Jr. lass Eicnx. EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. OREGON. TUESDAY, JOE 30, 1908. EIGHT PAGES. A GRAND OF JULY 11 LA GRANDE - IS CONG TO HAVE ONE This Year Sure and Every-body will be There With Their Sisters and Their " v Cousins and Their Aunts "you will want to be m ir Only a Short time Now Until The Great Event will Take Place, and if You are not Ready i'or it Permit Us EVERYTHING IH onto any lawn, freely, and without (ear of beln? forbidden. , , Several Rest Rooms. Never beforo has such pains been taken to provide rest rooms where farmers and visitors can spend the j quiet hours. In the arbor will be J room for hundreds. The fresbj-ter- lan church will be throwjj-'oppn as a ; rest room. Cots and easy chairs will I be free but In the church rest room i the visitors will have the privilege I Of slacking thirst and quieting. hun ger from refreshments boards at nominal cost."""': Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery Ladies9 Ready-to-wear Apparel, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, and Furnishings, all AT SUCH TINY PRICES that You Can SAVE MONEY on Everything m is ( HEAP TODAY SALOONS CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. Last Day of Saloon History la I I Grande Marked by Exceptionally Large Sales Wines and Fine Li quors Being Disposed of at a Song Purchasers Practically Name Their Own Prices). YOURS FOR A GOOD TIME THE PEOPLE'S STORE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, LA GRANDE, OREGON kaAsVaAAAAaAAAAAsAAAsiaAAAsMi axahahaakBkBkasBasBsBbaBsBas)asBBaata sssani Bfc Www WWW Www www VWw WW " wwwwwwwww w ARMY 11 IS ( EVERYTHING IN READINESS FOR ANNUAL REUNION. Some Will Reach Here Tomorrow Morning, But Main Army Will Conie In Tomorrow Afternoon and j Evening First lay to be Given Over to Registration and Hand- shaking. The big army tent of the G. A. R. reunion was erected today and is lo cated Just back of tha arbor adjoin ing Solder's candy store. This tent will be used headquarters during ' tha three days.. Reglntratlon books will be kept there and from there all orders of the commander will be Is sued. The veterans are preparing fur - a big time on their day, the Id of July, and so also are the. members of the W, It. C, who will be In com mand of the festivities on the Sd. ' Not -a great many are expected to arrive before tomorrow evening, as the first day will be given over to registration and reception of visitors. But on the morning bf the second day the old fellows who followed the flag in the days of civil strife will gain fight over their battles, discuss their victorias and defeats, and In a measure, at least, suffer again the agonies of their wounds and the sor rows of separation from friend and family. The people of the city have helped with the program In every way possible and have shown a very earnest desire to da honor to the mon who fought and bled for the Union. . .- IsMiie New Tariffs. Washington, June 80. -By an order of the Interstate commerce commis sion, In full effect after today, all carriers engaged in export and Import traffic with countries not adjacent to the United States are required to pub lish their rates and fares to and from foreign ports, and If the tariffs show through rates with ocean carriers, to also show the Inland rates and fares. mmm THE VISITORS OPEN LAWNS AND REST ROOMS ARE MANY. No One Wilt Nerd to Kit In Hot Sun shine) During the Fourth Rest Rooms Everywhere Lawns of tlie City at DbipoNa! of the Visitors. Visitors In La Grande on the Fourth who may wish to bring their lunches from home will be very much pleased to know that every lawn in the city has been thrown open to them and that they are welcome to spread 'their lunches there and be generally comfortable. Toung peo ple who are longing for some shady nook In which to utter soft nothings will find them without seeking, and tired mothers may take the little ones Booze has flowed freely and at lit tle cost today. Tonight It will flow even more freely. This, the last day of the saloons In Union county, will mark a now epoch In sales of Intoxi cating liquors If the records were kept. High grade liquors and wines have been disposed of today at the buy ers' prices.- Mmt any sum of money will take away the best liquors the saloons afford, and the proprietors foel they are getting off easy at that. The Julius Roesch brewery has had larger shipments of late than usual as buyers from without the county saw an opportunity to stock up a little expense. In the city Itself, many who "Indulge" ocaslonally, but are not habitual drinkers, saw the oppor tunity of stocking the wine larders at wholesale prices and did so accord ingly. First-class wines are reported to have been sold at prices that would make a saloon keeper sneer In deri sion under ordinary circumstances. Go Out at Twelve. When the clock strikes twelve to night, and the local option law is obeyed, which It will be without doubt, the proprietors wilt turn the lock In their doors for the last time and forever we hope. It Is only natural to suppose the sales will be brisk up until that time. In any event, whether or not the laws are enforced to the minute, the new dawn will see a new city of La Grande. . Teaeliors are Reviewing Studies. . Fourteen aspirants for teachers' certificates have registered and are In attendance at Prof. Hochenberry's summer school. There are two young men and twelve ladles. The branches reviewed are those In which examin ation must be passed In order to ob tain 2d and 3d grade county certifi cates In addition, those who wish to try for 1st grade county papers are studying '-. physical geography and Fngllsh literature. Homestead Iroofs. David G. Bagley. David L. Rogers and Milton S. Turnblll all of Pine Val ley, and May A. Kinney, of Medical Springs, made proof on homestead today. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. I GRANDE RONDE 1 i::.;MEAT.CbM PKONE US YOUR ORDERS PANY TWO PHONES., City Meat Market Main 50 fir Street Market Main 48 Our large trade permits us to handle only , the best everything to be found in a first class market. Try our home made Bacon, Hams and Lard. of iaA4Assssesesessssseecsess ts GLASSES THAT FIT THE EYE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT HEACOCK'S REFERENCES l Ask any on 1 have fitted. i r SPLENDID HISTORICAL FLOATS (Continued from pace 1.) California Mrs. J. J. Carr. Minnesota Mrs. Upton H. Glbbs. Oregon float (Sacajawea) Miss Ethel Gulling. ' Kansas Mrs. J. W. Knowles. . West Virginia Mrs. Clair Scrlber. - Nevada Miss Bertha Walslpger. Nebraska Mrs. E. Polack. ., Colorado Mrs. F. H. Tatman, North Dakota Miss Haworth. South Dakota Mrs. Larson. Montana Harold Grady and Ray Williams. Washington Clyde Kiddle. Idaho Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Wyoming Mrs. Charles Orandy.. . Utah Mrs. E. Z. Carbine. Oklahoma Mrs. Fred Shllke.' Three union territories, Alaska, Arlicna and New Mexico. Mrs. F, E Moore.- literature Xear'r Mr. Rohrabacher h. written Mr. Collier of the Com n m tl Club that th6 booster booklet nur'v read fcnrt that copy of t'.io m.iuarlpt will soon be mailed to the club' for Inspection and suggestions. Balloon Ascension. This evening at 7:10 Prof. Hicks will t make a baloon ' ascension on Fifth street Just north of the Baptist church. Prof. Hicks made a very successful exhibition at the Ball Park Sunday afternoon. , " Mormon Lwue Up, ,. Denver, June 30. The Mormon Is sue will be brought before the nation al democratic committee by Idaho Monday when the committee takes up contests for seats. There are six Ida ho contestants. It Is understood that fraud will be alleged In connection with the election of delegates. Other Contests to follow are Illinois 20, New TArk 11, Pennsylvania 7, six from the District of Columbia. TO TRAVELING PUBLIC f Persons .desiring neat If and comfortable rooms,- , and whnlRltnma mania 1 I t IUV,I4 should stop at the . PALMER HOTEL i Board and room bv th t week : : : : $5 00 ; uy trie day : : : I no a Th rinlt Ciret ni $1.00 per day house in 1 La Grande. White help? I T "T" r. . - ; iwo tuocKs from Depot a a i . . w. j. KAM5UM Prop. ; PHONE BLACK 402 n? tt3 TT n WEED M THE Ml 1 VJill Sacrifice My Stock Stock is at Your Mercy it's Up To You This Sacrifice Safe Commences Tuesday Morning JULY JTH AT THE a RE D CROSS Drugs, Toilet Articles, Leather Goods, i Rubber Goods, Soaps. Stationarv. Dmn. 0 w wm nifl $OFP Ofst Sundries and Novelties. This Sale lUy aiWi. mi Lpst Untu Saturday, July i8&l Must have the Money to pay' Creditors; A. C. MacLENIMN Propr.