EIGHT PAGES. PAGE TWO. EVENISG OBSERVER, LA GRANDE OREGON, FRIDAY, JtXY 17, 1008. La Grande Prof esSional Directory physicians. O, I BIQGERS, M. D., , Physician suul Burgeon. ' Office, Lewis Building, over Henry '. Carr Undertaking Parlors. Offloe 'Phone Black 1121. ', f Residence 'Phone Red 1001. 3. H. HUBBARD, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Offloe In New Bank Building. Rooms , . 10-11. 'Phones: Residence, Main DR. A, U RICHARDSON. Physician and BargcoaM ' . Offloe over HiU'e Drug Store. Offloe 'Phone 111. Residence llaln II N. MOUTOR, M. D.; Physkaan nod Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot Bt Offloe Mais II -:- Reeldenoe Mala II ' BACON HALL, . Phvslclane and Burgeons. Offloe I j a Orande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 1. C, T. Bacon, Residence, Main II. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main II. DR. T. E. MOORB v DR. H. C. P. MOORI Osteopathic Physicians. Klrkavllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Simmer Balldlng. Phones: Office Main IS; Res. Main 14. C. II..CPTOX, PH. G.. M. 1. Physician and Surgeon, fjpeclal attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La a -nude National B ink Building. 'Phones Office, Main t; Residence, Main 12. VfcTERIXABT 6CHGEONB. ' DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1111. Independent 'Phone II. DR. W. H. RILET. Oraduato Ohio Btale University Vac cinatum, Dentistry and Surgery of all kinds. Country calls promptly an swered.' Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phones, Pa elflo, Black 1101. .Independent, White 10. SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS WD OPTICIANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that docs not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we canfix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. AU,our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money SIEGRIST & CO i JEWfLERS AND Complete equipment for . rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZOERALQ, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops nd Foundry e gteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DENTISTS. C. B. CACTEORN. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Oranda '" Oregot. J. C PRICE, P. M. D. Dentist. Room IS, La Orande National Bank Building. 'Phone Black 1901. La Oranda " r Orsgoji PROF. E PORTBR DAT, Principal. La Grande School of Music. . Mrs. Day, assistant , School, 101 Oreeawood Ave., one door south of Adama Ave. 'Phone Black 1SIL 11188 STELLA b. OLIVER. Teacticr of Piano and Harmony. Studio ever J. U. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. CtvtL Mining, Irrigation Engtaecrlaa and Surveying. Estimates, plana and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande - -' - - - Orego C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering.. Twenty Tears' Experience. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. l ire Insurance. Office next door to La Orande Na tional Bank. La Orande ------ Oregos ATTORNEYS. Cbas. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cochraa COCHRAN A COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Orande National Bank Building. La Orande - - - - Oregon R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the State and United States. Elgin Oregon VIA VI. MRS. GRACE MoALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telophono Farmers 1971. OPTICIANS resetting and repairing No Sheath Grown In England. London, July 17. What is known as the dlrectolre or sneath gown will be confined in England to actresses and women of the "lower classes." No woman In London society will dare wear the clinging gowns which have created such a sensation on the con tinent. When the dlrectolre mode first made its appearance, several English society leaders received It kindly and for a time the sheath gown was In high favor. Now it is back to the moth balls or the second-hand clothes men for these daring gowns. For Queen Alexandra has spoke, and what she said in regard to the dlrec tolre mode was, In American slang, a plenty. Her majesty, has caused It to be known that any woman wearing a pronounced dlrectolre will not be re ceived at court functions. The queen told her ladles In waiting that the new gowns are Immodest and caused a caustic warning to te conveyed to a certain titled lady distinguished for her beautiful figure. who displayed It at Ascot In a dlrectolre sheath. The. ladles in waiting have also been com manded to notify other titled women revealing dlrectolre costumes. At a big ball three ladles wearing these emphatic gowns could scarcely make their courtesies to the queen, and at supper they found much diffi culty In sitting down. So displeased was the queen at this unpleasant ex hibition that she expressed her indig nation openly and left the ball before supper was ended. As a result of her majesty's de cision, many "smart" society women with good figures are nursing secret rage. The fat women, and the scraw ny ones, are exultant, and declare that the queen did well to put the ban of hr displeasure upon such "Immodest" and "vulgar" displays of the figure as afforded by the sheath gown. War on AMnche. Geneva, July IT. Switzerland Is now In the midst of an exciting cam paign against the absinthe evil, and the sale or manufacture of the worm wood distillation has already been prohibited In all the cantons of the republic except that of Geneva. The warfare Is now centered In this city, with every prospect of success. Notice. To My Friends and Patrons: Having sold my stock of hardware etc., to Messrs. Lilly and Foster, who wilt continue in the samo line of bus iness, and at the same place. Mr. Lilly having been associated with me for the past six years, I take pleasure In recommending the new firm to my many friends and patrons and trust that you will find business with them as pleasant as our business relations have always been. I will be found at the store during the month of July, nnd will be pleased to have as ninny of my friends call and, settle, their ac counts as possible during the month. Thanking you for the many favor ihown me, I remain, Very respectfully, MliS. T. N. MUTtPHV. NOTICE FOR PL'nLICATION. Department of tho Interior, IT. S. Land Offloe at La Grande, Ore. Juno SO, 1908. Notice Is hereby glvn that HARRY J. HOr'KENBERRT. nf I .a Gran dp. Union county, Oregon, who, on June 2'ih, 1908, made tlni-i-t and stone sworn statement No. Hi 72. for 'SKli. See. 16, Tp. 5 S.. R. 6 V.. W. M., hs filed notice o. Inten tion to make, final timber ami stone proof, to establish claim to t!ie lam! above described, before the reflate! add receiver nt 1m Grande, Oregon, on the 2 l-t day of September. 1008. . Claimant mimes as witnesses: Johr T. Williamson, Adn.i B. Rotters, Oscar It. Conlldge, Vincent 1'.. Reeves, nil of La Grande, Oregon. F. C. PRAMWKLL. negater. T-lo-D-lS Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all con corned, thut letters testamentary have been Issued by the county court of t'nlon county. Oregon, to Mary G llulse, upon the Inst will and testa ment of Marquis L. Hulse, deceased. and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same with proper vouchers to the said executrix within six months from the date hereof, at the office of her attorney, J. D. Slater, at La Grande, Oregon. Psted at La Grande, Oregon, this 12nd day of June, A. D. 10S. MART O. HT.TL8E Executrix J22Julytl Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be reeclved up to t o'clock p. m., July 25, 1908, by the street committee at the city recorder's of fice of La Grande, for the furnishing of material and constructing cement sidewalks as per ordinance and speci fication now on file at the recorder's office, along the following property, to-wlt: - i ;. Lota 6, 7 and 8, block 108, Chap lin Add. Lots 17 a Chaplin Chaplin Add. Lots IS Add. Lots 10 lin Add.' 115, Chap- Lots 14 104, Chaplin Add. Lot 18. block Chaplin Add. Lot 1, block Elm street). . 107, Chaplin Add (on Lot 18, block 107, Chaplin Add. (on Elm street). The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of street committee. ., W. N. MONROE. Chairman. Department of the Interior, . T7, 8. Land Office at La Grande, Or., June 8, 10. , Notice Is hereby given that. GEORGE M. THOMPSON, of Adams, Oregon, who, on May xSth, 1908, made timber and stone sworn statement No. 6048, for 8 8EH nnd NE14 BE 14 and SEK NEK. section 24, township S south, range 84 east. Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to es tablish his claim to the land above described, before John Halley, Jr., U. 8. commissioner, at Pendleton, Ore gon, on the 22d day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Win- field S. Burnett, of Starkey, Ore.; Thomas M. Keller, of Pendleton, Ore.; Frank Donaldson, of Meacham,. Ore.; Frank Ironsplker, of Pendleton, Ore.; F. C. E RAM WELL, Register. 6-12-8-21 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) PUBLIC LAND 8 VLE. . La Grande, Oregon, Land Office, June 27, 1908. Notice Is hereby plven that, as di rected by the commissioner of the peneral land office, under provisions o' act of c-i.vre-s aprovtd June 27. 1?0, Public V. COS. we will offer at rrbllc sail to highest bidder, at 1C o'clock a. in., on the 17th day nt August next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land, to-wlt: NV4 NE tt, Sec. 9. T. 8 S.. R. S7, E. W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver. 7-3-8-7 It Can t Be Heat. The best of all teachers Is experi ence. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric flitters does nil that's claimed for It. For stomach, liver and kidney trou bles It can't be beat. I have tried It und find It a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden U right: It's tho best of all medicines also for weakness, lanu back, and nil run down conditions. licst, too, for chills and malaria. SoM under guarantee at the Newlln drui; store. 50c. - ':' A S . : -i 5Gi 'V'Fw rrltai and Dranure. of Trains ai 1m Grande. No. 1, westbound Portland Special, arrives 9:25 a. m,; departs. 1:80 a. m. No. I, eastbound passenger, mab and express, arrives at 6:4 a. m.; de parts 6:50 a. m. No. I, eastbound Chicago Special, arrives 8:08 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. m No. t, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 9:61 p. m.; de parts, 10 p. m. Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves La Grande at 8 o'clock and returns at 9 'clock p. m. The logging train leaves La Grande at 11:89 p. m. and returns at 7:46 p. m. J. It KEEXKT, Agmt La Grande, Oregon. U 18, bVck 111 nd if, tick l, 120 anf2lbljk MS land" aTrCrTock 1104 1 We Want Our Want Ad Column y Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seeksrs every day Can you afford to 6pend one cent per word of your ' want ad whe:e results are the keynotes? FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished front room, close In; modAn conveniences. Phone to Black 951. FOR RENT Six rooms, en suite, in Lewis building, with water and toilet upstairs. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. E. C. Moore, corner Q and Fourth streets. 'Phone Red 1452. P trow pinwTi One e-rooni house, un furnished, and one modern 4-room cottage, furnished. Inquire of Mrs. C. & Zuber. FOR RENT -Furnished housekeep ing rooms In suites of two; rooms eiose in, at reasonable rates. ' Inquire rat 1417 Washington avenue. ..6-16tf WANTED. WANTED To trade lots In La Grande for horses. Call at Hill's drug store. GIRL WANTED Family of two; good wages If competent. Inquire of J. M. Berry. 7-lltf WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Richard son. 7-8tf WANTED Roomer and table boarder at the Swart Rooming house. In quire of Mrs. Edna Swart WANTED Chance c make quick service In moving furniture and plnnos with special equipment for safe hauling. All kinds of transfer business solicited. Leave orders at Hnlsten's store or . 'phone to Red 1161. J. W. Black. WANTED A position as stationary engineer. Practical experience. Can give reference If required. Address Box 758, La Grande. TO TRAVELING PUBLIC ; Persons desiring neat and comfortable rooms and wholesome meals should stop at the I PALMER HOTEL Board and room bv the t week : : : : $5 00 t1 By the day : : : 1.00 t The onlv First niass t $1.00 per day house m e La Grande. White help t t only Employed. t Two Blocks from Depot ; W. J. RAMS0M Prop. ; ; PHONE BLACK 402 ; Www VK Sl.nVK A I1IO IUSH of lee cream for a very moderate price here. And such cream, too! The first spoonful sets you to wishing the dish was a bigger one. With every succeeding mouthful you fall more In love with the cream, and you only wish your capacity was, as Inrgo as your sppetlte. Come In and enjoy some. , For sale at A. T. HILL, FHKD MTU. MLVKUTHOHM MACK. Blue 'Mountain Creamery Co. if Your Wants IN FOR SALE. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs. 6i, dollar for each setting. Telephone to Red 212. FOR SALE 500 feet of picket fence. In good condition. Apply to Mrs. Zuber. FOR SALEl Cheap; automobile, g horse pow;r runabout, In first-class repair. For particulars and price, inquire at this office. dw6-24-lnt FOR 8ALB Furniture, steel range, two heating stoves, bed lounge, fx. ' tension table, Iron beds and spring lee box, fall leaf table, flrst-class organ. Other household goods. In. quire at 1417 Washington avenue. FOR SALE Two second-hand awn ings, In good condition. Get partic ulars from J. A. Arbuckle, Model Restaurant FOR SALE A first grade piano; will trade for a team or good city prop, erty. 'Phone or call on H. A. Wat son, Red 1401. LOST Suit ease on train between 7T ker City and La Grande, contalnliVr baseball outfit. Finder will pleats return to Observer office and receive reward. 7-9-14) FOUND Lady's band ring, at this office. Inquire- Land for Rent. We have 320 acres of excellent land) tor rent. Call at once. ' F. S. BRAMWELL, C. J. BLACK. ft Croup When child wnli" ui In themM.lleof the. nlnlit. with l severe attack of croup as trie fluently hanpnns. rn time nhotilrt lm lost Im encrluinntinp with n,ielli- of n donlrttuV. value. I'rowi action U otwn neceksary to save life. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, has never bi-en known to fail Iti any cane siU It hn l.ix-n lu ue for over oue-thlrd of sen ury. Th'-ro In none hotter. H ran be d peuurauimn. Why experiment? It l iplf u. to take ami rontuhu tio liarmlul tlnu. Fries. vceuu; large size. .10 ceuu. NEWXIN DRUG CO. Tho best thing you can do with you wad, roll, pile, eU't-klgn or whnleTeir I you may call your savings, Is to purvSe where It !s sure to grow and be safr while It Is growing. The bank Is the po, rd our bun Is ti.e right one In. ; which to dop-wii ymif gnvlncs, both , for security nnd goA Interest Everw man and woman ourM to have an In dependent bunk account. Let us shoir you how money grows when in our keeping. The Eastern Oregon Trust &. Savings bank OFFICERS: ! F. M. BTMCIT, President WM. MILLER, Vice-President. GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. BCROOOIN. Assistant Cashier. ' F. J. HOLMES, Treasurer. , y v ED MlirOILM, AOCTtOKUBR. Balee cried on sh.rt notice. Satlsfattlon guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. LA ORANDE - . . OREGON Route No. I. 'Phone Now .,txl