1 PAGE FOUR. ETEX1XG OBSKRVER. LA GRA.VDTC OREGOIC, . TTESdAy, JUNE I, IKIs. ICIGntT PACES. f t 1 Si ; i i : 1 r 1: !! i I 9 'i t ! i i 1 ) !l -.1 '1 i! i' u Li (mti tvcrM O&rvw Published Daily Except Sunday". ' CTIUtEY BROTHERS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. United Frees Telegraph Sen-lee. uiy, per month.. .65 Dally, single copy . . .05 Dally, one year tn advance. ..... $6.50 Dally, six months, In advance. . . $3.50 weekly, one year, In advance. ; . $1.00 Weekly, six months, In advance. . ,7 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande .' V as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any arti- cle appearing- over a hom de plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please 1gn your articles and save disappoint-. Jnent. ; , ""' ": Advertising itaum, Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. . , , Local reading notices , 10c per line Tirst Insertion; 6q per line for each sub sequent Insertion. . Resolution? of condolence, 5c a line. Cards of thanks. 5c a line.' One more convention and the presi dential campaign will be on In real aroest. The reflection of public sen timent that will naturally center around the candidates after their nom ination the flint two or three weeks, will probably foretell the, result' or at leant give the observing a good indl ration as to whom the victory will fall. In other words, It Is generally consid ered that itr. Taft has the bets of It by many odds, yet In this age of po- . Ilttca uncertainty it may require a few weeks to predict with any decree of accuracy, . t From this time on the committee on general arrangements for our Fourth pf July celebration will be exceedingly busy In the preparation for one of the Jxwt celebrations that has been given In the county for' many years. The soliciting .committee, b mm-tlng with! ubstantlnl subscriptions and the nec essary money for nil the various feat- tires will be forthcoming In abundance me committee on gtmerul arrange ments for the O. A. II. throe-days en ' esmpment, which will also be In La' ' Orande, met yesterday to provide for their always enjoyable reunion. 1 While there are thousands In at tendance at the republican national -convention which Is In session today, there are tens of thousands who would like to be present. . e BE IS CALLED TO ORDER (Confirmed from page 1.) Ing given front rows. 'Between the delegates' reservation and the "semi circular stage, on which were seated the officers -of the ; Convention,'! the members of the national committee, and distinguished guests. Including representatives of the diplomatic corps at Washington, were the 400 seats set aside for the use of the press. Lead ing under the stage from the press reservation were run-ways to the press association and telegraph rooms In the rear. Nearly all the prominent "Jour nalists" as well as a large proportion of the best known newspapermen of the country had been assigned seats, and were on the Job when the gavel fell. The arrangements for handling the news of the convention and getting It out quickly to the country are the best ever made for a similar gathering. The working rooms of the press asso ciations and telegraph companies oc cupy one whole end of the basement of the building. During the assembling of delegates and spectators, Weldon's Chicago Con cert band played classical and other kinds of music. ; Shortly before the hour of 12 Mrs. Beatrice Flscher-Er langer sang Ardltl's "Enchantress." The band then swung Into the Insp'lr- mg strains of "Tannhauser." Before the; applause died out,' Colonel Harry Hi Ne-, chairman of the republican national committee stepped .to the front of the plntform, rapped vigor ously on the presiding officer's table. and' called the convention to order. "The proceedings will be begun with prayer by the Right Rev. P. J. Mul doon, bishop of the diocese of Chi cago, of the Roman Ctthollo church,' he announced. ItlKliop Muldoon's Prayer. "Almighty, Merciful God," began the bishop, "we humbly beseech Thee mercifully to give ear to prayers here offered by Thy servants In behalf of the whole nation. We numbly Implore Thee to bless and guide us In Thy wis dom, to direct the deliberations of this convention for a greater peace, se curity and happiness of the entire people. Grant to all peace, purity, pa ttl.ilixm. through Christ,' who taught us to pray, saying, -Our Father, who art In Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy will be done 011 earth ns It Is In Heaven; give us this day our dully bread, forgive us our debts as we for give our debtors. Lead us not Into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine In the kingdom, the power and glory, forever and ever.' Amen." Immediately following the prayer, Frederick I'phnm, chairman of the lo cal committee of arrangements, pre sented to Chairman New a gnvel made out of a block of wood from old Fort Dearborn. Cull of Convention llmd. Chairman New then recognized El mer Lover, secretary of the committee and announced that he would read the call under which the convention had assembled. This call, issued by the national committee after Its meeting In Washington December lust, stated the details of the composition of the convention, the methods whereby del egates should be selected, and the pro cesses to be follow, il In the fllln of contests for iits. According to the nil, each- state Is entitled to four delegate at Urge and four nlu rnatcs. and each roiiKi-essI m.il di.-lrlct to Uo deli gates and two alternates. In lid lltlon, each of the territories. Inelnd- SELLMG 30.02 ' PEW WHEEL' BFES ' :t Vv ,V',. JTIOLE gWI&; IPWEL FURNITURE AT COST FOR a.5H $31.50 2.50 22.60 THE CELEBRrr EO "flCflE RWQES" PE5TnflDE 20 PERCENT OFF REMEMBER we are RcducinJ Stock on , NEW FURNITURE and Selling out all Second Hand Goods at Cost. I am making this the LOWEST PRICED Furniture House in the city. . .' .' EASY TERMS, AT LIVING PRICES TO RIGHT PARTIES. - NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS 'Phone Black 641 ZY6 rlK dlii.i.i F 1 i B. HAISTCN Thone Red 1161 1411, 1413, 1415 Adams Ave. ADVEItTISIXG VOW FEDERAL Bl'ILDIXG SITES. Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, June 8, 1308. Proposals will be received, ti be opened at 2 o'clock p. m., July 10 lliOS, for the sale or donation to the United States of a suitable site, cen trally an dconvenlently located, for the federal building to be erected In La Grande, Oregon. A corner lot, of (approximately) 130x135 feet. Is re quired. Each proposal must give th price, the character of foundations ob tainable, the proximity to street cars, sewer, gas and water mains, etc., and must be accompanied by a diagram In dicating the principal street, the north point, the dimensions and grades of the hind, the widths and paving of adjacent streets and alleys, whether the alleys are public or private, and hether or not the city owns land oc cupied by sidewalks. The vendor must pay nil expenses connected? with fur nishing cvldi nrcs of title ufct deeds of conveyance. Improvement '. on .'the property must be reserwd by the ven dor;, but pending the commencement of the federal building they may re main on the land up in payment of a reasonable ground rent. ; The grantor must, however, remove nil Improve ments on thirty days' notice so to d.i. The right to reject any proposal Is re-s-rveil. Each proposal must be seal ed, marked "Proposal for federal building site at La Grande, Oregon," and mailed to the secretary of the treasury, (supervising architect), Washington, I. C No special form of proposal Is required or provided. GEO. B. COHTELYOC, Secretary. M&Tht TIMBER LAXD. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, La Orande, Ore., April 27th. 1908. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory, " as extended to all the public land states by net of August 4. 1K92, GEORG1ANA B. COALWELL, of Perry, county of Union, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this of fice her sworn statement No. 600. for the purchase of the 8 BKM of Sec. No. 27. In Tp. No. 2, S., R. No. .17, E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural' purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the reg ister nno receiver at La Grande, Ore gon on Tuesday, the Hth day of July, 1908... She names as witnesses: Herbert Cnalwell, William Coalwell, Harrv Coalwell, Charles Coalwell. all of Perry, Ore. ' Any and all persons clnlmlns ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this ' orrice on or before su July, 1908. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. how to curs yourself at horn by the new absorption treatment; and will also tend some of this horns treat ment free for trial, .with references from youtr own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent er re assured. Send qo money, but el! others of this offer. Write today to Mra. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. FREE TO Y0U-MY SISTER : i K.':'fM'!fi!' '' A Free te You and Inry Sister Sul v twin a frsm Wsman's Ailments. 1 1 mra woman. I know woman's sufferings, have found the cure, will mail, free of any charge, my horn treat ment with full inatructiona to any sutferar from ' woman's silmenta. I want to tell an women about this euroyou. my reader, for yourself, yourdaughter. your mother, or your sister. I want to tell you how to cure younelves st home without the help of a dnctur. Uen cannot understand woman's sufferingo. What we women know from experience, wa know betler than any doctor." I know that my home treat ment la s rate nmi aure euro for loucorrheea or Whltlsh dlr.charEes, Ulceration, Disntacement or Falling of the Uomb. profuse. Scanty cr Paln.'uL PerioJi, tterine or Ovarls"! Tumors or tir wthM also pains In tlio herd, bak and bewclr, bn.-lr J down feilns, nervou3nnr, crctp'.nc liefbc e the srHne, melancholy, desi'c to cry, hot tu.'-rn carlnc, kitney and tU".!(lrr trouh'es hc:a caused by wouknc5ea pecul,-r to our sex. I want t tc id ou s cjmrl-'to t'.n Ca s '.r:i' vivtn rnxire.y iree w provo to y m flirt you ran ci youmelf at hoie. ea-nly. auicU:' t d s jrtlv. i 9 IV- .?1",1im2 l." ""I ' ra'P'-'' trial :ssd If yons.Mwish toc;ntinile,it w.ll wrt oi oulV ibout tjisi.o ' Id 14th day of w.s-K. orlerathjntwocen:aaday. It will not interfere wuh your work or ocriiouvn. Jtitiut .. jour name ana aaurs, tell nui t...w yju tjfior If yw wic.i. .ird I -rrM aril iht trn.ir..c. . !LanNJlN ADVISCI!" with expltnatcry Cl..trair3 C:v:Vl- J?r 3I,L? " doctor ss-s-"Yon ran hn-e an o-wmtion.-' yea ; oecWe tor yoarsclf. Th..land ot w,w have e.red them?:vr.a t. il'i rr.v home n ;sc-!v. 1 L c..i M'. olj or yofjnt. TjMolht-j of lUu.-hterc, I wel cxpliin n rim:) kwi treotnent vhlch s-eed.ll rnc eirect'iaily cures L--.Krrrhoea. Green Sirhnes and i-nm'iil Lju ri. Pl-jinpneat ana health alwnvr renulf.i fmn ii i ,y Piles Cured at Homo riy Nctv Absorp turn MMbod. If you suffer from bleedlnv. ttehi nr auiiurar KH-j ..... . . '".o-.riur.psr.nw ...8. unuu or pruiruuinK piles, sena t to iHwk. me your address, and I will tell you KS. M. C'JW!Wr:R5, V.ox H. ' eanreierj-LU to lat-ea or your own loesllfr w M know nni will e-t-ilV f. i.,.. inmni rmiie t-ires ell wieun'i Hwm.i, and malwo v.omer r.-.'U, n nto tcd.iv, u r- j rriiy not oe tfcia oilur mm. Ailn-cia H'jtra Darrto, Ind., U. C. f by the "it I lies" to that of the niitlotuil committee. In making up the i. iii)mi rary roll f the ronventlon. was filled with gajly iinlformed Tsft clubs. Can non clubs and orKonlallons In .iiinx tho mimes of other favorite soits. Tin rHmpalgn liulli.n enili-r, and tlie uii- to-dtw fakir of every description as""t ''. ''"'to l'.l.o and the Phil there crying his war. s and gelling iM 1 11 1''"' , and nNo the IM-lrl. t of Co-' of theni In giierous .luantllles. j l""1,":- ' eiuul. d to two delegnt. s Army of I sl.rr. and t.. nltemai. s. At 10 o'clock the hall was thrown I A"'1' ""' ':'" l",, n Ton'- 1 '"'' unl those who bud been so for-! ' ln impiessive tones, sum: Oetitlemen of the Convention: OIN'tt tUlinle as to beg, burrow or buy one 4f lite. oVeo-d Citl'ds tf ItOUIIMlol) Were ' 'The repuhlleiin national cuminll-i- has selrctcd for your temporary llurrows. ushered to their setus by tho assistant i-rgcanl-nt-ariiis. Of these tin-re was a small nrmv, euri-rully sebv-ted and trained for the occasion by Col. William F. Kioite, seigi-ant-t-rnis of the national committee. Many of, "' ,n'' Four" from Mlrhl them hud served In previous conv.-n-1 "n ,va" ",on Mn f',,t ln n Instant jl,,,, I with a motion "that the action of th (mm Iw t Mdntw ' nnllomil comnilttec be approved." Th A large piop.prllon of the throng of Attention, rii-cnion. Keguhir meeting of Itescue Hose Co. No. 1 will bo held this evening. June Itilli, lit S o'clock, sharp. All ment hols reipiesli'd ' to be present. Hy or der of C. JACKSON, 1-14 Foreman. IWMtcr Tlinn S.anUliii. Spariklng does not cure chltdrm of brd-wettlng. There Is a constitution al cause for this trouble. Mrs. M Summers, Box W, Notre Pame, Ind., A 111 send free to any mother her suc cessful Instructions. Rend no mon-y, but write her today If your children trouble In t,hs woy. Don't blame the child, the chances are It can't help It. This treatment aUo cures I hiilriiiun the 11. n. Julius t senator from the state of .Michigan. ' nditlls and aged people troubled with (iipplnnse), anil present his name forjurlns difficulties ty day or night , your ncceptanre." i . I One of the "Big Four" from Ml. hl- f s spectators, whose seats were nnaiiKi d around three sides of the hull In raised tiers and galleries, consisted of women, ninny of them prominent In the social life of Chlcngo and Wash . Ington, gowned In their best summer . finery. The local committee on ar rangements had given more promi nence than ever ecfere to Ibe social aide of the ronventlon, and a generous shsre of the tickets of admission went v to members of the "400." IMivntc" l tVntor. lelegatrs and alternates were seat ed In the center of the hall, the loca tion of each state delegation being In dicated by placards fastened on raised standards, the big republican states ,f'trke Pennsylvania and New TorVtj-' I motion mis put and ag loousiy, ninul cheers a I ping. Henntor llurrows then delivered , the formal opening uililress of the con vention, which, according to tradition Is to be the key-nute of the com In campaign. Iturnm In lialr. As soon as Henstnr Burrow had concluded hi address, he was, present ed with the gsvel which he Is to use until he gives wsy to Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, n hose nsme will be reported by the committee on perma nent organicatlon for the position of permanent presiding officer, at a later session of the ronventlon. - AniMvanw Temporary Officers, , The senator then announced th 4Don't Buy reed to iinnnl- l n ground coflce order whole nd bani-riap-jl roast and let your trroccr grind it, or, grind it at home ncttt-r still. ' (Continued oa psge (.) aJlUfiWyT mm Folger's Golden Gate ISU t t r. V.- --'-.; "rn 1 V-r-e-e..Si.ri - J - ' l-.f L:i -: U I- -.- "The Most Comfortable Plsxe in the HoLte." PORCH SHADES MAKE YOUR HOT PORCH COOL mm mm: fir- 1VW i 1 1 mm "Zhtt cu see liim, but be etn'l set bcr' PORCH SHADES t t t 4- t Ask for Vudor Porch Shades, Wc Have Them in Four Sizes 4 ft., 6 ft., 8ft, and 10 ft., 7 ft. 8 inchcg high t Refrigerators Wisconsin Peerless White Enameled, as The Best Good as i it frhole roast packed in aroma-tight tins. Never told in bulk. J. A. Foltfvr (XX Co.. ass Francisco Fine Mew Carpets Arriving Daily A Full Line of Carpets, (Waitings, Rugs, Art Sauare aV r t ana Linoleums ADC0OK & FRITTS I Dealers in Furniture and Carpel ( "ft