PAGB EIGHT. ( EIGHT PAGES. EVEJflXG OBSERVER, 1A GRANDE OREGOX, FRIDAY1, JULY-10, 1908. i'i ?! it S j? 4 $ i t i it . I ? 9 N i s SATURDAY SPECIALS i IN SUMMER STUFF Now that the 4th is over we find many odds and ends and remnants in Summer Goods. These we are gathering together 2nd on I JULY 11th SATURDAY JULY 11th We will place on sale the entire lot at SACRIFICE PRICES Muslin Underwear .. A large assortment of odd pieces at 25 to 50 percent below regular price. Lawn Wabts Seme very good numbers left $1.60 vafcas now 88c, $1.75 values now 98c $2.50 values now $1.98 White Canvas Shoes What remains of these will be put in at HALF PRICE $1.50 values now 75c $2.25 values now $1.15 500 Remnants Including everything from calicoes to silks at practically half price. Lawns, Dimities etc 12 l-2c to J 8c values now . 1 5c to 20c values now . . 25c to 35c values now Silk and Lisle Gloves 10c 13c I8c White, black and tan $1.00 values now 79c, $1.25 values now 98a $1.50 values now . . , $1.19 THE PEOPLE'S STORE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, LA GRANDE, OREGON AY BEER A WAT m FIRST ROOT-LFjGGIXG CASE IX COINTY RECORDED. Ktl Thompson ArnMtrd Lant Evening ; by Authorities on Complaint by I. V. Faulk, for HoU-k'riring Given I'irtoen Days in Uio County Jail. SMASH HOLY A Is evidenced by tho movement now on foot lo oust W, M. Cuke from the chalrmanMhlp nf the republican Mute central committee am replace him with a Fulton-Tuft man, mays a Pen dleton paper. The desire to ouM CaKe does not come co lunch from H bitti tnna 1o wn ill tho Cukes" who defeated Fulton fur the nomination, hut for the rea son that the Cakes lire pledged to the Holy One rouimamlmcnt nnd would That the Fulton 1 epiiblh ann, or the ncccwmlly he compelled to Mippi.rt railed. Fultnii-T.ift rcpiihllcuji, in e , Clmiuhei l.ilti for t'lildd States s. n.i gol'iK to attempt to M:tmpc!i the let-1 lor. I'nlll there in iiii lndi,cenn nt itiTLiur- from Mutemeiit No. 1 nnd ; held out or an opportunity .fi.-rt.rt Otorpe K. Chauiherliiln to the eh cMoii ' stnt. iiii nt No. 1 nu n to br,:.k tlx ir of m i-.ohl!-tiii t nllt.l h fii.i!nr. 1 i-!. .1l-o llo-ro Is Rnlni; to lie no l.,in- pedo in tho ranks and Chamberlain will win easy, so the Fulton men say. Hence, as long: as statement No. 1 men are In ocntrol of the republican ma chine, there will bo no chance for a break, but with a change, in tho mnn ngemcnt and discreet wielding of th party whip, something might be ac complished ami ureiron might after ull elect a republican. According to the reports from Port land Mr. Cake is not adverse to hand ing ov r the reins of the rcpuUkan committee to onoth.-r man, prm-l in-j he N iipproii. hid pe.u vaMy. li-i aiiy Htlenipt he f.iy.M, to for -e i,m out vlii mean a mighiy liard Hi ht. It v:-y prrd.M.I.. that there v. Ill he .!. ;... Veh.pnn id i-.lihtii the n. t It) d. .. blue Mounmm HOUSE L. A. UviiTjslcn Prop. ( New Ma.ojjcmcr.t.) X t, t V. IM.UH l.MPl!;i: I l f.t l; (u. c f?. i d v,'n i... t i :i '.i 7 11 I .a c.rao.le . V .t'.i:i W ail-i 1 Ukel- I'll;.- . I'elidhti.n .. 1 4 1'. K P. f. .1 i" .414 r?j.'es $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c mea n ie cif Eeds 25c a.f 50c Ml outside rooms. Dosrd and lodge $6. per vveefc One block from dcpol. Only house in ie city employing white help only TRY OUR SERVICE The first case of arrest and prosecu tion to come under the provisions of the local option law In Union county was made last evening when a man named Ed Thompson was arrested for disposing of beer to employes of the O. R. & N. In the blacksmith shop of the local round house. Information gleaned from officials of the company, resulted in Constable I. W. Faulk going to the blacksmith shop -and making the arrest. The man was held In the city Jail last night and today arraigned before Justice Angus Stewart on two charges, one charging the defendant with selling and giving beer to one Anderson, a blacksmith. The other charge was Identical, except that the man named as recipient of the forbidden drink was John Keeney. . Before the court Thompson pleaded guilty to giving the beer away. On motion of Prose cutor Hodgln, one charge was dis missed. Tolls IIU Story. Before pleading Thompson told bis story. "You see, judge, we had been flop ping In de Jungles nnd had to corns to town to get some chuck. We hid de four bottles of booze In de grass back of do railroad shack while I went In to get de stuff. When I comes back we all took a pull at de beer, and while we were doing it, dem guys In de blacksmith shop waves der mitts at us to come over. Well, I thinks how dem guys were swettin' in de warm place and how sumo booze would Uo em go. ul, over I goe.1' "How often did you plve it away," came from rrosc-eutor Hodgln. "Well, you (iee. .1ud;u. we had two bottle, nnd I takes do first load. When It got around, all ih-m mug had pot a swaller, but I g'texs t'n y wl.-h li had been bljfger. I didn't know then uhoiit your boo::e hiw here. I hnve been a resp. etnhle cltl r n nnd don't to get Inter .tum ble." I Scntrii'-e Tmjuied. Tli. fi.t !.".-!, e-'iin . that t'lli"" ,::s s'-'ll. CO. t tilil hln-i r. r 1" days In the u -n'y Jail. Vhei!-,-J 1- or n-t to. i .uii wax Ir.ihu-ne. d by li.'.- ia f. ml. .M'.- l-.i-.nraiu-e In the h e, let knr-.n. 1 -It llu- luat.': fo y !! SlHly dl- ! e--i! I'o lUe'lve of g'.v !'"t ll;e 1 ,.;.,t w irf 11. .t t" CVil'V :!. !. b. i,i..n:i!!v. t lit tn slake t!-- ' I i'.i: .-t ' !' f- " v i i. n v lu-ut lie r'. 'i -.v.-: t. i in ihe I,. .1. Thorn- ;! . i ! . . Ill ..... 1 . - .1 .1 .. ; . . I v. i . i r i u ii i u. i a. a 1 1 1 . . i . a i u a lellll Chll'.ers. . lated how his father had mistreated him continually and that, driven to desperation, be had taken the money and purchased a ticket for San Fran cisco. Father Known Here, Floyd Warner is the name of the boy and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warner, who formerly lived In La Grnndo, ,Mr. Warner being Interested in the La Grande Marble Work. The boy is 14 years of age, and was well dressed. WOOL SALE V PRICE (,1101) To Launch, South Carolina. Washington, July 10. Another mighty battleship will be added to Uncle Ram's navy tomorrow, when the South Carolina, a sister ship of the new Michigan, will be launched at the Cramps shipyards at Philadelphia. Imposing ceremonies will mark the event. . Later the vessel will go to Charleston. 8. C, where the people of the state for which It Is named will hold a great celebration. The South Carolina and Michigan represent the Initial attempt of the United States naval officials to con struct a type of vessel, the principal a!i4aH of wMK - rrvln nt mm many guns of even calibre as her dis placement will permit. The new ship, like the Michigan, has a displacement of 16.000 tons, making It slightly less powerful than the vessels of the British Dread naught type, which have 17,000 tons. It is alleged by experts, however, that the South Carolina will be able to fire as many guns broadside as can be fired from the five turrets of the Dreadnaught. WOOL AT F.I.C.IX SALE lUtlMiS H TO 10 CENTS, About One Ilmulml ami Ninety Thous and Dollars Ix-t Loose In TW Sta tion of tho SUUo Many Good Clips Sold Ends This Afternoon. Elgin, July 10. (Special.) There Is considerable excitement attending the wool sales now In progress In this city. Yesterday about 20 clips were disposed of at prices ranging from 1414 to KH cents. In all there are about one and a quarter million pounds offered and it Is expected that the remaining clips will be disposed of this afternoon. This will place about 1 190.000 In circulation In this section of the state. Bryre Coming West. San Francisco, July 10. It was an nounced today that James M. Bryce, j the British ambassador to the United States, will tour the Pacific coast next I March. He will see the whole west for the first time. His object Is to lecture at Berkeley before the Pacific Theological seminary. W. R. C. PROSPEROUS. Good Membership, a Good Rank Ac count and Gtiicral Enthusiasm. , Yesterday afternoon at its regular monthly meeting Mrs. Lillian Spence of Island City, was elected and Instal led as patriotic Instructor, and the or der is looking for splendid results from this talented lady. ' The president, Mrs. Ellen it. Cross, states tho corps was never In better condition. There. are oyer 40 mem bers, a snug little bank account, and almost general Interest is manifest by all. The ladles are planning for a so cial afternoon during the month of August. Ail announcement of which will be made later. I GRANDE R0NDE U MEAT COMPANY ! ril0E IS VOIR CRDfKS :TIV0 PIiOCSr City iVra! Mi:in GO Tir C'.rcct Mcikcl Main .'.3 Our large pcnr.s v. everything t j be four.d in a fin: nr-e c:, i the best of Try c::r Uvm: neu'e I!.:r,c: t o I awn -n ial. N-. M V. dm oia; , j-,!, ;. l,,, hell. of tlie M. ilmdl-t ih' ieh Mill i;v.. a lawn foe'.al lit t!ie home of Mr. nnd !::. t;. (.'. n-hiirn. .Maiief i, i:r. .' "lid h o-ie-mad,. vv ererun niel ia!;.- HI I,., i , , v. d, f.,r lileh u ihaise ..i 10 cent v. Hi be made. 7-10-lj W.XTI-:vt;ri f,,r p.-m ra! lums oik. Apply to Mrv A. L. ilhhard "n. 7-Mf IMfltE BOY . ; GLASSES THAT FiT 0 V 4 0 BIG Business is being done at the Creditors Big Slaughter SALE at the RED CROSS Drug Store 17 SOAPS Mil (;s Minimus station i :uv I.F.ATHElt ; Mills TOU.F.T ARTU LK8 lUU MIKS OF ALL KINDS Itl'llllKH iO)I)S and nniGGisT isvxnHn at KXTRI'.MKLY IOW PRICES Creditors Need THE MONEY FREE a souvenir postal of La Grande to each customer as long as they last at the RED CROSS Drug Store ALSO 1AI F.S I II Wit. i: OF Tin:rr from i IIo.mI Warner. I ornn rly ite-idins In This (II) Willi Ills Piirt'iitx. Ani'-t- il Tlii Momloic Idle on the IhiiiikI Tniln stolo Money to liny Th kit lo San I'r.iiK lst. There Is today in the city Jail a boy of 14 who will be taken back to Ills home In llolne to face the charge of having stolen money from his father, with which to make his get away to San Francisco. On tele graphic instructions, Chief of Police Walden this morning arrested the boy who was a passenger on the west bound train, and Incarcerated the lit tie fellow In the city Jail, where he will be held until hia father and police authorities reach here, probably tonight. From the meager Information ut hand It Is learned that the boy took sufficient money from his father to buy a ticket to Ran Francisco, via Portland. The ticket waa In his pos session when arrested. THE EYE i i' ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT HEACOCK'S EEFET"! ry one e eeee 2 ; i tit . i l OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION A HOME COMPAW 34nnn MtlJBt : mimu Se s ; A Mutual Company can Save Ytu from 40 to 50 nrr 5 cent on Your Insurance P f J. VV. OLIVER, AGENT, La Grande, Or : Cor.6thStanrJUashinlt0Are ' . r, 4te44t44lV04e In hia cell at the Jail today, be re-