EVEMXG. OBSERVER, LA GRATOJB. OHKGOJT, THVRSDAY, JVXE 18, IOCS. tack sf.vx;:?. : e s V Per ':: Cent Discount KGIU PACES. . 5 K .. . ....... . . .' . . '. 'l.'.'..' ......iiA.i...iUl4l4 .DIRECTORY OF THE . FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE. Woodiuen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 19. W. O. W., meet every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting member wel come. 3. H. KEENEY, Clerk. M. M. MARQUIS, Consul Commander. F. O. H. La Grande Aerie: No. 25, F. O. E.. meeta every Friday night In Elk." hall at p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. S. . Fcrcster of America. Court Maid Marian No. 21 meeU tecond and fourth Wednesday nlfcht in K. of P. hall. Brother are Invited to attend. . NERI ACKLES, C. R. O. V. HENDRICKS. F. S. Board of Truetce: Dr. Q. L. Big gera, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat teraon. - O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 18, O. E. SH hold atated communication the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting -memoirs cordially Invited. MARY O. FORREST, W. M. MARY A. WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. SI, L O. O F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In tlie month In Odd Fel low hall. Vllitn pan-lurch always welcome. D. E. COX, C. P. W. A. WORSTKLL, Scribe. m. n. A. Moots first and third Thursday eve . at I. O. O. V. hull. VlalUng member! always welcome. J. A. AIMn'CKr.H. Preeldent C. J. VANDF.ni'GliU Secretary. D. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 4SJ. meets each Thursday evening at I o'clock in Elk hall on Adam avenue. Vllt Ing brother are cordially Invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT. Exalted Rule. O. E. M'CUIXT. Bee Bee. ; . ; .'I ICE CREAM This is the open season for pared to furnish the trade mamber refresnment parlors Oregon. A resort for Ladies E. D. S ELDER, IT IS NOT VJIT MUCH, NEVERTHELESS IT IS THE 1 1TTLB THINGS THAT COUNT. BUT A COUPON BOOK IF YOU WANT TO BH ECONOMICAL. . - ; :- , ' " "',''' THM IS WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO OU: tl worth ! wat for 11.90; S for 12.85; SS for M.tt; $10 for 19.50; $15 for $H.5; $20 for $19. AND THIS 18 NOT ALL.. WE WILL SELL TOU A BETTER GRADE OP MEAT AT A LOWER PRICE THAN ANYBODY. OUR IIOMK CVRED HAMS AND BACON ARE OUR rHIDE. WHY PAY A FANCT PRICE FOR RASTER HAM WHEN YOU CAN BUY A BETTER ARTICLE AND A HOME PRODUCT AT A MUCH LOWER PRICE? v WE GUARANTEE EVERTHINQ AND CHEERFULLY REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU ARB NOT ENTIRELY SATISFIED. OUR LARD IS AS PURE AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE. OUR DELIVERY IS THE PROMPTEST IN THE CITY. GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT WE THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND THE MEAT BUSINESS, AND KNOW HOW TO TREAT YOU RIGHT. MIDGET MARKET 'Phone Main 06. P. 8. PLEASE REMEMBER. THAT WE ARB RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOW PRICE AT WHICH KTAT IS SELLING FOR IN LA GRANDE AND IF WE WERE NOT DOING A CASH BUSINESS AND KEEPING THE PRICES DOWN, YOU WOULD EE PAYING AT LEAST 2o PER POUND MORE FOR YOUR MEAT THAN YOU ARE NOW. '.',.,' La Grande Cash Meat Co. SiilSLB'ERohr i. o. o. r. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meeta la their bail every Saturday night Via Itlng brother cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at VIodel Restaurant. , T. J. SCROGGIN, N. O. D. E. COX, Secretary. C. 3. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Beo. MW. &. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meeta every Monday evening at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbor are cor dially Invited to attend. E. C. DAVIS, C D. E. COX Clerk. Relief committee: E. C. Davis, Charles Diacjua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. . A. F. A. SI. , La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. K. My hold regular meeting first ind third Saturday at 7:30 p. m. ( U H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. 17, meeta In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. k. of r. Red Cress Lodge No. 27. meets svory Monday evening in Castle Hall. Corpe 'building. A Pythian welcome to all Visiting knights. D. II. PROCTOR, C. C R. L.LlNCOLN, K. of R. & 8. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 27,' L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. VlHlting members made welcome. . SADIE KLINTWOHTH, I- C. MUS. EVA M'lNTYRE. K. of R. Rcbckah. Crystal Lodge No. (0, meet every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. iudga. All vtsltlngmemberi are ln rlted to attend. . LAURA STILES. N.' O. JENNIE SMITH. Secretary fce Cream and we are pre- with the very best Re- are we nnesi in tasiern and Gentlemen :::::: the Candy Man! la Grande Cash Meat Co. OMIT A flLM Owing to a mistake In shipping, one reel was omitted In the program at Sherwood' Electric theater and con sequently there will be a slightly ab breviated attraction this evening. The error will be corrected tomorrow eve ning. The feature of this change, however, is the fleet at 'Frisco, which Is complete In every detail and Is well worth the price of admission alone. The program oa It .will be seen to night la announced In the house ad. Gnrllckl In-Oregon July ii. Secretary Garfield will visit Her mlston for the purpose of going over the .Umatilla Irrigation project on July 15. The people of Hermlston are making preparations for the visit of thl member of President Roosevelt's cabinet and a reception will be tendered- htm at the home of Col. H. G. Newport. The Umatilla project U known to be the pet project of the re clamatlon service, as ' It offers uu equalled opportunities for all kinds of fruit raising which no other pro. Ject now under contemplation' will af ford. Upon the secretary's visit he Will go over all the project and note the conditions and advancement that Is being made. He -"I then ba In a better position to iul in regard to the project. Pendleton I. ' Horrible Accident : ??;!) Klvw. A frightful accident . : at the Stanley-Smith mill at Grv.. , :i Mon day morning at 7:43. L-.: Johnson an employ . of tho mill, fell the victim of a horrible death. It appears Hint edging about the r.lzc of a 2x4 cnugUt In the saw In some manner and was kicked back and paused through the h-cd of the unfortunate man. Mr. Johnson lived until 1 p. m. The body was taken to the NUhol's undertaking parlors and an Inquest v.ns held yesterday evening. Mr. Nichols stated tbat the body would be rl.ilned for a time with the hope of locating somo of his relative. T has been stated that ho has two broth ers redding somewhere In the state of New York. He Is a man 5 feet 7 In ches high; full face, auburn hair nnd mustache; short chin and stoutly built. The coroner fr.im The Dullm was railed Tuesday but the lnitie.t was hold too late for publication. Those who saw the accident slut-.-thst It was one of those unavoidable circumstance that no one could guar ' against, and that the company was I -. no way to blame. Hood Klver Newt Letter. Just try thoae elegant chocolate so da at Sllverthorn A Mack s. Ti5-J7-l-?7 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SUMMER SESSION ji to jri.v i. iwa Fmirtis te Uiolorr. Cunrnlrv, E4iKartoe, YvtH' I.M.ratar, Orntutn. fr-nn. ftpwtinb, iliit. MaltMenUlc. l'hvi.. ull ar tt lAnir.UK.. iiiTft!. trBi j.i r it iimiuMi.xrioHfuiuuu K-rralonif M li tf- IISKTUJ, lilVttilTI m MtWf, UUtt, HtKt Notice of Annoal Bcbool Meeting. Notice la hereby given to the legal 'n nf school district No. one, of Union county, tatex of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for eaid dis trict will be held at High School build ing in ald district, to begin at the hour pf two o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 15th day of June, A. D. 1908. Thl meeting I called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve for five year and the .transaction of buslnes usual at uch meeting. Said election shall be held from I p, m. until p. m. and shall be by ballot. Dated thl 3rd day of June, 1?08. F. S. 1VANHOE, AtteBt: Chairman Board of Directors A. C. WILLIAMS, District Clerk, , , Kpci'tiil Prize. The Singer Sewing Machine com pany offers a prize of 3.60 payable to the lady holding Singer sewing ma chine numbers 740,959 and K789.395. If you hold one of these lucky num bers call on or address A. N. Stone, agent. La Grande, Ore. 6-4-7-20 Grafting Is a doad Issue. So rays Dr. II. C. Par ker of' tho Indiana School of Medl Cine, In Collier's vVecl.ly. W concur With him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr up will cure your co'Jtfh, not as plens- nt to take oh some others, but It con uii.ii U-.0 Ingredient that will posi tively and absolutely cure that cough. BED CROSS DRUG STORE. ; Notice of I'Mray. ' In the Williams pasture, south of La Crnnde, a light red yearling with nlilte face and white on legs, no brand; nlo, chocolate-colon d mare, branded 24 on left hip. Owners enn have namo by paylni for thl adver tisement and other charge. HAT WILLIAMS. tl6-S-lm Land for ncnt. We have 320 acre of excellent land for rent. Call at once.' P. 8. BttASIWELL, ' ' C. J. ELACK. Coml roslurc. One nectlon of pasture land three mile from La Grande; plenty of wa ter and ahade. Ed tturko, La Grande, Oreffon. i-4tr CEMENT WORK 1 All kigds of Cement and I Concrete work.. I C0CRETE v t BUIID!'.S CLOCKS I CLMCTtRY WORK ; No contract too large, or Z too small. Satisfaction Guaranteed h. L ROBERTS PHONE BLACK 882 I i t-H MWtM - XVlX r NORTH Fill ST. MARKET Ptiono Main 16. A . MERVE TOO for 0vcr-VroL"3ht DissEstsss Uzn Business conditions today ask more of a man's vitality than ever before. It's one continuous drive at high tension, overtaxing the body and brain until a complete break down comes. ' The nervous system suffers most of all. The demand upon it is the most relentless. To succeed in business today usually means to be a nervous wreck at forty, if not before. For a man working day in, day out, under thqse conditions ' Amcricanitis is as necessary as food and drink. This unique medical discovery strengthens and tones the nerves to meet this unnatural de mand upon them. ' It svpplics to the body Ehosphorus in soluble form a thing never efore considered por.f iblc Kexall Ameri-' canitis has accomplished wonderful results all over the country and its merits arc now universally recognized. Get a bottle of this , nerve tonic today. Note how quickly that feeling of nervous strain disappears. 75 Cents Per Bottle A.T. HILL The Cent IMU Ever Sold. "After doctorlna 15 year for chron ic Indigestion, and upending over (200, nothing ha duno me a much good a Dr. King' New Lite Plila. I consider them tho best pill ever old," writes R. F. Ayscue, of Inslecldo, N. C gold tinder enarnntec at Nc.wlln'a drug tore. 25c, A Pertinent Question. Mr - . ,, I' t Are youv eyr. good yet have you perfect vlnlon for long or short dis tance? It there I anything the mat ter with them, now I th time to have them examined and, if necessary, properly fitted with correct Glasses. Th wrong kind of lense would in jur Instead of improve your sight I am an Eye BpnclaJlst, and under stand everything in connection with th human eye, and Glasses for same. 0. HEACOCK s. r 7 S "J. n Story of P EX means x "king," nl tli combination makus Km all "king ef all." We have proveo tiins And time again that Kexall Reme dies are kings above ail others. For mors than two years snflKrt travelled all mar the world in te;ach of extraordinary remeiir. Vv'lwr ever he heard oi a wonderful . cure oi ti7 nature In did not rt nnti 1 lie t ej Sfinatly could sea the etfe.t o( the prescription ud. Wbere lie found the nmedy perfect be purctiawd the pre scription, but It was never used as s Kex all remedy until the prcnert is had been thormiH'hly Rnal ywd by th chem iit and physicians of the t'nitod Draj Company- Elixir DRUGGIST LOW RATES EAST' Will be Made by the ' O.R.t&N. 'a'hls Season a Follow: ROUND TIUP To (lik-ago , , . . Kt. Loul , St, 1'uul . . .. Onialut . . . , . ''.anna City Direct ... 973.31 ... tl.it $aa.i .. too . . $. TICKETS 7ILL BE ON BALK ..MAY 4, IS ' J J INK 5, , It, 90 iVLY t, 7, S3, 23 i At'Gl'hT a, J, SI, 23 , , Good for return In SO day with stop over privilege at pleasure wlfhia limit. DONT fOMfT THE DATES For any further Information eail J. n. KKKNEY, Iiocsj Ago, Or writa to WSI. McMimitAY, ' General Passenger Agent, 1 PORTLAND, OREGOK;