PAGE BIT. t ':-1 : .EVEXIXG OhsEBVEH. LA GRANDE OltECOX, WEDNESDAY, 31XY 22, 1908. EIGHT PAGES. i : . THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Sollcit'Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We arc prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly.:-'-;; - .; - Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. , ; JC; Meeseeeeee4ee4ee4eve-eeeeeeeeeee I TOO BAD! TOO BP! , 7- Bilker Will Get the Pennant After All, . Even If fclio Vlaya Alone. ! . - - - - , -i In conversation with Manager Ho sier It would appear that baseball matters wore In rather a chaotic con dition In, Baker City, says the Democrat- With the breaking up of the iPAguo by the La Grande team play ing quitters and the Walla Walla team following. It was thought that the Pendleton team would see the season through, but the disbanding of the Tendleton team now leaves Baker alone In the field. ' Manager Hosier has made arrangements for a series of games with the Boise team and today Will know whether It Will be posnible to arrange for a eeries of games with the Boise team for four games lier, to be followed by four games at Boise and those to be followed by four games In Baker and to close with four Dr.V.H.Keating The Expert Eyesight Specialist OF SALT LAKE, TIICIAL M THE ONLY PURE KIND AR k A M fca WtVU '--il -i ';.t-.',.ji i". :; "V.; :r:r$. V!' A'! Vl , TH SCHOOL.OF, OUAUTT," Tenth tnd Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.D., Principal LWe oocupv two floors 65 by too feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a larga faculty, give Individual instruction, receive more, calls . for office help than we Can meet Our school admittedly leads all others In quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. Basinets Mao l "Keep hammering sway everlastlnjfly on thorough work. It will win oat in the end," Said an Ednfiatort "The quality of instruc tion given In your school makes It the standard of its kind In the Northwest" COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. References t Any bank, any newspaper, any business man la Portland. the Baker boys that they are In the game for all there Js In it and are ready to meet all comers. When La Grande dropped out the disintegration of the league'jtool .place,, this Js as they did six Roars' age.' It is the his tory .of La Grande sports to be the fly In' the' ointment that spoils the ef0- clency of Its sayor."-"---;-;-; ; ,; What's the matter with the Demo crat, anyway? s Was Jack O'Brien, the awfully awful, "sassy" to the sportliig editor ? Iou. jtnuat.haya an '.. awftii grouch, brother. ' 't is now at the Sommer Hotel, Room 31, where he will be pleased to see all of his old patients and many new ones. Don't Fail to See Him about your Eyes.' If you are having any trouble with your eyes or glasses. Dr. Keating. Is pot a stranger to you, 1 1 as he has visited La Grande for the past six years." - . Don't Fail to See Him The only kind of Ice that we handle In retail trade Is .artificial Ice, made from pure artesian water the only pure Ice In the city. A delivery .; wagon will bring thU PURE ICE to your door on notification by telephone ' or otherwise. To regular patrons our prices are one-half cent per pound. NATURAL ICE handled in wholesale lots. Look out for the Grandy Ice AXOTirEn FINE. j,. C. G. IIOL8T, ' Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction guaranteed; estimates furnished on any kind of masonry work on short notice. Mantels and fireplaces a specialty. .Room No. 1, f mlth Rooming house, I Grande, Ore. 'Phone Red 141. UNIVERSITY Or" OREGON sunriER SEssiofi JUNE Hi TO JTLV 31. lOUS Oonre. la l)lnlfl(y, Cliemldry, Edurstloo, Fngllnl Literature Uoruiui, frtuicll, ripnlah, IlilUirj lUtbaaiaucs, V liytlos. Full oorpt of Iantructun SI'KCMI. t(H'IUF IN FACH VtfA HIMKIHT lOH TliACUtlui For rkt.lomi. .riitrM. th. UIIITIU, IIIUU1TI If MUM, IWUII, UtaM 4t444t44444444t444444444444444444444444 Grande Roiide Lumbi r Co. PERRY, OREGON CAN FURNISH LUMBER OF ALL KINDS IN CAR LOAD LOTS For 16 Inch Chain Wood Delivered at your Home, Call up V. C. BEAN, La Crande. Phone, Red 1741 4444444444 EtI Fowler Pays 15 for Carelessness Of Driver of proy. . Late yesterday afternoon, while the team-belonging to one of Ed Fowler's drays, was standing . unhitched In front of the Smith garage, Dr. Molltor drove up in front of the team and they became frightened at ' the auto. The driver of the team. Will Fuller, though not expecting his team to have cause to run away, had failed, to lock the wheels of the wagon as required by ordinance when a team is not tied, was able only to grasp the line or bridle rein of the horse nearest him, and pulled the frightened animals onto the cement walk alongside Adcook & Frltts' furniture store, At the corner either the wagon or the breastyoke hit the teleplione post and the team was stopped. No damage was done to either wagon or horses. This morn Ing Mr. Fowler appeared for Fuller, pleaded guilty to the charge, and paid a tine of $5. The officials are deter mined to break up what has become a general practice or leaving teams Insecurely fastened. . i COMBS, HEW, THE FINEST EVER WASH COLLARSWHITE TIES MIDSUMMER MILUVERY E.M.WCLU1AN & CO. ADAMS AVENUE OREGON TEMPERATURES."' Grant Pane Heeds the List for Week Ending Monday. The report just Issued by the Ore' g on section of the cllmatologlcal serv ice for the week ending Monday, July 20, contains the following maximum temperatures at the following places throughout the state: .. Baker City, 88; Corvallls, 98; Grants Pass, 106; Heppner, 98. Hood River, 99; Marshfleld, 78; Portland, 98; Roseburg, 104; Salem, 93; The Dalle, 96; Weston, 99; La Grande, 97. wagon. Thone Black 571. !t.A;WTV THF IfF MAM iul il unit ins: AT ALL TIMES ' I Is a dead Issue. So ys Dr. H. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medi cine, In Collier's Weekly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr tip will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some others, but It con tains the ingredients that will posi tively and absolutely cure that cough. RED CROSS DRUG 8TORE. ' All lines marked in plain figuers r showing discount. Now is the time to get the largest discount offered. SHERWOODS ELECTRIC THEATRE An Occoslonal Quarter. -Mrs. Prlmpernell's Gown. Song , "Dai's All I Got to Say." Complicated Duel. Fire! Flrel Song "Childhood." 4 4 I Program changes each Mon 4 day and Thurnday. . Doors ope a 4 promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. MaUnee on Wedn-sday and Sat urday. 4 6IIERWOOD'S ELECTRIC 4 THEATER, 4 B. M. SHERWOOD CO, Proprietors. Mahaffey Building. THE VAN DUYH CO. La We, Ore. IN THE Masonic Bidi 4 r4444444444444444444444444444444 :. 4 BRICK IS CHEAPER Don Juan. 1 . Brick building, at the present price of lumber, ia ?, buoajci aa rfcu as ucn,ci. ii, lias UCC11 UUIIlOnSUalSQ tnat my brick is superior o any made in Oregon. I san furr ish common brick in any quantity. No order too large or too small to receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known on application. ;!GEOv KRIEGER!' Phonet Residence, Black 701, Yard, Red o21. La Grande, Oregon 4 44444444444444444444444444 'X WE ARE GETTING IN i OUR NEW STOCK 444444444444 of t - 4444444444444 LUMBER ennui err N I 444444444444 WHICH 4444444444444444444444 -444444444444 "'"v" 444tttte?eeete' Will be sold at reduced prices. House bills special i 1 i I ' : ( S 1 prices. ; We have fir finish and V G Fir fioorlni We have the best grade of Cedar shlnjlcs. These 1 ' are two trades of the same brand, : f 4 4444444444444 ' STODDARD LUMBER CO. Notice. To My Friends and Patrons: Having sold my stock of hardware etc., to Messrs. Lilly and Foster, who will continue In the anme line of bus iness, and at the same place. Mr. Lilly having boon associated with me for the past six years, I take pleasure In recommending the new firm to my many friends and patrons and trust that you will find business with them as pleasant o our business relations have always been. I will be found at the store during the month of July, and will be p'-cu to have as many of my frtruds call and settle their ac counts as postlhle during the month. Thanking you for the many favors shown me, I remain, Very respectfully, MRS. T. N. MURPHY.1 4 : . : . a nniiinr e LA UKA!UC " 4 I SCHOOL Of MUSIC 5 u 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444A Studio at 105 Greenwood St. ono door south of 2 Adams Avenue . t Principal 2 e 4 -........ PROF. DAY, 4 Bare Cure for Asthma. I We guarantee to cure asthma. bronchitis and catarrh. If our medi cine falls we will cheerfully refund all money paid. Write Arnold's Asthma Cure Co., 1)9-1! 1-139 Arcade Build Ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next 19 days. Morris W. Knight Cove, Ore. Bos It. I I La Grande went dry June 1. was proven over one year ago that there la aa abundance of pure, spark' ling artesian water la less than 1409 feet below the surface. Why aot have I artesian city water T MMMM44t4444 I Scott & Altheide How am I to have that white suit of mine looking Fresh and Neat all summer as it does now? The answer is simple. When ever it becomes soiled PHONE MAIN 7 : : : : : : : WE will do the rest WE have a force of Experienced halp to look after your wants in this line and you need have no fear of sending your most delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee to satisfy you. A. B. C. LAUNDRY As house cleaners we are the people who are equip- I ped for doing the work. Leave your carpets on your floors, give us your orner and "smile at our work and we will smile together. 1 PHONE. Black 1772 444444444444444444444444)4 444444444444 : Pastime Theater 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Complete change of program 4 4 on Monday and Th v - 'A 4 Matinee on Wednesds n,i a v naiuraay nernoona. - a 44444444444a 3000 fori of moving pMuree. Two Illustrated song. Songs by. .... -' , SHERWOOD WILLI A M8. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL THE TIUXSFETt MAW He will lake that tk .w- a . or you horn In tea Ume than it takse toU it Day 'Phone nI 7I. , Mght 'Phone, Black 17M. WAGON - ALWAYS - AT TOUR jt SERVICER l