EIGHT rAGES. ' EVKM.NG ORSERVER, IA GRANDE OREGOX, THt IWD.lf; JCXE 11, 1903. REIlHfH 4r THE ROIiM AL -. . 't : " II rrvm WctwVVVT,f OUR AIM TOMER. ARE 1 n UlIlEtilKE : - ; cr.. Washington, Juno 1 1. (Special.) With the nomination of Taft at Chica go a assured a anything In politics an be sure, the prospective action of the convention to bo held at Denver cxl monht Is going to come In for aur attention. The "antts" have not yet'KlUvn Up hope f preventing the omlnaUun, of Bryan, but Bryanlte mny make as the anti- woeful a allowing at Dtmver as the nntl-Taftcra arc making at Chicago. It Is difficult to bow any combination can pre vent Bryan' nomination, but we get back to the original proposition that aothtng I sure In politic until It has JftOi'Ajfmjilhihed.' j There has' Smt a lul of talk lutely that In tha event Iirfdn discovered hi New York, particularly In Now Tork, uwn nomination Impossible ha would city. While there wa a chance In the throw hi Influence to Benator ('has.1 early pre-conventlon canvass, many A. Culberson of Texas. It undoubted-' of them urged Mr. Cortelyou to make rjr At true that Bryan would be a well an effort to head the republican tlck aatUfled with the nomination of Cul- et. Those who urged Mr. Cortelyou kerson a he would be with that of point out also that he Is strong where or man who possibly could supplant Mr. Taft la notably weak, that Is, with aim, but despite the "authoritative the labor element among the elector amirce from which the Information I ate. It Is perhaps not generally known sHil to have come. It la open to very that the secretary of the treasury has arrloua doubt whether Mr. Bryan has to an unusual degree the confidence rrtously considered any alternative to and esteem of the 1 labor leaders bis own nomination. Why should heT( throughout the United States. He Th opposition lacks lot of having know nearly all of them personally. , eVmnnstratcd that It can control a and they like him. third of the' delegate to the Denver! M , ,,in a maoti question whether nrrrenllon. Assured of a clear major- tnt proposal that Fairbanks should be ttr nd with the chance largely In renominated as. vice-president came vor of Ms bavlng two-thirds on the nl. trWa or the Tsft managers, ret ballot. man would be the deep.rh(ra ar. circumstantial ,d detailed est. darkest dankest ort of pessl-J orle, af,t giving both versions, art who could ace anything but vie ,( ,h, Tafl p,, foe ccrUln wh,n tory fcefore Mm. And Mr. Uryan' ,hpy ,et ,0 Chicago that they ran fkaibs. whatever they may be, have nomln.t tn, .cr,Ury of war tn ssrvr Included the fault of pessimism awsosre n own ....... , , . .. I un it Ktnnrn inM in ni Wit i aagw.au . ao,..H,n,,u. t - 1 ' '' fm sTeatlnued (rem nn 1 ) i m I KManli srtll'cia aetste4 as the tall aT tle Taft kite. "A hook of fat and a atrsak ( least." en delegate baa LA GRANDE CHURCH SME IS OVER M CIUXDE'S TUEMF.NDOt'8 EVEXTFCL CHURCH A SALE 18, CLOSED, THE SALE BEING LARGELY PATRONIZED, AIX THE CITY "i CHURCHES SHOULD RECEIVE A SUBSTANTIAL , BENEFIT, FOR WHICH THE MANAGEMENT 18 GRATEFUL; - -r . THEY WISH ALSO TO TILNK THE GOOD PEOPLE OF TIfE CITY , AND COUNTY FO RTHEIR GENEROUS PATRONAGE AND. DESIRE TO STATE THAT THEY WELCME YOU ONE AND ALL AT ANY AND A IX TIMES, TO THE TEMPLE OF ECON03IY LA GRANDE'S ' LEADING YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIND AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT THE VERY LATEST CREATIONS, PATTERNS AND DESIGNS, AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES. - AND BEST ADVERTISEMENT IS A YOU A MEMBER OF THIS CLASS? Ting SALE HAS NECESSARILY LEFT A GREAT MANY ODDS AND ENDS AND REMNANTS WHICH WE OFFER NOW AT THE FORMER SALE PRICE. COME TO US FOR YOUR EVERY WANT IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. i . ' '' THE PEOPLE'S STORE described the prospective ticket It 1 likely that Fa'.rbanka would be.- ac ceptable "to a majority of the New Tork delegate, although they will at tompt to boom Secretary of the Treas ury Cortelyou (or the eecond place. ait If he can be prominently brougut be for the convention, he will most certainly receive the aolld aupport or the New York delegation. Taking all thing Into consideration a good many persons are coming to the belief that Secretary Cortelyou lands a good It not a butter chance, than almost any of the other who have so far been' given consideration. This conclusion Is based largely on the asnumptlon thut Mr. Taft will be nominated. If the presidential nom Ineo Is to come from the west, his as- aoi'lute, It Is argued, must come from the east. This year. New York Is the ntost Important of the eastern states for the republicans to consider, and It Is pointed out tliat Mr. Cortelyou. j after Hughes, could poll In all proba bility, a larger vote In this state than any other man who has been thought of for the vlre presidency. Mr. Cortelyou- ha many strong friends In , fto, pur Mr sartanks on the ticket. They doa t want the Indlanlan except as a matter of political expedl wr . PW?edent. wm be broke. f Mf k, .houM u ,,,. lated. No vice-president ha ever beea I renominated to succeed himself, and we vlce-presldenUal candidate baa eves keeat takaa frAna.tha same na. graphical aectloa of the country as the head of the ticket ( t ' SATISFIED CUS- MIIIDIIM The extensive building undertaking slatted by the George Palmer Lumbe company some time ago, by which t modern box factory, a, monster loadln; dock and a drysheil of huge dlmen alons were to be erected. Is well unde; way. The platform of the loading deel has been completed and workmen an today erecting the frame work of th dryehed which will be by far the lurg it structure In point of f!or spare that Is In the county at the presen time. Rents will be added to thl structure from time to time, as addl tlonal space Is needed for this pur pose. Much time and money has beer pent In making excavation and lay ing the cement foundations for thi deck and box factory. This Is no completed and tha frame structure o: the factory will soon take shape Workmen are employed In large num bers with the Intention of rushing th several structure to an early comple tion. Notice foe Bids. Notice I hereby given that sealed hide will be received up to four o'clock p. m. July t, If 08. by the District P-hml Board of School District No onV, of Union county, Oregon, for fur- ".Lining said district with: 41 No. I single school desks. 41 No. 4 single school desks. M No. 3 sliijit school desks. I No. I sin! rear. I No. 4 single rears. It No. t stngU rears. IS 1 1-foot recitation benches wltl, tablet arms. ' 4 teachers' desks.. All of said furniture to be dellverei f. o. b. car La Grande, Oregon, on ot before August ti. 1101. Bids to tx left with school clerk. Board reeerve the light to reject any or all bids. By order of School Board. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, ' School Clerk t-ll-T-i. . HEARLT DON! Uh'on and Wallowa oauntlea' repre sentation In the Weston Normal re turned last evening and this, morning the, party spread Itself, some going here and some there. The Wallowa delegation left en masse for their various homes' In that county, r ', These two counties supply many student for the school In Weston,' and all, come home highly pleased with the Institution. The school la a credit to this portion of the state." -Jt is a well known 'fact that a large per cent of those who attend there do but little Subsequent teaching,, but the curricu lum provides for ' a wide range .of learning. The. result I that atudents are graduated with a type of learning which stand them well In hand In tte.r f. tin msttor what vncsHon is adopfed. The Pendleton East Ore. gonlan say of the school and It proa pects: - "If the Weston Normal school had S00 student Instead of 200, the In come from dormitory rent and other fee would make the Institution abso lutely self-supporting and It would ?ost the state nothing to maintain It, wa the statement of Colonel E. Ho ler of Salem, member of the state Vormal board and also a member of he executive committee of the Nor nal board, to the East Orego'nlan this nornlng. Colonel Hofer. accompanied by his vlfe and daughter, attended the com- ncnoement exercises of the Weston Vormal last night, Colonel Hofer de Iverlng an address during the exer- 'Ises and presenting the diplomas. They came down today on their return home. He Is enthusiastic over the progress lng made at the Weston school. The commencement exercise were highly "eaflr.j. the addresses of the students telng literary, capable and of excep lonal merit, and every feature of the nchool's work show csreful, akllful ielf-acrlflctng labor on th part of 'resident R. 8. French and hi corps it teacher and associates. ' , A Suocewful Yoar. -Weton Normal ha made except ional progress during the past year. ind being the only state School , In (astern Oregon, Colonel Hofer feels that It should have the most earnest upport of this entire section of the itate. The school shows a fine att endance during the past year, the lumber enrolled In the training de- artment being 14S ' uii In the Nor mal department .8. Thl far ex- .eed the enrollment of any of, the ther Normal school. . The total enrollment of the four S'ormals during the past year wts 43S n the Normal deportment, and 430 Ir he training department. All of th -chools have shown progress, but the .Veston school has made marked ad- ancement and the board la especially leased with the work'done here. ' President French will ask for f itndf vlth which to construct new dorml- orles and for new buildings for the raining department nnd It Is bellevei) hat th next legislature will grant the erguests for aid for the Weston schoo! ilnce It must supply the vast territory f ,000 square miles In extent east if the Cascade mountains. The new Normal board of which olonel Hofer Is a member, hsa ays- tematlsed the management of the Nor mal school until now they are all on a business basis. Every cent of money aken In by th schools I accounted for ami all accounts are kept In an orderly and systematic manner by the secretary of the board. The fees from th four Normals will amount to about lit. 000 for the prra- nt year, and this su mwlll go a long way toward supporting the schools. Colonel Hofer declares that eastern Oregon should furnish 100 student to thi Weston chool and If thl la done, in Income from dormitory rent will mak It elf-upportlng. An active csrapslgn will be made throughout eastern Oregon for stu dents during the vacation. President French will go out personally Into th different counties and make a vigor ous campaign, and It la hoped to opea ths next school year with the largest attendance oa record. ' Fred tortuy lo Loa AftgrJeak Fred Lockley, formerly circulation ma sag r of Ue East Oregoalaa. has lust kee. kavurned the California ad vertlsfng rwtd for ta pacific Moalhly Baking II . The on!? Bakini Vawkt hiaie Esrl f The only Baking' Powder inaie wiili Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ! vUh Royal Grape Cream of Tartar mf j made from panes delicious food nome every day Safeguards jour alan and phosphate of line of Portland and will hereafter reside In Lo Angeles. For the past two year Mr. Lockley has been field ad vertlslng agent In the northwest states and hi promotion to the California field l a fitting recognition of his ability In that line of work. He will write advertising articles and solicit advertising from the cities and com munltle of California and will .con duct campaign for the growing Ore gon magaxlne In the Golden state. Pendleton East Oregonlan. Mr. Lockley I well 'known and has a host of friends In La Grande who will be pleased to hear of his eleva tlon to the position referred to above. In the last Issue of the Pacific Month ly Mr. Lockley contributed an article favorable to La Grande and other ec tlon of extern Oregon, and that hi heart la with eastern Oregon people. among whom he had. made his home for several yeara. wa aptly hown. He Is a versatile writer, and It had be come habit with subscribers of the magaslne here to look for his articles In preference to any other In the Monthly. SCIMOXS. In the Circuit Court of .the State of Oregon for Union County. Jamea Dick, plaintiff, vs. Ella Dick. defendant. To Ella Dick, the above named de fendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to appear and answer the plaintiffs complain! filed In the above entitled court anil ult, on or before the 24th day of July. io, and in case you shall fall to answer said complaint by the !4th day of July, 108. plaintiff will apply to the court for the dilu tion of the bonds of matrimony er.lnt Ing between the plaintiff and the de fendant, and for costs and dl.burse- ments. This summons I published In the La Grande Weekly Observer by an or der of the Hon. T. H. Crawford, judg? of the circuit court of the itate of Oregon for Union county, which ordei require, the publication thereof one a week for lx ronsecutlve'weeks, the first publication thereof being the 1 2th day of June. If 01. which order Is dst ed th 10th day of June. lo. KfOENE ASH WILL. Attorney for Plaintiff. w-l-M4 Wao Wasting Away. "I had been troubled with kldne) disease for the last five years." writes Robert R. Watta of Salem. Mo "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physician, and tried all remedies suggMd without relief. Finally I tried Foley'. Kidney Cirre and lee. than two bottle, com- nletf.lv piimJ KhA and well.- During the autnmer kidney rs onen eaused by ex cesrtve drinking or being overheated Attead- ta tha M.. .. .... vnrc bJf ing oiey Kinney Curs. a. T. Hill trtk RocMd. Bora, 1st Lo Grande, June , t ur aad Mr. Wallace Cklldere, a -su-k tet. . . . Powder for every food af ainst Ryan a Dclcgato. ' Roanoke, Va., June 11. The demo cratic itate convention of Virginia was called to order here today, with 807 delegates In attendance. Bryan la ap parently the choice of a majority of the dehgate and no other candidate ha made a serious Impression among Virginia democrats. It Is likely that Thomas Fortune Ryan of New Tork and Virginia, "the buccaneer of finance," wilt be named a a deelgate to Denver from the Elev enth Virginia district, where he maka hi home a part of the year. He rep?1 resented the district at th St. Loul convention four year ago. , Abolition of the party primary la one of the Issue before the conven tion. It Ii alleged by oppononta ot the primary, led by Judge R. T. W. Duke, a gubernatorial candidate, that It al low only men of large mean to offer for office. Under the primary plan, candidate are renulred to pay alLAhe UJthe And cam- expense of printing, advertising rent. In addition to their private ci palgn expenses. A Grand Family Medicine. "It give me pleasure speak a good word for Electric Enters." writes Mr. Frank Cnnlan of No. 436 Houston St., N. T. "If a grand famiiv mHiin. for dynp..pu Rnd liver computations'" while for lame back and weak kidney It cannot be too highly recommended." Electric Bitters regulate the dlestlis functions, purify the blood, snd Impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Newlln s drug store. Hardwood Lumliennen. Milwaukee. Wis.. June 11. About 500 delegate,, coming from the Atlan tic to the Pacific. are participating In the three (lavs' ccnventl-m ..f..n.A h. Milwaukee today by t;-. nj,.i v Uirdwood Lumber.-.. - i nnui'iauon. ,0 4AX L Grande, N 1. tbound pi.. . ... rrlve. , . . ' ' " v , p, i:go a, m. N . tastbound . na xnre . .. aar,....." :..; 0- . .... . No. arrive . 'wru. l it No- . weatbounrl ' . .. and . " 'nger. w . mill ; H p. ax.: oo. traia 4 1 '! i ! orav . w44W"