TWO. ETEXTVO OBSERVER, tA GRANDE, OREGOX, THCR&OAT, JOSE 11, IMS. EIGHT .'W ."MUM! 4 t - W COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We ScSicit Your Orders per ; Lumber, Lath, Shinies, Mouldings, ;"'( Chain Wood V v t V.'e'are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Ir,-..:. '..:.; Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. i-4Wafch For AN NO UN of Special Saturday Sales ANDREWS & BERRY 444444--ss'tt44"34 Grande Romle Lumk r Co. PERRY, OREGON CAM FURNJSH LUMBER OF ALL KINDS IN CAR LOAD LOTS for IG inch Chain Wood Delivered at your Home, Call up V. E. BEAM. La Grande. Phone. Red 1741 t&444 Mi inn yov m:k tiiosk pkktty 1)1 I K JIATS? AI.KO C I1H.IHK.NH HATS AT .-C.n.7ELLMfl1&CO. IAMS AVEXl'E The Welser baseball team has Issued an official challenge to Manager O'Brien, calling for a gaiM with the local professionals in this city at any time the locals may name, for a wager of anything from $100 to $1000. The matter Is now under advisement by the local club and It la very likely that the challenge will be ' accepted. In ex tending their challenge, the Welaer team advised Al Bay, who conveyed the challenge here, that they are not particular what the wager Is, and it Is for the locals to nam the snm. With the challenge they send their line-up, with the exception of the left field. Those who will play for Weleer If the game Is arranged, are: Rochon, 2b; Bradley, 3b; Elwell, lb; Head, ss; Patterson, cf; Hlggens, rt; For La Grande the Ilne-up will be: Cotteman, . p; Fournler, c; Lodell lb; Chllders, 2b; Van Horst. Sb; Beck ss; Houston, If; Zimmerman, cf; O'Brien, rf. ..' Thinning for Clierry Pay, - In a Joint meeting of the directors of The Dalles Business Men's asso ciation, the Commercial and Athletic club and the business men and citizens held at the club parlors last night preparations were made for the dis trict fair in October and for the cherry carnival, which Is to take place June 30 to July 2. It was one of the most enthusiastic meetings that has been held for such a. purpose for many months. Everyone seemed Imbuefl with the Importance of holding a rous ing fair in the fall and of Insisting on a good showing of the cherry product during the meeting of the Oregon Horticultural society. The Dalles Chronicle. bvllle. Li-tt4i't ec bint, but bs can't MS bar" lCH SHADES t- Sure) Cor for Asibma. , We guarantee to cure asthma, bronchitis and catarrh. If our medi cine falls we will cheerfully refund all money paid. Write Arnold's Asthma Cure Co.. S33-334-33 Arcade Build ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next 10 days, Morris W. Knight. Cove, Ore. Box 33. . ...CO. UOLST. Contractor aacT Builder, v ' Satisfaction guaranteed; ' estimates furnished on any kind of masonry work on short notice. Mantels and fireplaces a specialty. Room No. 1, Smith Rooming house, 1a Grands, Ore. 'Phone Bed 141. For (Sale. . Two extra fine fresh milk cows, will be sold cheap If taken at once. Apply to Robert Miller, B avenue. THE PCIUTY OF THE DOVE Is no greater than that of the materi als used in our Ice cream. None but the very best Is good enough for us. That makes our Ice cream wholesome as well as delicious. Eat all you want of it, and that will be a lot, with no fear of unpleasant results. Even ba bies and sick people can eat It with Impunity. ' For sale at A. T. 1111.1 6ILVERTIIORX & MACK. Blue Mountain Creamery Co. The, camp J 4, Amerli way. the re Junior capie : mornli city. , 44444444 ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . i ii e, .J: PHOTOGRAPHS. THE SORT THAT PLEASE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR PURSE. MODERN POSING A SPECIALTY. and 61 The ezl The! merry accom consls Men Vaugh Medfo: F. B. J. W. Mr. Call at Ktodlo and see sam- 4 pies of l'p-to-Date Photography. 4 MISS ADA ROCSII. 4 Bolincnkamp Building. 4 44444 44444 4 '4 4 4 4 -44444444 444444444444444444 I WE ARE GETTING IN 44444444444v t OUR NEW STOCK Of LUMBER 4444444444444444444444 WHICH 4444444444444444444444 will be sold at reduced prices. House bills special prices. We have fir finish and V G Fir flooring We have the best trade of Cedar shinies.' These are two grades of the same brand. : : : . ; : w , . M044444 " STODDARD LUMBER CO. . 44444444444444444444444444 44444444 4 4 4444444 :44444444444444444444444444 W44444444444444444444444 .'S r i v ; -, p i i r i . " w u ,. of NeJ nia. aii4 , ie weeks., 4 - e -4 nl Hi'Mj II. p. e and pe 6:40 tl covery .4 '4 e 4 e 4 e LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC Xolli-e of Allium! School Mrrtlng. Nnllce Is hereby given to the li gHl voturs of school dlHtrlit No. one, of Union county,' state of Oregon, that the anniisl school mrellng fur snld iIIn tilct will be held at llth School build ing In snld district, to begin at thej hour of two o clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 15th day of June, A. D. 1908. . -. This meeting Is called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve tor five years and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Said election shall be held from 3 p. m. until p. m. and shall be by ballot. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1(08. F. 8. 1VANHOE. Attest: Chairman Board of Directors A. C. WILLIAMS, District Clerk. Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of Adams Avenue PROF. DAY, Principal KiMx laJ Prise. The Singer Sewing Machine com pany offer a prli of II 50 payable to the lady holding Singer sewing ma chines numbers T40,S and KT3I.33S. If you hold one of these lucky num bers tall on or address A. N. Stone, rnt. La Grande, Ore. ' 1-4-7-10 ' - ' i ... i 444r4i44-4 iit ; Scott & Altheide I $ As house cleaners we are t 1 I the people who are equip- ped for doing the work. ? Leave your carpets on your floors, give us your ; ; ornei and smile at our work and we will smile I together. ! J PHONE, Black 1T72 , ' t4t THE ONLY PURE KIND The only kind of Ice that we handle In retail trade is artificial ice, made from pure artesian water the only pure Ice In the city, A delivery wagon will bring this PURE ICE to your door on notification by telephone or otherwise. To regular patrons our prices are one-half cent per youndv NATURAL ICE handled In wholesale lota. Look out for the Grandy Ice ' wagon. Tbone Black 071. - THE ICE MAH sAeVeiaaseaaiasAAXAaVsBAsBAAsAAslskAAAAAAAAAAAXAAA "tTTTtTtT? TvTTTf TTTTTTT?ff fffyffttf TTtf tf RADr.AINs XAI F 1 r- ; JUNE 6 to JUNp 16 " - ' . - -. . . . . ' i 20 P E R C ENT DISCOUNT All lines marked in plain figuers snowing discount. Now is the time to get the largest discount offered. I THE VAH DUYH (0. La Graiide, Ore. IN THE Masonic B!dg. .i 44444444444444444444H,4444444444444444444444j - W f : m .TV , m m r . m. .m , BRICK IS CHEAPER ; Brick building, at the present price of lumber, is t I cheaper as well as better It has been demonstrated t tnat my brisk is superior to any made in Oregon. I t :an furrish common bnck in any quantity. No orH- . too large or too small to receive prompt attention. ; Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited, f ; Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known t or. application. geo- krieger! ., Blk 701. Yard, Red 831. La Grande, Oregon ; e e YOUR WORK Is what we want. We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all the time We do not think it necessary at this time to say anything about the class of work we turn out. The fact that we have been in the LAUN DRY business for twelve years in'La Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it A. B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN ? Xotk-e to Water ron.,,u ratrons not oyntl r. ,i.hi use cy wateryfVJa,,,,, f wu. p.e.., Jy, record, of inu ms me waier sulsafmsinent the water on. Hour, for Irrigating frnm K-.n ... .'. a C OILMAN, atlon, and will turn Water Bupt La Grande went dry June l, but It wm provsn over on. ,e.r ,f0 hsr. I. an abundance of pure. ip.rk. ling artesian water , ltm thi , wiuw ins surrsea arteeiaa city water T aot hat IN A HURRY? 'nui CALL u. TRANSFER' MAN ur iniir n, . i w:ti!i,i,;Twtt.:,