La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 18, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    iage mrn.
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f 1
It te& EveiM OSto
PubilsJiixl Dally Except Sunday.
cfimEY imoniEns, .
I'nitcd IYtms Trlcgrniili Smi(D,
ally, pur month, , ..IS
Dally, slngls copy,,..,,.;.,.,,, .OS
Daily, on year In advance. , . . , .St. SO
Dally, six months, In advance. .13.50
Weekly, one year. In advance, . .$1.00
Weekly, lx months. In advance . . .7S
Entered at the poatotflce at La Grande
as second-class matter.
This pnper will not publish any arti
cle appearing; over a nom de plume.
Signed articles will be received subject
' to the discretion of the editors. Please
olgn your article and save disappoint-menu
Advertising- Kates,
Display ad. rates furnished upon ap
plication. ,
. Local reading notices 10c per Una
first Insertion; Se per Una for each sub-
Rssolutlons of condolence, to tine.
Cards of thanks, Ic a Una.
south lies one of the prettiest sites
that can be Imagined. The campus Is'
now located on one end , of a fine
piece of fertile upland. If originally
It had been put upon the summit of
the site It would have been the most
Imposing of any college in Oregop.
This upland Is Ideal, but now It has
been cut up Into lots and sold (for
homes, and probably could only be
bought by condemnation proceedings
similar to that Instituted at the Ore
gon agricultural college.
However, whatever the action taken.
purchnses are certain to bu made as
land must be had. If the referendum
had not been Invoked much better
bargains could have been secured, as
values have raised considerable dur
ing the last year. .
: Thonc Red 1161
1411, 1413, 1415 Adams Ave.
r. B.
'Phone Black 641
fm4f$t4'iS 4MtQwt44ltZQ4 MS8
5E 7 8 9ioTi
Ths Recorder takes this opportunity
to urge upon its readers ths Import
ance of preparing for the coming fairs
by commencing now the work of col
lecting and saving exhlbtta from their
farms and orchards. The annual
meeting of the First Eastern Oregon
District Agricultural society Is to be
held during the month of September,
and now la the time to begin prepara
tions for It If you desire to make a
creditable showing. And In addition
to this meeting the work of securing
Vnlon county's exhibit for the Alaska-
Tukon-Paclflc exposition, which Is to
be held in Seattle next year, will soon
commence and the bent of this year's
specimens will ber needed. It Is im
perative' that this year s exhibits be
saved for the exposition, as it starts
next year before the fields and or
chards will be bearing. In order to
get the best results the specimens
which you expect to exhibit should be
carefully nourlxhcd and protected
wnne growing, and now Is the time to
commence the work. . ' '
ine cnerry and berry crops are
ripening, as Is the grain crop, and
preparations for collecting these
should commence at once.' Immedi
ate action will mean an excellent
howlng at the coming fairs.
Last year the residents of northern
Vnlon county had a winning exhibit
of fruit, grain, etc., at the county ftilr.
despite the fact that ho attempt was
niaue (o gainer a collection until a
Hlierhlan, American Atlilct, Takes Hwl
Platw With 124 Feet S Inches.
; London, July IS. Sheridan. Amer
ican, won first place In the finals In
the discus throw, Oreek style, the
mark betns 114 feet t Inchea. Herr.
America, waa second, ' throwing 122
feet, IH Inches. Jarvlnan, Finland,
secured third place, with 111 feet 814
Inches. -
England boasts of a lead of tt
points over America in the Olympic
games. The Americans are not dis
heartened and declare that If they ase
given fair treatment they will be able
to take the championship home. The
loss of the tug of war yesterday was
hard blow. Today the Americans
Included In that event bitterly resent
the arbitrary ruling of the commit
tee, which refused to allow their pro
test. According to the American sys
tem of scoring England leads with S
points; America has 40H, Sweden 15.
Germany ti, Franca 5, Greece 3
Norway 9. Finland 1, Canada 1, Aus
tralia 1.
Ak internist. Comiiilwlon to Dei-tare
Terminal Switching Charge Ilhgnl
Washington. D. C. July 18. The
Pacific Coast Jobbers and Manufac
turers' association today filed a com
plaint with the Interstate commission
seeking to have the rates exacted by
the Southern Pacific and Santa Fo of
12 50 per car for terminal switching
charges, declared Illegal. The peti
tion auks that the rate be reduced to
one dollar If It Is found that the rail
roads have a right to Impose a switch
ing charge. The complaint recites that
the terminal switching charge exacted
In San Francisco Is a discrimination
against that city In favor of Portland,
Oakland, Sacramento and other coast
cities which do not have to pay this
charge bocsuse they are not rated as
terminal points. The commission will
Investigate. .
P. II. Dickinson, who has a flve
ncre tract out In the May Park dis
trict, brought in to Manager Lavey, of
the Commercial club, some cherries
today that are beauties, and no mis
take. They are of the Blng and Royal
Ann varieties, and although the
branchea do not exceed six or at most,
t, In lnth. there are at
least 50 perfect cherries on each
branch, and they are extra large, too.
Mr. Dickinson expressed himself as
oxtremely well satisfied with his little
home, and says he can save money
and live well at the same time, Dur
Ing the last five years he has sold
more than Iff 00 worth of fruit from
his place. While The" Observer re
porter waa talking with Mr. Dick In
son. C. 8. St II well, who owns a 10
acre place Just across the river , In
Frultdale, stood an Interested listener,
and when hla friend was through
praising the May Park district, said:
"We have better orchards than you
fellows. I sold more than (5000
worth of apples lost year from my
place, and if the panic had not arrived
Just at the wrong time, we would have
realized much more. In addition to
that I obtained fore than 1300 for berries."
tlutrgvtl With Kmbcaxllng IVom the
Entail of Ills ladier-lii-lAw.
Portland. July
IS. Whltm v L.
tew days previous to the etent, and If Pnl.e, formerly chairman of the re-
vur urmer and rrnlttiruucrs will' publican central comnilit.c, clubman,
commence preparing now. a much UU-1 one of the best known and m.v-t protn-
ter showing will be made this season, i Inent Men of Portland, was arrested
The climate and s ill of northern Uhis aft. t I o'clock. The war
Vnlon county produces fruit, grain and ! rants charged him with cmbeaiiing
Vegetables to Ihw of any see-j'O front l!ie esliit.: of th Into 3. C.
tl.m of the crcat nurthwevt. and It will j Il.twilmrne. his f itli-r-ln -.'law. !.
be to our n.lvant.-wc 1... t the outld.- was a millionaire. The c-i:. plaint Is
world lxome aciialn;vj with this : slgued 1 Catherine '..!!!:'.. or
fact. Elgin Recorder. the Hawthorne holr. It Is sail the
www amount nlviag may !
Come to Hiink of II, ,. don't mv.1 l'Ue a, nnna-r of ih-
M7. it is n ort or notion some - ) y. ar. IK. was r
people hac.l n.ll. ton Tribune. I up. a t,n,Is. '
te for
1 K0.-
t.i i.Atiin i:
l.VKMU s.
le lliirns s'in him? lor lua.
mlior In California City.
In l w of intrnst taken
In this covnty r. : v tti,. univer
sity appropriation vot, ,1 m..n nt tlir
rt'ivot election, we bfl'ew Ue to'.'ow-.
Ing. taken from the lV.igi ne li.iarj. , i'-in Frinvis.o. July ).
will bo of lntir.-..t: . t ! r- a I nrnst tn com.-i t! n
The board of iv(.-. nt. of the unh . r-' nf, .siati'of J. tin t'lau.llan
elty. wh!.!i n-,.t ,ere on July :t. wlll'LVw m ttie (iatliher hi-.,..
tiaw one . f the hardest proM. :n to
diHlJe tbit liss rame up before that
body for many year, w Vo It nld-
The flrt
Willi tile
s tliat he
s In Oak-
1-tvl. Is nimt, ,t t . lav. A u at rant
ns evearrd ttJs morning for P l!x
Pa.liiberus, who Is chatcvd with cum-
era the meatis of vxtoiMoti of the ram- i Ho ty. Detective llatns U laokl'iy
pits. At the pivit tlm, ttv raifp'is' for the man. It Is trfoliSM that Fe'li
itctudfs only :l acres f Imul, which ' knows tb w hereahoMi of Peter Clsu
b altog, ,c.rr Ina.Wonstv. Klncnld' dtsnes. nhn Is tii;p:icat'd In his broth
oatUall fi. Ids is only lensed. and C'oi'r's conf.ssii.n.
optln on It for erlivs during!
the rt year. i 1'xpn-t U
The p!ot of lard Just south ef the J. 1 Jacobs h Ixvn In Tortlind
university, known as the Klnoal l j this week, figuring on a new nutf't of
tracL la perhaps the lt piece of machinery for the Pine Lumber corn
property for extension, but as the prK-e j psny's planer, destroyed by fire last
I likely to go lp to tlj.00 un favor- week. This will be very gratifying to
cble comment my be made on Its jour people and is about the only way
purchase. There Is slightly over 30 out of their trouble for the company.
crea in the tract. a large quantity of lumber now on
The sslrttlon of the oamrus for the, hand demanding attention Vnlon
tinHvisity was a inUtuks, (or jut ! rtepubKcnn.
Gambling In Pendleton.
Although Pendleton Is supposed to
be a closed town as far as gambling Is
concerned, and no games are conduct
ed except behind locked doors, and
then only Ir a few places where re
spect for the law Is one of the least
conspicuous commodities, yet the clink
of the gold does not fall to atttraet.the
devotees of the green cloth and stories
of big winnings come to the ears of
outsiders frequently.
I Within the past few days three well
known men of the city and county
have been "closeted" In a room where
gambling has never been suppressed,
and where it will, perhaps, never be
suppressed as long as the building
stands. In a poker game, for a, day
and a night
Two of the gentlemen 'won 310J0
from the third In a day and night sit
ting, and on the second round, one
of the two w Inners won practically all
of the third man's share and ended
the game.
it was not a spectacular game, but
few witnessed It, as It was conducted
under loc k and key and only "the right
ones could gain admlsntom Hut that
it was played and that the winnings
wi re divided ns stated, has come to
co n mon knowledge.
S.vei il ol,l-time gamblers are In
:h city In hopes that the "gocj work
wl'.l go on." Pendleton Kkji tVe-
Latter Daf Saints, -
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; regular
service, 3 p. m.; mutual Improvement
association meets conjointly at 7:30
p. m.
St Peter's Church.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Holy
communion, 8 a. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m.; morning service, 11 a. m.;
evening service, 5 p. m. Vestry meet
ing Monday, 7:30 p. m. The Sunday
school picnic is postponed until Thurs
day. Rev. Upton H. Glbbs, rector.
First Baptist Church.
Corner Sixth and Spring. At f :45.
Sunday school. Dr. J. E. Stevenson,
superintendent; 11, morning worship,
sermon by pastor on "The Upa and
Downs of Life"; 7 - o'clock, Young
Peoples' meeting, led by Miss Jessie
Green; 3, evening worship, consisting
of songs and congregational testi
mony. The church prayer meeting at
t Thursday evening. Choir practice
at I Friday evening. Cordial welcome
to all. W. H. Gibson, pastor.
First Preebytertan Church.
Washington avenue and Sixth St.
- Morning sermon by Rev. William H.
Foulkes, pastor of the First Presby
terlon church of Portland. In the
evening the installation services will
be held. Dr. Foulkes will preach the
sermon. Dr. W. S. Holt of Portland
will give the charge to the people, and
Dr. H. A. Ketchum of Baker City to
the pastor. Special' muslo by the
choir." Sunday school, :45 a. m., W.
L. Brenholts, superintendent C. E.
service. 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday, 8 p. m.. subject, "The Place
of Prayer In Our Lives." Rev. & W.
Seemann, Minister.
First Mctliodit Eplsroiml Church.
Corner M avenue and Fourth St.
Sunday. 0:45 a. m., Bible school, Geo.
H. Currey, superintendent; 11 a. m.,
public worship, subject, "The Chris-
IS'Ioit of the CUmlltion of tlio
At La Grande, In the state of Oregon,
atthe close of business July 15, 190S.
Loans and discounts ....,$559,830.01
Overdrafts,' secured and
unsecured 4,49 4.77
V. 8. bonds to secure cir-
culatfon 62,000.00
17. 8. bonds to secure t S.
deposits : 38,000.00
Other bonds to secure. V.
S. deposits 14,000.00
Bonds, securities, etc.... 17.352.67
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures .......... 56,000.00
Due from National banks
(not reserve agents) .... 29,955.30
Due from approved reserve
agents 2s,a.7
Checks and o'ther cash
Itema , 1,251.81
Notes of other National
bank .' 110.00
Fractional paper currency,
' nickels and cents 88.85
A Wallowa man sold about 500 gal
lons of strawberries last year, and
nearly as much this year, off one
fifth of an acre of land. .
' No matter how honest
and careful your grocer may
be he cannot guarantee the
quality of his Coffee; the
manufacturer must do that.
Lawful money reserve In
'bank, viz:
8pec!e ...... .$59,709.35
Redemption fund with U.
8. treasurer, (5 per cent
of circulation) ........
Total .' $920,565.06
Capital stock paid In ....$100,000.00
Surplus fund 60,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid . . 7,520.67
National bank notes out
standing 62,000.00
Due to other National
banks 35,154.14
Due to state banks and
bankers , 1,120.79
Due to trust companies and
savings banks 6S6.73
Individual deposits subject
J i 1C1
f . - .... ,
uaie ;
is of uniform strength and
quality always utufactory.
Aroma-tigh tins-Never in
bulk. Grind it at home
Not too fine.
J. A. Foltfer CSX Co.,
last rrstskslailB
to check 230 "i
tlan's Capitol"; 13 m., class meeting; Demand certificates of
p. m., Epworth league devotional deposit . j"i :s .
meeting. Miss Bertha Orton, leader.
subject, "From Doubt to Devotion."
At 8 p. m., public worship, subject,
"Christian Baptism." Thursday, 2 p.
m., the Joint missionary meeting at
Airs. H. Vinacke's. Thursday, 8 p. m..
prayer and praise sen-Ice, followed by
teacher's meeting. A cordial .invita
tion is extended to alt not otherwise
engaged to worship with us. C E.
Deal, pastor.
Central Church of Clrl-t.
Corner Depot street and Washington
avenue. Bible school, O. C. Flesh
man, superintendent, I: 45 a. m.;
prayer and praise service, 10:50 a. m.;
the Lord's supper, ll.OS a. m.; ser
mon. "The Last Petition of the Mod
el prayer." 11:20 a. m.; service closes
a ll:t!e before noon. T. P. S. C. E.
and Junior meetings, 7 u. m.; song
service. $ p. m.! sermon, "Savin
Hope," S::o. A cordial Imitation to
all.' O. II. King, minister.
FOIl R EXT The Mrs. Laura Stultt;
rooming and boarding house, corner
SKth and Spring, containing bath",
and partly furnished. 'Phono Red
Vnlted States deposits.... 38,995.85
Deposits of V. S. dlrburs-
lr.g officers 11,004.15
Tote! ..$9:'0,D65.05
State of Oregon, County of Vnlon, ss:
I, F.L. Meyers, casliler of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
F. L. METERS. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 18th day of July, 1908.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Will be Made by ths " !
O. R.& W)
Villi Season as Fallows
St. Louis ...
St. Paul ....
Kansas City
. $73.50
.. 67.50
. $63.1
. $60.00-
FVR RENT A suite
light housekeeping,
dence, ground floor.
of rooms for
Modern refl
"Phoua Red
FOR SALE Practically new Pinith
Premler typewriter. Inquire nt this
office, or at Ferguson's book store.
IVLY , 7, J2, SS
AVGl'ST , 5, 21, 23
Good for return In 90 days with stop
over privilege at pleasure within
For anv further Information call on
4. II. KF.FXEY, Loci Agent,
' Or write to .
Generol Tnssenger Agent.
" ;. .7vr.::.r .,;-.-;v'-'J." u.ii.i. -
' -i.i-r.1 ,...,s ', .l;ls:5Z
1 ' II T P n . mmw M , I 4
T01VAE.DS Bflllliml 11
Many people who are neglecting cymptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear awsv "
drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is kidney trouble In one of its worst form'
P'1'1 Jl . T
tf!. " bUd ? the wcraut tl..Uei
Lirr siiiiiirvi 1 1 iiirw win nrritirm rnir r.inrf innsi a vv t . ... v
-"- th imnttritleg From ih hTarTri lTnTrsV;:: Kll taeji strata Out
- , -. u.wu&u V11EIU.
' al -i. r!A Vi. Z-L - " -r u WUtM VitClU. UlSra'n ST rlnasarai sl.'-.a, A
XjemvtJ poisonous waste matter is carried b the rircuUUoo to everr rt of th.
SNiVJiS V sSsr in2 doziness, backache, stomach trouSle. slugrish li er ImSSriSr bod'
I I VVN?1 lf Tu have of Kidney or BladderTroubK
I &&&&&t ! SIDNEY CURE at once, as It will wre a slight disorder in " few ?aS in S
3 r$Z3i& faul malad U U Plea,,int t0 uke aad be"fi the whole systeV 7 Pot a
How to Find Gut.
Tm cm eaiity drtanBloa II jour kidneys ara
Ctrl (J order by setting aside for 4 boor a
bottle of ths nrloe pasted BDoa atitiog. If
'A apoa caamiaation it la cloody or aailky or hag
' a brick -dust sediment or small particles float
boot la It, toot k-tdoera ere diseased, sod
FOLEY'S K'DN&Y CUM about: be Ukaa
0. B. Durban. Te.tmos Aft.r Four Yoart.
C. B. Burbwu .1 CUI. C.nt.r. N. T wriU.,
rouy. kxm. c.rJr u r7.,. .l''! V"
riia sai
hww ai
9wr tfcsl
'rsptw ef M4sy simsm i ,
st MU trMSte,1 ' ww swisnaa asssi
Two Glies, 60 Cents and $1.00.
A. I. mm Dragxiat,