tJGWT FACTS. EVEStSO OBSEnrm. LA CHAVOE, OIUCGC. WEDNESDAY. jrVE 17. 190S. 4 i w r? k r. r. r m rm rs ' jx S rv apm rm prt 2 H. SUM UMTS HOW ) fx I ; SC. O. Ramiy returned , Jng from t vUlt to Wll 4 Mlyi - r '.. '. . v :'. . LOCAL ITEMS. i " ' '' :. ' Claud McNought of Baker City. Ii endlng a few day In I Grande. Mr, Joe McCrary returned from her sit to Baker City today. , .William Wlgglesworth of Telocaset, st in La Grande today on a business 1P- ' -'-.'J;-- -, Train will leave 0 minute apart the Trip Abroad on Friday eve :ng. ' .'!' ; George Robert, a real estate man t Pendleton, 1 In La Grande today a a visit to hi brother, Receiver A. i Robert. .' ' ' 1 The official board of the M. E. Burch met at the church last night $ business connected with church af tr. t ;, . , , ' iTou will never have another chance I go abroad so cheaply as you may ilday night. IMIss Ethel Gulling, who has been king a short vacation on account of health, ha again assumed her du es a stenographer .at the Cochran ft bchran lliw office, returned last eve- tllamette val- HI be on hand to purchase cherries ora local grower a soon a the har- st commences. Misses Lucrece ' Wood and Bonnie orrest, who have been attending Bt lelen's hall In Portland, will return o La Grande tomorrow morning. r. J. R. Forrest will accompany the oung ladle. Mis Mabel Schofleld has Just re turned from Provo,' Utah, where he ha been attending the Caddy unlver alty. The university ha Just complet ed a very satisfactory year and all ap pearance point to another record year next ceason. It Is now an assured fact- that the university will continue to' prosper. ' Hugh McCall returned this morning from Corvallls, where he attended the Junior prom, and spent a few days with his alma mater. He states that Union, county's delegation at O. A. C. will commence to return home for the summer vacation this week, as ' the graduation proper takes place today. ' Mrs. Frank Fireman, now with the Bridges Concert company, passed through La Grande ,- Inst evening en routo to her home In Iowa. She was flood-bound In Montana for many days and was forced to take the circuitous route to rench her destination. Mr. d Mrs. Foreman formerly lived In this city. Ralph Hansen and George Humten, Jr., with Mr. and Mrs. George Hun sen of Telocaset, drove down In Ralph's car yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen returned to Telocas et this morning, and George Jr., went back to North Powder. Ralph Is In GATHERED III M Bummervllle, June IT. The first square meal of the annual reunion of the Rlnehari family was enjoyed by (S Rlnehart and three visitor at noon today. , That It was one long to be remembered Is a foregone conclusion. The Rlnehart reunion opened this morning and will be in session until next Sunday night, though Saturday and Sunday will be thrown, open to the public and friends of ' the . Rlne harta. These 6 Rlnehart will have 25 more with them after tonight, and then all these branches of the old Rlnehart tree that still exist In Sum mervllle will spend the time In eating and making merry. There Is no spe cial program until Saturday, but the event will turn reminiscent. All friends are Invited to attend on Sat urday 'and Sunday, the latter day to be characterized by religious services and an elaborate dinner. From All the Northwest. Rlnehart have been making Sum mervllle their mecca from many cities of the northwest. At present there are men here from. Mayvllle, Ore.; Walla Walla, Wash.; Dayton, Wash.; Eu gene, Ore.; 'Moses Laks Wash.; Fos sil, Ore.; San Luis Obispo, Cal., the Summervllle and Union county mem ber, and several other smaller towns In Oregon. town today having ome repair made to hi car. Messrs. Scott A Althetde are busy today cleaning the carpets In the Pres byterian chnrch. -x .,,,.,..'. .T" J Ash Houston, formerly second base-' man for the local ball team, but now playing with La Grande, is registered at the St George, having come over from the Sugar' Beet town on the early train this morning. Pendleton East Oregonlan. On account of the serious 111 ness of Mrs. J. L. McCrary, wife of Conductor J. L. McCrary of the Pendleton Huntington passenger run on the- O. R. A N., Conductor Fred Waffle was called out on the Huntington run last evening and Harry Fowler take Mr. Waffle' run on the Pilot Rock branch for a fe wdays. Pendleton East Ore gonlan. i Mis Elizabeth King today graduates from the Normal college of Drake uni versity, Des Moines, Iowa, and receives the degree of Bachelor of Peda'gogy. Drake is an Important school of the middle west with an enrollment of more than 1850 students this year. Mies King will arrive home Sunday morning. ' . " Little Robert Iiowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rowe of South La Grande, fell from ills go-cart about a week ago, and hurt his leg. The child has continued to complain of the pain in his leg, and this morning Dr. Hall was called and discovered that the bone was broken. It will be set this after noon, and It Is hoped that the little fellow will rapidly recover. ft - SOCIETY. Dcvaney-Ever. ' ,' ,. Cit -'"' min ister, O. H. King, J. O. Devaney of Elgin, and Ml Eola Ever of ' La Grande were united In marriage last evening at 8 o'clock. " The young peo ple will probably make their home in Washington. -' . ' ' . , Chnrch Wedding Tomorrow. - What will no doubt he the most fashionable church wedding this sea son will occur tomorrow morning at St. Mary' Cathollo church, when John P. Donnelly and Miss Elizabeth Goeck re to be married. Man-logo IJcrtue Issued. A marriage license was Issued today to J. O. Devaney and Miss Eola Evers, both of Perry. WE HAVE IT! WHAT?' THE VERY BEST llneofGROCERES and VEGETABLES in the city, everything tooth some and who! esc mo I for stylish dinner tables THt: CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. HCLACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 W. 11. BOHNENKAMP CO. DEALERS IN: tlARDWARE,STOVES.riRMTtRf.BllLDIC MATERIAL If You Want Gasoline Engines, Wind Milts, Tanks Pumps, Pipe or Plumbing, Get Our Prices PROGRAM M RKIIAl Thos having In charge the mammoth,1 organ recital In the Mormon mocr- nacle on June 17, have announced the program in detail, which will be heard at that time. It Is divided in two parts and commences at t o'clock sharp, . to be preceded by a band con cert glvvn by the local L. D. S. band. Seats are now on sale at Bratnwell & Clack's office, and at'the Qeddes Bros.' store. Following Is the full program: PART I. Orgnn solo "Prelude and SIclllano, from "Cavallerla Rustlcana". . . . , Mascagnl Prof. J. J. McCtcllan. Cantata Domino (O Ping Unto the Lord) , . . Juan Alramora Stake Choir. Solo .Mrs. Lizzie Thomas Edward Mule quartet "The Star of Peace." ,Abt Msr. Ferrln, Monsou, Davis and Bramwt:;. Roprnno Obllgato, Mrs. 3. Vr-n T?uren. Durt "On Mossy Banks" Mrs. Edward and Mr. :.u Organ solo "Evening Star" "Tunnhauser" Wagner Prof. J. J. McClellan. PART II. "How Amiable Are Thy Taberna cles' , Parry Stake Choir. Organ solo "Obcrnl Overture".... Von Weber Prof. J. J. McCIt-IIan. 3nlo "Fenr Not Ye, O Wnel," Dudley Buck Mr. Fi-rrln. fia Mrs. Edward Orftan solo March from Tannhau- . Ser Wagner Prof. J. J.' McClellan. .7 tit The ne of Rust-Proof steel Corsets we m nciv shoving coapnse numbers of the past, with the addition of sevenl numbers new styles, absolutely up to dm hi every deiaU of design, fit, mterht, and construction. I'amer's Rust-Proof Style m A Big FitJ. That Trip. Abroad with mcnls fur nished, to be given under the auoplcrr of the ladles of the Presbyterian church, will be a chance for a mighty good time. The supper Will be the bent you've had for a long time, and If you don't have fun at each stopping place and on the way, It will be your own fault. Just think of salads, dress ings, chicken pie, olives, soups, coffee, fruit, macaroni and nearly everything else that Is good to eat, all for IS cents. ranlabmpr for Halo. The City Grocery has line of can taloupes hsrd to duplicate. Home grown berrle are also for sal there. Try the place. FOR RENT Four-room bouse on North side;' close In. Inquire at this v Vamet's Rust-Proof Style 231 w w Thia Corset is ,inpire fin shape above the waist The hips and front are long and have hose sup porters attached. ; White Batiste $1.00 - rj&l. y' . .. This style is designed TOr long Wai5l,we"ii pi tioned figures. The skirts are extra long at front and sides. Hose supporters, attached. White Batiste $1.50 Warner's Rust-Proof Style 291 'J. - n s t i tt n h It n A long medium tust corset ror taii,: developed figures. deep bust gore. IVAffe Batiste $2X0 high wet- Very .11., 4 . Warner's Rust-Proof Ho. 2 Brassiere Is to be mm with or without a corset. The straps cross In back and tie In front. White Batiste, trimmed with torchon lace and wash ribbon. Used mostly by stout well developed figures. PRICE SOcts. THE GOLDEN RULE C mm lu7 Wood For Sulo. 250 cords of tamarack and pine wood for sale at $4 per cord, delivered In La Gran do. Tamarack fence,' posts, 10c each, LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. The La Grande CaBh Meat company has a large advertisement on page ? It will pay you to look It over carefully. New ltcxtniirnQt. On or about July 1 we. will reopen our restaurant on Depot street, . Our new quarter will bo furnished wlttt the latest modern appointments, which will be a credit to the city. Watch for our opening Rnnnuneemcnt, -10-l POLLOCK & G1LBANKS. In which paper do news? you read the Cures Kidney and Glad der Diseases In Every Form LI any People Have Kidney Trouble end Do riot Know It. HOW TO FIND CUT, tt b the function of the kidney to fillet and purify the blood which U constant!) passing through then. Whoa the kidney are out of order th ether organ are affected Immediately and you may have sympton of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailment, which are all owing to the kidney being weak and oat of order. If yon are lck Foley's Kldnet Cure wEI trengthn and build up th worn oat tissue of th kidney so they rill act properly and the rympton of weakness, heart, stomach and Uvst trouble will disappear, and yea will be restored to perfect health. How la TsP If To Kit Kldssj Trwbla. Yon can lly determine If your kid ey art oat of order by setting asld for M hoar a bottle ct the urine passed tpoa arising, it upon examination It It cloudy or milky or ha a briok-dast sed iment or small particle float rbout la rt, four kidney are diseased and Foley' Kidney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cure 1 pleasant to take and act directly npoa the part affected and yon begin to feel betts at one. It correct slight disorder In few Say and It ha cared many obitlnato ava after Other treatment had failed, toctars 114 N VmiK Not Ufa, Voter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., write Attar doctorioc for two yean with the bt pbystdan.1 (n WarnMburg. and tin p-.ting worse, th doctors advised mo If I had any business to attend to I had beV tct attend to H at once, a 1 oonld 4 flbly live auuO month, as there was car far me. Foley' Kidney Car recommended to m by a frto J, and I tiamedlaieh tent my son to th atom nw It and after taking three) bottle I bo r to get better nod eoatlnned to lp H .-re nntU I was entirely wnU." Two Use, too nod eixm. A. T. IJILL. UraggieU OO 4Tt G. W. PRESTON Those are J. E. Tilt Shoes for all Occasions. C W. PRESTON GRANDE RGNDE MEAT COMPANY PI10M: US YOUR ORDERS b-.TV0 PH0f S City Meat Market Main 50 Fir Street Market Main 48 Our large trade permits us to handle only the best of everything to be found in a first class market. i .... Try our home made Bacon, Hams and Lard. o office. , f-Htf