;e two. EVENTS O t BSERVEK. IA GRANDE, OREGON MONDAY, JCXE 29, 1908. KIOITT FACHM. 4 iane the ' breakfast a success and the day Will take care of itself. starts the day nght. Aroma- K iigui una never in uuift.. Sold on merit- No prizes -no coupons-no crockery. J. A. Folgor GX Co., f a ... . -jl r1-r --frmf iiM.iii ir- iti'fi 'i j nj ! THE GEORGE I tfSSfiu&Rte Folder's N kfe Coffee ' I "n LiiiVi BER COivi Pan Y RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit .Your Orders fer Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. , Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. ! Grande Romle Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON ca ' ru:K:sr. lumber or all kinds IN CAR LOAD LOTS X for 16 Inch Chain Wood Call up V. E. BEAM, La iuntixo, "flags, national chkpe paper, caps for prills, 1IORXS. LMeWCLLnLflS. CO. ADAMS AVKXIE t 4,-f t tt t4 Mr WE ARE OL'R NEW LUMBER UIIITH will te sold at reduced prices. House bills special prices. We hae fir finish and V G fir flooring We have the best grade of Cedar shingles. These are two grades of the same brand, : : : ; : STODDARD LUMBER CO. eeeeeeeeeee ASCEHSIOH SUCCESSf UL The balloon ascension from the ball park yesterday evening following the basebull gfinie was very successful. Prof, Hicks wag favored with a still evening, and everything happened an per schedule. The balloon went near. ly straight up. When the parachute was cut loose the aerial artist wag al most over the baseball field. Para. chute, man and balloon all came down within an eighth of a mile from .where they went up. Porf. Hicks makes an other ascension on the Fourth of July. PALMER Delivered at your Home, Grande. Phone. Red 1741 . Kj-t ff M 1 1 1 GETTING l STOCK Of eeeeee XX ::: e-eeeeeee e e e t. e-eeeeeeeeeeeeee LETTER f KO ALASKA W. S. Burnett of this city, has re ceived a letter from his son, John E. Burnett, who Is at Tread well, Alaska. The Interesting communication to the La Grande relatives says In part: "We only have two Sundays or holi days In the year, that Is, the Fourth of July and Christmas, Well, sprlnft has lust arrived up here, the flowers have just put In their appearance, and I think In two or three weeks more the, snow will all be gone, and then It won't seem so lonesome for there good hunting close to the camp. We are building a log houso now for a bunk house, it rains so hard over here that It takes two tents to turn the water, one stretched over the top of the other. There have only been 12 the 11th of May, There are all kinds of wild berries growing here In the mountains, and as for game. It Is plentiful, auch as bear, deer and grouse. I will now give you a de scription of the Island. It la IS miles long and about three miles In width, and la all mountains, the highest one being 3500 feet high. It Is called Mt. Jumbo. The mine la at the foot of Jumbo mountain. There are five all told and all belong to one company. There are three towns, Treadwell, Douglas City and Juneau. Juneau is Is not on the island. "JOHN E. BURNETT." CITATION. In the County Court, for the County of Vnlun, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of George Newbert, deccused. To A. A. Newbert, and all known and unknown heirs of George Newbert, deceased, resident and non-resident, Greeting: In the nnme of the state of Ore gon you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county . of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande, In the county of Union, on Monday, the sixth day of July, 1903, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that Cay, then and there to show cause,' If any you have, .why an order should dot be made, authorizing and directing the administrator of the above entitled estate to sell the west of the north east Vi, section 12, township 2, south of range 27, E. W. M.! lots J and 4, In block 139, Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Union County, Oregon; and lots 1 and 2, In block 85, Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Witness, the (SEAL) HON. J. C. HENRY, Judge of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Union, with the senl of said Court affixed this third day of June, 1908. ATTEST: J. B. GILHAM, dJ6-18-20-27-JuU Clerk. LOST A diamond sunburst. Return to Mrs. William Ash and receive a liberal reward. summer Delights ct cream Is all rlRlit l.ir dveit !" time In tin' yi ar, but 1 v hen rum mer comes again' t's lyiticularly de irnble. This curd simply strives to call your attention to tho finest rrcnm and water Ices to be hnd In the local markets. Take the hint? Always ask for Rluc Mountain Creamery lie cream and get the best going. For aale at A. T. IIII.U FltKD DUTI.I. KILVKUTIIOItX A HACK. Blue Mountain Creamery Co. w. ill. i ' i. " m-' I "i wm p t. ... ,. Notice to Creditors, Notice la hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Mertle Aldrlch has been ' appointed by the county court of Union county, Oregon, admin istratrix of the estate of Mary A. Al drlch, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are required to . present them with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof, to the administratrix at the office of Arthur C, Williams, rooms 1 and 2, southwest corner of Depot street and Adams avenue. La Grande,. Union county, Oregon, a Dated June 5, 1908. MERTIB ALDRICH, Administratrix of the" Estate of Mary A. Aldrlch, Deceased. dj5-12-18-26july3-10 Land for Rent. We have 820 acres of excellent land Tor rent. Call at once. F. 8. BRAMWELU C J. BLACK. Sure Cure for Asthma. We guarantee to . cure asthma, cine falls we will cheerfully refund all money paid. Write Arnold'a Asthma Cure Co., S33-334-S36 Arcade Build ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next 10 days, Morris W. Knight. Cove, Ore. Box 21. V ' LOW RATES EAST Will be Made by the O. R. & N . 'x'hls Season Follows: ROUND TRIP To . t Direct Chicago S71.R0 St. Louis 07.50 St. Paul (63.13 Omaha $90.00 Kansas City A. $60.00 " TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE ..MAY 4, 18 JUNE 5, 6, 19, 20 JULY , 7, 22, 23 AUGUST 6, 7, 21, 22 Good for return In 90 days with stop over privilege at pleasure within limits. ' DON'T FORGET THE DAKS For any further Information call on J. IL KEENEY, Local Agent, Or write to ' WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. e . LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of j Adams Avenue PROf. DAY, Principal i.e............ Scott & Altheide As house cleaners we are the people who are equip ped for doing the work. Leave your sarpet3 on your floors,' give us your orner and smile at our work and we will smile t together. 4 , PHONE. Black 1772 , X THE ONLY The only kind of ice that we handle In retail trade made from Dure artesian water the wagon will bring this PURE ICE to your door on notification by teleiihone or otherwise. To regular patrons our prices are one-half cent per pound. NATURAL ICE handled In wholesale lots. Look out for the Grandy Ice wagon. Thone Black S71. t in DAKUAIIX5 JUNE 6 to JUNtr 16 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT I All lines marked in plain figuers snowing discount. Now is the time to get the largest discount offered. THE YAH DM (0. BRICK IS CHEAPER t Brick building, at the present price of lumber, is $ cheaper as well as better. ' It has been demonstrated ' tnat my brisk is superior . o 'any made in . Oregon. . I :an fun ish cemmon brick in any quantity. No order X too large or too . small to receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited, t Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known on application. - f GEO KRIEGER t Phor.e Residence, Black 701, Yard, Red 621. La Grande, Oregon How am I to have that white suit of mine looking Fresh and Neat all summer as it does now? The answer is simple. When ever it becomes soiled :::::: : PHONE MAIM 7 : ; : : : VVF. will do the rest. WE have a force of Experienced halp to look after your wants in this line and ycu need have no fear cf sending your most delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee to satisfy you. A. B. C. LAU,DRY Xoth-o to Water Coiwumers. Patrons not on metejs wishing to use city water for JTtl? purposes will please call ag thyn lord4 s of fice and make ropcgpirilon, and the water aupellntJMrt will turn the water on. flours for Irrigating from 1:10 to T:S0 p. m. H. C. OILMAN. DA SOtf Water Supt Cattle for Bale. Fifty head of stock cattle, cattle In good condition; now on range. . quire of - H. WETZEL. dJU Meacham, Oregon. m try, v I PURE KIND t artificial ice only pure Ice in the city. A delivery m vim irv 1 i La Oraudc, Ore. IN THE Masonic mi eeeee ee in d HV1RRY? THEN CALL "iS.ca.a,,, atysw te..j f? -in T& ... . iee