EVXMXO OnSKRVKR. LA GRAYDB, OKEWS, FRIDAY. JCXE 19. J908. page rr.vKN. t, - 7 JflGTU PAGES. 5 IT IS NOT VERY MUCH. NEVERTHELESS IT IS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT. . BUY A COUPON BOOK IF YOU WANT TO B13 ECONOMICAL. ' :v ' ' '. ' ' ' " ' THK IS WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO xOV 12 worth ct wat for $1.90; $3 for tl.SS; $5 for $4.75; $10 for $9.50; $15 for $14.25; $20 for $19. AND THIS 13 NOT ALL.. WE WILL BELL YOU A BETTER GRADE OF MEAT AT A LOWER PRICE THAN ANYBODY. OUR HOME CVUED HAMS AND BACOV ARE OUR PRIDE. WHY PAY A FANCY PRICE FOR EASTER HAM WHEN YOU CAN BUY A BETTER ARTICLE AND A HOME PRODUCT AT A MUCH LOWER PRICE? WE GUARANTEE EVERTHINO AND CHEERFULLY REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU ARE NOT ENTIRELY SATISFIED. OUR LARD IS AS PURE AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE. OUR DELIVERY IS THE PROMPTEST IN THE CITY. GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT WE THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND THE MEAT BUSINESS, AND KNOW HOW TO TREAT YOU RIGHT. . ft DIRECTORY ' . OF, THE- ' I FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE. Woodmeu of Uio World. La Qiando Lodge No. 119, W. O. W, meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hnil In the Corpe building. All .visiting members wel crno. M. M. MARQUIS, J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. .. v f. o. r;. La Grande Aerie No. 259, F. O. E., meets every Friday night In Elks' hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. v . D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN. W, S. ... . Foresters of America. Court Maid Marian No. 1 meets cond and fourth Wednesday night In K. of P. hall. Brothers are Invited to attend. NERI ACKLES, C. R. G. V. HENDRICKS, F. S. Board of Trustee: Dr. G. L. Big ger, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. j . O, E. 8. ; (ftipe Chapter No. 18, O. E. 8.. hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each' month. Visiting memocrs oordlally Invited. MARY O. FORREST. W. M. . MART A. WARN1CIC. SecreUry, I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. 51, L0. O. T., meets iwj second and fourth Wednesday in the month In Odd Fel lows' tfall. VIMtlng patriarchs always welme. D. E. COX. C. P. W. A. WORSTELL. 8crlbe. M. H. or A. Meets first and third Thursday eve-' at I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. J. A. Ar.niTKLE. President C. J. VANDERPOEU Secretary. B. P. O. E. a Grande Lodge No. 4IS, meets f Thursday evening at S o'clock In Elks' hail on Adama avenue. Visit ing brothers ant cordially Invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT, Eialted Rule-. 0. E. M" CULLY. Rec. Bee. ICE CREAM hi3 is the open season for pared to furnish the trade member refreshment parlors Oregon, resort for Ladies L D. SELDE R, mmtt-M4 MIDGET MARKET 'Phono Main . . P? S. PLEASE REMEMBER. THAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOW PRICE AT WHICH MAT 13 SELLING FOR IN LA GRANDE AND IF WE WERE NOT DOING A CASH BUSINESS AND KEEPING THE PRICES DOWN. YOU WOULD BE PAYING AT LEAST 2VjO PER POUND MORE FOR YOUR MEAT THAN YOU ARE NOW. j La Grande Cash Meat Co. M-A: Sfl,Sa F- . - . I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No, 14, meets In their hall every Saturday night VI Itlug brothers cordlr.lly Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. T, J. SCROGGIN. N. O. D. E. COX, Secretary. C J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Sec M. W, A, , Lav Grande Camp No. 7701 meets every Moaday evening at L O. O. V. hall. All visiting neighbors are cor dially Invited to attend". E. C DAVIS, C. D. E. COX Clerk. Relief committee: E. C. . Davis, Charles Disqua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. A. F. A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. K. M., holds regular meetings first tnd third Saturdays at 7:20 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL. W. M. CD. HUFFMAN, Secretary. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. 17, meets In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening In Castle Hall, Corpe building: A Pythian welcome to ail visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. ft S. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 27, L. O. T. M.. meets eveiy first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MRS. EVA M'INTTRE, K. of R. Kcbekuha. Crystal Lodge No. 50, meets every Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F. lodge. AH visiting members are In rite's to attend. LAURA STILES. N. 0. JENNIE SMITH. Secretary. Ice Cream and we are pre- with the very best Re- are the finest in Eastern and Gentlemen the Candy Man f La Grands Cash Meat Co. ASSAY Offlff Seattle, June 19. (Special corrcsr pondence.) A branch United-States assay office with the full machinery in operation, taking the gold in its natural state and converting it into the purified metal, will be one of the interesting moving exhibits at the Alaska ?yukon-Ptu'Ulc exposition, to be held here, opening June 1 , and closing October 16, 1909. The assay office exhibit will be In stalled in the Alaska building as it will graphically picture an important process In the principal Alaskan In dustry. Seattle already has an assay office, where since Its establishment In 1898 up to July 81, 1907, there has been received and paid for gold to the value, of $158,720,133. Every year millions of dollars' worth of gold la shipped to this office from the Northland. It la the Intention to have the exposition office a branch of the Seattle office. It will be equipped with a furnace and complete appara tus for handling the gold as it is taken from the grou-4 until all allays and Impurities are separated form it and Its exact value u..jvv. ;nd. Some of the co:i.-,",-n,n,s which otherwise would be ta ;i i. 4 . .Tie main Seattle office, will be ha.u.:c2 by the exposition office and thj processes gone through with there. A showing of the amount of precious metals the Stnttlc office has handled since Its in 52"" e mnile In a graphic manner. The amounts will be figured out In cubic feet, and burs ercctel o( the resulting dimensions, one repre senting the gold being glided yellow, and the other showing the silver out put being colored accordingly. . More Puloon Into C'allfomul. The final count of the' vote shows that Klamath county went dry by SI votes, says a Klamath Falls Item. Tlio city of Klnmath Falls went wet by a majority of 59. but under the local option law, It too, must go dry. Only ono town went wet. The new order of thing will put 20 saloons and one brewery out of business. Seversl of the saloon men expect to move to Dor rls to engage in business. Merrill is only a mile or two from the California line, and some of the saloon men f that place expect to move across 0" state line, where they will contlm. business. Just try those elegant chocolate so daa at SUverthorn Mack's. D5-t7-4-r UNiVrB9ITY Of OREGON tUMUER SESSION Jims ss to JVi.r si. inn VM la UtnlKTT. Cbrmlatr. SXnrattaa. ?l1 k l.iunir, U4-rauta, srs.-a, pntl, utafarv. Hub m, fitymra. Fullorw M lulratk.j, rr-Mi, cnnwn is rrrt lU-AHrM:TORt LAI I1J.IU mi rrt u, tumult w liisit, wum, sits;! fAIR Notice) of Annual School Meeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of schqol district No. one, of Union county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for said dis trict will be held at High School build ing In said district, to In-Kin at the' hour of two o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 15th dny of June, A. D. 1908. This meeting Is called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve for five years and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Said election shall be held from 2 p. m. until 8 p. m. and shall be by ballot. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1908. F. S. IVANHOE, Attest: Chairman Board of Directors A. C. WILLIAMS, District Clerk. fcpeclul lTixc. The Singer Sewing Machine com pany -offers a prize of $2.60 payable to the lady holding Singer sewing ma chines numbers 740,959 and K739.S95. If you hold one of these lucky num bers call on or address A. N. Stone, agent, La Grande, Ore. " (-4-7-20 Craning ts a dead issue. 8o svs Dr. H. C. Par ker of tho Indiana School of Med! ?!ne. In Coi:ier" Wetl.ly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr tp will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some others, but It con tains the Ingredients that will posi tively and absolutely cure that cough. RED CROSS DRUG 8TORE. , Notice of I'Mrny. - In the Williams pasture, south of La Grande, a light red yearling with white face and white on legs, no brand; also, chocolate-colored mare, branded 24 on left hip. Owners can have same by paying for this adver tisement and other charges. RAYVILLIAMS. dfl-3-lm - Land for Rent. We have 320 acres of excellent land for rent. Call at once. F. S. BRAMWELL, C. J. BLACK. Good Pasture. One section of pasture land three miles from La Grande; plenty of wa ter and shade. Ed Burke, La Grande. Oregon. . t-4tf CEMENT WORK f All kinds of Cement and Concrete work. 4 I - CONCRETE BU!lir..'t ULUUKS CEMtTtKV WORK No contract too large or ) too small, ! ; Satisfaction Guaranteed ;: A.'.-L ROBERTS;; PHONE BLACK 682 : : NORTH FIU ST. MARKET 'Phone Main 1. fsr OvcMVraiight Business conditions toilay ask more of a man's vitality than ever before. It's one continuous drive at high tension, overtaxing the body and brain until a complete break down comes. j " The nervous system suffers most of all. The demand upon it is the most relentless. To succeed in business today usually means to be a nervous wreck at forty, if lot before. For a man working clay in, day out, under these conditions Americanitis Elixir is as necessary as food and drink. 'This unique medical discovery strengthens and tones the nerves to meet this unnatural de mand upon them. It supplies to the body phosphorus in soluble form a thing never before considered possible. Rexall Ameri canitis has accomplished wonderful results all over the country and its merits are now universally recognized. Get a bottle of this nerve tonic today. Note how quickly that feeling of nervous strain disappears. 75 Cents Per Bottle A.T. HILL The Utut Tills Ever Bold. -"After doctoring IS years for chron ic indigestion, and spending; over 1200, nothing has (Join me as much good as Dr. King's New Life rills. I consider them the best pills ever sold." writes U. F. Ayscuo, of Ingleslde, N. C. Sold tinaer guarantee at Newlln's drug store. 23c. A Pertinent Question. Are your eyes good yet have you perfect vision for long or short dis tances? If there is anything the mat ter with them, now is tha time to have them examined and, If necessary, properly fitted with correct Glasses. The wrong kind of lenses would In jur instead of Improve) your sight. I am an Eye Specialist, and under stand everything In connection with the human eye, and Glasses for same. 0. M. IIEACOCK - 1 ' :- it ' Dus.nsss Van T!ib Story of P EX means iv "king," knd the combination makes tin all "kln4 of all." We bavs provea time and time aain that Kr.Hitlk Reme dies are kin! above all others. l'or mere than two years an expert travelled all over tho world In search of extraordinary remedies. When, vet he heard of a wonderful cure of any nature he did not mt until he per sonally could see tlx effect of the prescription used. Where he found th remedy perfect lie purchased tha pre scription, hut it waa sever used ss a Rex all remedyuntil the properties bad been thoroughly anal yzed by ths chem ists ana physicians of the United Drug Company. DRUGGIST LOW RATES EAST Will be Made by the j O.R.c8:N? Vhls Reason as Follows: ROUND TRIP To Direct , Chicago ., , i7ii.& fit. Louis ... 67.5 St, Paul . . $03.tS Omaha $on.O XailMis City $ao.ot TICKETS V7ILL BE ON SALE ..MAY 4. IS JV.E 5, , 19, 20 . i JI LY 6, 1, 22, 23 I j AL'tifST , 1, 21, 23 ' Good for return in to clays with stop over privilege at pleasure wlthla limits. DOM FORGET THE DATES, For any further information call on S. II. KECNEY, Local Ageot, Or write to wm. McMunrur. ; General Passenger Agent, A PORTLAND, OREGON. '