
No statement has been" made. This
Ity is the general headquarters ot the
strikers. General Manager Bury is
directing the affairs of the road dur
ng the trouble. Many strike leaders
are arriving here.
Two Hundred Go Out at Montreal.
Montreal, Aug. S. Two hundred
mechanics quit here today, thus add
ing to the effectiveness of the tie-up.
American Lake, Aug. 8. The mill
lla will tackle Its first real warfare)
Monday when they star tor . two
days' battlo with imaginary powder v
and ball. ,, Washington will probably
be pitted 'against uobwu.,,. ,,Tr
so far is largely In shaping up ths
guardsmen for duty.
Battalion formations In the various'
forms were the order -of yesterday.
Honors of the camp were bestowed
upon Troop H, the e;rack cavalry com
pany ot-Tacoma which has shown Itr .'
self equal to regulars in action. Sea- -seneil
men'aro having great sport at
thy expense'pf new men In the national
guard;: -'' .
' ; Find Human 1ogn,
Chicago, Aug. 6. The recov-
ery ot two human legs, evident-
ly those of a woman, from the
Illinois & Michigan canal today,
has given the pnUoe a murder
mystery to solve. 'The authorl-
ties are satisfied a foul crime has
been committed. The coroner's
physician thinks the lea' wers
chopped off with a meat cleaver.
SUIT CASES at attractive
prices, In alt leather, mat
ting and waterproof Imi
tation leather; In large as
sortment; In prices from
111.00 down to ...... I3.M
ues up to 75c, now ,...4So
In light, dark, and medium
. colors; special this week, at
each 8c
Men's, boys and ladles' toe
Straw Hats, suitable for
Outing weag .ftc
75c to 11.10 Straw and Cloth
Hats, for, choice . , .-. . .43c
Boys Canvas Shoes, Leather Soles - 95c
Boys Canvas Oxfords, Rubber Soles - 50c
Ladles White Duck Oxfords - - $1.29 up
Weiuitclira Fruit Itandirr Shoot Hut
. Head Off In Medford Hotel.
Medford, Ore., Aug.' 5 Lawrenc
H. Belser. a wealthy real estate dealer
of Wenatchee, Wash., oged 50, suicided
lust night by blowing the top -of his
head off with a rifle In his room at the
Nash hotel. . Hu came here to pur
chase an orchard. He sent tor ac
quaintances, shook hands with them,
stepped Into an alcove and fired. ' -
The case Is enveloped In mystery.
Smoke 80 Years, Quits. .
Chester, Pa., Aug. 8. After smoking
for (0 years. A. W. Cromwell, aged 96
has decided that use ot ths weed is
a bad habit and has throwa away his
For f-liow Day,
Ladles of Central Church will serve
refreshments such as Ice cream and
cake, sandwiches and coffee In base
ment of church building, show day,
August 11.
Triplets Born; All Boys.
D, W. Fi-eoman, formerly a brake-
man on the O. R. N., but now em
ployed In a like capacity on the North
Bank, Is sponsor for the new that
his brother-in-law. Jim Hay, who was'
furmerty a resident of The Dalles,
but who now resides at West Bclo,
Ore., was presented yesterday with a
"set" of triplets and all boys, too.'
One of the boys weighed six and ths
others five and one-half pounds.' Mr.
Freeman says the mother and children .
are getting along fine. Mrs. Ida Hay
and daughter, , Miss Ada, grandmother
and aunt, respectively, of the.
youngsters, will leave tomorrow for
West Sclo. The Dalles Chronicle.
Take a Little Soda
For Your Stomach's Sake 2
'Anniversary of Cable.
Calentla, Ireland, Aug. I. Leading
men of Ireland and England Joined
today In celebrating ths semi-centen
nial of the completion of the first At
lantic cable In IX5I, the laying of
Men was commenced on August S
Of the previous year. The work was
commenced at this point, although the
original promoters weer Americana,
Including Peter Cooper, Porfessor S.
F. B, Morse, Cyrus Field and others.
The vessels empolyed to lay the ca
ble wers ths Niagara and Susquehan
na of ths United States navy and the
British vessels Leopard and Agamem
non. After sailing a few miles the
cable snapped. This was soon repair
ed, but on August 11, after too miles
This Advice Certainly Holds Good wild Everyone
This Sort of Weather
Soda 6erved at our fountain is more than a
tasty thirst-quenching beverage. It is tonic and
refreshing and every glass a strengthener for
the stomach. .
- Our Soda is absolutely pure, strengthening,
reviving, refreshing and healthful. It "lands di
rect" on the "dry" spot and quenches thirst as
nothing else will, because we serve it at just the
right temperature.