CTGBi PAGES. aCTENISQ OBSERVER, LA GRASDE, ORKGOX, FIUDAV, JTXE 13, IMS. 8 ! 5 Gent mm m COllEL k M4 - v t DIRECTORY ' OF THE ' FRATERNAL ORDERS lA GRANDE, ORE. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O. W.a meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building, All visiting member wel come. M. M. MARQUIS, J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. F. O. ' La tJrande Aerie No. Hi, F. O. E., meet every Friday night In Elka hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. S. Fcreatera'ol America. -Court Maid Marian No. SI meet second and fourth Wedneaday night In K. of P. hall. Brother are Invited to attend. NERI ACKLE3, C. R, Q.. V. HENDRICKS, F. S. TJaspA rf Triiat: T)r. CI. T. Blr. ten, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. IS, O. E. 8., hold tated communication the eecond and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting memocrs cordially Invited. MART O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. tl, L O. O. F. meeta evevy second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patrlnrcha always welcome. L. E. COX, C. P. W. A. WORSTKLL, Scribe. M. U. of A. Meets flnit and third Thursday eve at I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. ' f. A. AlUltTKLE. President C. J. VANDERPOUU Fcretry. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 411, meets each Thursday evening at I o'clock In Elka' hail on Adam avenue. Visit ing brother are cordially Invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Role-. O. E. M'CULLT. Rett. See. - i ICE CREAM X This is the open season for I pared to furnish the trade X member refreshment parlors Oregon. A resort for Ladies L DS ELDER, , MMIMM IT 18 NOT V5RT MUCH, NEVERTHELESS IT IS THE J1TTLE Tit INGS THAT COUNT. "BUT X COUPON BOOK IF TOU WANT TO BE economical. v s ; :'" '-."' ;THH 18 WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO OCs worth tf ortat for I.0: $t for fl.SS; ft tor 14.11; 110 tor $1.80; tlS for I14.S5; 120 for AND THIS IS NOT ALL.. WE WILL SELL TOU A BETTER GRADE OF MEAT AT A LOWER PRICE THAN ANTBODT. OUR HOME CTRED HAMS AND BACON ARE OUR PRIDE. WHT PAT A FANCT PRICE FOR EASTER HAM WHEN TOU CAN BUT A BETTER ARTICLE AND A HOME PRODUCT AT A MUCH LOWER PRICE? , , . WE GUARANTEE EVERTHINO AND CHEERFULLY REFUND TOUR MONET IF TOU ARE NOT ENTIRELT SATISFIED. OUR LARD 18 AS PURE AB IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE. .OUR DELIVERY IS THE PROMPTEST IN THE CITY. GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL CONVINCE TOU THAT WE THOROUGHLT UNDERSTAND THE MEAT BUSINESS. AND KNOW HOW TO TREAT TOU RIGHT. MIDGET MARKET: 'Phone Main M. P. S. PLEASE REMEMBER. THAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOW PRICK AT WHICH MTAT AND IF WE WERE NOT DOING A CASH BUSINESS AND KEEPING THE PRICES DOWN, TOU WOULD BE POUND MORE FOR TOUR MEAT THAN TOU ARE NOW. .'. '"' ' la Gii - 4' I. O. O. F. La Grand Lodge No. 14, meeta In their hall every 'Saturday night. Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery Plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. T. J. SCROGGIN, N. G. D. E. COX, Secretary. C, J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Sec ' M. W. A. ' La Grande Camp No. 170 - meeta every Monday evening at L O. O. P. hall. All visiting neighbor are cor dially Invited to attend. ' E. C. DAVIS. C, D. E. COX Clerk, Relief committee: E. C, Davis, Charles Dlsqua,' A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. La Grand Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M., hold regular meeting tint and third Saturday at 7:10 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Neat No. 17, meet In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at t o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. k. of r. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, ' meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knight. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. A 8. L. O. T. SI. Hive No. 27, L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at t o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting member made Welcome. SADIE KUNTWORTH. L. C. ' MRS. EVA M'INTTRE. K. of R. Itebekali. Crystal Lodge No. (0, meeta every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. lodge. All visiting member are In cited to attend. LAURA STILES, N. O. JENNIE SMITH. Secret!-. Ice Cream and we are pre- with . the very best Re- are the finest in Eastern and Gentlemen :::::: the Candy Man M4M La Grande Cash Meat Co. 1 Mfir I A HI iAMUf1 l( IIDFDAI I VI 81.1 If Ul IC LllLliriL As the date of the grand organ opening concert at the LI D. S. church approaches, the management Is hur rying plans for entertaining a mons ter crowd of people, as well as pre paring an up-to-date program. The plats for the seating of the. crowd which Is expected to' fill the house to overflowing, are now being made and will soon be posted In various section of the . city, . The prices are popular ones, allowing everybody an opportunity of attending. The Sent System. One hundred and fifty of the best seats, located in the center of the au ditorium, will be reserved for $1.50. Then there will be about B0 reserved seats on the same floor at tl. Two hundreds seats, approximately, will be at the disposal of general admission on the lower floor for 75 cents. In the balcony, there will be two sections, consisting of 150 seats for reserve at tl. The balance of the gallery Is to be 50 cents, general ad mission. f NEW CITIZENS. Several La Grande Pco'j.'.o T:.a Out ' Xulurnllintlon Inpv:;-. Among the names of those who ap plied for citizenship papers at the June term of the circuit court ore H. Paul son and H. R. Pattlson. The broth ers arrived In this country from Eng land nn December 1, 1885. Others winning to become cltlxens are B, Nle-f 7!: wiikla, from Germany, January 1879; Colin McKcnzle, Scotland, April 25, 1877; Hy Tossett, Denmark, No vember, 10; William Pelper, Ger many, December, 1883; John Hacker and Emll Naffln, both from the Fath erland, Hacker In 1888 and Naffln 10 years later. , All landed first In New York except Mr. Nlewalda, who madu his first direct aiijualntancr with our InHtitutlons In PhlluUelphla. IVwl V, H. IjumI. Dick Rvckman, a farmer living nrar Grass Valley, Sherman county, was fined 160 yesterday at Portland and sentenced to spend six hour In Jail, by Judge Wolverton in the United State uwir:i cuuri, naving oeen inaictea by the grand Jury on a charge of Il legally fencing government land, says The Dalle Chronicle. Th land which Reck man la said to have fenced I In Sherman county, around 749 acre. h had a fenc m Mcaiiav was that h did not know he was do- 2 Ing wrong and that th fence was re- moved as soon a th question was called to hi attention. Reckman was represented In court by counsel and a pie of guilty aa charged was en tered. - Notice of Annnal School Meeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. one, of Union county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for said dis trict will be held at High School build ing In said district, to begin at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of Juno, being the 15th day of June, A. D, 1908. This meeting Is called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve for five years and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Said election shnll be held from 3 p. m. until 6 p. m. and shall be by ballot. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1908. , F. S. IVANHOE, Attest: Chairman Board of Directors A. C. WILLIAMS, District Clerk. 8e-lal lrie. The Singer Sewing Machine com pany offers a prize of 12.60 payable to the lady holding Singer sewing ma chines number 740,(59 and K739.S95. If you hold one of these lucky num ber call on or address A. N. Stone, agent, La Grande, Ore. 4-4-7-20 Grafting I a dead Issue. So My Dr. H. C. Par ker of tbo Indiana School of Medi cine, In "oltlor' Watl.ly. We concur with him. Bluo Mountain Cough Syr tip will cur your cough, not a picas ant to take as sum other, but It con tain th Ingredient that will posi tively and absolutely cur that cough, RED CROSS DRUG 8TORB. Twin Falls lutes. Special reduced rate of 1 18.00 from La Grande 'o Twin Falls and return, sccount, opening Twin Falls-Salmon R!-"'" Land & Water Co. Date of sale M j:ft; good until June 9th. Tutir truly, , J. II. KEENET. Good Torture. On section of pasture land thrc miles from La Grande; plenty of wa ter and shade. Ed Burke, La Grande Oregon. -4tf Land for Tirol Wo have 820 acres of excellent land for rent Call at one. F. 8. BRAMWELL, . C. J. BLACK. CEMENT WORK AH kinds of Cement and Concrete WOrk. CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK r No contract too large or i im , ft kio smau. Satisfaction Guaranteed f r - JV L. ROBERTS l PHONE BLACK C82 NORTH FIR. ST. MARKET 'Phone Main 16. IS SELLING FOR IN LA GRANDE PAYING AT LEAST IttC PER , ';. ;' a:merve:tok! for Qver-Vrought Dustascs f.!cn Business conditions today ask more of a man's vitality than ever before. . It's -one continuous drive at high tension, overtaxing the body and brain until a complete break down comes. , " ' The nervous system suffers most of all. The demand upon it is the most relentless. To succeed in business today usually means to be a nervous wreck at forty, if lot before. For a man working day- in, day out, under these conditions . ,;.. J BmSBMaBBBHmm ....... Amcricanitio Elixir , is as necessary as food and drink This unique medical discovery strengthens and tones the nerves to meet this unnatural de mand ipon them. It supplies to the body Ehosphorus in soluble form a thing never efore considered possible. Kexall Ameil canitis has accomplished wonderful results all over the country and its merits are now universally recognized. Get a bottle of this nerve tonic today. Note how quickly that feeling of nervous strain disappears. 75 Cents Per Dottle A.T. HILL ' Tlie TU-nt PHI Ever Sold. "After doctoring IS year for chron ic Indigestion, and spending over $200, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. I conMder them the brst ,plll ever sold," writ- B. F. Ayscue, of Ingh-slde, N. C. Sold undnr guarantee at Newlln's drug store. 25c. . A Pertinent Question. Ar your eye good yet hav you perfect vision for long or hort dls- tancesf If there I anything th mat ter with them, no'w Is th time to hav them examined and, If necessary, properly fitted with correct Glasses. Th wrong kind of lense would In jur Instead of Improve jrour sight I am an Eye Specialist, and under, stand everything In connection with th humsn eye, and Glasses for snm. 6. M. HEACOCK t o w .. ' w Th Story ot C EX means lv ' kliia," ami llis combination nukpt knxALL "king li alL" - - Ws hilt provsa time and tiinvaRia tliat Kexall Krnw dtn are kins'" above auothen Fur more 't)isn: two year an f ptit travelled ail tba world in MarcW of cxtraoidinary rarnedlrt. W lir. aver ha heard -oi a wonderful urs at any nature ne'dUl Dot rett antll he per-. sotuHy could .arv tha effect of tb ! I pretcripuon i When he found the remedy perfect lis purehaied the de scription, Dot it was a W.VMT IMJt It r. ' I all remedy until U properties bad been thoroughly enai yied by tn chen Ut and physician d the United Drug Company. DRUGGIS.T LOW RATES EAST Will be Made by the - O.R.&N. Yhl Season as Follows; ROUND TRIP To . Dlrert (lik-ago , r)7tW St. Louis , S37J4 ''"u" m Omaha aaae Kansas t'ity ,-' )b a TICKETS V1LL BE ON SALE ..MAT 4, it V ; S, , I , 20 . J tVhY I, 1, aa, M ' ACGCHT , T, Slt SI 1 Good for return In 90 day with stnsv over privilege at pleasure with! limit. DOM FOOT THE DAIiT Por any further Information cssKn J. II. Kt3C.EY, lAxmX Aaaisu, Or writ t WM. atcMVnnAT, General Passenger Age . , PORTLAND, OREGON.