dorrr pages. EVENING OBSERVER, IA GRANDE OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY I I, 198. PAGE FIVE. a 4 DAYS SALE WEDNESDAY JULY 15th to SATURDAY JULY 18th :jf: Cut Class, fine Hand Painted China, Silver ware and fine Jewelry ... . . Discounts 20 to 50 Percent This sale Includes every article In these departments und affords on op portunity to purchase gome odd pieces at ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. Even the most staple, things will be aold at a savins that should not be Ig nored by any one who anticipates any purchases In these lines, either now or In the future. For fall weddings or even Christmas gifts, selections may now be made, and, If desired, we will hold for delivery at any future time these selections. If they are paid for at the time of purchase. Following are a few good values. . 8 inch cut glass berry dish $15.00 f f) vaf. now . . . P " Hand painted plates reg $2.50 and $3.00 SS?.J1.75, Silverware at 33 1-3 j percent discount. . i Watches and Diam; onds 20 percent dis- count . ... . FOUR DAYS ONLY O.M.HEACOCK BANKING SERVICE Banks ars becoming more and more the custodians of the funds of the people, of both large and small means. This is due to a wider appreciation of the value of banking service as its usefulness is extended and its methods better known. In the case of The Farmers and Traders National Bank THE BEST service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons.making use of every means of precaution. Its up-to-date system of accuracy promptness and the same careful attention to large or small depositors. If you have any banking business to transact, come to our bank. The Farmers and Traders National Bank of La Grande LOCAL ITEMS. 4 4v J, I. Welch, representing the Oliver typewriter, is in La Grande on busi ness. E. C. Lewis, of the Underwood type writer company, left last evening for Pendleton. Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and children, reached here today to visit somo time with relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lincoln were called to Huntington last evening ty" the 111 ness of Mrs. Lincoln's mother. Mrs. N. S. Kelly U having a cement Walk constructed In front of her prop erty on Depot street. Mrs. Leonard and son Luclen, who have been spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Remit lard, left last evening for Salem. Miss Syra Kuhn, a teacher In the public schools here, arrived this morn ing from Portland, where she has been spending a few weeks. Editor B. E, Kennedy of. the Baker City Herald, was tt passenger on this morning's train en route home from Portland. Umpire Splllman, recently connect ed with the Inland Empire baseball league, is en route to Gotdfleld, Nav., after completing his contract with the league. Jack O'Brien has decided to remain In La Grande Indefinitely. He will be on the ground floor In organizing an other league in this section next sum mer. Mrs. William Sandercoek and daugh ter, Miss Marie Sandercoclt, left this morning for their homo In Portland after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Franse Wllhelm of this city. . Al Lodell and William Cottemnn, popular members of the La Grande baseball team, left this morning for Portland, where they enter the Trl Clty league. A carload of stoneware and flower pots were received by our dealers yes terday. It Is a well known fact that fine hanks of clay are known In this vicinity and In time we may manufac ture this grade of ware. Jess Harrington and Mrs. Harring ton, who have been with relatives and friends In Cove, returned to La Ornnde last night, and will remain for a few days as the guests of Mrs. Remlllard, Mrs. Harrington's aunt. , E. C. Sklles. representing the Blum uer-Frank Drug company of Port land, was In the city on bis regular trip yesterday. He left this morning for Wallowa canyon, where Mrs. Sklles and daughter are camped fur the sum mer. Several Washington delegates to the democratic convention were on No. 1 tfils morning, en route to their homes. They expressed themselves as exceed ingly well pleased with the work of th'e convention, and predict that the party will be united In the coming campaign. "Lefty" Fuchell and Arthur Van Horst have changed their plans. At ter the disbanding of the Inland Km- plre league they had accepted calls In two sections of the country, but last evening decided that both will take to the Fait Lnke-Ogden league. They leave tonight for that city. That they will make good Is assured. , '. SOCIETY. Presbyterians to Enlortaln. ; The ladles of the Presbyterian church will b entertained nt the home of Mrs. J. B. Stoddard on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m. , All are cordially In vited to be present and bring their sewing. i HOMESTEADS TAKEN. t Lady I"i)rpct WTlliclm to Ge-t IjiiuI From Dear Old Uncle Samncl. Four persona niade application for homestead lands today at the local land office. They are Clraude F. At kinson of Holdman, Ore., Amalla Ken tract of Pendleton, Roseoe M. Green of Grouse, and Lewis L. Girard of Rltter. Emma L. Wllmoth of RItter. makes proof on a homestead. Amalla kentraet Is a native of Germany and her application was accompanied by her declaration of lnt?ntlon to for swear allegiance to William 1I and to become a citizen of the United States. Elmer Carglll o( Pendleton, bought an Isolated tract of 80 acres. UI1U Oeol'Ke Ml. I uv liter pui:itut;u acres. Georglnna B. Conlwell of Per ry, mrt.le final proof on a timber claim near Perry. Others making proof on timber and sUme entries wero Minnie E. Emry of Parker's Mill, Morrow county, and Hugh E. Denham of Ba ker City. OLD OFFENDER ARRESTED. Jiwlc Palmer Breaks Her Purolo Ac tion Against Her Deferred.. Mrs. Josls Palmer, who was con victed about a year ago with assault with intent to kill, the attempt being made, upon the person of her. young daughter, and sentenced to serve seven years In the penitentiary, but paroled during good behavior, was locked up last night upon the charge of being drunk and disorderly. As we go to press the matter has not J yet beei brought to the attention of Judgi Knowies, and consequently he Is una bio to say whether the woman will be made to Berve her sentence or not. I CONDUCTORS CILVNGE RUNS. diaries NorrN Now tin the Pilot Rock Run In Pl;u of Fred Waffle. Conductor Fred Waffle of the Pi lot Rock run on the O. R. & X., has been transferred to his old run on the main Jlne of the O. R. & X., be tween this city and Huntington and Conductor Charles H. Xorrls, formerly of La Grande, is now on the Pilot Rock run permanently. Cold Storage Nearly Ready. The experts in charge of the Instal lation of the cold storage machinery in the Grande Ronde Meat company's packing plant, have promised that one room of the cold storage department will bo ready for use by Saturday. This Is very satisfactory to the company for the extrpmcly warm weather makes a cold storage room quite valuable. Blue Mountain Homo Sold. T. P. Johnson today sold the Blui Mountain house to T. J-Gru.v. an ex perienced hotel man, recently from Portland. The price paid was very good, but neither party to the sal cared to state the exact amount. Gallic Sure Go. The haw ball game between Cove and Elgin, on the local grounds next Sunday,. Is a suren. The bet Is f"r t.'.'O a side. Sheriff Chllders will pick the umpire. Milp lliirwn Tonlulit. j C. W. Todd, the Portland horse buyer, will ship a rarlnr.d of Crandi I Ilonde horses to Poitlnnd tonight, Hlnes ships a inllch cow to Portland w Ith the same car. A Cornvllon. In our report yesterday of the Cove Raker City gnme, The Observer was In error. Cove won, to 0. . 1 Horn. ! Kelly In this city. Sunday. July 1 Z. , 1)01, to Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly, daughter. Merry Widow social Wednesday eve ning, corner Eighth and X streets. Be sure and come. Tou'll enjoy It. Something nw. ' I) EX TINT. ' Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 1(1. Pair lew trtractlon. Expert gold work. Special attention to children, teeth. L Grand National Bank Building. z ' . v.jz m wi 49tn Mil nr n - PVrf ms m jm. v - w I ; ' The Bargain Basement has drown to be one of the Strongest Departments in Our I Large Store. A few Suggestions wilt Show the immense Stock of BARGAINS IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Work Shirts Dress Shirts Embroiderys Calicoes Lawns Muslins Ginghams Outings uusietf Corsets Dolls ' . Trunks The Place Where Coupons are as Cash. Everything at Marvelously Low Prices. , Others Take Advantage of These FREE OFFERS, WHY NOT YOU. A Trial in OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT and YOll WILL TRADE NO WHERE ELSE rap The BEST STOCK SMALLEST PRICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grando, Ore. June 30, 1908. Notice is hereby given that HARRY J. HOCKENBERnVT, of La. Grande, Union county, Oregon, who, on Juno 25th, 1908, made tim ber and stone .worn statement No. 607!. for BE4, Sec. 1, Tp. 5 S., R. 38 E. W. M haa filed notice of Inten tion to make. final timber and stone, proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the 21st day of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: John T. Williamson, Adna B. Rogess, Oscar R. Coolldge, Vincent R. Reeves, all of La Grando, Oregon. T. C. B RAM WELL, Register. 7-10-9-1S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or., ' May llth, 1908. RAY HANSON, of La Grande. Oreion, who, on May ith. 1908. made Timber and Stone sworn statement No. 11021, for XWVi NW'i, Section 10, Township 4 8., ituntre J7, K. W. M.. hns filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before register and receiver at Lu Grand". Oregon, on the 3d day of August, 1 90S. Claimant names as witnesses: Mike Lepage, Mnry K. Wilson, Blanche lin ker, Jani'-s Miinlyre, all of I -a Grando, Oro. F. C. BRA M WELL, Resistor. Men wanted At the Merry Widow social, Wednesday evening at the home of Fred Holm, corner Klghth and N streets. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Cor. Hth 0 Adams Ave., One Block West of the Foley Hotel All New Rigs- Well Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies Toiletware Glassware Brooms Baskets Overalls Soaps Dishes Shoes ' ii.i. Toys And other1 things too numerous to mention NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, V. 8. Land Office at La Grando, Ore. . June 30, 1908. ' Notice la hereby given that CHARLES HANSEN, of Starkey, Oregon, who, on Septem ber 19, 1901, made homestead entry No. 10C17, for E& SE14, Sec. 14, NE NEV, Bee. 23, XWS NWli, Sec. 24, Tp. 4 South, range 34 E. W. M., haa filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on tho 17th day of August, 1908. " Claimant name, as witnesses: An drew J. Sullivan, J. B. Ayres, Peter Evnnson, John B. Robertson, all of Sarkcy, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. 7-10-8-14 Wood Kaed. By Oliver &Hagilrty, with gasoline wood saw. 'Phono Black 1851. AI4 NOTICE FOR PUBL.CATION. Public Loud Sulc. Lu, Grande, Oregon, Land Office, yjiily 10, 1908. Notice Is hereby clven that, as di rected by tho commissioner of the g. neral land office, under provisions ' of net of congress approved June 27. 100, Tubllc No. 503, w will offer ! at public sale, to tho highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m.i on tho 25th day j of AugUFt, nert. at this office, tho fd- Golden Rule vjmjr imi if-; Tinware Graniteware Shopping Baskets ' Notions Wire Goods ' Matches Clothespins Tablets Mra.4. .,.,. .p.,. Shelf Paper ' ; Butter Paper , Napkins lowing tract of land, to-wit: SH rTVT U. Sec 28, NW14 NW, Sco. 32, Tp. 4 S., R. 89. E. W. M. Any person, claiming advorschr the above-described land, are advise! to file their claims or objections, on or before tho day above designated for .ale. F. C, BRAMWELL, Register. A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver. 7-17-8-21 Haklng Good. Them Is no wnjr of making rVurffng friend like "Making Goodi" and Doctor Pierre's medicine well ennmpllfy this, and their friends, after more thsn tw decades of popularity, oro numbered by tlo liiHKlreils ol thousands. They uava "niaile ires" and they have not mod. drunUaiiK A aoo.l, horie-t, squam-dcal medicine of known composition h lr. Pierce'. Oolile. Altdlcal Discovery. H still enjoys an Im mense snlo. wniln most of the prepara tions that have come Into promliieiire la tlio earlier mtIiI of Its popularity have "auii hv tli iKiard " and am never mora he ird of. There inut l some reason lor 111., .inir-tliiio popularity and Hint Is to be found In It superior merits. When once given a f:ilr trial lor weak stomach, or for liver ii ml blood a'Teetlons, Its siiie: rior riinitlve qualities are soon manliest: lieucn ft bus survived und irrowti in ixo. Hilar favor, while scon of lew merltorlou J articles hiivs suddenly llasliwl Into favoi for a brief period and then been assooi forC'ttten. For a torpid liver with lis attendant mtiiifeuoii, dy.).iiiia. Iiealactie, per haps dizziness, foul breath, nasty coaleil toiitftie. wlili b'.f'er ln-1". lo-s of appetite Willi ill'inM titer eating, nervoiiMies Slid ilehilitv. n 1 1 It I nir Is so irood m l)r l'leree's !.! M. Ileal I Useovery. ll'sl an luinesi. wiiare-(ie.ii nuslirinn with all Its Inpredleiil prlllled on iNitlle-wrupper no secret, n.) ii' iis-poeiiH niiiuliiig therefore don't a'tifil i rulmtltut tlutl thi! dealer may p'w-tbly msike a little blf aer urolit. '( on your rlclit to huvi hut yuu rail for. Iioti't buy lr. Pitrce". rnvorlfe Pre scrip, tloo eiei ilnif I'. Ui prove a "cure-all." it Is only HdvKed for wotnauV cciut all iiieuts. It nenk wmei n Mronif oi.d sick, women well. I.. advertised than some preparations m.I I for like purposes. Ms sli ding eniiitiVH Virtues sllll liiiidlltllll Its po.'iiloii in lio i., i.,, where 11 ktood UVcr V,,t iult. As In. vlifuralin t-.i lii'iii'thi-iilint iierv Iiim It Is uiieo'ialcd. It won't sntlfy llni-s w ho want "booze," (or tlier.i Isnutadn s Of alcohol In II. Ur. Pkrvv s i'ivasaiit Pellrls, thsorlil-n-( Little f.iw I'lll.. nit liMncli tlm llr-l pill of their kind In the market, still leud,' and when once tried nro ever nftcrwsrWt In favor. Knsy to takn as cnndy-onH ts three a lion. ilucU hnuuuu but imver , I Pastime Theater 8000 Utt of moving pk turoa. Two lllustrah'd tones, Bong, by 8I1F.RWOOD WILLIAMS. Complet. chang. of program 4 on Monday and Thursday. Mutlne. on Wedimsdsy and 4) Saturday afternoon.. 4 t4V44s4sss4(s444