w - ' V". ' volume vn. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGOX. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1B08. SDIBElt 840. I i 'A a 3 V SULLIVAN, dub li CORRUPTION AND DE BAUCHERY ADMITTED. Colonel Guffey of Pennsylvania, Rog er C. Sullivan of Illinois, and Patrick McCarren of 'New York, fought hard for perpetuation of political powers. The bitterness increased, particularly so. in the cases of New York and the Pennsylvania contingents. Real fight ing was. started when the Illinois con tests were taken up. George Mullt- i by" Burke contestants, declared Sul livan 'sent delegates to the. -national convention whose election was ."con summated through deceit and de bauchery." He declared Sullivan and his friends wrecked the democratic party in Illinois that they had a par ty deal to defeat the party In that state. Sullivan replied, says the con tests were "framed up.' He then de- mantled that his delegates be seated. War Grows Bitter. Credentials Committee Spends the Stormlext All-Night Session In His tory of Democracy Lies and Slurs Handed Out Often Prentice Ad mits There l Itnttitinni. In nemo. Judge William Prentice replied to cratlo Rank Tammany Men Scat-, Sullivan, almost causing a riot. "Why, d Unanimously McCarren Dubbed this man It not a democrat!" shouted a Bold Liar nh.Cmmltr. In An. Prentice. "I can refer you to no less tlon AU Night, an authority than W. J. Bryan, who declared Sullivan never has been a party man except for revenue. I want . . - Ikl. It. the, 4 .... Denver. Julv . After what was l" l" u" robably as stormy an all-night .e..ilon M U Permlt thl" 'd'vjutt' l talon of the credentials committee as -was ever held at a democratic na tional convention, the permanent roll of the present convention Is still In complete this morning. The com .tnlttee has been In practically continu ous session since 6 o'clock yesterday corrupt and debauch Illinois, elec tions. Just so long the vote of that SJite will be recorded in favor of the republicans. "Tli row Sullivan to the Dog." "Throw Sullivan to the dogs where he belongs, and we will again be able afternoon. It Is probable thst It will to pue up the y old-time majorities, -report to the convention shortly after Let Us clean house and scourge the noon today. It was generally believed this morning that the Dubois dele gates of Idaho will be continued on he roll though a strong fight will be made in the committee to compro mise or split the vote. . Leaders Lock Horns. Throughout the night three leaders. corruptlonlsts in the open." McCarren Grows Indignant. The New York contests followed. county, created a sensation by stat ing: : McCarren a I Jar. "If this man McCarren tells you he will support Bryan when he goes home from the convention, he lies. Don't forget this; he will not dare say he will either vote for or work tor the party leader. . Through the columns of hu rhnmn orwan In Brooklyn he has announced he will not tolerate Bryan nor Bryantsm. This Judas betrayed the democratic .party at the last elec tion when Hearst was running for the governorship." , When Pennsylvania was reached, Charles Donnelly and William Bren an presented the side of the Guffey men. J. Berwood Daly and W. L. McWhlston. argued against There were several heated arguments. The last contest to be taken up was that of the District of Columbia. The evi dence was the same as that heard Monday. The committee then went Into executive session, to consider the contests. Many Bosa Men Seated. Murphy's Tammany delegation of New York, was seated unanimously by the credentials committee. In the Pennsylvania contest the antl-Quffey Itea won. In the Idaho contest the Dubois delegation was seated. In the Ohio contest the ltth district Tom Johnson delegates won by two votes. In the Illinois contest the Roger Sul llvan delegates won. Oklahoma Delegation Increased. The committee decided to Increase the number of delegates for Oklaho ma from 14 to IS, making the total vote of the democratic convention 100s, it th convention ratifies the committee's recommendation. , Hitchcock is Chnlrman. Hot Springs, Va., July 8. After several weeks ofdi;llber- atlon the republican rational committee today decided .' on Frank H. Hitchcock as chair- man of the committee. Hitch- cock was manager of the Taft campaign tor the nomination at the Chicago convention. rWEDuff IS ES1USIE0 BLIND CORE PRECIPITATES Mill OVATIDH WHICH OUTDOES TEDDY'S IMPORTANT ACTION OP CONVENTION TODAY IS CENTERED IN WORK OP VARIOUS COMMITTEES Second Day of Democratic Convention Called to Order Shortly After Nooo and Adjourns Soon, Until Tonight Temporary Platform That Suits La bor is Presented Bryan Rumored to Be Coming to Convention He Denies it Blind Senator Lauds B ryan, Thereby Precipitating Recced Breaking Applause, PLATFORM COMMITTEE TO REPORT THURSDAY AT 19. Sub-Committee on Platform Seta a New Record at Denver tor Length of Time Coo-uiiird In Framing Kometh'ng Mli.'st tory Out Until 2 O'clock Tl. kerning and Work ins; Again at Will Report to FuU Committee at S Tonight. Patrick McCarren denounced the dis trict leaders, who deserted him, and aided Tammany In overthrowing him. George Williams, chairman ' of the antl-McCarren organisation In Kings Denver. July . Af.er the demo-1 noon crtle convention had been called to order at 12:25, the marching clubs paraded the hall. When order was re stored State Senator T. E. Grady ot New York, ..who Is chairman ofthe committee on rules and order, . was recognised and presented the report of the committee, which was adopted. - r Crowds In Early. . Crowds packed the galleries by il o'clock. Chairman Bell, Mayor Dahl- man of Omaha, and I. J. Dunn and Judge Wade of Iowa; Ollie James of Kentucky, and other Bryan leaders conferred at the Brown Palace hotel before the convention met. While the convention hall was fill Ing several delegations were parading the streets behind brass bands, cheer Ing for Bryan. Tammany made its first appearance In a street shoaV by pressing Into service tour stalwart- In dlans real things clad In flaming blankets and feathered headgear. When order had been restored by Chairman Boll, Rev. Christian F. Rel- sener, pastor of the Grace Mathodlut church of Denver, who Is chaplain of the day, was Introduced, , When he finished, the Milwaukee marching Denver, July . Contrary to all precedent the democratic resolutions committee will spend two nights and a day in the construction, ot a plat form. In preceding conventions the committee worked all night and ai long as necessary the next morning, and turned In a completed Job. Den ver builders will be more deliberate. After adjournment of the night meeting of the full committee, the sub-committee appointed by Governor Haskell, chairman, was In session un til 1 o'clock this morning, and resum ed Its labors at this morning after a short sleep and a hasty breakfast, j ciub, headed by Mayor Rose, paraded referred : tne anti-injunction plank to the sub-committee' consist-""" " Ing ot Williams of Massachusetts, Jer ry Sullivan of Iowa, and Judge Parker ot New York, Indicating that th plank ha satisfied labor1. BRYAN MAY ATTEND. Want a Change Made In Manner of STcasIafttltig Presidential Timber, Denver. July 8. A report Is circu lating that Bryan will come to thl city after his nomination to address the convention. Bryan's friends ax- press Ignorance concerning the ru mor. The story goes that Bryan de sires to end, with this convention, the traditional custom of two-thirds ma jority for presidential nomination. He argued that tin legitimate time to bring the matter up was after the nominations weie made. ' , Bryan Denlca Report. Lincoln, Neb., July 1. William J. Bryan Is spending the day quietly. He denied the report that he Intend to address the convention. John T. Kent, his confidential man, said If, after the nomination, the convention asks his presence, he will go. They will continue until 8 hi after noon when" theyxeet to" report to the full committee, which will then proceed with the final preparation of the draft of the platform. They fig- 4:18 In the sixth Inning with thelure on reporting to the convention at score ( to I, Welser forfeited the game to La Grande, misinterpreted passed halt, ground rule. 10 o'clock Thursday morning. pecial Clearance Prices Summer Good of aff Kinds Dress Goods, Ladies Suits, Dress Skirts, Ladies' Waists In Nett Silk, Lawns and LinenLadies Long and Short Kimonas. LARGE DEATH LIST. Three Days of Terrific Heat In New York la Relieved Today. New York, July I. Fully 78 are dead and more than 100 prostrations were recorded, and misery such as the I east has never endured, is the record ot the three days of torrid torture which the fresh breete and lower temperature ended today. Despite the drop six deaths and several p rostra tlons were recorded today. CAMPAIGNING BY MAIL. Socially Candidate, Though In Prlxon, Is CamiuUgnlng. ALL LADIES' TRIMMED HATS HALF PRICE - : P SPECIAL BARGAINS in Men's, Bbys' and Children's Suits ALL WIS WEEK Long Cheering for Bryan. Senator Gore, the blind tolon ot Oklahoma, addressed the convention and set the galleries and delegates In an uproar by naming Bryan, calling htm the greatest living apostle of hu man liberty. During the cheering a banner bearing Bryan's picture was brought Into the hall amid great con fusion. The demonstration started at 1:1 and lasted until 1:40. thus fall Ing tar short ot th ovation given Roosevelt at th Chicago convention. and several minute shorter than Taft' ovation, Resumed and fVntlnued. Though there was a brief lull and order was restored for a moment, it broke out again and did not subside until all record of the Chicago con ventlan had been broken. Even Roosevelt' wonderful ovation at Chi cago la not to be compared with the one given Bryan, even after deducting the time lost during. the momentary lull. It was 1:47 before full order wss restored. Convention Adjourn. Immediately after Gore had con cluded his speech by saying but a few words after the record-breaking dem- Reno, Nev., July . Morris E. Preston, the convicted murderer, who Is serving 25 years In the Nevada state prison, and who a nominated for the presidency of the United States, r.nstratlon had ceased, the convention by the socialist party, Is preparing to. adjourned until 8 o'clock this evening. COONS III ARMS OKLAHOMA MILITIA IS BEADY FOR ACTION, Negro and Indian Encamped Near Muskogee, Wearing Freeh War- " paint County Official Unable to Cope With Angry Brave Who Give . Sign of Being Good Indian" Only . After Sliarp Reprimand Bloodshed Feared 6y Offk-Ul. Oklahoma City, July 8. Acting tin-. der order from Acting Governor Bel lamy, Oklahoma' whole mllltla la prepared today to march at a mo ment's notice on Hickory .camp grounds hear Muskogee, where sev eral hundred Indians and negroes are encamped. The braves are openly defying the county officers, who tried to make them tay down their arm and become citizens. Bloodhed 1 feared. mnke a campaign by mall. The war den at the prlmin has given Preston pi-imlMlon to spend a portion of his ttmo In campaigning. Pliink HatlMflrd IaIhw (?) The plntform committee this after- Worms of the dust make poor leal' era of men to the divine. 50c $1.25 to 2.00 25c 4-i'n Hand Ties Ladies' Waists Mex. Straw Hats 27c 68c I3c IlorkcfctliT I 69. New York, July 8. There Is re- Jolclng In the office .of the Standard Oil company t'J8 Broadway today, this being the 9th birthday of the great chief of the oil monopoly, John D. Rockefeller. The anniversary was generally remembered by the friends end business associates of th oil magnate In New York and through out th country nd the telegraph wire today carry hundred of con gratulatory messages. i Ladles' Dress Skirts of the Famous "Beverly Make" Worth up to 0-GQ t $14.00 Now . p0.iO IT SN MEN'S 7.V TO 5c DRESS SHIRTS. rv fx fCy New York Offk-e for ll-puhllin, New York. July 8, New Tork head quarter of th republican congress committee will be opened In the St. James building on August 1 and will be practically th nationa Iheadnuar ters, although the Washington office will b maintained. --It44-tt Internal lottal Tax Body. Toronto, Ont., July 8. An Interna tional tax association open to all res Idents of th United State and Cana da, will be organised at a meeting to be held her on October 8. OUGHT TO BE THE HAPPINESS AND GLORY !, of every citizen to so live and act that his fcl- : ; low citizens uiil esteem him for his goodness, ; ; his kindness, and his usefulness. The principles of : ; good citizenship should constitute the code of rules : ; for every kind of business whether public or private. ; ; X 1 his applies particularly to the drul business, be- i cause, owing to the limited knowledge of the qualities of drugs by the general public, It follows that the re- t liability of the druggist Is the chief guarantee of good service. HILL'S DRUG STORE m m Oregon J t La Grande .Is i :