PAGE KIT. ETCMXG OnSERTKR, LA CTtAVDE. PRECOX. lT-IIMT, JVXE 13, lOflg ucrrr pages. 7 ?! 1! i ST- s i ; ' i . '' t ;. "- JLa Grande Professional Directory f PHYSICIANS, j DENTISTS. O. U BIGGERS, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Ottttm Ralston Building, over J. 1L Berry's Store. Office Phone Black 1121. Residence 'Phone Bad 1001. J. 9. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Burgoo a. Dltica In New Bank Building. Rooms 10-11. .'Phones: Rasldanea, Main Ms Office, Mai 1. DR. A. I RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgco. Offloe over Hlli'a Drug mora. ffloe 'Phone 1IIJ. Realdanca Main II N. MOUTOR, IS. D., Physician and Surgeon., Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St Office Main 68 Residence Main 01 - BACON ft HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Offloe 1 3 a Grande National Bank I Building. 'Phone Main 10. C T. Bacon, Residence, Main IS. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main It, DR. T. E. MOORS DR. H. C P. MOORI Osteopathia Phystclana. Xlrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. Phones: Office Main II;' Res. Main 04 O. H. TJPTOM, PIC G M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . fflca In I Q-niide National Bank Building. Thones Office, Main I; Residence, Main II. VETERIX ART 8CRGEONB. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Surgeca. Office at Hill's Drug Btore, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red TO I. Office 'Phono Black 116L J, Independent 'Phone II. , DR. W. II. RILEY. Oraduato Ohio State University Tao amaa. country calls promptly an swered. Office 1414 A jama Ate. Thones, Pn cifta. Black 1101. Indspeodent, White 10. 44wT44t4 I SIEGRIST & CO.l JEWELERS AMD OPTICIAMS We wish to- call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT W are bettor prepared than ever to 'do first clasa work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will-guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money ISIEGRIST & CO- JEVVf LERS AND Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS M - n rrrZQERALDL Pronrletar Complete Michine "Chrp ad Foundry M,M,M MMUt..UM MMfMimesn a a CACTEORN. Of flea over Hill's Drug Store. L Orande . Oregon J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. , Dentist. Room tl, La, Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Black JB1. U Grande " e Oregon, TEACHERS OF MU8IO PROF. B. PORTER DAT, Principal L Grande School of Manic. Mrs. Day, assistant School, 105 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1031 MltM STELLA 1). OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineer!! and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specification. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande - - . j. . Oregot V. H, THORNTON. Atvliltwt and Engineer. Surveying, ClvU and Structural Engl neerlng. Twenty Tears' Experience. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Inevraaoe. Offloe nest door to La Grande Na Uonal Bank. La Orande Orea-or ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochraa Gen. P. rvnAm COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Orande National Bank Building. La Orande . - Oreroi R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the fitatt and United Slates. Elgin Oregon Y1AYL MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1170. OPTICIANS ; With only 1 miles of right of way to grade, and that In comparatively level country, with material in La Grande ready to be shipped : to the front and almost in full action in con structing the railroad bridge' across the Grande Ronde rlvar, the O. R. & N. is In position to say that the ex tension into Wallowa county will be completed In something like 90 days. Engineer Brandon Is again at the front going in this morning. As a representative of the company, he has let the contracts for completing the grades to two parties: Mr. Mitchell of Joseph, who will do the grading in the vicinity of Lostlne. and Mr.- Pat terson, who will .do the Enterprise work. While these men are fulfilling their contracts, the company will be constructing the bridge across the Orande Ronde. The local yard Is full of material to be used on the work REPRESENT 10CAI KNIGHTS Neri Ackles and John Frawley will leave Sunday morning for Portland. where they will attend In their offl capacity as delegates, the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias, which convenes In the metroDolli on Mnn day. Dr. R. L. Lincoln will precede them, making the trip earlier In order to attend to some personal business before grand lodge matters shall de mand his time and attention. Dr. Lincoln is chairman of one of the most Important committees In the order, that of mileage and per diem. , Mra. Frawley will accompany her husband, Mrs. Nell McLaehlen is delegate from Rowena circle No. 0, Pythian Sisters, and will also leave here Sunday morning. Mr. Sober, Call for Your Mall. Among the letters advertised as re maining uncalled for at tha local postofflca is one addressed to Mr. I. A. M. Sober. We- wonder If the gen tleman Is really sober, or only Indus trious. If It were not too risky a pro ceeding, we should be sadly tempted to assume an altea for the time being and call for that letter. The tnlutntton ought to afford an opportunity for endless punning. And the writer Is probably, "It V. Likewise." WE HAVE IT! J 4 W H ATT ? THE VERY BEST line of GROCERIES and VEGETABLES In t.h city, evervthins tooth- t some and who:eso mo for stylish dinner tables THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. F0LACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 jlV. H. BOHNENKAMP , CO. j DEALERS IN: IHRDUARE,STOVES.riRMTLRF.BtlLDIC MATERIAL If You Want Gasoline Entries, Wind Mills. Tanks Pumps, Pipe or Plumbing, Ctt Our Prices M MMtHHtM Buioon in uauiruDlvr. .'It is understood that the 8tate sa loon, Ed R. Strahon, proprietor, will go Into bankruptcy. The attorneys are now on the way to Portland with the papers. An attachment suit was filed against Strahon a 'couple of days ago by one of the creditors and the others, afraid that they would get nothing, induced the bankruptcy. Strahon was one of the saloon men who took out the 175 license to run tor the month of June, but it looks as If he will lose this sum. Pendleton Trlb une. , A $1500 Hotel For 13500, If bought at once well furnished and modern; good location. A gOOd bur f jr rlirht nprann P,nr,. erty located. Inquire of W. J. Ran somLa Grande. 'Phone Black 402. v 8-9tf i i :. ', : , .; ... . Cattle for Sale. Plfty hed of atock cattle, cattle In good condition; now on range. In quire of H. WETZEL, dJ1 Meacham, Oregon. Only the most delicious chocolate Is served at tsilverthorn ft Mack's soda fountain. . D5-17-017 FOR SALE I have decided to quit the dairy business, and now offer my choice dairy cows for sale. Come early and get your choice. Robert Miller. ' . 0-12-3 WELL, I GUESS YES Asked If our bottled ginger ales. so. das, sarsaparlllaa and carbonated mln erai waters are up to the mark, the well posted man beams on One with his answer: "Well, I ' guess yes vuuiun i wen oe omerwiia. rnr nnr beverages are aa pure as they are de llcious, wholesome as they are spark ling. Your orders, please. Union Boiling Works We Want Our Want Tour want is placed before a every day Can you afford to want ad whe: result are tha FOR RENT. "OR RENT A five-room house on ' Adams ' avenue, opposite Mrs. . Ma son's orchard; 18 per month.', In quire of Mrs. Mason, 'phone Black 1412. ? FOR RENT Four-room house, fur nished co.-cpicte; desirable location: 'phone Red 1081, or call at 106 Greenwood Ct. . 5-25-SO FOR RENT New 6 -room house with bath and pantry. Large lot; sight ly location; very cheap. Call M. 0. FOR RENT 7-room house with bath Inquire of Mrs. C. Ralston, or 'phone Black 1041. -ltf FOR RENT Suite of three rooms. furnished complete. Inquire of Mrs. i. D. Simmons. FOR RENT Furmsned rooms, close Mn. Inquire at 1417 Washington av enue. Next door to rink. FOR RENT Large store building. with shelving and counters. Inquire at KIT Washington avenue. FOR RENT Six-room modern cot tage, corner Adams avenue and Greenwood; close In. Inquire of Mrs. Patty. FOR RENT Furnished modern flat Inquire of Mrs. S. C. Zuber. FOR RENT Furnished front room. close In; modern conveniences. Phone to Black 951. FOR RENT SU rooms, en suite, In Lewis building, with water and toilet upstairs. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. E. C. Moore, corner Q and Fourth streets. 'Phone Red 1452. . FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; pleasantly lo cated. Inquire of Mrs. Hattle R. MacDonald, 1616 Sixth street 'Phone Black 462. FOR HALE. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs. One dollar for each setting. Telephone to Red 212. ' FOR SALE Two Second-hand Awn. Ingii 24 feet long with frames and fixtures complete and in good re pair. Price, each, $10.00. The Peo ples' Store. FOR SALE 600 fvot of plcktt fi-ncs. In good condition. Apply to Mrs. Zuber. FOR SALE About 5UU0 feet of thor oughly dry shlplnp. Apply at G. E. Fowler'-j office. FOR SALE One 6-year-old horse broke to drive single, for a lady; two milch cows with young calves. Seven pigs. 100 chickens, three wngons, one surrey, one buggy and several farm Implements. Five pieces of town property, Improved. Bargain if sold at once. Inquire of Mary E. Child ere. Island City. FOR SALE Furniture, steel ran- two heating stoves, bed iin.. ... ...... .V tension table. Iron beds and springs. Ice box. fall leaf table. flrt-clw organ. Other household gootls. In quire at 1417 Washington avenu. FOR SALE Small house and two lot. located at 14 2 V avenue; wr.le to V. ItkhurilKon nt Ailed, nuraI P.outo. OR HALE Two choice lots, do,? In, and cheap; ea,y terms If , ,irco fall at this office for partlcilnn WAXTLD. WANTED-Dairy hand wants position. inquire at Observer office WANTED Men and team. f... . " glng and sawing limber. Ml. Olenn Lumber Co., La Grand. ..,, WANT1D Saddle fcorae, wtlht ltM H '; paeer pref.rrei nt ease. Ue.asre af . . twh ga ssasyaa saTkM. a..1M Your Wants IN Ad Column thousand or more want-seeker spend one cent per word of your keynotes? WANTED To trade lots in La Grande for horses. . Call at Hill's drug store. WANTED Three, waitresses. Apply at Model restaurant. WANTED A man and wife to take charge of a ranch near Cove. , Ap ply to A. B. Conley, or address him In this city. Must be competent. WANTED Girl for general house work In small 'family. Apply at Eastern Oregon Trust ft Savings WANTED Situation by a capable young man clerical, First-class references : furnished. Address M. Box 351, La Grande, Ore. WANTED Chance o make quick service In moving furniture and pianos with special equipment for safe hauling. All kinds of transfer business solicited. Leave orders at Halsten's store or 'phone to Red 1161. J. W. Black. WANTED A position as stationary engineer. Practical experience. Can give reference If required. Address Box 758, La Grande. PASTURE. WANTED Horses to pasture by tha month on good bunchgrass. tl.50 per month. Inquire 1417 Washing ton avenue, or address Bo 606, La Orande, Ore. LOST Between this city and Perry, a ladles' gray coat Finder pleas leave same at this office. The best thing you can do with your wad. roll, pile, stooklgn or whatever you may call your savings, Is to put It where It is sure to grow and be safe while It Is growing. The bank is tha po. and our ban is the right one In which to deposit your savings, both for security and good Interest Every man and woman oiiitht t h.. i iTamw dependent bank account. Let us show you how money grow. when , ouf keeping. The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings bank OFFICERS, F. M. BTFtKIT, President MILLER, Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. 8COOOIN. A..nt cashier. r. 3. HOLMES. Treasurer. 4 . I I) STRIXGHAM, AUCTIONEER. ' cried on ,hnr, notice. ftlfactlon guaranteed. 4 i VV! charM tor d"Un- n ? v ' " oregonj "oute No. 2. r.h , . o. issxl XotltT of YMny. Mh. W.lllm, Wrtur-i UOr.n,,..,, face .nd whit on rI nd:also. chocoWli-? 'T U on ZZ T mr, have M w p- O1 can tisement and eth.r Urm lis. WILUAigA --v.. ..;,,,'t3 4 rte. lean," oC tb llcMt ' 1