La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 22, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r '.-V ' . ..
;; .t-v 4
S Fred Taylor returned from Portland
' this rooming. v ' .-. ''-. ,
D. Fitzgerald Is In Union today In
'the, Interest OX the La . Grande Iron
';: works. '.- ". '''' '' "-! i
'Charles C. 'Bnow of La Grande, Is
here today on a business trip. Pen
dleton East Oregonian.
... ' George Stoddard left this morning
for points In Idaho, to be absent until
-Friday.;;.: '..'.. ,,; , i: Sl-..., ,:
W. B. Sargent Is expected to return
from- Ms trip the' last' of the present
, week or the first of next, , ; ' ,
Mr. and Mis. J. M. Clark, who have
n been visiting their J daughter, . Mrs.
"Scott, of Monument, Grant county,
have 'returned.
Mrs. H. H. Thomas and little daughter-
loft f4his morn(fig vfori. 'por.jland,
5r where slje wlllepend a tW weeks vis-
I l '"Central church Sundai tichobl held
their, annual picnic today at Rynear-
son'H grove. . Of course, all had a de
"rightful time. -r
H&tfleJtM the, taJnmskeri -hag ;ben
4, in aeniana in several sections on the
J Pacific coast this year. But so far he
f heiTfajW tTgitftTrenral saUstactlonfn
4- (The O. N. company haa re?
X celverSa hoii
he cart for the better por-
ttea Haisten-. and? r ami y. ho have 1
bn -camp.nginlieipo.nV fW.T 'r It
e- will return from their outing this
evening.,,. , ,.l..i..,
' $ ' Mr. and ' MrsrVllliam' Mossi" who
left here several days ago In an auto
for Spokane,( returned yesterday mtjrnr
ing by train!1 ' ' ' j I
. J John pordan, l former La. prande
I 8iloipn;mjiin, U t;oilnyon his
way to Walla Walla, where he has
secured a yoeltion" ar bartondcr' In a
r: sakioh there.Penlleion E. O.' '
Mrs. George Manwell of Monmouth.
Idaho, who has been vli-hlng her pnr-
ents, Mr. and Mis. K. Nellson for the
past month, returned home thlB morn-
A. Judge Knowles holds douW In Wi!
"lowa epunly JJujiBy t.iiirss the 'tjifin-f
lnjai'. pjriiwfcdliitK. Tlft cotiitty1
4. treasurer refused to turn ' over the
VJy?ffdlnErs were tnstlt'itfd. 1
tred lirailen s'.at.s his Ijicld Can
ti'on toma i crop fa tli nlist prom-
Jj;ge cron, , , . ,
Vrah;k&eV?. Wlte?oVJ
miif i-eeiosnt: bt'jiji Gfiuiie.artii tf4v
ojlpctorjlnth frflt.dirprtmnt o
Ihe o"r7!n. at' Portland, came In
Sthht'm'fftnmk'on Ndji'mPleft'ort tW
Elio:;irftJn;fj)r (irjWicsirjo evMtCf
Sfathery, Hfi. wUl reUirn, to .PprUand
in the rltv todav on hn.lne... H
today on , business. He
states that he does not think that tie
Jlalng at tHls. jtcpoa,
' Jast years,' jljidAUilj
looked fortaTf9 plffc!
-,Jf hls-elsonJ.k twnuVl Hl to e'rW
Jofji.tJiHJargwjtiiaryJj best mills; ii), flio
s . 6
f Pnlr lesi i rtractlon.
v Expert giAC work. Special attention
to children's teeth.
La 'Urania ;rkTC:nJift.1SiUdJrjt.!?
;nr 7r"
V K J f -TV I ,li)HSit
Banks are oecoming rr.ore and more the custodians''
of thQ'fund3;0f cthe'i people, :of: ioth. large and smalt
mearst Thi iduo,,tQ a. yiderfapprpc.a,tion of. the valud'
of banking rser,y.cia$.ituscfu)w., is exter.dd and t
methods'" better known,' In' the case i of.'""
rfv0;n uJJi Vin.ii-: it. Tioi Cii tv..ii r::i
TneuFarmers anajraaers
National Bank f
Its fciD -
sadfiDps jhave any banking business to
ranwcVcCms.taouT ban
V. 1
The -Fafmer$
If .11 ii il . - 1 Ift
,dr f i,'i on ,ii r ((i'i
.1 oii.iir tn'T - fLft
Tho Bet Yet.
Apropos of the story In yesterday's
paper regarding the cherries eft at
, this office by; Attorney J. , D. Slater,
(Fred Sheets, foreman In the compos,
tngi room of , The Observer, came to his
work full! of enthuslasra and cher
ries. .The enthusiasm displayed by Mr.
Sheets was for the; cherries he had
eaten since Work time yesterday. They
came from Jhe orchard of , Mrs. Jane
Richards, of Cove, and were a present
to Mrs. Sheets. The fact that they
were given to Mrs. Sheets did not pre
vent ''Frit?"j frojfl getting ,way with
a goodly, quantity, and he has also
promised lo bring some of thorn down
for the delegation of the office force,
and as proof that he is not fibbing
about the size ot the fruit. : He' says
th- iie flblg as potatoes small po-
urn as sweet, anil pretty as. a
bahy's diecka,- They are of the. Royal
Anno variety. Mrs. Richards owns a
small fruit farm at Cove, and raises
o.iiahtlJ.(es7 Vf .'" cherries." risitecrrics,
hlch arj noj being picked arid inafJ
kted, an,d blaejcberiii's. fih'e says the
' r ( ' " rr-- - t - e r
year, and thaton'her place it? Will be
t.h.1.l!i8H'?IJ,h? nas ever had- j
r i&iAnixetiM M 5
School teachers are wanted tof 11
1lacesJii-tb schools of-WaUa Walla
an C)tenibla ohu'tatiesa'ashlnKl
tl0A UiatiDa JWuntri..OregoriL ABblit
60 places are still waiting the
of teachers, some of
some oi them in goi
schooljs. ycal teai'lM-r have geQ
t I v . ' i T " r
and in the ordinary promotion of ip-
plicants which takes place every year
theTnor&.'wiifleTirfe-.sunaTroiis are 3t
vacant. For several years tho supply
of teachers has not been equal tojtbe
'dViriBntr.-jbUt ftdtflie Wofkers usually
come io'thf? felfef 'of the county 'ei
pcrlntendenta In-.thetr efforts .to sup
ply tvery -school In time-for the open-
ing In the .autumn.
RatUficd Willi Country. j"
E. Schwebke, who owns the Thcp.
M"nnnell place near-Cove',' and -his
been farming It for the past . il
yj-Wiys Wi'towi toilay, getting redy
f'rm-CMt- Jr. -r-hw-fblii. j bulldirjir
U4 UK FU"1U ,y
th, re vlt h oom f
Iff " '.i 'j f'T-"'i ft
grain ond
tons of hay. He has Jui tj
completed a 12-room house, wh cH Is
. ... i t
irHlioiHlW'iISt'H WfrJlHfJ
Wt -re-tw-weHirene- of-4hm In.
excellent quality. Here Is one OrtAAuJ
i'i acres of
MIUIIl .Ml.-llill Bt Mil tH KKl .
V'w "'""".ingement 01 ine .
,iW immm'i
worked nearly all night, to get thew
machine taken 'itft"' nAv).
was Installed, set up. and that heV
oe miSL 10 giv in ruii untornrinm.
torrffcj . Tl VnAjjy ulijernf
j. f ,1
'.! : - ncf.-l
4 1 V M s 4 4 ,
TIW Hl-t ttiA y',)v
tJ Vf J.t
TT?T Hlr.Vtt ' TV f
c.irnt r of Adams avenue and
elieet, U being used to fill the 'J'
plnoo.nn Elm Just In front of the yf'
TT..i c t I ni j v. :.Y ?
taile svslera Al tJbcurac
.s-niii'il'l J,lll.MI If. t 4
.llo Il -IMI-Jllll VH'V
and lradert
Bank vm:
II f ir'r.j 4" I ..1;. Il Si' ''TMI'i'i r I
- j4 . .... .... ... I
In TV rub V .n:ii.:', l
To Be Held Tliuixlny Evening at the
. r. - Home f Mrs. IVauk Itakrir.
- I ' i . , - ., ... .
This morning a member of the com
mittee of ladles In charge of the lavrn
social to be given by the Ladles of the
Maccabees Thursday evening, 'phoned
to The' Observer and asked that- we
correct the" Impression that-the event
Is only for' those connected with the
order. They have been asked several
times If others Would be welcomed at
the-social, 'and 'wish us to say that
every lady and gentleman, boy arid
girl, will be .moat heartily welcome,
and that all the Ice cream and c-alfe
anyone, ought to cat will be furnished
for 15 cents. ." ''".' "V' ::
. The fuccess of :the "evening lr as
sured by the care bestowed on the
preparations, and the ladles kof ' the
committee, Mrs. Frank Cherry,' Mrs.
Louis Wetzel, Mrs. Frank IlakerMrs.
John O'Connell, Mrs. Frank Jolly and
Mrt C:-, MciUin' iirspa're -no
to make everyone have the 'beet sort
of. a yme.,,.
-A lttXJCL.U CYCLONE. n !.
Large1 TTtW'Twisteif Off 'aiiti Much
The party, consisting of Engineer
Lemon, Henry Moss," ' briln1" Anson,
James Nash and Robert Pattisoi,
have returned. Mr. Pattison reports
a fine tbie.ha rmVuif'rience with a
small cy:lm4hflt'w1ll always keep
tjysjwurslon fresh In his memory.
On the 15th a small black cloud ap
peared In th. distance, which' flnaljy
kept drawing closer and closer. rWHh
it-tame a iolent wind storm whi(h
worked havoc among the timber with
in 4ts path. r Ltfrge trees, front three
to four feet In dlumotrr. were tvtetd
off a.' few feet . from the ground, and
hundreds of trees Were uprooted. The
path through the Umber averaged
about a-quarter of a mlleln width and
was several mllcB In. length,! '
SJalics Sjicci li in Ncwjxirt He1nrcs
Newport. July JZ. Twenty-orje,
guns greeted TVoosevelt when he ur
rlved hvW Yo ivjy!'- Ito Wit'i1 esrVrett' o
tho war coilcgft tiy k':t .'icKiitlon hi'tti-
;iiuy j.eur Admiral .Morrill. Id ;a
brief speei-b he declared IlirtV'to '-n i-sume'hn'-
Hhhvillf "of 'l'(ekncsst '
ward other nations Is sure to ln$l
disaster and,:humMat!'iri.""ltf said:
"If we limit oict'tves me'H fy to'dti
fense In case of war It would be" is
well to give up Hawaii, Portii; fflo
and Alask'Ui"ti!ncl.r,,if we Intend lo
put forward any claim of being1 la
great nation wb mustWrVa"dy1to niaic
our claim good." '
'"f CKIVI 1 :.- r. ! .M 4
.ri .q X , ;l4 v'l.i.noiq
i.rmotiv no mil m' Horn'8tttbii hi
I'nliin v.iiiiiv.-V' ,''"
'i iiiu Jr
r rsir: d' (Hng (.) no
Iv (lie gr'i(vth
in ine icriu.n trie In tills county
hd-uW ar'a,7h';,Wnf.S-n,era tr. the piri.iirl.'!..r. will bo pieiTcrja
to exhlTjlt tjie uhly 'bearing Kmcjn
rruve In the cnuntv.
Tlie ni-ove cn
of one li' iililiv ti
vl.Rh TTtii
the Iwihiiih Hlmo.t ripe, smalli iT .a't
and blossnins about ready to btfjit,
Tho WW f Uj.lty a,l B,Ii Siftlth
ilium., ,i. mil wr n suorr iimeii
ilf ifunLisir tilil,,i( 'tit i mit f,,n
Home-grown lemons.,
1 rr.nijinny Viiolilc to :ct Number l!f
j quired In f-MiUano. " ' '
- Hsa Uny' tone 'any. Ns s to spare-t Is
i the. cumlnued cry, of the Ui lamvithe
j DVft:h.Lrtilc''t'Jmrahy.'1'J ' ' J
"Wo, ifliiv. ,yy WjOfiJ
rai s a
nald S.I." n.'Vallon
fliould be able to supply tho
ivii s vy!r;U5 i'ivs Ur?"
u to si rul tu the c.i.if-l for tlu ni. At
ran fill, and ne mutit iie rot'S. at
tiL'il.l, m JJaIkig :tle
roses for uwm n s bat pljs. Ppokesma i
Itevlew. "
e:? tw g-'.Dri".il:)!)-i:;f!fl cA 4
All' members of La" Grinde 11ge
present Saturday evening, July 1
u reguMtf toeeltoK'BUsUttsa lof Im
portance to come before .the lodge: 1
4 ,
Th; flrwt. wheal Vaa .shipped fom
Walla Walla Monday, when Vlllrn
Hector loaded two cf I .at ;turrks
Junction for Kerr, Klfford 'Co.,
Boy's Vork Suits I Boys' Vsiste
.2.45 values - . -: - 1.78 devalues . -' .. . - 23c
2.8S values ,-! - .r . - 1.98 - .''r-
-AlKftl nn , 41 Cc m n' i " Men'S and Cra3h ahd StraW hat3
All $1.00 and $1.25 Mens Pants ., ... ... .; .
. v. --v.-., , . . - 83C ,i ' -' -'5 entire lot 12. price-:j ui : 50 percent
in mis Line arc irrciuacq
; K(ds and Canvas. ' . The
Sj)ecaf Tftese
dl i:it..y .,n:i0aiwi
"" " T 1 1 " 1 . 1 J" I I I I I II I I II I I I l it l l I ., , , ,
I, ' " 1 ' " ' " ! 1 1 " .""""I
8 inch, lass berry bowli special -:'28o ' ' Tanglefoot fly-paper,? 3 dbl sh'ts i 6b;
9 inch. cake stand, special Tv 1 -53c J O" N T. f pool 'c6ttbn;"u " v,"' "-' 4$
1-2 gaL water pitcher, fecial ;;--f'43c" Pearl buttohs;:pe'r card 2nf-2c'-'
8 quart granite sauce pan- - . 48c' Lawn, good quality, per yd . - 60
4 quart granite sauce pan , - , 27c , Staple . prints,' per yd . rt,, vr-, ' 6c
2 quart granite sauce pan - - ; 19c , Apron gingrjams, per yd , -, .. , Q l-4c
rt. if- j
re-r4asf e4e4 - 4a - s - .
Powlaad,,;, Th grln -.warn turkey ni
and. gi siled Np.;J., f,-.:'m-1 VI! i'-i
.'.f.r ' n ,1 i v ) -.-,;!.'.
" 'A' Scare Dnnnj Laffr'a' Aprn'M. '
' To'' all knowing' sufferers ! bt THe-i
tatlsni, 'whether 'musiJuia 'o tiif'til
J61nts,'" (icfAtlea1'.' ttambngo, ba'cKaclil!
-paltiM in tKe'''klfnvy,'bk' 'netlralg
pain to writ to her' for 4 home treai-"!
merrt which htts'"rpeateflljf,ciird 4'
of 'these- 'tdrture. Bhi feeli' It hirl
duty to send it to' alt sufferer fre
ITou cur yourself at home as thoui-
;rVhti4Mft-.i vchang i pf ell
mate being necessary. Thl slnipl
dlaco,vqrj. foilpw,iiF fC! trftJHil'j
blood, lops,,1lh!llli.l4fened Jolntfc
purifies the blood and brightens tM
f-Vc. glVlhg1 HasllfJlty' artd tint 'to tM
tyio-'y(erti'.,';;lf ' the aBov tntCMs
hu,"'fof proof aadress rr7 f.' utri
M'rW,' Hox'-n. Notr. TJart.' Ind.'
' ' ' ' ' '' " 1 ' 1 ' , inl,i lib,
, : - '. i .'' '':.v,i 1
Mrifjr'csJriifiil Jiixmt hdr chsrn. Pl
j '.tiiU itt' a.':frn-ig,ml r'vi
iv.a'.tti LiiVt. " i-i;u;!i,a it, 1,1 ,.,u,.
Mat !T !t-r -iiil'n l-.H.'ir lr rt lll't'iji.t it
.ner tint l-t,.y,ifi n, (. rinri-r1iac!i
i lirrn. - In'(l iJ!i;i'.-i,'.
1.1I i!ntrlt!e ti.i,V,f ra pcrfiiriueii ir.
K . v.,lii.-li ar.i u !:isi t. xi.Uy Li;i. i'.,
l.'irrfny f.f 1n.ft.--i-: U It rv.t rtppn'r,
-n Hut If tips t-ioin.ii'liK-liiirii I I'.nl
j ilies Mil nll.v. )iiilj.. put Int' ,
, i.i i.vil; V...ji'..-u-j u r.u !;:.
, iu bin Umi ii ihn in 11 ill sail flit, fo-jl
l-i-ailj i-:rii fl ifj1 It. but tJii'Torrnptli.r, dl
j.uril carn ifif MmJl and tlif
(Jif. a- tlirtiliiuit tin birflf
lr. )Vn--'s ii;'dn Mi Jli-nl Dl-cimrt-
t.i..i; ml fmil Hl.,tiinrh fv,
Wuiief (or the mniTifii'h hn tin. hMi
arnlKiui latii tin lot I Inn liiirn jsoluti
rn.-piiY,rt'vary Uilutiiii or curniLtlng e
r.i'-nt. Ii tli!:i ny It curn l.lnlrliel,
rimpiei, rllln;r
swi. or.'oiieii- tsitirnf uilier awl nil
j.unwo- (ir (ti vi'.. f u4ig .i pad Hf
II Jim Ji,ivn (,l irr, niity, Ii'lil
vnur niin'li.'en i-.r mhnt. fotif breiii
m ri rtt luiCy ttr.; f. eprei
1 VM"!ir. Y' i-;'M UHniJrli
J.vy attaik. siyu" liiji.riliyrv-if I" fV'
sen. ciuiiiiuti 1 ; irr. ?ill:fr Tnii-W, ii&r
or biiti-r rltfM'alf'r naHiig'and vr
a;iirnr, mii;wi rrrjipuins. or any connlili
au'nniiiii-rnr lli'-in, InOloatelhBtyou
--.ii.-i,, ti'-iii iiiiiuiiiH'-f. inrptit or luifk
llvi-r wttbitli i:4aimipiiylng liud-vS
The bivtl aumta knnfSn in miiI,mJ
nee lor flie vure ni ,iL rIwv symuuirst
an,diiiilltli,ii.(i,att.-u-J ,y th. wrllliil"
of l4lii tnaVltera s,i prio'llthmeni Xi,
.ur-vwmi .m'h.uhii, ifHiliral prM-tbr ..
hVe hen nUtlifu'ly sml tiarnimil Ivl
cnnhhHi, I.f'ii HoMen Msdlesl
llcovwy. That, thl Is alMiliitoJr Wil"'
will lien ailllf pnivi h lo jruur sntlifarlliln.
If yon will but mail a potal run! reiiis-H-to
lr. K. V. I'lerca, lliiffalo, N. Y., f.,r a.
rrreropynf his hrtnklel iif eutrsrU frotii
h sIsitdsM tnefllrsl anthArlUes, glvlmr
tlio names of all Uie ingredienu eritntliiK
into his wnrlil-fstned mi-dlrlnes and turn
ing what Iks fnmi eminent neclkal taaa
ol tU ag tuy Uieia,, , ; .. , ,. ,,,.
..- - - r, . , , . . . 1
wen's, women's and Chlldrcn's.All KlndSr Vlcl. Patents-
Prices are much below uhatyou pay for regular goods
- .4 - s4
ftt'trlnffB DlroctflrV'fjf 'tncif'
City, Town and Village In
Oregon and Washington, .lv
luii a DcscrlpUvo Bkclch of
each plnco. Location, Ship,
pins KitlIltlvi4aiiH a. C '.
fled Dlrrctoiy' ortacil buut
iiit and rrufuEioaii n 1
at lis., ine
ivfOTaifciasewso 1
V. R Ijiml Of flee at Iji Urande, Or,
or l.a Onindi', Oregon, who, on May !
1th, 19H, made Tlnibir and ftune '
sworn statement No. f22, for HEtti
TowffMhlp N W.; rt.'in'ne ;I7 p V jfH
ktis- fttpa-rant:jr nriHTr-tWin tfT'fiair'
f1?1?,1, J'.'f't1,"- t""-,,""h ''lallii to the.
IimhI- abiive ifi S'-illifd,- befnrn' fecbitcv '
11,-iicr hi. utx uranuo, uregou
tho 3d day of August, laud.
Is YQu BoyotkQfHi
Parents do riorbct'm ti 'tea'.lze tho gfeat
Importance of ctrrin' ntvtitfisn'cs's' in their
children. They call in a di)Ctor for a cough or
a cold, but jcrvousnesH doe not strike them
as being; serioiw enough, h if. A thin, ncrv.
ous child rarely dcvclnpg into a itrong, healthy
man or wrnan.tMirt -r)fteTi tirrvrttm: eirtli.
tions become chronic, ajid he cbiUl becomes
a lifconlelitateicrviAis Invaful. 1
You can ftpiitiytJy.ecc Vfrvausnpaiin
".- 1 1 r .i ti
phords 111 soluble form to (lief
pcniiuncnuy neaiiny conuuion.
bottle wi
'S t".c
y i, .' " . 1. 1
01 mit remedy.
70 Cents Kr Dottle
m A J, Jt, A A M Jk T .
t t4.4.m4.,.,i,4..1t
1 'v,'liil)iiRtit haw"" (H f-tlties:Vst Hny'
fUiBSimi iMary. it.' Atii.h.t J.iiks
1'agM, James Mclntvre, ali of '!La
Orunde. ore.
y p ftnAMWEU rtoglstei
1 1 ' " " : 1
fa qtftoor tt-tf 9 jtf ttiSSiurt jaafttf
jojoj tnnir3i) ti; iddn pus inits
nn V'i 011 U7IUM utnmidta aui
tO tlOlltlWlBnlJSiipst :tii!ji JjUJUJ
utijnou suiosatouM oianpMoiaiusrmti
ijAr-f4ojdspino!rtii(iBfip:i;Mip )
jo szis 01(1 laannu mauAjp-jjuo it)
ptnra siinutodilspapiJUSMqtmcq .
lusjltiu) Xisot5p uoiisralajd ,
JtipuSijep-tniji VM)tjS(io-f t ,
, ,U0:xai(Iai03 TJS3I.T
will appeal to
vary parent,
if American!-
I II doe net
benefit your
bring us back
lif ompfri
bUtUand tall
n,fMl w-ir
showsfMircots i thJ 5
DoJytohM & .J
There, s-rtfc.1
lag dsBBarous
flic nrtt
about Antri-
Cnlpe merit
caaltis. Wall
grv jnsa Abo;
mntlr form
ula moom r-'
s. tii ,
'i r Til
1. v 1
I ;
' S
Y ij
. - v . '." J . ,
:ftit? It -:4