La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 12, 1908, Image 1

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v r rt"H .. i,, 'V , ZrF- ' ,.''lJ.r;:,.!;lj.'r!;i;'.!;i..liLi!Ji . mmmimmmKjmml jj'!!!"'''' '' ,
volcme nx
Until, a hearing fa' haldhpfnr. ri.,i,Iil.i. i i ' ? ' -. ' V
U1. hearing fa held before rir.
uit Judge Crawford, at which time
therienda of the anti-saloon move are.'lJl..b.ilven
"',v?.n.Jhe question of whether
or not the ' injunction ' temporarily
; Kranted- jresterday will ,, be dissolved,
; the county courtwlll ; be prevented
Section on Junel. If. upon the hear
ing or the motion for dissolution of
the Injunction, It satisfactorily appears
that the Injunction should not have
oen allowed, It will be vacated ac
The county court met this morning
in -special session as per, request of
coiirt some time ago, but' as the
restraint Is hanging over "' the body,
noming was done and adjournment
was taken after a trivial matter or
cwo had ben attended to'. i I
The duty of defending the litigation
wrought oy the; liquor Interests vester
.day, devolves upon Judge Henry and
Commissioners, fielders .and Brown,
constituting the county ' court. 4 The
county court having met for the pur
pose of , performing their fluty in de
ciaring the result of the election, It
will now be compelled to enter a de-
s to the litigation. This defense
undoubtedly will be In the nature of
n answer setting up the regularity of
ine proctKtdlngs, among which might
t mentioned the filing of the aaffi-
-Unt peutioa requesting tho-loUo,
ho, order calling, the electUm. the. Is
suance of the notice by the clerk, the
posting of the same by -the sheriff,
the Pacing of, the queitlQii upon, the
fcallot, the returns of the Judges of
lfflon,'the"ianvsi.inr of the result
tf tfce canvassing board, conslsUng of
peace, Ind. liiailw tk L.
mtolgatlng oi proclaiming the '
f prq.
AU. Pf.Jhese..rtqu.(rmntijutl(,uBty
...rL"1, now claim were done and
performed by the " Drooer " ofH. ir.
upon whqm. the. law has, imposed the
respective duty, .'4 -.
rl'" ww o placed before
the circuit court at the earliest ntw
portunfty and tte question of the cor,
rectness f the temporary Injunction
win then be submitted, both sides be
ing represented' and all" th "-.
brought before the court.
All the foregoing will be matter, nf
temporary relief, and In either ...n
the case will have to be tried on its
merits, the same as any other suit in
equity. All this can be done within
tne next 10 days by merely filing the
Papers aid demanding a. hearing.
Kcal Purpose Frustrated.
It Is understood thnt the real nur.
poses of the' litigation Is to 'Vain th.
advantages of the law's delay, but this
wm not oe realized, as It la iinH,.,..
th case will be heard Immediately, as
soott as aH parties ; art before the
court. Speaking of the matter from
a legaf1 atandooint Aii,.n. ' r
, .tv v,. Zu.
Cochran said today:
InrlMioQ Not In Favor of Saloons.
"Th recent lltiiutloa filed hvO,.
liquor Interests seems to ha a. u
brought for the purpose ot InvaUdat-
lg the election held upon the auhwt
iuD U nl various rumors aa to h
effect of this move hare gained circu
lation, -r
"The friends of the ' anti-saloon
movement should be assured that this
proceeding Is nothing more than an at
wmpi to test the question and Is not
lu their,, favor, ; by
a decision
means.. -
Injunction. Was JusUflcd
j i he : injunction , granted hv
MUCH raerely.temporiry and Jim the TKMiHin.Dvi.. '
effeci to bold. matter. un -W-MPORABV. REPKtEVRr
granted a. similar inlunrtinn
a. similar injunction to hold
up matters in St. Johns, - Multnomah
CounQr, while Judge Bean also grant
ed a temporary Intimti, ....
In UmatUla eoLhty, so the whole mat
ter is but the ordinary attempt on the
part of the liquor Interests to defnt
the Will of the D.nnla kf 1,.. I, w.
i . . . it ue
understood that It t 'i- n
" ' A VlL-tory In Snllc of It.
"The points made In the complaint
re yet to be proven and Mf proven
wnetner or not th election will be
thereby Invalidated. s,la question for
decision, s , Th , sheriff, personally
iHwiea me notices In the five La
Grande precincts. In two Union nr
unns, nonn rowder, Big Creek and
i-ove, and caused the , notices to be
posted, under his directions. In the bal.
snc of the precincts In this' county
ine snerirr knows, personally, that
the notices were posted In all of the
precincts except Starkey and Camn
(.arson, and as a matter of fact, five
notices were posted In each precinct
ot the county as required by the local
option law. and whllej do not wish to
pre-Judge the case, yet, at the same
time, It Is clear that the public had
ample notice of the election.
matter of fact the election
could fall lit every precinct where th
sheriff did not personally post the no
tices, and yet th returns be amni m
Justify this proclamation of prohlbt-
C 00 Heard si Onoe.
"The Question of the dissolution of
Bolioniuuv fortune lVllcr. Who' Com-'
' lMd Hlioliwuie Murde and Was
ComhuuMMl to Die Today la Gfyen
, Brkf Rntplte Through . F.f forta of
CaUioUo priestWill Dccldo Today
; If Case Can Bo Appealed to the State
Supremo Court. ......... . ..
t meago, June U.--Federal (Judge
K. M. LandU today granted Herman
Blllek, condemned murderer, tem
porary reprieve as a result of heroic
measures adoptod by friends, and the
Bohemian will not hang today. Lan
dls will decide whether Blllek can ap
peal his case to the state supreme
court or not '
Governor Dlneen and the " pardon
board took up the case at 10 o'clock
this morning, after refusing to grant
tne pardon. ,.
Blllek's two daughters accomrianli.rt
Father O'Callagan on his speaking tour
01 n city in the Interest of Blllek. .
Yesterday afternoon It looked dark
for the condemned fortune teller. His
friends and uninterested parties, had
looked for a hanging bee this morn.
ing in accordance with the decree" of
the court The untiring efforts of the
priest who claims th evidence was
forced In some Instances, Is responsi
ble for the prolonging of life to the
murderer of fiv members of th
Vrzal family
The reprieve was announced iu.t a.
th Jailer of th Cook county jail had
marshaled his deputies
here today and are being distributed
.oy mends of Senatqr Knox, .They say
.they reallie that he has ho'chaVe of
me omlnatfon, . ,ut - explain Utmt!
' m ta. a kM Chrtes':Wr
brother of the secretary. wor one fur
a mlntite.' The national copiinlie to
day decided to consolidate all contests
from Texas and hear them at once.
This; tfJ-nbottVteirljrv.dJoi.rjv
mont of the committee. Boosters of
Fairbanks, polllver, Hammond, Guild
and Cortclyou fer ,send.,Dlac a.
urging the clnlms of each. ' '
WfVVa's WoK'tM Wofa'TA-kJ'MAtk'
contest ot that WRta, referred to ibove.
Joe Bryan, counsel for h. m.
withdrew antl-Taft contests of del
ates at large from Virginia. The
malnder of the Virginia contests were
consolidated and Taft won. them In
quick order, -. , .,'
m the puiisr
i .. , I
m euiic
ao tug
the InjuncUon can be heard lmmedl-l physicians,, had -mad' readr for
ately and. In fact with raaaon.hi. an. I tn" mrch th gallowa. Instead of
ately and. In fact with reasonable dil
igence on the part of the friends. of
th anti-saloon movement In present'
ing their side of th case to the court
I tempt to test the Question on A i. .i , r."TTmTmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
reading th death warrant th Jailer
told Blllek of the news. Th con-
aemoea man nerved himself to thl
aic, ana almost collapsed.
c w ?lv' eSaturday We Turn Our Store Over to the
Special Wants of Ladies and rhllHran w j inn.
-Girls mil Find Much to Interest Them Here and a Notable I
uwuiiuuuy w rurcnase bummer Apparit at
Corset Covers Worth 26cts to 65ct3 , ' . 42 , 36 pnow Ca8es of
at ' ' " .-.. I9C, 21c, 28. 38c SheeUnjj ;.' . . . . 9C
1 - ' ' ' '' ' i ,.
15c Values Misses Sleeveless Vests irw, . 7 '
Now. .'.',s. "' ' 0c 100yd8- Summer Dress Goods yd.c
Uce Curtiins,Wcrth $1.50 to $1.57 . . Ru3n Wash Suits 98c
ToorowT7:;Tr.:; V. M Chi!d7enrWhiteDawn Drese 39
"T:r:iilriCwiGAi.s ix taih,e
ajid rnxow tinr, ume. hick "
Axr(Ti-nKirfit Towtxn. i v fact
iXZJsnnkurvou tiik liorsK."'
' nornKwire.' ......;-.
Mm J R i
With Taft Awnml the iMilmukii or
Flmt tlnlUn, ' InUTfi OiiL-r n
Flmlliig a Kultl,l Vk-vrMld)-nt
, HhkIics f nniMK Affonl to A.vcpt
onerrwuiian lurk haym AUIrx V
Hrry Mtmiicrn llfatlona Qiiom-
tlon lo rrcdi-iitlala Coinmltuv.
fhlcnRO. June ll.Congressmnr
ranrls Ilurke of Pennnylvsnla.
eader among the allies, announced to
lay that they will not give up tht
Ight on Tsft until the convention hiv
)Bed upon the question of represen
a'lon in the south.
"We will carry th matter befort
he resolution committee and flaht li
ut before the credentials committee"
l said. "W will present a resolution
nrovldlng that In th future represen
atln Is to b based an four dele
taies at targe from each state, and
on district delegate for each 10,000
otes csst In the election next fall." "
"Th south will never again noml
late delegate to th national ronven
won uniess in msrhln men agrc to
tak th responsibility for th ma
chine' work."
After Tall-Eadcr. .
With all indications pointing to a
rtslnty that Taft will be nominated
m th first ballot Interest her cen
rs on the work of picking vice
residential candidate, put Henatoi
Vlfred n. Psg of New York, a per
nl friend of Hughe, threw coK
alrr on th movnmenl to boom hlir
'or th Job. He said: ,.
"Hughes will not acr.TTt a nnmin..
tlon fo seon4 place." .
It U known that Hushes, whit I. .
man of email ikmm, baa been forced
to psy out ut hi own pocktt
rr expenses during hi term m gov-
r.' ( It Is estimated by his frUarf.
that b could hsv aaaUy made nan-
r thoMsand dollars praotlrlnf law.
nrt campaign button arrived
i ...
In Official Ntk of Call for Propos-
to for Binldin Kite, the Iwrt-
nwnt at Washington ht Ut Out Many
Int.Twtlnff Polnte Must Be Corner
" tot, About 130i5 tV-t N'otk to
Be Published In The Observer on
Monday, Next
' In next Monday Issue of th Ev
ning Observer will be published a call
tor proposals tor a building site for
the federal building In this city. The
otic ror these proposals stipulates
m general requirements of. ths 1 lot
in can ror proposals will aav thai
th sit must b located on a corner
lot conveniently near the central nor.
Hon of the city. ( Th approximate di
mensions called for are' HOxlSt feet.
Th official notice Issued by George
B. Cortelyou, secretary of the treas
ury, goes on to stipulate that tha nrn-
posals will be- opened on Julv is .
t o'clock and Immediately afterward.
suitable .proposals have been,.n.
tered. La Grande will ha ir,r.". ,',' ,i
lust ht-r ith now, HR.000 f.!en.l
building will be located. '
This settles all discussion as to when
ind Just how, the selection of a site
will be made. On the nrononla will
e written the exnrt rial t,ni .. '
location' and the" "like, ! In "in '..,.' "V
nanner that the department can mnke
ts selections at Washington.
Full dlrvcllons cdverlng the wonlln.
ind form of the proposals will be In-
uuea in mo orndal notice which will
tppesr In this paper next 'Mondify.
W hen Mine. j,, aml ii,, n9
"-IyirKbantl Munt-AAk - for ' ironcr
Wlien Ho Wanu it Prouwtant Min
uter Will Likely Perform Ceremony
t "1mo. fa Wedding JSoon. ...... .
Paris, June IS. It was learned here
today by the United Press correspond
ent that the marriage contract signed
Thursday" by Mme. Gould and Prlnc
de Sagan.. provides for a complete sep
aration of, property so Mme. Gould
will be able to hold the purse string
nd th prince will have to ask her
for money whenever .he wants to dip
Into the Gould millions. The papers
say the prince will have complete,
charge ot ills own estate. .
It Is customary In such cases for the
wedding to follow within two weeks
of th signing of th contract It hag
been learned on the hlehuat authoritv
thafc th marriage will b Vorf,.mi
In Franc. It la
will go to England In hope of escap
ing notoriety. 'Th ceremony will
probably be performed by " ' jfote."
tent minister, th pope having retimed
to sanction or even permit the mar
riage of a divorce In the Catholic
cjiurch. Registration fees for the
contract arc about 14000. '
Koutiierh P1fe Adinlu Granting liiv
Dauw to Ilox SiiKp rMunuriutu
Many PaMrnTrrn Suffer.
M'hlte, Horse. Yukon, June 12. Tin.
iteamer Priwpcctor, having 2,000,000
n gold, arrived here today after the
ongest voyagrh has ever made un
he river. She hung on the sand bars
nd was delayed a long lime, during
hlch many . pami-nccrs surf,
teveral of them mrr die.
liilerNtalfl CoimiKrce CiHiiiiikwioK
IxMiklng for More rce of niwrlm
liuitlou llru. Grower Were lien-'
eflclarles of Ileluitca.
-;8rt Francisco;' Jane 1t, The-fed-erl
grand jury today renumud.tho In
vestigation of the alleged granting of
rebates by the Houthern Pacific to a
number of big California concerns. II.
n. Diinran or Washington, D. C, ap.
pi'BiIng- for the Interstate commerce
conymlMlon, , continues to probe Into
th freight auditing department ' of
the road. In the case of box lumber
from northern California to the cltru
district' In the southern part of the
state, the road admits that a reduc
tion wss mnrie because of an appeal
from the California Pino Box Lum
ber company for a low rate because
competitors were getting a very low
rate from Albuquerque.
, (lm ,n)t)J(T
""1 ll.a
ILU ini III Ift- THh HlDDItirrf a.irv 1
I - imrrnuoo IU ULUKT X
I LiL 01 cvcry c,l,zent o Hvc and act that his fcl- f
I citizens ulll esteem him for his goodness, ; ;
his kindness, and his . usefulness. The principles cf ; ;
iobd citizenship should constitute the code of rules ;
for every klHrj'tf business whether public or private. ;
This applies particularly to the drui business, be
cause, owlnl to the limited knowledge of the Qualities ; :
AT ririlf t hu lha Sonnrsl ..lll .'- "'
Mibiiiiiai yuuiiu, II, lUIIQWS inal IHC Xt" X
lability of the druggist is the chief guarantee cf f
good sen ice.
:'M,' I!!,'
t T X" C iT---- -a
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