La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 12, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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- "' '" L c ' ' . . -
d ' 1 11 II I I ' i "H Viil I 1 1 1 IK -am-. IBM i h'i
L items.
'- V
; ,
M. and 4.1rs. 3. D. Matheson left
this morning rprTortJ:md( i t -
George Mape-T
retdVhed ii Elgin twA
morning. '
-Mfs. George Parker of Kamela,
.visltmg frlendtTSMO
ITLlMOrfeo today. 5
3iMf UfltUot Laki
this Jnornlng.
J.T. Larigley, mijster,; mechanic, for
the O. It. ft NlKls loahlna after biisi.
JT ness'matters In La Grande today.
" L.H. Russell came home from Port
land this morning after a brief busl-
I, inWvafftHr
Mr. Echumard, the operatoTTaTTTa"
mela, attended the dance given" by the
baseball boy IT In this city last night'-'
MrTeSrp" Hffterr-Elg1nrtTm
the morning train tor Portland, on; an
extended visit. .,' ' ! ' -t -. iwn-I '
Mrs T. F.. Tlptnn, rvhn has bppn
vUlUng friends in 4 La
turn;4., to.4er hqme Jn.Kame)a thl
morig.t,,-,tJi,, ,, ". .i-J, ,r, , v . , .
OakUy.uUia, jepreaenjiitlve of the )n this district, re
turnojin&pm jftnb.iineft trjpr.ta. Union-
,v,:j:ii? ;;r;.i r
Mi5rJnora He.nrjy refcinnod tJveyl
.-eviiqfek.. tf, ot-!jo:'j a.lT.1.
lift j.jkaUt . Ill ru. fows, .Fu-raan ,t
noiiljeasieril .-Juan,,, ,.pfised tferqugh,
f.-.e city on tholr. vajj-ito Irnblerjlhl?
.-. Mj..a-JIrg, jt. L. Jpptcrof jHan,
Ban, 4;who ha,va,,been looking over jt'lie
valley for, .several daya, left this morn-
lng for, Wallowa.', , . .. .,
Mrs. Jt,K Bpejicer of Antelope( Ore.,
was4:,a. passenger .on the Elgin train
this morning, en route to Lostlne to
Mr1rjvnd Mrs, jr. H. Ferguson, of the
Ronde Valley . h,ouse, ,. returned last
night. fi(m an,, extended visit in Lodl,
wis. '. ', ,, ,;,.'' . j.,
3. Rnuer of Enterprise, W. D. Mc-(-
Cully VTj!ipn",Bnd"TirTlcJ,arlane or
Joseph, are WaliWtuITcrfunty people
. whx)aJicdJA,l .Pwn,de.to4ayv
Mf. H. ?. Nejl, jhov,ln)s t?ei here
on. . . TjiMlt chvabao, who J,t
patl.r4jt.p the JJj'ano LBonde Jxonpltal,
retijrne-jto vt home , near , Jedlca.)
Eprlngs todny. t..(
Chh f Pyatchrr nnd Mrs. A. Buck
ley, vrt to Portland thin morning,
where they Wl!)"v!slt for a few weeks,
arter wr.lcn tney expect to go east for
' -i 1 Mk f .
ine summrr.
H. A. Brandon, assistant chief en
gtneer for the O. R. ft N., arrived In
'La Grande this mor.rWlnff-wtmson
to the 'fronn Invillowt'county 2a.
tne morning tmnu. -v,,r .
' The trains frotti . ,both dlrVrt!nn(W
continue to runon'a'dcJaye$jich'dpfy;
JncreafM jpunneiis
y? jptiFirwss D'jia, oirectMns 4
responsible fon. he lateness
overlnns -"""" '
Mrs. N. J.'Hf trick and
Ethelr-f Downing, M.rrlved .ori the
delayed train' this morning nrtMott
for KlKin,, hcre',4hey l)t Ttslt Mrs,
Georgi-' Rogcnt..' ;J . ,- i,' '
Axel Nelson arrived this morning
. . from Colorado ty'joln his wife, vho
hiis been visiting frW'nds here for some
tlmK ' "Mr. Nelson expects to locate
here,-- .. ' 1 - ' - '
Mrs. Qeorgi" Small nnd little son of
Raker City, stopped ove'r this morning
on therr way to Prn'tland snd the .sea.
side,' to spend tho day wltli Mr. and
liMrsV-T. C. H-lry. . .
Dr. P. I..' Lincoln lnvp In a day or
two for Pnrtlnnd to attend the annual
meeting 'of t)n One-.n rntsl associa
tion. ' He will al'o the grand
lodge of Knights of Pythias before
tjrttlNf.'o' I ! ft'if; - 1. j
Rev. C. Adam and wffo'of Ka-
llda, rsivh.ksvi bce-rt visiting Rev
P. W. A-ft.m.V of thlrf city. -left on
the morning tral;v i ("r." Enterprise,
' where Mr. Adnms 'tll'l is'tn charge of
the Preshytr'lsn.chuj-ql-.,
Miss Toting, teacher of music at
Pt. Paul's. Waila Wuliit. who has been
the guest 'of the Misses Imogen and
Ruth Russell' the prist few days.' re-
' turned to her home In Salt Lake last
evening. ' " '
, Dr. Bind Mrs". TToron ni tittle grand
dauchter. of Prthvllle,' Ind., . arrived
this morning oa tbelp way to 8pm
merville to visit their children,' Mr,
'' and Mrs. P. S. Robinson, and Ralph.
and Hugh Huron'.' T " , ,
. Ptat Penator-elect Turner Oliver
'returned today from Portland, where
he attended the ststs democratic con
vention.' He reports harmony through
ounhrsessloni rrcrrtm one fnstanw,
when he attempted o secure more
llberak represenUtlon, . from- aastern
" Orer: The big guns of ths mstrop
ollk too (powerful, howevsr, ,
.i.W. .Shsahjrifc ths. democrstic
raatUdaU itat aonilnatloflj t ctroult
ju4gat tttt fprtag-prlmartoax, rr,
-.(Utrnsd toda-am Prtlaod whats.
he represented Wallowa democrat at
!?? ta, ..convention. Mr. Sheehan
will remain -la La Grande for tha'day
clo're MuVfclhftb ttk IfoWe ftf
Rev. J. U. Gillllan returned from
.TlruiiderIdaho,. jtjhla roowilng. - He
Iwti! leave fcjpiiy'Mornlijg U Salem,
i whJr Jhqjs on the commencement
program of Willamette unTversity.
. (Enslnjari)J,ardt) ,l?Bokaue,
rtMtdd orcrti biUhe liufcf brother
hood of Locomotive Engineer this
morning. He .Is en route horge from
.iuinbiheip an
nual vtonvenUon. pf .ith 'rottrhood,
the details of which wer chronicled
In these columns at the time of the
4 - - - t
At mtg ,otf, the ofOicWi pt, the!
t'nlon- CJounty" P(oneer association at
uuiiiu. iuun.ji w&a. oratdKO to liolrt
the.' Joi.nlnn thU.jteitt! at,' rnltinJang.
. Tife' old Mlks yrf "Ctilon -will iak
preifarain" to r-ntertaln th?lr -f rtend
of plortftev days. It... fr.i:
' tcolBltUllOei wtr? uiiimLUfd to
take, charge of the varjous features ol
"the day's events, "and the 'reunion "this
year2rrtinlges to he even more pleas
urable Jt ha n any previous one. i..v;:j v
Dying Man Foirtid By r. Train Crew
Wtth hla-hexl-hnwHily bnutmnd-aad-l
bleeding, as a result Vf cither an as
sault fy unknown parties or a' railroad
accident, an unknown man' Was picked
up, yt(sterdayniornJng ntaf3c"6tt, a"
station a short distance from Wallula,'
members of the crew of train No. 21
haying discovered the unconscious
form Lying beside the, trW.tPJjJLbJi
Walla. "Wll 17nlo,,n v-t r ; '
With all stieed ho waa removed; to
w"here medical attendance cuuld. be se
curwlp but ithei unfortunate man did
not regain consciousness. enough,, to
' fc V'n-i -t "pti frntn
or'how he was injured. Thelshsrtfft
fflPe'Wittned early yoaterday af
ternoon of the accident, and Deputy
ceke, ,: as ''rnere la 'a 'suggestion of foul
jjJaV.-' Abotit t o'clock1 yestefday afteri
nooti Coroner MscMarttn-"1 received
word that the man had dlcci, -and he
lef on the7573rj
take, charge of the body, which will be
brought th'ls cty thls'mbrhlhg. 1 A
report from Wallula 'yesterday after
noon said that a thorough search hud
bee n. IT.R 'iQfJhe dea d .man's Clothing,
but that nothing which would give a
clue to his Identity .could be. found. He
Is said to have a refined appearance,
and does not .look like he had been
accustomed to manual labor., i
Civic Irngne Taking Great Interest In
' Injunction Suit,
This afternoon about 40 influential
members of the Civic league met and
thoroughly discussed the features
brought out In the petition for the In
junction to the county court from "Is
suing the prohibition proclamation. as
a result of the ITnlon county election.
yuMalutluna-ura.4uuucd. Asking the
court to bring the matter 'to an Issue
at the earliest- possible date. The
league propose to See to It that every
thing that, can bo accomplished, to
prevent thwurtlng.the will of the great
mhjorlty of the voters. Is done. " '
' Clroulnllng St-hnol Petitions,
Petitions are being circulated ask
lng' thnf W. "L. "Hrenhrtltgbepome-a
candidate for school director at the
annua) mhool election Which takes
place next Monday. t"p to the hour
of going to press the petition had not
been presented to Mr. Brenholt and
It could not lie stated definitely that
he. would consent, but those who were
circulating the petition were meeting
with such encouragement that they
were sure that he would. '
7 1 Yr,,
first RnptM Cliurch.
At :. 4unday school,' Dr. J. FT.
Stevenson, superintendent. -''mrang
service, subject, "Lessons Prom the
Comely Widow." At T:t0. children's
day program." There wilt be a bap
tismal service it ths close' of the pro
gram. Parents of ' th 'children are
ss peclaTTy "TnVtre'd '" td fOTfi sr(rrd lat
welcome to all. . Rev. W. H. Olbson,
U whlrh ,paper.,flo V I'4
r if ILL I ILL!
:.!!- .:.-iv EOCtCTV. ,- r
I Trip Abroad, -.r.-u-tt
Hars you purchased tickets f or tha
Trip Abroad?!? If inot don't fall to
m4ke your purcluuBe aoon. as a. limited
ntijuber, of ' tickets will. b sold aad
ths sale will close two days before the
tr&jtakes plao'i! ' ; ' Ti
'" ' ' -xu -'iw;:; "i-j; .
, ' : C. E. SociaL .
- .5rhe young people's-Chrliitlan En
deavor society tot ilthe .'"Presbyterian
church will give a social at the home
of Mf. aad Mrs. Herbert Hanna this
evening:" The -entertainment of the
evening will consist of games " and
musIc-' A cordial' invitation, is extend
ed to all who are interested, and es
pecially the young people.-
Cake Sale.; i w -. ?'.
. Class 6 of the Central Bible school,
wll hold a cake sale at the City meat
mnrketr Saturday, from 10 a. m. to
4 p.-'Wu, 'Unl soldi out before that
time.' Those desiring cokes tot' Sun-
JTtC fwf.H' ii. ii i liltM-.L- .U. F.j
y t
iParty'AVaa a Succcsa. x.u.iu
: The dance given- l9t-nighV for the
berieflt' of th. basebSU club .'was a
cqmplete suocesm'i While not so late
ly attended 'as -could' hae--. been de
sired; the music by Heacock's torches
Xra was excellent, and not an unpleas
ant ldiuUjnaudJJie..eyenIng1
U' Wril Nof Tidii S)t lI Tax.
"' By" the reporttrf1 thrf city treasnter
submitted to the council last evening,
It Is shown that thelV Is now a total
town that thee Is nojyi
253.7Jin the treasury, st
of m
says thej
Pendleton tjjt OJcgtonlftn, Of- .this
sum bu'ii'jSmttll anu)Wi .;ls In he
general uniiff'f hUT?Itj , bulk;, of yie
money .iw lii iAie cTTylijill,: ''levee' nnd
street ; lnteit.r?gfjf,ii 'bonse-
tlhently yie $tt(ttf P.ryV''
spent a;tis5,'V y.'bX.
Mnents il'n-,it(Mt'vy or .to beutsKL
up sin '
Cp 1tM)Ip!
'iijfP bave beeH
nakeatr'mise rnhasw In X pedal ttrx,
and appasoritly no such action win be
taken. ' Instead the council will seek
to ' fjulfthrough' the coming year 'In
The beet manner poes(u,lc and rely upon
the regular city tax next January to
cover a-ny deficit caused by' the closing
out of tbe saloons, a Tlilajs the-plan
that has been advocated from the
start by Councilman Montgomery and
last night that course was also urged
by .Councilman Strain, . ..,'.,.
"; during the meeting last night much
minor business was trnncled by the
city council. The. cemetery commit
tee was authorized to let the ..contract
for. the cemerj waiter plpe to Neagly
Broo.'f.T-bie sum ij'-M. Thhlds
for constructing Ihe -.reservoir and
laying, the piping In the cemetery are
still In the hands of the committee. '
Heavy Rains in r.:i:ntnlns '
Word received fro;o. ;.yo :".! morn
ing that there werf hr-r raTnsln
that section of theicounu; i : sight
and this morning nnd It i-.-" . .vv
that the showers extended Cu. n Into
the Coombs canyon."couritrv- If so.
this will probably help the. spring
wheat otrt-thcre, Pendleton' Trlbunr,
Urst liwbytcrln 1iurrh. .; "
Sunday school, 8:43 -a. m., . L.
Bhenholts. superintendent. "Morning
subject, "Julm's Tenth Hour." : C. R.
service,. 7 p. mv Evening ' subject,
"Visions.''' Prayer meeting Thursday.
I p. m. Bpeclal music by the choir
at the Sundty . morning and evening
services. Rev. ft v." 8eemanrt, minis
ter. ' ''
i.. ,. .... ... Cake Bale, .;,1 .
Oaha. ,. dL t'vAtALi'li,l?';iooi,
will hold a rake sale at the City meat
market Saturday, from 10 a. "m.' to'' K
p. m., unless sold out earlier. Buy
a cake for eundny.- - - - .' -'.. "."".'.. :':
Strayed or Stolen.
K sorrel filly, I years old; branded
F. B." os Jeft shoulder. White stripe
LfulV length of forehead; and on white
hind foot One bay, t-year-old,
branded n some" M' flrst: named.
JfJ'iJnf , lo . recovery. Fred. Braden,
Ladd Canyon. ' 4 t
Latte D Balala,
Sunday school, II a. m.; rsguiar
service. p. ju.; mutual Improvement
association meats conjointly at 7:l
tv'M. .. iKr '? ,
FOR RENT Modern cotUgs; also a
r "at. Inquire of Mrs. 8.
?1 r-'f ; f A 1 f
The tine
of Rust-
j unier$ pi the past lj with the addition cjf jrerj jyaScijf fcwllytes. i z J.??!rf y .upv to
. Jdak: in every detailtf design, fit, material, and construction.
., Warner's -Rust-Proof i Warm's Rust-Proofi )l I'Stni? Rust-Proof '
Style 27t: n!v Style 28i Style 291 If
I'vcy-Jrii. -l .,rii-:'-' 0 - ....i.r-." i J'.' " . ' ' " -"" ""
' t i. ' ' .' O
lA-c .. '.,.r.K. " f tn "?""'.'" f
i .i.-n ,
rA,'we"le' 17mk:v'a '
: fTTTtflSf ' a.l?ove, the waist'
! The hips and fronb-ire,
It "-ion? and hare hos&rsupr
: porters kttach'ed.";,f,: -' .
White- Balisleii.OO
lVarner'4 Jtust-Proof No. 2Erassiere. ino lTw6rnM1horxtit& Tfie'1
raps cross to bacfc and fe to fronf. '' White. Batiste,; trimmed with Jctrctiqin acf 'jaf
' ' sfraps
.. j-.
wash ribbon.
Used mosy
It,. .,t"i,.'jr.,
''XotWlo CnMlitort rt J
Notice Is hereby g'fven' ty ill whom
11 ,may f9?ncerh. that"Mertfe "Xldt'lcli'
una wcvii aiyuiiiicu uy llie county
t l '.-i . , . . ..
court of .Lnlon county, Oregon, admin
istratrix! of the' estate' tf Uiiry Al'AK
drlch,' deceased. ; .All' Versnfns 1 having
claims against tho esta'ta 'of v'a"lil" de
ceased are required" To present them
with proper'1" Vouchers' wlthlh 'Ax
months'' from lYt'e 'date hereof, ttT'th'e
administratrix at the office of Arthur
C. 'Williams, rooms 1 and 4, southwest
corner of Depo't"itreet' and'''''Xdams
avenue!' La',Qrindo,'"'tJnloii cbunly,
Orego'n. " " '
Dated June S, 108.' ' "" '
! ' J " ?' '' ilERTIE ' ALDRtCH, "
Administratrix 'of the Estate of Mary
A. Aidrlch, Deceased. ' '
dJ5-12-l-:CJuiy3-lO ' '' ' ;-""r; "" ;
., ,.,NpTjic5XQ?.,,r:vocATioN.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or.,
Jane 8, 1H08.
Notice is, hereby-given -that --y
of Elgin. Oregon. who( n March 6th,
1 90S, made timber and stone sworn
stntement. No. tlSI, tw6W4 8K,
Sec. , w'v, NEy .and NW'4 8E14.
Section , Township 2 Kouth, Range
35 East. Willamette ierldlan, has
filed notice of intention to make final
proof, to" establish dalm -"to the
land bova described, before tho eeg.
Ister and receiver at La Grande, Ore
gon ,nn the 10th day of August, 1 f OR.
Clalmant names as witnesses: Josh
ua C. Smith, of La Grande, Ore.; Bam
uel Parker, of Tlgln, Ore.; Carrol L
ten).!-,1 .f Elgin', Ore.; Aliart'Tau
scher, of Elgin. Ore.
. ! T.-'. BEAMWELL. Register.
Tile ljOrnnde Cash Meat 'company
has a large advertisement "on page 1
It will pay- Vba to ldolt It' Over eare-f-tlly.
.: A bigger, ares, of potntoes hsn ever
: 111 be planted In the famous Weston
i:juntaln potato district near Wes
Cows for Hale. '
Two good, gentls family milk cows
Imiulrs'at HIT Washington
) j enus.
IK SALE A first grada piano; will
trade for team or good city prop
erty.. 'Fh on or. call, on IL A. Wat-
son. Red HOI"
7f',,l'i i" :' x
F5R BALE Ons dark
bay' driving
horss. "Bashaw," 17 hands high.
Mrs. D. C. Llndsey. Island City. Ore.
r f
steel Corsets we are row showing comprise all the p
swat-.Tre.U proror-
? tione fit virT e s. jTh e skirts'
are extra Jong A.ur.pri; t and'
' sides; u'l Hose
' atta6hed.: "n"i ' ut
White' Batiste - J1.50 '
6y sfouf welf developed figures.'.
i . i.'l ', (,ili .
' ' . : '
pt-savlng. ' Read oujrdnn'gejr.
Two thousandpeoiile' attended "the
Milton stiiwbcrry. festival.'
FOR SALE New aifatfa nay Tor safe.
' W -VToilllM..,. " V
Phone, Par-
In which pacer do you read
nevsj ,' nr,
C. W; prestos:!
Those are, J. E. Tilt
Shoes for all Occas
I meat
rir Street Market Main 48
. - -
Our large tradd permits us
everything to be found ina firsrciaos markeC"'
: " Iry Lr tme liutf pjicot I Uis4. rpf Lard.1. :
o..J v
"jbbiat'UUl Stt'-fOT- tilHr it-
.:Mtv.f.ij(.. ,-, ' , f
Woor. t,,UV tfKrK"- 1'JJ
.ot-i.f; ;
.l '. en-r?
i" 1 1' ;
iiil r. en itjrfV;
ii i '
,'i.l -.a-ioli'
' i V 'T ..'.;. -.v
: f l"k'i
enr RiMonvant, ,r,' ;.,r.
m"6r flUfitrt July 1 we wltr
qur restaurant on'SvoPTtTeetf1 -6ur
new quarti-Wni tif ' f itf ri'fsh'cS with,
tho '""latest" mod'e'rh' ' 'n'ppniirtntetf?
which will be'R"cre.'lrt,,,'tb'"the .city.
Wa'tch for,'ur6pelllhK'hnnohnc4meVlt,,
a-10-l . POLLOtlfe-'blLRAXICS.
. , . - I J' , 1.1,. I .. !,.
1ni which
,w(ewsT .t(1y,iJ ; ri j . KTHV1
ONDfef l
ebtvip Any II
City Meat Market Main 50 M:.
FlrSfrPft Mirk rt M.iln AH .
- ..x. ...........
to handle only .'tha test, of
zt i
it i
: f
r-r .,
v"SSSvVtfllfflltllMIIIIIS4l9lfltf IlillttntiiiQg
. ' I... s-Aeur"' A
. nmrase.
....... . t ' . T -s
H4'-V ssess
.A r.