.wuaj eight. eVk.m.-mQ Q BSERYER, LA GRANDE, OREGON, -TUESDAY, JUNE 16, I08. TV., CBBto 4e2LsteW ere ik if STOCK EE NEED OF COMING TO J i AID OK HASEUALL CLUB. tly Ravurliiff Liberal Slice of Stork In 1 Uw Athletic IHrk. Young Men of Hie ' t it; tm llmtl Toward Football Could tiwuro Place to Piny ami Wotilil AM ffcv'tmll Tram Flnnncuill) Mil I Of Being Talked of 'Among Youngvr ( fclclllcllt. To subscribe fur a portion of stock lp tftrt Athletic pHik anl t It lis secure Benefits themselves, ami In nll the aupiMirt of the baseball rluh flnanclal ly, la now the discussion among the young mm of the city. They realise, as-irrongty an anyonn. thHt( the club aniint UVti without alii from fans, and feel that they should do something II the, business men "chip In." Another ftrlrwfpal reason for taking lomo of the took, In that football will be carried n thin fall by either a pcrmiinnt ath MIc organisation or a temporary oni. and If tho young men who will be In terested (n football own aomn of the lock, they will be In a position to iairo. IJe ptrk for their use when Same are pulled off here Just how snach will be taken In this wuy l not Known, but discussions are generally favorable toward taklnit liberal por tion of the. stuck. Of course, the sentiment nndei lying Oil movement bt thiit the business oii fl will take some Interest In the natter. The Mint needed to place the nerhall team on an even footing ot Inigo lV nny means, ami n small contribution by all tin- buslius nt' ti III suffice. Ainu's Mrwener lUiHTIiilix-d. tm the basemen! of the First I'nptlst hurrh tonight, class S, under lender hrn of Tiiilor W. II. Gibson and O. F Wltf('eani'th and tlnw t. the Kln awwwenai'r boy, under leadership or JTr. t'r. Plmtera, will hold an hour of jollification and innrrlment. The hour 19 t eequel to rhallenxe vubmlt f y the Klna'a meneengpra two vtontha ago to rim I, to put up real If they wera beaten In tha claiw aanlett for new member. Tha mea t . v v ' : -r-e- WEARING APPAREL FOR BRIGHT SUMMER DAYS THIS WARM WEATHER THIS WEEK IS REMINDING. US QUITE FORCIBLY THAT BUMMER 18 GOING TO RE HERE JUST THE SAME, KVF.N It' IT WAS A LONG TIME IX COMING. WE AR EPHEPARED TO SUPPLY YOUR EVERY WANT IX THIS LINE, AND DESIRE FAR. TICULARLY TO CALL YOU ATTENTION TO OUR Great Line of Under Muslins on Sale For Ten Days AT BARGAIN PRICES. Ladies' and Misses'White Canvas Shoes at HALF PRICE. Large Assorrment of Summet Wash Goods.al 25 ' to 5C ! per cent Lower than Regular Prices : : : HUNDREDS OF OTHER SPECIAL BARGAINS. COME AXD REE THEM , THE PFOPLE'S STORE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK U0SDE tenner boys brought 11 new name Into the nchool and o tonlKht enjoy Ire cream and cako with Karnes and Inno cent sports. WORK TRAIN GONE. Men and Materia! Taken Into Wullov.n Couutr Thia Morulnj;. As announced In Tho Observer lust evening, the work train left for Wal lowa county this morning. With It went a score or more of men who will do the labor connected with the train's duty. Conductor Conner had not been given his allotted ret, hence Mr. Wyalt took tho truln out. Mr. Con- ners will take churge of the train us,i . . soon as his rvMt jK-rlod expires. . INDISCREET WITH STEPMOTHER. ' Rleli Mnmifnt'tiin'r Ciranletl Dlvortt IVoni Vouiir Wife oil Slutulory Grouiulit. , ' Providence, It. I., June 1C. Warren , Kales, the millionaire cotlon ma chine manufacturer, who named, his own son as correspondent In the ill vorce suit against his young wife, was today granted an absolute divorce on stut ulory grounds. Tho son Lcroy, In 22, and admitted In court that he was guilty of Indiscreet conduct with his stcpihothcr. Mrs. Kales dented the charge and asked for a divorce. In a cross complaint she named a French maid. DnuUli Amerliw, Minneapolis, sunn., juno is. unnes, from all over the United States and Canada are In Minneapolis today, In ! attendance at the convention of th. Associated iMlilsll Societies of Ame 1 I Ijidy I ndertiiUcrs. Atlanta. C.a., June 16. Klvc f intn-, Ine mulertald is are among tho mem- , bets f the tlcorula Kuni nil Directors' u ii latl.'ii, Mlilih cmveuid in uunuu! I esslon tod'iy. PctMiM l'llV Meet. Augiila, tin.. Junti 1( The stste coniiiil.n of Klks. set for today, has been Indefinitely postponed. A meet ing of the state officers will be held In Macon on Friday. Asa Dillon, fifth vice grand master of tha n. of L. F. E., arrived this morning and Is meeting with tha order thla afternoon. Modem Woodmen to Revise Rules. Peoria, III., June 18. An uneo,ulvo cal stnnd for a readjustment of ratei Is taken by Head Clerk C. W. Hayes of the Modem Woodmen of America, In his report presented at the 15th head camp session of the order, convened hero at 9 o'clock this morning. Ter. tosjlblo plans are suggested, and It I expected that before the head cam) adjourns next Saturday, arritngcmcnt.-' will be made to hold another scfsIoi. within the year, to be devoted exclus ively to tho rate question. Flrcmen'x Tourney. Thief River raits. Minn., June 1. T'i... ; v. t .,11 t. , it... .i M- i"e mn- norinern .oinnesoia ure isk- i inn ixirt in tre big tournament opened "ere louny. CITATION. in the County Court, for the County of I'nliui, Slate of Oregon. In tho matter of the estate of Gears' .ewlMrt. deceased. To A. A. Newbert, and all known am! unknown heirs of Gnnrge Newbert. deceased, resident and non-resident, Oreetlng: In the name of the state, of Ore Ton you are hereby cited and required to appear In the county court of the stato of Oregon, for the county of Union, at tho court room thereof, at I Grande, In the county of Union, on Monday, the sixth day of July. 190S at ten o'clock In the forenoon of thai ,,. nJ thpri, , gh(),v cnuse Bv yon hnvr hy ()r(W hlu1( n be m i.le. nuthorl; Ing nnd dlrectlnr ,idr.ln!strator of the iibove entitle.. cfit,. t,, fi ; u. f n, rmrth- .c U. section !-. township 2. south of ran.:e ST, P. V. . M.: lot and 4, 'u blo-k UD. :..?"n's nddlilon to La (iranr'e. U-:'- r nty, Oregon: nnd t i ftn,i j c. Vc Chaplin's .MIt..n t I ;i Crande, Union county On gon. YVIttnus, lite lSK.M.1 i. J. C. ItKXUt. Ju.lge of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon. f.r the County of Union with the seal of snld Court affixed this third day of June. 190. ATTEST: J. B. GtlJIAM. dJ-lI-:0-7-JuU . Clerk. Cmw for Sale. Two good, gentle family milk cows for Ml. Inquire at 1417 Washington avenue. - l-12tf VISITORS .'.'MM POOR COACinXG ENDS FIXE GAME ABRUPTLY. In the Ninth Inning of an Intensely In terottlng (inrac Walla Walla Is Given Lift Tliat Helps It Win Took Slim Chance and Was Caught Newsy Notes of Uio Game. . Rank coaching at the vital moment of the last of the ninth Inning In the closlng-up contest with Walla Walla here yesterday cost La Grande a game that at times was' painfully exciting-. The death knell was given when, with Walla Walla one ahead and Cotteman preserved after a vain attempt to land a hit, Chtlders was" coached off third basa with the ball lying but a few feet away. The result was disastrous, Childers slid all right, but he was by a safe margin and went Into retirement. The partially filled grandstand moan ed and gnashed teeth when Zimmer man came up with a daisy single that got him to first, for had Childers waited he would have scored. O'Brien lifted one Into the pltcher'a mitt and was thrown out without difficulty. Thus ended the contest that bristled with home runs, free transportation galore and hits that followed cacl other In rapid 'succession. Doublo plays occurred twice, too nnd that helped to swell the feature column, joimnio Cling carried a pocketful of horseshoes, evidently, for In the third he sapped one Into deep ?entor that was dissatisfied with being in ordinary two-ba?e affair, and took i Jump for Itself. The superintendent ;it there pawed the atmo?p!ire ti ffet it, but Fourrler got croillt for a 'iotno run Just the same. Ehmtcn had " t the pace t r him w hen he Itwi' me over the raring. McAllister ;:;cr? ivlth the willow again toilav. for he hos credit for one of those circum navigations that mean take your llnu going, but hurry back. "Lefty" Fuchell was slightly off and though the hits were on a par, ap proximately, still his pass book war all but used up. He lot the first man walk up, and then In the fifth again three walked In succession, filling the bases. Fans scpilrmed In their seats, but a big sigh of relief went up when Houston pulled Fuchell out of the hole by pulling down an Infield bin, ?le when two were laid to rest. One other lime La Grande, was Ir 'orry straights, but was given a relic.' ;lll when O'Brien took one In tha' tmbled his way. Illfts orr the I'.at. Nobody kicks because we lost yes 'nrday. There Isn't a hog In the fur '.1st. I.ixlcll was In the grandstand yr terduy, not having fully recovered from his brief lllnow. IU was busy holding hands utth the feminine fans, but the hunch wasn't good. Beck is Just as good at first ns h' Is lit short. As a sticker he has th confidence of the bleechers, and the blcecher know. Either Van Horst or Houston wav asleep In the ninth yesterday. Johnnie had the sphere there In bushels of time to chloroform the sprinter going to second, but nobody was there. Van Horst has long since won n home by consistent playing. He Is one of the steady ones on the team. Housten, the new man, has been thoroughly tried In the left gardi n and at the Infield. N'o ground for kicks against either position we have seen him In. He la one of our home runners, too. Childers Is an old-timer with La Grande followers. Ills playing thl enson has been of a high clas. Oct him on flrt once, and he will come as near scoring as any of thim. Zimmerman Is nlwH a steady play er, but tuck h's been Jal Mug him In the til lately. Out In the flM he hits h'"l but few chances In the series with V alla Wnllu Pig "Zlm" has a Ml up t.i s'fove when - It Is' badly needed, though. O'Pvb n I' as whipped his fnt'i Ijj'o splendid form. Straniii rs who see the Infield perform say they seldom see l-rt'ec tiam work In the leagues of hlabcr class than this. F vtr.ler Is one of the mlnnslays of the team. His peg to baseg la out of sight. It does one good to see base runnera hug In and keep close to shore when Johnnie has his lunch-grabber on the ball. Fane ran excuse Fuchel for hli day off yesterday. They ail have them, Perfection !n cake and biscuit making is attained by the use of Royal Bak ing Powder. And the ease and dex terity of their making is marvelous. tc Powder Absolutely Pare Trii only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Hence the superiority of the food it leavens. Hence the anti-dyspeptic qualities which it imparts to the food. n,TT-TT 1---T--STT- T "'! 2S0 m iMi iwiinvin.in Heretofore he has been up to snuff. Cotteman has a good record and seems to be Improving with every ;ame, Hats off to Munson. He behaved ' court of Union county, Oregon, admln aomuwhut respectfully after the open-! istratrlx of the estate ot Mary A.:A1 Ing game. j drU h, deceased. , All persona , having We won't complain at all, at Ml, If La Grande takes three of the coming j four. Neither w ill we complain If thev break even. CROPS GROWING WITH UNUSUAL THRIFT THIS YEAR. Ry Rondlng Japanese Heavily and !m- porlliu; White IjilMir, the Sunur 'M)iiaiiy Hum Se uml Ib-tu-r Ito KtiltH In TlillinliiK Deets TIiIm Year This Task Is Complct.xl and Com pany In Iloiteful for a llumKT Crop Anuiu Wni-ui Weather llelw. Ileet thlnnlnir for this year ha been completed. Field llanager Pebhelov. by experimenting with while labor and taking more stringent methods with the Japanese employes. ha rushed this yeurly tusk with better results than heretofore. The ;3(io acres of beets cultivated by the Amalgamated Sugar company Is now on the second 'up of lis growth. Thlnnlnir ft always a cumbersome duty at the best, but by ystemntjiilng matters this year a Iltt'e more with Jap contractors, the work ..,1 has been done better and more quick-1 iv. Ktnngent contracts hacked by heavy bonds have Insured good remits from the Japanese. Cropn IjHiklng line. The !eet crop, esperlnlly about l. Crnnde, Is looking flue, and the com pany looks for a duplication of last year's crop. The cold weather retard ed rapid growth slightly, but since the thermometer has shot up, the sugar beets have done likewise. There Is every reason to believe that the beet " iiihi me no'i . crop will xcMnd mi rrror.U nf thf punt 1 tntj nniii- am inp enrny Crop ftlirit CVl-j dence of doing. NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior," U. 8. Lund Of rice nt La Grinde. Or . , June 3, 10S. Notice Is her. l.y given t'.nt J.VNIi: H. YP.NT7.KR. I ni r.igin, ureiren, who, on .Marrh Mh. 1D08. p:ade tlmhrr and stone swun tatem.nt. No. r.j.lfl, fr PV PKii. Ker. 4. W, NE. and Xfftj pr:';! Sertlon 9. Townhip 2 H-.uth. Unne J 3." East, Wlilnviette Meridian, has filed rotl-e of Inten'jen to make final! proof, to establish claim to tiie'S i.i.io tiW..c iie.cnoen. nerore the rg- Utrr and receiver at La Grande, Ore- j gon .on the ioth day of August, no,. Claimant name. ., witnesses; j0h. tia C Smllh. of La Grande, Ore,; Blm. uel Parker, of Elgin. Ore.; Carrol L. cher. of Bin.. Ore. F. C. BR AM WELL, Register. BEET THINNING NOW COMPLETED . SHI II T' 11 - Notlee to Creditors. V -Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern, -that Mertle Aldrlch I hu.-i been appointed by the county claims against the estate of said , de- ceased are required to present them with Proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof, to the V, administratrix at the office of Arthur ' C. Williams, rooms 1 and 2, southwest corner of Depot street and Adams avenue, La Grande, Union county, I Oregon. Dated June C, 1908, j MERTIE ALDRICH, j Administratrix of the Estate of Mary I A A !.!,-(. .V. Ti ,1 dj.-.-I2-19-2July3-10 Only the most delicious chocolate served at Sllverthorn & Mack's aoda fountain. D5-27-I27 In which paper do news? you read tha &&iT hum Arrival aad Departure of Ttalaa M La Grande. No. 1, wedtboun r,rii,.. c-.a.. rr'v, 9::5 m.; departs. :10 a n . v. ..MU DUVVUJ, -o. e, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrive, at 6:45 a. m.J de parts 6:S9 a. m. No. 2, eastbound Chicago BpectftL arrlvea I OS p. m.; departs. m. No. 6, westbound passenger, mall nd express, arrives U p, m.. de. parte, 10 p. m. Klgln Rranrh. Regular mixed int. i. . - - - irnvni . , oclK.k and at ' togging train h v - Gnde at 12:SD p. m, and ai i.ig p. rn. J. II. KEENF.Y, Acnt, I Grande, Oregon. .ese,.As e rn m.. irvvLLIVU ftULIU i Persons dasiring neat a;m comiortaoie room3 a. m a . . i . s ana who ear, should stop at the PALMER I20TCL Board and rcom by the t week : : : : $5.00 By the day : : : .oo t The only First' Class t wniy TirSl UljlSS $100 per day hOUigSn t La Grande. White t 0n.V EmnWr, 2 ? plOed. TW0 "'ucks from DePOt t PHflMP tr At,;. t ' J - "'rsrv-rk. tVsii e4eee44t4$ , . .S.,....