La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 18, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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VMiT. m'K.
LOCAL items.
! Mrs. F. L. Meyer will .ntertala the
W)Kure Klatchat her home on Main
1, street Friday afternoon.
- Ikmnelly-Qoeck.
One of the moat butlful and lm
presslv. ceremonies to be urfrn..
In La Grand thia , season, waa that
t ': .
, .Mrs. C; W. Jcie of Pendleton,
lcitlng Mra, Porter of this city.
Miss Jennie Mattlaon left today for
, "Walla, Walla on a isit
. Hanna of M.achani.
L '-r . SkMtla.0 U...u... .A ! . ..... .. . .
f .vUi me wiiuamaon land John P, Donnelly and Mis
office this forenoon. j Elliabeth Ruth Goecic m holy wed-
H. T. Grady, formerly railroad Iock thia morning at St Mary's Cath
employ of this city, but located at ' ollc church. Rev. Father Whyt. offi-
Denver for some time, is in La Grande' dated. The bride, attired in a white
today meeting hU many friends here. I batiste princess gown, elaborately
Ray Noyes, son of C. W. Noyes, left trimmed with vallenclennes lace and
u viiib morning-. Ray jn- "eruon, wun white net veil, and
tends to remain in the Umatilla or 'carrying a white prayer book, was at
Palouse harvest fields until fall. tended by her sister, Miss Emma
J. IL Watson, division foreman of Goeck, who wore a beautiful dress of
the O. R. A N.. accompanied by hls'b!ue dotted mull, with a hat of blue
wife and daughter. Miss Martha, left (an(1 white to match. . Miss Goeck also
this morning for a short visit to Spo- can-led a white prayer book. The
Kane. . :y BToom and best man, Dan Hlnes,Vore
Mrs. J. C. Still of Standpoint, Ida-, 0,9 convntloai black,' and carried
bo. was in ,th city today. . She is pr4yer bok- During the ceremony
shipping the regains of her brother Mr J" P" Corbett "Ave Maria"
to Sandpolnt. The death occurred at "nd " Perfect Her sweet
Hot Lake. - ' , jtolcs blended perfectly with the low
Mrs. Scranton of 'island Cltyam J !..?eT ,one' Mth,r Wtayt.
to Radium epring, on Sunday td visit ' ZIT. "ny. and a. h. read
- ,her daughter. Mrs.-:;- M. Hall of - ,
;-.v.. -- fc- - flo wtdding cert-
, v ; her health after submitting to V suiCl TT" . T. '
i ; Heal operation ' at 1'!,! I e-'tMm ,B h,ch ' W allh.r
: - . W she Is now abl. to w.m about - P"d ,owta Md
" .' - er Cii XoTV ST br!de!
? farBM of Only tt im.di.u fmir, of the
l ti L ' " w'r b"t eerved at the home of th.
MBame will go to th. horns of brids's pareau following the eera-
r',lr,.7' Altert HuntW " . A reception to a few of th.
Uad City befor. returning to Northwest InUmat. friend, of th. happy
Powder. Mrs. Hunter d nult. m .rM ' a.,i. .
- . -1 - given uiis evening at
n . .. .
Mi. B. W. Barnes, her mother.
now at th. Hunter home.
, Considerable argument1, hss ' been
preclnitated by th. presentation last
venlng to the city council of a peti
tion asking that an artesian .well be
dug to furnish a city water supply.
Signed by practically all of the lead
ing business men, the paper bears
considerable weight. Councilman J.
T. Williamson, chairman of the water
committee, Is making a careful can
vass, with tho other members of that
t'epartmcnt, to lern the exact fetllng
... among the taxpayers. The dire need
of pure -.voter Is pol'f-cvMcnt, and to
'. learn If the artesisiv method Is. the
.vmasL.tlauslb!e -one i the 'lwiiuse of
the committee before It makes a report-to
the council. The matter Is a
knotty one but It Is evident that the
committee Is going to -base Us final
decision on, facts learned after care
ful consideration.
th. Goack horn, on First street. Th.
groom .Is a well and favorably known
employ, of the O. R. 4 N. ,
Wedding Announcement.
Mrs. Carrie P. Duryes" announces
th. marriage of her daughter, Juanlta
Sophronla, to Minor A. Stillw'ell, on
the evening of June H, at the M. E.
Cantaloupes for Slo.
The City Grocery has a Jlne-of can
taloupes hard, to duplicate. ' Home
grown berries are also for sale there.
Try the place. . ','',,
The pitching department of the La
Grande club teom Is to be materially
strengthened by the preeence of How
ard, the leading light In the Trl-Clty
iruKiiv. jacK u Linen s find Is a solen-
tlld one. Jlr, Howard Is no "kid" and
carries the distinction of being the
best all-around player In the Trl-Clty
WF 'MAF l-Tl '
the: very best
line of GROCERlES and
city, everything tooth
some' and wholesome
for stylish dinner tables
. E. FCt ACK. hopr. - Phone Main 75
:dealers in:
If You Want Gasoline Engines, Wind Milts. Tanks
Pumps, Pipe or Plumbing, Get Our Prices
league, where he has been the past
two years, both in the twirling depart
ment and in th. fielding department
inrea years ago he tried out with
McCredle's bunch' In ,th. south. He
hss been with Butt, for a while, and
finally drifted Into the Trl-Clty league
where he has boen located ever 'since,
until O'Brien got his bands on him.
Hit batting average, bis fielding abil
ity and hia sitt . at pitching will ail
combine to make him a valuable ad
junct to th. local team. It is hoped
he -will reach her. tomorrow morn
ing. He was scheduled to. .rrlve this
morning. ". - "
This gives La Grande the strongest
twirling staff of any team in the In
land Empire league. ' With Howard,
Cotteman and Fuchel as the regulars,
and Zimmerman able to help out In
case of a pinch, there can be no weak
ness there. .''
Th. Babes leava tomorrow morning
for Walla Walla to open the series in
that city. Speaking of the coming
series and th. league as a whole, the
Walla Walla Bulletin says: , , ,
The Walla Walla league team re
turned horn, last .venlng from La
Grand, where they have Just finished
a series of four games with-the La
Grande Babes, and will meet the same
tmHnn fn a Ilk. number of con-
test. at th. fair grounds,' commencing
Saturday, June to.
Th. boys are in good trim, with th.
exception of Klllllay, who waa In
jured in on. of the games at ,La
Grand.. Th. entire teem . seems to
have found their batting eyes, Judg
ing from th. hit column in the last
tew games, ana ar. walloping tb.
leather for, too. A
scrutiny of tb. error column reveals
a vast improvement In fielding, while
the pitching staff Is undoubtedly as
strong as any In th. league.
Though dropping, three contests at
La' Grande, th. boy. remember that
th. same thing happened at Pendle
ton In the opening series, and that In
th. return engagement . In this city
Walla Walla reversed, matters, taking
the three games out of four. They
ar. expecting to duplicate their per
formance when the leaders reach here.
It Is the Intention of the local man
agement to keep the league team In
thlsity going during the' entire sea
son.' but they realUe' thut1 1 do 'this
tho club iniistJiaV? th.e.nnaj&,al''ir-P
port of the citizens. ' After the car
line Is In operation to the fair grounds
Jlttl fear 1 entertained but that the
gato receipts will meet all expenses.
but until then they will be compelled
to call on the cltlsens ; for 'subscriptions.
The lint of Rust-Frooi sfeel Corstts we ere now showing comprise ill ihz pcpihr
numbers of the past, with the addition of several numbers new styles, sbsolukiy up to
date In every detail of design, fit, material, and construction.
Warner's Rust-Proof.
Style 27
Because Marlon Barnes, brother of
"Bud" Barnes, became Infntnated with
the young lady whom' the latter wish
ed to make his wife, und because he
was, receiving tto mm nt Km from
the full- one. It Is 1.: V-1 by some
Yamet's Rust-Proof
Style 281
.. .,Thi8 Corset is Empire
In shape above the: waist
The hips and front are
long and have hose tup
porters attached. ' J v '
IVWfe Batiste SIM
. - .This style is designed
lor long waist, wen propor
tioned figures. The skirts
are extra long at front and
sides. Hose supporters
White Batiste $U0
Warner's Rust-Proci
Style 291
1 V
t 1.
A long medium high J I
'bust corset Tor'iaDpwerpT
developed - figures. Very
deep bust gore.
' While Clsle $2X3
Warner's Rust-Proof No. 2 Brassiere Is to be worn with or without a corset. Tie
straps cross In back tnd tie In front: White Batiste, trimmed with torchon lace mi
wash ribbon. . . Used mostly by stout well developed figures. PRICE SOcts.
- '
J :
- lnt
.n out
xvno live In the IMMe rnutm
''Hud" Barnes took his :
the mountains, ostensibly '. :
Ins trip, but In reality to g :
of the way, snys tho '""Walla
Union. .
While thore is snlil to be little foun-
Untlon for the stppot.,n, n oulet
search Is . belnjr mnilo by the oflcei
In an endeavor to arcertuln the exact
whereabouts of Marlon, the dlnnp-
peanince of thi boy having led' many
to bellevii that he has met with foul
llay tit the hands of his brother.
' . IVrullitrljr lls.-ii-nnd.
Slnee the arrciit and Impi ironnn-n!
of Dud, reports from the neighbiirhood
where tho boys lived tii,llcnt thnt
Marlon dlssppeared under somewhat
peculiar circumstances, an.l has not
been seen slni'e September J', when
he was fieen to go Into the mountains
with Hud on a hunting trip.' It Is said
thnt Marlon told people around Dlitlo
that End IhreaU ned him If he did not
leave the country by( ft-piember 27,
and tub days'prlor to the time he n
to have gone, the two boys are said to
have, gone into the mountains above
Dixie for some shooting. That no on
has seen Marlon sine, that date seems!
to have Just been mad. public,!
though some Dixie residents say Bud
told them his younger brother had
gone to Heppner, Ore.
ItrMThoe lUer Vmra Marion.
Frank Loudagin, or some onk who
ured Mr. Loudagin". nam., telephoned
te Sheriff Havlland yssUrday. after-
Quiet Investigation, such as was used
In an attempt to prevent further ln-
vestlfcntlon regarding the whereabouts
of MAnna.Mldrlch j ;
. .Tho Ulsapptaraucii. uf -Warlon, hav
ing occurred last September, leads
many to believe that Bud took him
Into the mountains, and thore dealt
foully with him; that, being siitces-
ful In this undertaking, he believed he
could dispone of Mrs. Aldrlch In the
same manner, and thus gain posses
sion of her property. " .' -
' ' Gun VmU-r Brldso. :
Although the who!, fabric is ru
mor, a story was told yesterday to the
effect that some1 time after Marlon
was supposed to have left for Hepp
ner, Bud and his wlfi were out riding
one evening, and that, as they arrived
at a wagon' b.-U'so over the Coppel,
Bud alighted, anil, (coins down under
tho epr-riash, pliked up a gva
which had been hidden there.' '
Ail effort to' reach .Mr. Loudagin hi-
telephon yer.terdny evening was un
?uccful, and until Sheriff Havlland
Is placed In ponscolon of tho letter
which tho former ! s .Id to have re
ceived from the mains' hid. the be
lief that Bud's wrong-doing dnti s back
farther than Mxy 1, wh.-rf he is al
iened to have killed Mrs. Anna Al
drlch, will bo general, even thouith
some of the officers scoff at the story,
which thus far lends to Incriminate
Wood For Sale.
, J50 cords of tamarack . and pine
wood for salo at $4 per cord, delivered
TnTLa'Grande. . Tamarack feh'co ponts",
10c each. 1
The La Grande Cash Meat company
has a large advertisement on page 7
It will pay you to look It over care
fully. . .-
New Koala iirant, j
On or about July 1 we will rcoprfn
our rcuijujtiiit. ion Depot street Our
new quarters will bo furnished wllk
the; latest modern . appolntmnnt,
whlrh will bo a credit to the cltf,-.
Watch for our1 opening announcement.
-10-l POLLOCK & GlLBANlix ,
In which paper do
you read th'
A Ills IVvd.
Tliat Trip Abr.iad v.Uh mcnls fur
nished, to be given under the aulce
of the ladles . of tho Ti e.byterian
church, will be a chunce for a mighty
good time. Tho supper will bo the
best you've had for a long time, and
If ycu don't have fun at each stopping
place and on the way, it will be your
own fault. Jurt think of salads, dress
ings, chicken pie, olives, soups, coffee,
fruit, macaroni and nearly everything
le that Is good to eat, all for 7S cents.
c. w.
Those are J. E. Tilt
Shoes for all Occas
. a
'lb-. Cured at Homo if Xevr Absorp.
thss MeUMtO.
If you suffer from bleeding, Itch-i-Z.
blind or protruding piles, send
oi your s d fir os, nnd I will tell you
low to euro yourself at horn, by th.
fw abscr;'.tu l.eauu.nt: and will
'so send Bom. of this bom. treat
ment free for trial, with rsferanoes
vom youtr own locality If requested.
Iinmsdlat. relief and permanent grra
nU B,a ne naq received a ; .ured. Rend no money, but will
letter from th. missing boy, written j -th.ra of thU off.r. Writ, today to
in Heppner, But tb. letter has nrX ' Mra. W. Bummers, Box P, Noire
been soen, and it Is considered possl- l '.- me, lad.
bl. that a ms. Is being . worked to
. City Meat Market Main 50
fir Street Market Main 48
Our large trade permits us to handle only the best of
everything to be found in a first class market ;
? Try our home made Bacor, Mams and Lard.
t !
.-;v." .-. Ji-.v raw