c. r AGE FIVE. ITT PAGES. EVENING OBSERVER, IA GRANIE OREGON. FRIDAY, JTLT IT, 1908. ; LOCAL ITEMS. ' ' ' Clay Rlnehart came In last evening from Elgin to transact business. Mrs. Laura Riggers took her de parture for Portland this morning. Dr, Phy, of the Hot Lake snnatorl um, came over this morning on No. 1. Mrs. E. E. Bragg lcft this morning to visit friends In Union. Wood 1anow selling at from $4 to $4.60 per cord at Meacbam and Is in good demand. j Mrs. I". Thelson is somewhat Im proved after a short but serious Ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. David Stoddard, who have been visiting their old home In Logan, Utah, returned this morning. Conductor and Mrs. H. C. Grady left today for a short visit with rela tives In Walla Walla. I Mr, and Mrs. G. A, Lincoln are home from Huntington, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Lincoln' father. Dr. Hubbard has moved Into his handsome new brick residence, .which has Just been completed. P. I. Julaeth and family arrived this morning with a car of household goods. They will make their home In this valley. .. Mrs. Kate R. Hanley la home from Portladn, wrjere the went to undergo a surgical operation some time ago. Bhe is much Improved in health. Conductor Toplngs wilt have charge of the logging train between here and the Palmer camps during Mr. Gra dy's absence from the city. Fred G. Taylor, superintendent and manager of the sugar factory, . left last night for Portland on a short business trip. Mrs. F. C. Bramwell and children returned this morning from an ex tended visit with relatives in Logan, L'tah. Miss Gladys Oesterllng returned this morning from Baker City, where he wa"s visiting her cousins, the Pal mers. Mrs. Robert Cotner, who has been lsltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Enlne of Sllverton, arrived home this morning. District Superintendent J. D. Gllli a few days to select a site for the new federal building. ; Julius Fischer ett today for Walla Walla, where it is reported he will open a saloon. While playing with her sister Hilda last night, little Luclle McCrary. baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Crary. In some way had her arm wrenched so badly that It was neces sary to call a physician this morning. Fireman Elliott, stationed on the helper run out of Kamela, with his family, will leave for HUlsboro tonight to pay a long deferred visit to his father. . After leaving HUlsboro they will go to Cape Horn, Wash., and visit Mrs. Elliott's mother. . E. W. Davis, formerly register of the land office, accompanied by his chil dren, Ethel, Arls and Vernon, Mrs. Mary Mallory and daughter Maud, left last evening for southern Califor nia, where, they will spend the sum mer. Mrs.' Mallory already owns a fruit ranch In. that section of the Golden state, and Mr. Davis will prob ably also purchase a tract. Mrs. HucktiuwK.i y uu cr ter, Miss Martha Huffman, left this morning for Portland and Lot An geles. In Portland they will remain for a week or more with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hockenberry, and In Los Angeles they will be the guests of Mrs. M. Galbreth, their sister. Mrs. Hockenberry wilt be away about two months, and Miss Huffman may re main a year or more In Los Angeles. Baby's Arm Broken. Little Luclle McCrary, bnby daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCrary, last evening while playing with her sister, Hilda, fell and hurt her arm. The hurt was not thought to be seri ous, but the little one fretted all night and this morning when Dr. Hall was called he found that the limb was broken. The little girl Is now resting easily, the arm will no doubt be fully healed in a short time. Contempt Case Postponed. The contempt case against H. F. I Brlggs of Starkey, In which argument I u-au in ho henril todnv. hss been post poned until 19 o'clock Monday. The arguments In the divorce rase In which Mrs. Dray 1in loff nr nlirht in villi the chnrces ul l-' In Grant county and will be away un-j" 'o' dlvrce' cnarln crue,ty' til August 1. are being heard this afternoon. C. P. Cummlngs, Is building a mod- . ern cottage on the corner of O and' fi-owil at Sherwood Theater. Hemlock streets. It has a stone foun- " Standing on the street waiting for datlon, plastered and modern In every their turn to get Inside the doors of respect. (the Sherwood Electric theater last Mr. and Mrs. Darby, who for the evening. Is the story of the unprcce past week have been the guests of dented rush on that place of amuse Mr. and Mrs. Ray Logan, left this ment this week. The new change, morning for Salem, where they 'will which was seen by three full houses remain during the summer. ant night, Is a splendid one. Especial Mrs. G. W. Diggers, who has been iy one, "A Blind Woman's Story," Is here for a week as the guest of Mr. heart-touching. . and Mrs. Charlie McCrary, returned, to her home In Portland this morn ing. A. W. Nelson leaves In the morning for a week's outing In the mountains. SOCIETY. .-. -' Afternoon Reception. A reception that was Informal, but nevertheless elaborate ant) largely at tended, was given by Mrs. R. H. Han na yesterday afternoon at the Hanna residence, in honor of Mrs. Mary Mal lory and Misses Ethel Davis and Maud Mallory, who left last evening for their California home. A large num ber of friends of the guests of honor were in attendance, and though there was no set program, the afternoon was delightfully spent In visiting with those who were to leave In the eve ning, and enjoying the Impromptu musical yprogram. Mrs. A. L. Rich ardson and Mrs. O. E. Sllverthorn each rendered highly appreciated vocal solos, while Mesdames W. W. Berry and E. W. Mack rendered piano solos. With Mrs. Hanna on the reception committee were Mesdames A. T. Hill and Andrew Anderson. Refreshments In the way of punch and wafer were served by Misses Naomi Williamson, n pii-imrifunB and Mrs. W. D. Mc Millan. ' The Hanna home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. With as paragus 'foliage as the background. and nasturtiums, pansles, rosea and weet peas liberally sprinkled over It, the scheme proved tasty. The guest of honor are popular In La Grande and their host of friends are grieved to learn of their departure. The occasion yesterday afternoon gave many an opportunity of spending a delightful afternoon with Mrs. Mal lory and Misses Davis and Mallory, before their departure. Invitation list was a follows: Mrs. Mallory, Maud Mallory, Ethel Davis, Mesdames Knowles, Crawford, Kirk, Robert Miller, Anson, Turner Oliver, Ivanhoe, Epplnger of Pendle ton, N. Molitor, George Currey, Will Landrum, Stella Ingle, Grace Barrle, Carpy, Robert Smith, Wright, Cleaver, Brenholts, Osburn, E. W. Mack, Sll verthorn, W. Berry, A. L Richardson J. T. Richardson, Williamson, Bragg, Charles Cochran, George COchran, An na BrooUs, A. Anderson, J. Gllham, Kiddle, C. Bldwell, Foster, Llpplncott, J. M.' Berry, Clemens, Shea, Clancy, Conners, F. Jackson, Young; Misses Margaret Ansop, Mnud Clemens, Na omi Williamson, Oma Richardson, Flora Mack, Bertha Young, Hurrlet Young, Nell Young, Kathryn Connors. Amanda Miller, Netta Kiddle and Jes sie Foster of Island City. -M-faM4e'Maa'M-M it it it tt it it it it it i Thursday-rFriday---Saturday l SPECIAL SA LE DA YS3 EVERY DAY NECESSITIES AT GREATLY REDUCED AND BARGAIN PRICES FOR THE 3 Days Ending Sat., July 18 it 45C J Mnny at the PaMlme. The Pastime theater last evening I .The Inrge. commodious Pastime theater last evening enjoyed a most Mrs. J. 3. Carr will be connected with Bplenlj run. The program Is longer the local and news gathering tnn thnn U!mg tn week and teems with during his absence. RO0(j t..nKS. The songs are aleo bet- Mrs. William Wlcalesworth and ter than the ueual run of excellent children, who have ben veiling Mr. gongs, If such a thing Is possible. TVIgglesworth here during tho past l week, returned to the homestead In Wallowa canyon this morning. J Postmaster Rlchcy has received In-' atructions from the department to se cure maps of the city for the use of the agent, who Is expected to arrive In DENTIST. Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 851. Pair less ( rtractlon. ' Expert golC work. Special attention .o children's teeth. La Grnnde Na'tinnl Tank Building. Supreme Chief Not Coming. It is not likely that Supreme Chief Ranger John J. O'Grady will visit La Grande, which la contrary to original plans. ' It is contemplated to have eastern Oregon orders of Fotfsters give the supreme chief a big reception at some central point In this section of the state, but after studying the matter It was found that Baker City and. La Grande were about the only- orders that could take a part. It has been found that the expense for such a plan of entertainment would be great and the scheme has been prac tlcally dropped. O'Grmly Is coming to Oregon soon. It It It It It It it it it it i it Si r it it it it 4 t; Men's Summer Knlte Underwear, com plete assortment, 60c to 75c values; fine balbrtggans, fancy and plain- knit, complete line of color 45c Ladies' Muslin Underwear . Neatly and well made, lace or em broidery trimmed, good value at 66c Pants 47c t0 75q: t0 cl0 out tne lot we have reduced them ..to thl exceptionally low price: $1.20 to tl.SS value. . . 87c 50! All Ladies', Child's and Men's Sum mer Hats HALF PRICE. Including ladles' and children' trimmed, Leg horn and Sailors, all ONE-HALF reg ular price. 1 j Wo Sps. in Bargain Basement Overalls 48c Good grade denims, well made, all sizes, to close out, 48c Also a line of heavier weights at. ............ . .iBo Complete line of the beet Work . . Shirt "...8o 1 ' All 75c and 5c values .......... So fl.00 to $1.15 value .......... .780 GOWnS . $1.40 to $1.6S value '" 11.85 to $2.25 value . . . . .yjl.M 20c to So regular good ..X, ...17c $0o to 45c number ..... . . . ' Covets SOc t0 5c number ...jliicJ 75o to S5o number . . 11? - All number at $1.20 $L4tfonale SkMS during thl three-day IpecialjC $1.50 to $1.75 at . . . . Now la the tune of Muslin Ware; tlu at the above prig In a supply nil! go quietly. 1 - -i it i ti . ti n t tr 8 White patterns; et of 47 piece $4.08 Johnson Bros., eml-porcclaln ware; ntchoc best good on the . market; nice Decorated SALAD BOWLS, regular . SOo good ................... .28o $ to Berry Bowl , ..18o 76c Water Bottle ............. .380 10 pair Women' canvas Oxfords, $1.75 value ...OBc 40 pair misses' canvas Oxfords, $1.26 values ...,50o 10 pair children' Shoes, samples, Is t to t, $1.00 value 60c Large line of sample and odd end In Shoo to close out at greatly re dueed prkea. 15 to 50 per cent BE LOW FORMER PRICE. t W)NT FAIfi TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE OPPORTUNITIES OF THIS $ DAYS SPECIAL SALE il tl tl BAN KING SERVICE Banks are becoming more and more the custodians of the funds of the people, of both large and small means. This is due to a wider appreciation of the value of banking service as its usefulness is extended and its methods better known. In the case of The Farmers and Traders National Bank , THE BEST service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons,making use ofevery means of precaution. Its up-to-date system of accuracy promptness and the same careful attention to large or small depositors. If you have any banking business to transact, come to our bank. The Farmers and Traders National Bank . . . . ' , of La Grande Amateurs Will Play. The La GTHTide Amateurs Is the niune of the reorganized "Boonter' team. The Amateurs wero out yes turdny afternoon and enjoyed a brink pra- tlce. They will pluy a third gume with Cove on the grounds here one week from Sunduy. and fully expect to win, notwithstanding that the Cove boys are 'very tnt. The team which i will meet the Cove boys will be se- ; lecti-d from Salee, Graham, McClure Chllders, P.ruce. O.iml'k-. F"X. I'ld co-!t, Fl'-grlt and Williams, pnd ought ' to put up a fast game. I.lted on Rnw I IMi. 8-nttle, July 17. Two rnctawnyp from the b.-irkenllne f-emont of Rnn Frnn-lm-o, who, when rescued In the Unlnek pas, had subsisted on raw flh for three weeks, arrived lat nigh frm Nome. The men. William Mo Donold and Ernest Welzer, re flh erman of the Fremont, and hid pu out In dories to attend to their lines. Vh'n th-y attempted to return to the ship th-y fnund they has lost thel benrlngs, after which they drifted for three weeks. ! MUnM-d Wife Drink Acid. Spokane. July 17. -Because her I husband slapped her luce, Mrs. Flor j ence Phlpps, wife of Sydney Phlppn l drank carbolic acid In the Club cafe last night and will probably die. Ph 1 the daughter of John Hlnkle. th furniture dealer of Sand point, Idaho. FOR RENT A suit light housekeeping, donee, ground floor. 1712. ' - of room for Modern rest 'Phone Red 7-14tf 16-lnch Pathfinder Lawn Mower, regular $5.00 machine ......$3.75 18-lnch Electric Lawn Mower, ' regular $7.50 machine $5.00 18-Inch Guilt Edge Lawn Mower, regular $7.50 machine $5.50 20-lnch Achlllc Lawn Mower, regular $10.00 machine $7.45 ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti n ti ti ti in . . iimi ? Common Screen Door, size 2-6 and 2-8, well made; regular $1.50 value ......,...,....$1.00 Fancy Screen Doors, size 2-6. heavy and well braced; regular $3.15 values .$1,113 Fancy Screen Doors, size 2-6, heavy and well braced, $2.25 values $1.08 Fancy Screen Doors, size 28, heavy and well mnde, $2.50 values $1.73 Refrigerators Rubber Hose All 13c numbers, Br; alt 15c grades, 12e all 18c grades, l ie; all 25c grades 18c; cut In 25 and 60-foot leogths, with couplings. All garden tool great ly Reduced In Price. The 118. uv values; measures nign, wiuo, long $21.00 values; measure high, wide, long $16.00 These RcfrlKcralors are of Standard make and will bo found to be as good a any on the market. tl It It It It It It It It It It It Golden Rule COc h BEST STOCK SMALLEST PRICES tJ 4.4 e a A Grand Family Medicine. Inl Office IliiKlnes Mul't. "It give me pleasure speak a good Business was rather light at the word for Electric Elttcr," writes Mr. j land office today, Kss thsn a dozen Frank Conlan of No. 436 Houston St.,' entries b. Ing mado. Homestead X. T. "If a grand family medicine prt.n.'s were made by William F. llntls. for dyspepsia and liver complications;; Nicholas Ilowland and Hoeo Mcl'her It cannot be too highly recommended." son. all of Pendleton, and by John while for lame back and weak kidneys WlMln of Wulluwa county. Home- Electric Elttcr regulsto the digestive ! stead application functions, nurlfv the blood, and Impart Charles Gregory of were mady by liak.-r City, ninl lencwed vigor and vitality to the weak Roy G. Edsmons of Wallowa coun.y. of both sexes. Hold r Smith of Pendleton, secured u anrt oeliiutatei under guarantee store. at Nowlln's druf tlinh) r claim. NOTICE KOIl PITHL1CAT10N. . ,. . Ofpnrtment of lh IntTlir, A torrrt lloti. ; u. S. Ijnd Offl- at La Grande, Or., Mrs. Mary E. TrnUer. rtlslrld d--. My 11th tity presldi-nt, Installed the officers jr Crystal It' tiekuh No. 50, also was V.rr s If Iristiill. d B4 R. S. N. O. and th.i name of E. . Mt Kiddy ns O. G. wi.i left out ot the report of Installation. MflH. n. E. WORCTELL. For Bnle. Two extra fine fresh milk cow will be sold cheap If taken st once. Apply to Robert Miller, II avenue. HAT HANSON. of La Grande. Oregon, who, on Moy tth. Hon. mude limber and Stone sworn etntemint No. 6021. for NV',i NWU, Hectlun 10, Township 4 H., Itango 37, 15. V.V.M., has filed no'l ' of i Intention to mske final proof, to es j tMbllsh claim to th land nbove An. I scribed, before regltr and receiver at I-a Orutnle. On giin, on tho 3d day t of August, 1908. Claimant names ss witnesses: Mike Il'sse, Mnry E. Wilson, Illnneh) lla-ki-r, James Mctntyre, all of La Orande, Oro. ' F. C. IinAMWELL, Register. raw BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG Th filch ool that riaee$ You in a Oood rotition 7hat Aib You T Oo yon feel weak, tired, despondent, hiivei frequent lieacluelie, ro.tted toncmi, li'ttor of lul Uvia In uiornliig, "heart birn," lelchlng of gut, add rlsliiK in t'irtjut r. f i ' r e.-itliig, stoma.'h gnaw or burn, foul breath, tlU-zy sjhjIU, p(r or v:t' ' 'n a y .ti; nuuva at times ami k:u lrc( f-,.n;t,mi3? , If y.TISi" ve any considerable number of tlHsvulwivn fyauitom yon are sulTurlng frnn 'ylllou'im. TVftld liver with lnII- ?.'idi iverv.ir.minn: oiml Hie tce 't ter tl'- et.t eiif. '.. It is a 11101,1 ettiriettt liver InvlitciriUir. stomach tonic, bowel reinihitor P"fv Htrentheiier. Tlie "iu'it"n Mo.!fnl llenvsrjr " I not patent meO i-itio or secret nostrum, a full l'-t of 't 1r-'1 !!etitn llng printed on Its lx.ltle-wripiHT and attested under noih. A c'n ne t its firmnla will dhow It c ir.'.: '.-v! r.-j r-'i -.!iol, or liormf til lii f ? f-i i t n Siild etrset mad" with pure tril-relincd glyrbrine, of prii's r lre?-.jr'i. f'n:.i tlierK)Hof the fiiiluwlini kativC Aniei'lejii Iort plants. vii., tiulilen txial root, bloii riKit, Illmb Clierryb.irk, f-.jcco' ftot, ISIoodrool, and If andruke rrit Tlie "ll(ilor ler dins m-dlenl sothoTltli-s. Stmns s hont uf eilM-m. e-tnl (lie freioliir rsit fur il.sniieol r.i ii nlloif-iits t liw SHTssVtiintoiiitlri'U'li'! I'lttl.lt. Hrtli"liiw, M. I)., r.f Jeifew,ii , il t k. Phils I i'r'f. II. (' V,.kI, M. ii . i. r v..,l I's i I'ml Kilwln tl BIU, fll. I'., IM I i A tl 'IC'Jiri'll I'liri-, Uilcwoi I'" f. J'iIiii Knik'. l. I).. Aoih-.r of A hi- li-sik li.iH'ti-un ; Prnf. Jihi. M. s.-ii(l-d-r. M li Atiii'f M i cltle Medi. lne.i rnif, l.snrencH Ji.hhi.n. M II . Jtixt l"lt t nlr.of N. V.i Pmf Kmle Filiev-'l. M. I).. Author uf Mslerls MeOn't and i'rif. In Ifc-nnstl Medl rsl C'olleifiN hlct.ni H.-11'l lisme tnd SO ureas nn I'mifcl 1'snl lo lr K. V. I'lcrce. Itnf fslu. N. V,. Slid twit rtt hwiklrt lln eitrscts (mm writing of all lb It nwill rsl sutlKirasnil mn t oihoiendotin. In tlui ttroiisit txwilM terms, ru li "' evcrr In-Srll.-l ot wlil. h "Uoluen leiii:sl JJbooT tr " In rompocd. I if. I'lt.-e s I'lc-Msn. Pellets rern1st tni lnlorsl tonis h. Iler Slid koswls. Ther Cmr pl In iiinlutieiioii Willi "OolUn .tleiil IlcrtTr If Nmrla tr m"-h exi . listed Tbej'rs tiny and tussr-cukisd.