La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 18, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE' SIX.
etemvg oRscnvrn. ta grandtc. op.rcoN. nirn.ATf.-jrxE js, jon3.
ercirr pages..
La '.Grande Professional
; .:' Q. I BIOGEES, M. D., '
' Physician a ad Surgeon, '
Dfflcs Ralston Building, orer J.' K.
Berry' Stor.
IDftlc 'Phone Black 1121. "
Residence 'Phone Red 1001.
'. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D.
. Physician tuul Surgvon,
Dfflc In New Bank. Building. Room
s 'Phone: Residence,. Main
- 1. oraci, uiaa to.
j - ITrk'lu and SurgcosM ,
Office over Hill' Drue Store. '
Of tic Thon ltd. Residence Mala 55
t N. MOUTOR, M, D,
j Physician and Burgeon. .
Cornar Adam' Ave, snd Depot fit.
Office Main II -:- Residence Main 89
Physician and Surgeon. ''
Dfflc I..,:. a Grand National Bank
Building. 'Phbne Main 19.
C T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18.
M. K. Hall, Residence, Main SI.
( , , DR. H. C. P. MOOR1
Osteopntliio Physician.
Klrksville Graduate Under Founder.
Office Bummer Building.
Phono: Office Main 32; Re. Main .
C. H. UPTON, PH. G., M. D.
Physician nod Surgeon. .
Special attention given to Eye, Bar,
Nose and Throat
Of flu In La aaudc National Dink
Phones Office, Main 1; Residence,
Main 88.
Veterinary Burgees.
Office at Hill' Drug Store, La Oraadt
Residence 'Phone Red TOL
Office Thon Black ltIL
Indercndent 'Phone II,
Gradual Ohio Stat University Va'
snnauun, utnuiuy ana ourgery 01 au ;
kind. Country call promptly an
swered. Offle 1414 Adam Ave. 'Phone. Pa
clflo. Black 1I0L Independent,
Whit 10.
We wish to call your attention to our
We are better prepared than ever to do
first clas3 work. If you have a wat:h
that does not give you satisfaction, orins
It to us and we "will guarantee we can fix it
Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount
ing is one of our specialties.
All our work guaranteed and promptly done.
Vi e will save you money
Complete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires. ,
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor
Complete Machine Shops nd Foundry
..... "4
Office over Hill Drug Stor.
La Grand ' Oregon
J. C. PRICE. D. M. D.
Dentist. , .'
Room 23, La Grande National Bank
Building. 'Phone Black 199L
La Grand
. . Oregon
PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Principal.
La Grando School of Music.
Mrs. Day, assistant ' "' School, 10S
Greenwood Ave., one door south of
Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1811.
Teacher of Piano and Harmony.
Studio over J. M. Berry" Store. '
Civil, Mining, Irrigation Englnoeris
." and Surveying. -Estimates,
plan and spsclf (cation.
Office in Bohneckamp Building. '
La Grande - - . . - . Oregoi
i. Arcliltoct and Engineer.:
Surveying, Civil and Structural Engt
neerlng. - Twenty Tears' Experience.' '
Abstract of Title, fire buaraac.
Office aszt door to La Grand Na
Uonal Bank.
La Grand Oregot
Cha. E. Coctiran Geo. P, Cochrai
La Grando National Bank Building.
La Grand Oregot
' Attorney at Law.
Practice In all the courts of the State
' and United States.
Elgin ...... Oregon
Teacher and Manager.
Telephone Farmer 1171.
(Ey C. R. Thornton.)
Many of our large cities are awak
ening to the necessity pf some activi
ty along the lines of beautifying our
cities. Some of them are spending
enormous sums of money In an ef
furt to create park and boulevards
In densely populated districts. Much
of this could have been saved by a
small outlay of ' money, with a little
forethought at the proper time.
In, these days of rapid development
evejy-small town should be Maid out
with a view to becoming a larga city,
and the necessary parks and boule
vards provided while land values are
comparatively reasonable,
. It Is not necessary to go to the ex
pense of making all these Improve
ment at pnee, ut It would not cost
much to fix a general plan for devel
opment, a proper grouping 'of public
building 'and a uniform parking sys
tem and the location of park blocks,
and then work; It out, one step at
time a necessity requires, or oppor
tunity offers, or means become avail
able. Fourth, street and Fifth street
should be converted Into a mall from
Washington avenue to C avenue, and
the row of small blocks between these
two 'street should be used ;nly for
small parks and public buildings, each
alternate block should be reserved for
a public building, and the remaining
blocks should be parked. ' The Mor
mon tabernacle is a good beginning
for this scheme of development. The
next blocks north and south of the
tabernacle should be parked, only one
lot In each of these blocks now being
occupied, and one lot in one of them
already belongs to the city, for park
ing purposes. The block occupied by
Roesch, Klrtley and Moore should be
used for a public building, and would
be the most suitable location for the
new federal building now under con
sideration, and Immediate steps should
be taken to secure this block tor that
purpose, by private subscription or
otherwise, and to offer It as a dona
tion tor said building. The earning
out of this scheme of development
would advance the price ot the re
maining property on Fourth and Fifth
streets sufficient to more than cover
the cost ot such Improvements.
The gam scheduled with Elgin and
the Gobbler In this city noxt Sunday
ha been called off. The principal
reuaon la that Elgin had a chance to
bring the strong Wallowa team to El
gin next Saturday and Sunday, and It
Is expected that the Inter-county af
fair will draw an Immense crowd.
This and other reason combined to
cause a postponement ot the game
cheduled to take place here Sunday
Better Tlian Spanking.
Spanking does not cur children of
y-d-wettlng. There Is a constltutlon
il cause for this trouble. Mrs. M.
I ij miners, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind.,
111 send free to any mother her suc
cessful Instructions. Send no money,
but writ her today If your children
.rouble In th way. Don't blame
.he child, tha chance r It can'l
'mlp It Thl treatment also euros
iJults and aged people troubled wlt'j
irtn difficulties toy day or night
-mnt of th Interior,
V. S. Lend Office at La Grand, Or.,
June S, 1908.
Notice I hereby given that
of Elgin, Oregon, who, on March Sth,
1908, mad timber and stone sworn
natement. No. lit, for 6WH 8Etl
Sec. I. WH NE 14 nd NW BK
Section I, Township 1 South, Rang
IJ East. Willamette Meridian, ha
'114 notice of intention to make final
proof, to establish claim to the
'and above described, before the reg'
later and receiver at La Grande, Ore
gon ,on th 10th day of August, 108
Claimant name wltneeaea: Josh
u C. Smith, at La Grand, Ore.: Bam
uel Parker, of Elgin, Or.: Carrol L.
Tentser. of Elgin, Or.; Albert Tatf-
achtr, of VCIgln. Ore.
; Notice is hereby given that the
lands described below, embracing 110
acres,' within the . Jmnaha National
forest, Oregon, will be subject to set
tlement and entry under the provisions
of the homestead laws of the United
States and the act of June 11, 1906
1.J4 Stat,, 233). at the United States
Innd office at La Grande, Oregon, on
August 8,' 1908. . Any settler who ha
actually, and In good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultural pur
poses prior to January 1, 190S, and
ha not abandoned tamo, has a pref
erence right to make a homestead en
try for the lands actually occupied.
Said lands were listed upon the ap
plications of the : persons mentioned
below, who have a preference right
subject to the prior right of any such
settler, provided such settler or appli
cant Is qualified to make homestead
entry and the preference right is exer
cised prior to August S, 1908, on which
date the lands- will be subject to set
tlement and enrty by any qualified
person. The lands are a follow:
,t Tha NH of SW14, and that part of
the Wtt of SE14, lying west of Mlnam
river, section 10, township t south.
rang t eaat, w. meriunsn, iivtvu up
on; application of M. N. Myrlck, L
Grande, Oregon. '
Commissioner of the General Land
Office. ; ' 1 '
, .Approved May ti, 1108. '
r . .-,.: FRANK PIERCE,
First Assistant Secretary of the In
terior, i 1-12-18-24-1
' ' -Notli-e for nids.
Kotlce is hereby given that sealed
bids will be reeclved up to four o'clock
p. m. July 2, 1908, by the District
School Toard of School-District No
one, of Union county, Oregon, for fur
niahlne said district with:
48 No. 5 single school desks.
48 No. 4 single school desksT
98 No. 3 single school desks.
8 No. f single rears.
8 No. 4 single rears.
12 No. t single rears.
IS 12-foot recitation benches with
tablet arms.
teachers' desks.
All of said furniture to be delivered
f. o. b. car La Grande, Oregon, on or
before August 25, 1908. Bids to bt
left with school clerk. Board reserves
tha right to reject any or all bids.
By order of School Board.
- School Clerk.
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at La Grande, Or..
June 8, 1908.
Notice is hereby jjlvcn that
of .Adams, Oregon, who, on May 28th.
1908,, made timber and stone sworn
statement No. (048, for SH SE!4 and
-'E4 SEK and SEj NEK, section
28, township I south, range II east
Willamette meridian, has filed notlct
it Intention to make final proof to es
tablish his claim to the land Above
described, before John Hal'.ey, Jr., U.
3., commissioner, at Pendleton, Ore-
ion, on the 22d day ot August, 1908.
Claimant names a witnesses: Win-
field 8. Burnett of 8tarkey, Ore.:
Thomas M. Keller, of Pendleton, Ore.;
Frank Donaldson, of M each am. Ore.:
Frank Ironsplker, of Pendleton, Ore.;
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
Illni'hart Family" Itrpnlon.
The Rlnehart family reunion con
venes at the home of J. II. P.lnehart
noar Summcrvllle, on Wednesday,
June 17. and col-cs th 2 Id. All
friends are Invited to visit with us on
Saturday, June SO. Literary exerclset
snd address at 10:30 a. m. Preaching
on 8unday, June 21, at 11 a. m., by
Rev. W. H. Bleakney, of Pendleton.
' J. H. RINEHART, President
T. A. RINEHART, Secretary.
A Grand Family Medicine.
"It give me pleasure speak a good
word for Electrle Bitter," writes Mr.
Frank Conlaa of No. 438 Houston St.,
X. T. "If a grand family medicine
for dyspepsia and liver complications;
nhll for lam bc. end weak kidney
H cannot be too highly recommended."
Electric Bitter regulat th digestive
functions, purify th blood, and Impart
renewed vigor and vitality to the weak
and debilitated ot both aexo. Sold
under guarantee at Kewlln' drug
stor. t ' .
La Qrand went dry Jun 1, but tt
was proven over on year ago that
ther I aa abuadanc of pure, spark
ling artesian water la lea than 1808
feet below th lurfseo. Why not bar
artesian city watr?
i Wje Want
I . . """ ." "
i Our Want
Your want is placed before a
every day Can you afford to
want ad whe: results art th
HOR RENT A five-room house on
Adams avenue, opposite Mrs. Ma
son' orchard; 28 per month. . In-
i quire ot Mrs. Mason, 'phone Black
' 1812. - ' -
FOR RENT Three-room 'house, on
Fourth street; close it.' S-18tf
FOR RENT New 8-room bouse with
bath and pantry. Large lot; sight
ly location; very cheap. Call M. .
FOR RENT 7-room house with bath.
. Black 1041,
FOR RENT Suite of three rooms.
furnished complete. Inquire of Mr.
N. D. Simmons. t
FOR RENT Modern cottage; also a
five room flat Inquire of Mrs. 8.
C. Zuber. . . 8-12tt
FOR RENT Large tore building,
with shelving and counters. Inquire
at 1417 Washington avenue.
FOR .KENT Furnished modern flat
Inquire of Mrs. S. C. Zuber. '
FOR RENT Furnished front room,
close In; modern . conveniences.
'Phone to Black 951.
FOR RENT Six rooms, en suite. In
Lewis building, with water and toilet
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Mr. E. C. Moore,
corner Q and Fourth street. 'Phone
Red 1452. p
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
tight housekeeping; pleasantly lo
cated. Inquire of Mrs. Hattle R.
MacDonald, 1818 81xth street 'Phone
Black 482. ,
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms In suites of two; rooms
close In, at reasonable rates. Inquire
at 1417 Washington avenue. ..8-12tf
FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs. One
dollar for each setting. Telephone
to Red 212.
FOR SALE Two second-hand awn
ings, 24 feet long with frames and
fixture complete and In good re
pair. Price, each, 810.00. The Peo
ples' Store.
FOR SALE 500 feet of picket fence, j
in good conaiuon. Apply to Mrs.
FOR SALE About 5000 feet of thor
oughly dry shlplap. Apply at G. E. 1
Fowler's office.
FOR SALE I have decided to quit!
the dairy business, and now offer
my choice dairy cows for sale. Come
early and get your choice. Robert
Miller. 8-12-3 1
FOR SALE One 8-year-old horse,!
broke to drive single, for a !dy; twoj
milch cow with young calves. Seven I
pigs, 100 chickens, three wagons, one!
surrey, one buggy and several farm'
Implements. Five piece ot town
property. Improved. Eargaln If sold
t one. Inquire of Mary E. Child
ers. Island City.
FOR SALE Furniture, steel range,
two heating stoves, bed lounge, ex
tension table. Iron beds snd springs,
ire box, fall leaf table, first-class
organ. Other household good. In
quire at 1417 Washington avenue.
FOR SALE Small house and two lota
located -at 1423 V avenue; writ to
V. r.lchardma at Alleet, Rural
FOR SALE Two second-hand leg
' Ing. In good condition. Get partic
ular from J. A. Arbuckle, Model
FOR SALE On dark bay driving
horse, "Bashaw," 17 hand high.
Mr. D. C. Llndsey, Island City, Or.
FOR SALE A first grade piano; will
trad for a team or good city prop
erty. 'Phone or sail on H. A. Wil
son, Red 1401.
Your Wants
n - - '
Ad Column
thousand cr mor went-seeker
spend one cent per word of your
keynotes? '
WANTED Dairy hand want position.
Inquire at Observer office.
WANTED Men and teams for log
ging and sawing timber. Mt Glenn
Lumber Co., La Grande. 8-9-18
WANTED Saddle horse, weight 1000
pound or better; pacer preferred;
at oace. . Inquire of F. G. Taylor, at
Suoar company office. . 5-2 8 tf
WANTED To trade lots In La Grand
for horses. Call at Hill's drug store.
WANTED A man and wife to taK
' charge of a ranch near Cove. Ap
ply to A. B. Conley, or address him
. in this city. Must be competent
WANTED Girl for general house
, work In small family. Apply at
Eastern Oregon Trust 4 . Saving
bank. . .
WANTED Roomer and table boarder
at the Swart Rooming house. In
quire of Mrs. Edna Swart
WANTED Chance s make quick
service In moving furniture and
pianos with special equipment for
safe hauling. All kinds of transfer
business solicited. Leave order at
Halsten's store or 'phone to Red
1181. J. W. Black. '
WANTED A position as stationary
engineer. Practical experience. Can
give referenco If required. Address
Box 758, La Grande.
WANTED Horses to pasture by tho
month on good bunchgrasa. $1.60
per month. Inquire 1417 Washing
ton avenue, or address Bov: 808, La
Grande, Ore. ,
FOUND In Golden Bule store, a
purse containing email sum of
money. Owner can hav same by
paying for this ad and Identifying
proporty at the store.
LOST Between this city and Perry,
a ladles' gray coat Finder p'ease
leave same at this office.
The best thing you can do with vour
wal, roll, pile, stocklgn or ..... TZt
you mag call your savings, Is to put It
where It !s sure to grow and be safe
while It Is growing. Th bunk is th
po, r4 oit banx Is tu right on In.
which to d-lt your avlngs, both
for security and goa Interert , Every
man and woman ought to hive an In.
dependent bank account. Let us show
you bow money grows when In our
The Eastern Oregon
Trust & Savings
- President 1
WM. MILLER, Vice-President
GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cahler.
T. J. SCP.OOOIN. Assistant Cashier.
F. J. HOLMES, Tnntr,
Sale cried oa short notice.
Satisfaction tuannlul
No extra charge for dtstano.
Thon No, 193x8 4
Pout No. 2