CJXb PAGES EVEXIXG OBSERVER, LA GRANDE OREGON, TUESDAY, 1VI.Y 2t, 1t?3. CAGE THREE. 44444444444444444444444v44444444444444444444444444 DIRECTORY OF THE 4 I FRATERNAL ORDERS f 1 LA GRANDE, 'ORE. X $444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444441 51. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Monday evenings at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neigh bors are cordially Invited to attend. - Relief committee: - E. C. Davis, ' - Charles Disq.ua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. E. C. DA via; C. , D. E. COX, Clerk. F. O. E. La Grande Aerie No. Hi, F. O. E., meets every Friday night In Elks' ball at ( p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. B. ' ' O. B. S. x ' Hope Chapter No. 11, O. B. 8., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Visiting members cordially Invited. MART O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARWICK, Secretary. 4pC L O. O. F. Star Encampment No. tl, I. O. O. meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always irelcome. ' D. B. COX, C. P. W. A. WOR8TELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve at I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members Always welcome. J. A. AtlBUCKLU, President C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary, i Woodmeu of Uie World. La Grande Lodge Nor W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall in the Corpe TL building. All visiting members wel '"Tome. - M. M. MARQUIS, 1. H. KEENET, Consul Commander. Clerk. ' I. O. O. P. , La Grande Lodge No. It, meets In their hall every Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen ai Model Restaurant T. J. SCROGGIN, N. G. D. E. COX, Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. See. Foresters ot America. Court Maid Marian No. tl meets itcond and fourth Wednesday night ji K. of P. hall. Brothors are invited to attend. NERI ACKLES, C. R. G. V. HENDRICKS, F. S. Board ot Trustee: Dr. O. L. Bit ters, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. ' A. F. A. U. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. T. a. . M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:10 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. 17, meets In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve alng at I o'clock. Visiting brothers oordlally Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN. ExecuUve. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Red Cross Lodge No. 17, ' meets very Monday evening In Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. D. II. PROCTOR. C. C, R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. 8. . B. P. O. B. La Grande Lodge No. 411. meets ach Thursday evening at t o'clock in Elks' hall on Adams avenue. Visit ing brothers are cordially Invited to ttead. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Ruler. O.-E. M'CULLT. Ree. Bee. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 17, ll O. T. M., meet every first and third Thursday of each month at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L. C. MRS. EVA MINTTRE, K. of R. . Rebekaha. Crystal Lodge No. 10, meets every Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F. hall. Ail visiting members are In vited to attend. RACHEL E. WOR8TELL, N. O. TILLIE COX. SecreUry. A River Ice Takes the Lead Scores of people have demonstrated beyond all doubt that the natural Ice handled by V. E. Bean Is the Purest and most durable Ice on the makret Por further evidence ask the numerous patrons in all parts of the city. Cheapest Fuel The wise man foreseeth the evil and buyeth a carload of Bean's chain wood In time to season for winter use. The foolish pass on, and are pun ished by paying seven to nine dolla per cord next winter. Dry wood, lilgger loads for less money, and put lito your woodsheds. V. E. BEAN 'PHONE RED 1741. ICE CREAM Thi3 is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pre pared to furnish the trade with the very best. Re member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen f E. D. S ELDER, the Candy Man 4ot eVM-- 1Wt4-444i NOTICE OF 11XAL ACCXH XT. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam J. Stanley, administrator of the estate of Martha J. Btanley. deceased, has filed In the county court of Union county, Oregon, his final account in the matter of said estate, and the county court has appointed Tuesday, the 4th day of August, 10S, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.( at the court house, as the time and place for hear ing of objections to such final account nd the settlement thereof. Dated this 15th day of June, 1101. WILLIAM J. STANLET, 'Administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Stanley, Deceased. dfrlEt K lal lllsr. The Plngcr Sowing Machine com pany offers a prize of :.50 payable to the lady holding Hlnger sewlnR, ma chines numbers ?40. 3 and K71I.13S. If you hold one of these lucky num bers raljj on or iiMini A. N. Flone. agent. La Grande, ore. 1-4-7-10 JuM Exactly Itlgtit "I have used Dr. King's New Life Tills for several years, and find them Just exactly right." says Mr. A. A. Ft ton, of Harrlsvllle, N. T. New Life Pills relieve without the least discom fort Best 'remedy for constipation. biliousness and malaria, lie at the Kewlla drug store. , ALL SAME ECHO. ;444t444444w44444i44 4444S44f4444444$4w4444w4444 Z A few years ago one mglht read of the scourge of rabbits in the wentero states an increasing horde of bunnies that ravaged' the country, ate all the green things, and made ttfo miserable, for the settler. The department of agriculture not so many years ago Is sued a bulletin, with' some scientific hints as to rabbit extermination, and told graphically of, the rabbit hunts or round-ups, whproln the, citizens of perhaps several countries ogt together built a big trap, and then chased Br'er Rabbit in a fast-enclosing circle, until he ran into the corral, where he was slaughtered by the' thousand with clubs. Br'er Rabbit was a destroyer and a liability not an asset But In these progressive days, Tas mania, one of the British colonies, has found a way to make Buhny a good cash asset He is trapped, split open, froxen, and shipped all the way to England, where his fur is not unac ceptable. In 1906, IS, 381. 681 in fro xen rabbits were exported to England, together with 11,111,110 In rabbit skins. ' 41 IP 1 11 LL GIVE THE OLD BOYS' A CHANCE. The old politicians in Washington, with the glory of many . campaign fights upon them, are more than Vexed at the call being given young men in the choice of leaders for the approaching presidential contest. It's awful, they think. . The probability of the selection of Ollle James, the big Kentucky con gressman to manage the campaign for William Jennings Bryan has added to their Irritation over the selection of Frank H. Hitchcock, as chairman of the republican national committee. Old men do not have a chance these days, they say. They point out that James Is but little more than a kid. The truth Is that he would be the youngest cam paign manager ever selected by a big political party. I? IP I I :i Rate Makers Meet. Denver, Col., July 21. One of the most Important meetings ever held by the Western Classification committee will be commenced today at Manltou, Col. This organization Is composed of the traffic managers of the railroad lines west of Chicago, and dictates the rates that shall apply on all com modities shipped west of ths Missis sippi river.' Four hundred and ninety-three articles are listed on the dock et for readjustment One of the most Important la th question as to whether the roads shall raise the mlnlmums on some 1250 commodities. If such action should be taken the result would mean practically a raising of the rates. In addition to the railroads most of the transportation bureaus of the country are represented at the conference. Undoubtedly. A few days ago one of the former old guard" attached to several of the saloons stepped Into one of the places now run on the soft drink plan, and drank a couple of schoon ers of near beer. Telling of his ex perience afterward. ie said: "I had a couple of bottle of beer laid away, and soma whisky. I got a piece ot Ice and cooled the stuff and drank It. Then I noticed that some of the Ice was left so I laid a bottle of booze on It. I dank at least twice, the first time and the last and came down here and swallowed a Couple of these things (referring to the near beer) and darned If I didn't get full right away." I letter Than Spanking, Spanking does not cure etilldnm of bed-wetting. There Is a constitution al cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dime, In!., will send free to any mother her suc cessful Instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble In this way. Don't blame the child, the chances, are It can't help It This treatment alo cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties ty day or night The Place Where Quality and Price are in Unison. In Addition to a Complete Line of Furniture from the Ordi nary to the Luxurious, We Cary a Full Line of Carpets Linoleums REFRIGERATORS The Saving in it will Soon Pay for one and You will Find Our Line not only the Best but the Prices Attractive. PORCH SHADES Why Not be Comfortable, Call andJLet Us Show You. GO-CARTS aud BABY BUGGIES A Large Assortment to Select from. GET THE HABIT When You are in Need of Anything that is Usually Kept in a Clean Furniture Store Call and Become Educated as to the Latest Designs as well as to the Proper Price mcooK & FRITJl Dealers in Furniture and Carpets Strayed or Stolen. A sorrel filly, I years old; branded "F. B." on left shoulder. White stripe full length ot forehead, and one white hind foot One bay, 2-year-old, branded the same as first named, leading ' to recovery. Fred Braden, Ladd Canyon. For Sale. Two extra fine fresh milk cows, will e sold cheap If taken at once. Apply to Robert Miller, B avenue. Wood Sawed. By Oliver sVHagerty, with gasoline wood saw. 'Phonr Black 1111. All 444 niOTOGRArilS. THE BOItT THAT PLEASE YOUB. FRIENDS AND Toun puiise. MODERN POSINQ A SPECIALTY. 4 . . Call at Studio and are earn- 4 pice of Vp-lo-Dale I'lioUigraphy. 4 .. MISS ADA ROrSIL 4 IlolintMtkamp llulldlng. 4 44444 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444 1 1 i 1 i Vi-i l-H I HHl'1 1 t I CEMENT WORK I Trim Ymr "fi Property owners htvlrtg trees, the branches of w sldewolk snd nerea to x'W ym n tjpssrrni nntj obstruct thiaValka. TjswTiiiln shotil 1 be ttlmmed VassssfiMght of not leis than seven feet from the sidewalk. J. A. MATOTT, 7-1F-2I Street Superintendent. hljr t wend over tb,!. srv-etjfre, hertjsr-1 J LOST Between the Pal in r mill and Ninth street one pair girl's tan driv ing gloves. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. 7-ltf I All kinds of Cement and uoncreto work-. x CONCRETE I BUILDING BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK : ; No contract too large or ' I too small. Satisfaction Guaranteed !;. L ROBERTS : : PHONE BLACK 682 The Burhank's, Logan, and i Phenonenal Berries for Canning HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH A SALEM GROWER TO FURNISH US DIRECT WITH THESE BERRIES, WE WILL, T THEREFORE, BE ABLE TO FILL TOUR ORDERS WIT HFIR8T- CLASS BERRIES. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY f E. POLACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 M444444'40000 444444s44s4444s44s444444444444 It's Easy to Reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER ironi ' Portland t PaSSEXOERS ARg KOW TRANSFERRED TO THE RAILROAD AT MEGLER' -FOURTEEN MILEA UP THE COLUMBIA RlVER PROM IlWACO, Tllli BLLMINATEl PIE NECESSITY OF STEAMERS VAITINO FOR THK ,t ' AND INSURES A PROMPT AND REGULAR SUMMER ScMEDOtA. , The steamer t.J. POTTER leaves Portland every morning except Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clock P. M. Remember the Summer rate on the O.R. &..N. is $IG.I5 from Lagrande to all North Beach points and return; good until Sep tember 30th. 4 e North Besch is a famous beautiful place perfect btach on 4 the whole Nortn Cent. . There are accommodations galore at prioes to suit at tastes; 4 camping facilities withoutequal--perfick bathing conditions; all sorts of amusemsnte and divsrsiors. Corns have a gcod rest and 4 a jolly time. 4. t .. J-1 u Mnd T0U our Mw "nmsr book, and toll you all about J NORTH BEACH. 4 J J. H. KEEEY, Local Agent, La Grande, Oregon. t Wm M cMt'RRAY.Qen. Passenger Agt, Portland, Oreg. f :.4.4.4..A.A.A.A.A...S. i ... . 444444444444444444t4444444a .ULiJbV 44044000044444444i