La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 12, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The action taken by the saloon moll
jf Unlon-conty-ytrday to restrain
,tue county court Irom dvclurlng the
local option law In effort, was dupli
cated at Pendleton; the difference
. stlnit tint lbs Umatilla, saloon kurp
rsack for a perpetual enjolnmcnt.
Tht- INndleton East Orofonlan of
TliursUny says:
By a suit In equity filed In llie cir
cuit court this forunnnn, the saloon
awn ot the city seek to set aside the
recent prohibition vole and ( Circuit
Judue Dean la asked to Isnue an order
restraining the county court from of
flclully proclaiming the wet and dry
rule wt Ift thg clettlon.
' the stilf fflod today Anton Nolle
la named as plaintiff,' while Judge
GniUand, Commissioner Walker and
Commissioner Lee are named as de
fendants. .The suit was filed by Low
ell Winter, and Kaley, Richards tt
Raley. y.
, Alleged Irregutaritlea,
: After the suit had been filed this
. morning copies of the complaint were
served to members of the court and
i ( according- to the' allegations set forth
in tha same the restraining order Is
aoked for on the grounds thst the re
ent prohibition ' election was Irregu-
- The first allrgatloa is that the coun
ty court was not In session between
April and May 4, and that the court
" viade no order calling for a vote upon
Bio prohibition question.
"Secondly It Is charged that the coun-
ty celrk did not compare the algna
1 -
J-r4 of thJ slKOnrS bft the' tf-Otlon
i'. . II . ..T.-'
eaaftig for an election, with the ssme
afusaturra n .the mgtstrattoa books.'
It la further charged that tha clerk
dltt 'not seiVs th sheriff with a' notice
et the elctln'l day prior to the
otdlng.ot tha memim and that the sher -
af did not post any notices ot such an
ejection being1 held." ' """""
In eenctiiston the dmplelnt alleges
ha the local option law, tlQderthe
yrewftdoas of which the recent prohl-
Kloa vote waa taken, to Illegal
amine l was gacieapr me people
4 ? i tJ . "
nncn a w
V,. . ; ;r;;v ;
Great Line olUfidet Muslins on Sale fo
andMisses'WhiteCanva afHALF
PRICE. Large Assorrment oi Summet
than Regular Prices
Oregon Instead of by the legislature.
Tliolnlllatlve and rVferendum law, .un
der which the local option law war
passed Is held to be null and void be
causo In Violation of section I, article
4 of. the constitution. , .
The court Is. asked to Issue an ordei
forever and perpetually enjoining thr
county cotnmlislnncrs from proclaim
ing tho vote of the recent, election,
and until tlin suit Is finally tried oit
a temporary restraining ordor Is askef
tluirsvn Are l iitrue.
Following the filing of the saloon
men's suit today there was more r
less agitation about the court house.
expeUelly In the clerk's and sherlfO
offices. Pictures of the recall were
drawn by callers who took advantage
nf the opportunity to "Josh" the offi
cials. '
But there Is little worry on the part
of the officials, for they declare thnt
the allegations of the complaint can
not "touch them."
An order for the prohibition elec
tion was duly made by County Judge
Cllllllanil. Official nntlres announcing
the election were provided by County
Clerk Frank Baling and given IHe
sherirt within the requisite time, and
the notices were duly posted by the
sheriff or his deputies.
Official returns showing the com
pletion of their tasks have been made
by both the clerk and sheriff and are
on file. Consequently It would seem
thst they have been blameless.
' Regarding the cheeking of the elg.
(natures, that, work waa done by Depu-
. ,,
ty Clerk Nelson. However, the la
'. . ...
provides that a deputy may perform
any of 4he duties nf his chief,-eo tt
would seem there Is hut HHIe In that
i portion of the complaint.
f-pfADTC '
,LI I UJlly,
(Continue frsna, VM
be' there to ample time for the case te be
or tried M Ita merit befert lb present,
v.':!; 'i
- v:.:u
; T
Incumben, of the bench, . 5
"I think there ia no question bu'l
what the election will be sustained
and the proclamation ot the order ol
prohibition Issued."
' - WbM Chiklcrs Says.
Sheriff ChUders, lnan Interview
with an Observer representative, salt!
.."The notices, five to each preclnc'
In the county, were posted more thai
12 days before the election. I postcc
the notices In La Grande, Cove, Union
North Powder and Big Creek, myself
and In every precinct but three, Cani
Carson, Kamcla and Etarkey, I sa-A
tho notices after they were posted. 1
did not visit these precincts during m
rampalKn, but the notices were postei
In Kamcla by Engineer George Par
ker, who has toid me that he will a
aay time make affidavit that the worK
was properly done; In Btarkey Ton-
Loft us did this work, and the notice
were sent by a man named Hill Hen
derson to Al Stevens, the regular!;
appointed Judge of election In Camt
Carson. They were posted In Allc:
by Tom Clark. In Imbler by John Ber
ry, In tiitnniervllle by Charles Oliver
in Elgin by William Morelock and J
C. Austin, In Perry by Mr. Coalwell
in Hllgsrd by J. W. Sanford. In Ka
mcla by Qenrge Parker. In Btarkey by
Tom Loftus, In Camp Carson by A
Stevens, In Islsnd City by Charkr
Conkey, and In Antelope by Case Pres.
cott, regularly , appointed election
Continuing Mr. Chlldera said:
"I shall at once make It my busi
ness to secure affidavits from every
man In the county who (tosted" th
election notices, as to when and where
they'wera posted. .Already I have
'' from a majority of the men who
acted for me In this work, telling
where the not Ices were posted. I
have nothing to conceal In this mat
ter, and a III he glad t have the full
est InvestlM'lua.nede.'
The ahrrlf;'. v fUfVate tht he had
pwled 'nmhvs In each 'precinct ac
rnrdlag tf law was May 11.
, , Ttie CTNTk's Opinion. .
County Clerk Gllham, through The
Observer, says: I ' : .
1 of the IhformatlOi 'vt tile pub
lic.'. X.WtTtJ,wythatt :J
ot the reuptt clerk In connection with
the llqtier elli recently hag are as
follows: -. , i .
"On the first day of April, 1M.
there waa filed In the office of the
eouaty clerk, a peUUoa signed by ttt
elector at thle covaty, asking that aa
election U bald lit first nay ot
June, 1908. to determine whether the
sate of Intoxicating liquors be pro
hibited In Union county as a whole.
In compliance with the law, I com
pared the slgnaTurs of the electors
Ignlnglhe same witU their signatures
on the "registration books of theelc
tlon then pending'' Thereafter, on -the
second day of April, 1908, the county
court having found that'sald petition
was valid, ordered that an election be
held ln.oomplun with said 'petition,
which order ls of record.
'.'Thereafter 1 prepared 'tttid caused1
to 'be'. 'printed,' 'five- notices for ealch
election precinct,' being 1-16 'nritlcoS In'
all,-, said Hotlcea. being., n. the. , form
prescribed by said local option law. "'
"On May stH, moire .than 40 days
previous to the genera) election, TVhJch
was held on the 1st day of June, 1908.
ldeliveredthe same to the sheriff.
ThereaftT fiml Jhe t priSilbltlon
question to be placed on the regular
ballot, for said election. In the manner
and' form .prescribed by ' said' law.
Thereafter, on the 19th day of May,
1908, I prepared and filed 'a, certifi
cate setting forth and entering Qt rec
ord, my compliance 'with the provis
ions of the statutes ' reguladng said
mattes' .ii....'.i..iiw.'.-ijJ.i. .
Judge Ilonry Asserts Every Action of
the Court Wsui Regular,
Speaking of the allegations aimed
at the county court and the county
commissioners, Judge J. C. Henry said
' The court has " nothing "to" fear.
Every act done by th-mirt prior to
the Issuance of the notices was In
keeping and according to Instructions
laid down by ; statutes. Tha petition
was signed by the required amount .of
taxpayers. There Is not a possible
, loophole or break In the proceedure
where the complainant's allegations
can reach, this court As far as the
court and the commissioners are con
cerned, the complaint is in error.
can voucn for the regularity of our
transactions covering every phase of
this subject. ,1 am not the mouthpiece
of the other object of the attaclc, so
can say nothing, for them."
The county court, which met this
morning, adjourned until next Satur
day, June 10.
y. i mi
On next Monday afternoon at i
o'clock, all the members of the Olive
P. Morton post, O. A. R., are request
ed to meet at the office of Fran!
Kllpatrlck, to discuss plans and step
for the proper celebration of the r
union to be held In this city July 1 t
J inuluslve. Commander Faulk ex
tends urgent request to all member.
lo attend this meeting. The buslm-
n hand Is Important, but can bo (lit
posed of quickly.
General Plans. "7"'
That the coming reunion la going to
bo the largext and best held In eastri i
Oregon In many y ?ars Is the optlmlstlr
expression of I. W. Faulk, eommnm.
er of the otcal'pnst and president o
'he Eastern Oregon O. A. R. associa
tion. In the rough, the first day wlli
be given over to the roceptlpn of visit
Ing old soldiers by the local post mem
bers. On July 1 will be the dsy et a!
daye Grand Army day. At that time
an extended program will be carrier
nut, details nf which 1lt be announc
ed aa soon as the post meets next
Monday afternoon. The third day Is
always a big affair, with the annual
reunions. It Is W. R. C. day. 6n
that occasion the old soldiers, gallant
and brave when the bullets whistled
and the cannons boomed, will be the
guests of honor In conjunction with
the visiting Relief , Corps members.
The local post ot the W. R. C, Is tak
ing extensive measure to make thelt
day a brilliant one.
The fourth and last day July -
the visiting soldier will mingle with
the loyal cltlsens who are to spend
the glorious Fourth of July In La
Grande. . t,. ,.
' ' A Grand Family MeritetneV'
1 "It glees me pleasar speak a food
word for Electric flitters," writes Mr
Frank Cnnlan of No. 4I Houston Vt.
N. T. " "It's a grant family medicine
for dyepepala had liver complications
while for lame back and weak kldaeys
It cannot be too highly recommended
Electric Bitter regnlat tha digestive
functions, purify the blood, and Impart
reaewe4 vigor aad Vitality to the weak
aad aeblliuted oC both sexes. Bold
aa4er gwaraatee at Kewlla'g drag
WwtaTtU difference; Ct first, la the .p1raBCof.-M
common ulced for this reason .very gore that u lJZ
hcalinjr should excite snspicton, lor tne
Bal evulenoeof a polluted blood, ana U aiiowea w u " w-raand othd
Into Cancer. Efforts to heal the ulcer by means oi sa Ives plasters and oOM
external remedies always result in laiiure.Decauscou - - ..a
bo possible effect on the blood, whera the deadly germs ""S
-...a n...i. ,-i..iiation to the place. No sore or uicen
can exist without a predisposin? internal cause, and open, i airasrz og
vlcer or festering ol J'Sorellt tonUnue to eat deeper into .the
'flesh as aa polluted, gerninfected circulation d.scharges its impu;
itiea into il S.S.gothefountalnWol ! thetrotbte. -ndvea,
out the germ-producing ipotsous ana
- ' . .'' 7 .,,7 .
which, often do great damage to this delicate parts of the system, S. B. S.
tones up every part of the body. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical
advice desired free, , JHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
Ufill HAIflUSl
The Walla Walla ns arrived thle
morning on the delayed train from
"alter City and this afternoon at t
o'clock the fans got a splendid view of
he visitors and their system.
The four-game series was formally
opened when the new umpire, William
Koosef; "bellowed out his "play bal!."
. As La Grande and the visitors have
never faced each other before, there
s much speculation as to who Is go
ing to win the series here. That L
drande will get two 1 a cinch, but
he tana have been rather educated
to the 'three out of four" proposition
until they have coined a new slogan,
tamely: "Give us three."
..The line-up for La Grande will be
Jie him a heretofore, except the
eft garden, where Housten the crack
lelder, is stationed. .
. Manager Rogers ha a likely look
ing aggregation of ball toesers. The
ine-up tbls afternoon is as follows:
French, cf; Oreit, ss; Harmon, 3b:
McAllister, lb; Burke, rf; Munson, c;
Rogers, lb; Wells. If; Anderson, p. ,
Cottemsn twirls for La Grande this
Xallonol Ranks Given Instruction a-
r to RankJug AMtra-latloiiM.
Waahlngton, June 13. Secretary ot
-ho-Treasury- George. Corttli'ou to
lay Issued a circular to all national
anks setting forth tlw rcgulationf
Vhlch must be followed In forming na
lonal currency associations. In part
t says: ...
"National banks occupying contigu
ous territory, may organize national
mrrency associations; there must be
at least 10 banks la each association
ind the aggregate capital and surplus
f the banks must be at least $.1,0(10.
!00. No bank may Join an association
inlrss It tine unimpaired capital and
lurplus of not less thsn 50 per cent."
The- circular then explains the pro
visions of the currency act - --
Program Much Enjoyed.
The program of the commencement
of Sacred Heart academy given this
afternoon at, Elks' hall, was very en
loyable, and the rendition of the vari
ous numbers showed : a wealth of
preparation on the part of both pu
pils and teacher that Is seldom evi
denced by any but professional enter
tainer. Every number deserves spe
cial mention. The artistic setting of
the stage, which showed a vtne-clad
cottage In the background, added
T'J'JL'0 ,h. 'njoyment of the audi
ence. " "
' Two KpVcuO Trains for Com-eA.
A feature f the ergon recital' o be
given at the L. D. 8. tabernacle,',,
tended notice of which Is made In an
ofher column, win be the funning of
two -epeclal trains on "that date to
carry people ' from' Vnloti ' anT Elgin
'1 '. !"". -?,y-1 Th. ,.r,,n WU resch
here In time for the "concert, and de
part Immediately afterwards., .
FOR RENT -Furnished houpekeep.
Ipk' irsiom ' pa'ur, of tw room,
close Id, at reaaostabl rate. Inquire
"at 1411 Washington avenue. V.-l:tf
I walck paper a yoa read
eore w b""s " depeneratei
moro.a i.-is rich, purified blood
UUtU. " e
goes to the diseased place me neaiin8 ucB ...
l h discharge ceases, the tatommaUoB grad
uallv leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh
are formed, and soon the sore is penna
. nently cured. S. S. S. is made enttrely of
t and herbs of a healing, cleansing
A mineral medicines.
Notice for Bids. -.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received up to four o'clock.
p. m. July 2, 1908, by the District
School Board of School District No.
one, of Union county, Oregon, for fur
nishing raid district with:
48 No. S alngle school desks. . t ,
48 No. 4 single school desks. ( .'
H o, 3 single school desks.
8 No, S single rears.
8 No. 4 single rears.
12 No. 3 single rears!'' ,' '' ,
15 12-foot recitation benches with
tablet arms.
4 teachers' desks. r
All of said furniture to ba delivered
f. q. b. car La Grande, Oregon, on or
before August 25, 1908. Bids to! be
left with school clerk- Board reserves
the right to reject any or all bid.
By order of School Board.
' School Clerk.
Waa Wasting Away.
"I had been troubled with kidney
disease for th last five years."
write Robert R. Watts of Salem, Mo.
'I lost flesh and never felt well and
doctored with leading physicians and
tried all remedies suggested without
relief. Finally I tried Foley Kldner
Cure and lei than two bottle com
pletely cured me and I am now sound
?nd-we.'! ". P.ur'ns th summer kidney
Irregularities .are often caused br ex.
cesslve drinking or being overheated.
Attend to the kidneys at once bv us.
Ing Foley Kidney Cure. A. T.' Hill.
n;r, Pdr.SnC
trrlvai and Departure of Ttalna al
- La Grande, .
No. I, Westbound Pmu.j
-.."iiu opeciai.
rrivet ,:2S m .
No. . ea.tbound passenger, mall
nd exprew. .rrl,c at 4:45 a. m . a(H
No. I, eastbound Chicago Special,
tmv.. p. m.: depart i:, ,7m!
No. . westbound psssengsr. mall
ind express, arrives am . .
Doru, 1 p. m. . "
Elgin tlran. n.
Regular inlsert ... .
n , "' i-nve La
Orsnd. ., , 0.clocl ,nd
Cl(rk n - s "
leave. Ls n , ,0'gln tr"
. U 0rnd at lMo p. m. and
returns at 7:41 p. m. a
U. KEEXET, Agent. .
' cande, Orevw.
Persons deairino-
lint C0Tr?rtal!e room.;
ana wnoesnmn
e " ""'uicauine
snou d Stnn'at ,,
iiioa.i e
i week
n . ti.. j '
me aay
. inn
I - ; J V W
First Clasi
u - ...
1 tie rinlw
I rr J
; l-00 per day Kxjusp.v,4
5 Twn Rl,.i,. . '. 4
i ... r,wvlia orn , UtDCt
v -
J BLACK 402 i
1-11-1-2. J.'