La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 10, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' t-TGHT PARTS.
v " LOCAL ITEMS. ' )
Ki'ltMuper,nten(,ent Bragg: made
a busmess trip to AUcel today.
J. A. Baker, tbe artesian well man,
went to North Taklma on professional
uuBiurM una morning;, i -
viuiB rveu cnandler left this morn-
1ng for Richland, Ore., where she hat
accepted a poBltion In a store. ,
flln. R. E. Prill came over from El
gin last night on business, and re
. "turned by the noon train today.
ur"" ' '.isnmg toaay on cab
in creek. He went out on the morn
ing Elgin train. - -
; corder, arrived today from. Portland,
and went on to hli home. '
s . Harry Richard and PaulRutter of
. Enterprise, are visiting- friends In La
Grande today. ;
. Walter Gibbon pf Mt. Glenn, suf
fered an operation at thts Grande
Ronde hospltaltoday for rupture.
. Left F.ielder Houston, formerly wtth
the Pendleton team, nrrlvpn ln.t ava
iling to Join the local club,
Mr. and Mrs. P. B.. Currey ' lef t to-
ony ior -eoriar iu., where Mr. Currey
will be one of the Oregon delegation
Mrs. L-LJ MeXulty and son George,
who have been visiting In Glenns
Ferry for some time, returned to their
: home In Wallowa today.
...Mr. and Mrs. G. W. nfohcitson of
Island City, left ; for ; Portland this
morning where Mrs. Robertson will
undergo an operation. t
-1 t-v 1 . . . . . r. . .
j. u. ixrni vi ureeiey, vol., arrived
this morning and will visit for several j
days with his uncle, C. R. Beckley of
thla city. . . . j
V. J. Dawson, the well known tlm-'i
ber cruiser, expects to leave tonight!
for Portland, where he will make his
future home.
MIbs Susie Pal returned from Park
City Saturday evening, where she has
been employed ns a teacher for the
past year. y .
Pavld I'lock of Portland, son of our
pioneer merchant, !s reported to be
((urn? bivji, j,riii fc.uierea a Hemor
rhage of the l-.-.hs. Mr. Ulock leaves
on the evinlns rtnln.
Mr. and M s. n. T. Johnson,' who
have been-S !?ltlns their brother, T. B.
johnsnn. of this city, returned to their
home In En'Ilcott, .Wneh., this morni
B. G. Frills and M:-s.' Prltss re
turned last night frcjm' North Powder,
where they have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen, Jr., for
Jleveral days. .
There Is room for all at the dance
In the Elks' hall tomorrow night for
the benefit of the baseball team. The
tickets can be procured at the A. T.
Hill drug morel
These last few days of good weather
have made people sit tip and listen
for the noises of summer. A great
many are planning tripe to the moun
tains, the seashore and various sum
mer resorts.
iMlss Florence Harris has returned
ncme irom renuirmn, wnere sne na
been teaching for the post year. She
Expects to attend the summer school
at oMnmouth, and will' return to Pen
dleton this fall for another year.
Mips Alma Harris, who has been
employed In the Pendleton public
achools, has be on re-elected for an
other year. She hat accepted a posi
tion aa clerk in one of the Pendleton
stores for the summer. -
Little Robert Rowe fell from hie
cart yesterday afternoon and receiv
ed some severe bruises. While It Is.
thought that nothing serious will 're-,
- SOCIETY. -..''
, . Trip Abroad. ; ;
Don't forget the Trip Abroad for
Friday evening, June It. This excursion-
Is being planned and conducted
L'j1 1?
suit from it the braises are extremely by the Ladles' Aid society of the Pres-
Harris French, Hugh McCall and
probably "Jimmy" Smith will leave
tomorrow evening for Corvallls, where
they will attend the Junior "prom." an
annual event of great social Import
ance to the Juniors and their friends.
Archie Bacon will accompany the
party as far as Portland.
byterlan church. You can make the
round trip .with five stopovers for 75 1
cents. No extra charge will be made . j
for refreshments. '
Pon't tall to purchase tickets early,
as the number la limited.
C. E. Social.
On Friday evening the C. E. society
The line of Rust-Proof steel Corsets we are now showing comprise all the po,
numbers of the pzst, with the addition of sevenl numbers new styks, zbsctetdy up to
date in every dttzil of design, fit, material, and construction. r
Warner's Rust-Proof
: Style 27
Mike Hally,. formerly, a resident of , of the Presbyterian church will hold
La Grande, now In the butcher bust-J a social for the young people and all
ness in Welser," was a passenger on others who are Interested, at the res-
thls morning's train en route ' from
Portland. He wa accompanied from
here by his little on Jack, who has
been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jack Peare
during his father's stay In Portland.
Among those who left this morning
for Salt Lake to attend the annual
young men and young women's con
ference of the Latter Day Saints, which
convenes on the 12th, ISth and 14th
are E. Z. Carbine, president of the
local stake; Mrs. E. Rosenbaum. Fred
G. Taylor, C, p. Ferrln, Miss Llbble
Watson, Air. and Mrs. George Stod-
Miss L. Leak and A. J. Feik.
Mrs. Ralph W.Gllham and little
daughters, of Evanston, Wyo.,,; are
spending the summer with Mr. Gil
ham's mother, Mrs. Jennie Gllham, in
this city. ; 1
Miss Amanda Miller, a young lady
recently from Ontario, Canada,, has
filed a declaration of her Intention to
become a citizen of the United States.
Mrs. T'. J. Vandusllce of Portland,
Is voting with Miss Nell De Peat of
this city.
8. M. Goff, formerly located at El
gin, Is In the -city today preparatory to
going to' Coos county, where he will
make his home In the future.
idehce of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Han
na, corner of Adams avenue and. Ce
dar street.1. The . entertainment ' will
consist of games and music and other
things to cheer the heart of the com-,
pany. A cordial Invitation is extended
to all young people. -
, Agnes Brlchoux, tho little girl who
escaped death miraculously lent Kat-
urday afternoon. Is slowly regaining
full consciousness and her physicians
think full recovery will be speedy.
Notlc for Bias. -
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be reecived up to four o'clock
p. m. July 2, 1908, by the Plstrlct
School ..Board of School Dlntrict No.
one, of Union county, Oregon, for fur.
tiishtng- said district with: 7 '' ;;
48 No.' S school desks. '
48 No. 4 school desks. ,
96 No. t school desks. '. - ' )
60 S rears. v
' No, 4 rears. .
li No. S rears.'
15 1-foat recitation, benches ,wlth
table arms.
4 teachers' desks. , -i J
All of said urnlture to be delivered
t. o. b. car La Grande, Oregon, on or
before August 25, 1908, Bids to be
left with school clerk. Broad reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of School Board. ,-
School Clerk.
In iJm Assessor's Office. '
.... The work of .the assessor's office Is
progressing quite rapidly, and the
demilies are making even a closer can
vass than last year. About half the
torrltory of tho county has been turned
In. to date, but a good less than half
In value has been returned. Last
year the assessed valuation of Union
county was about If, 400,000. This
year, according to C; M. Humphrey,
deputy In Mr. Hug's office, the total
assessment will reach nearly $7,000.-000.'
Cake Sale.
Class 6, of Central Bible school,
will hold a cake sale at the City meat
market Saturday, from 10 a. tn. to 4
p. m., ""unless sold out earlier. Buy
a cake for Sunday.
New Restaurant. '
On or about July 1 we will reopen
our restaurant on Depot street. Our
new quarters will be furnished with
the latest modern appointments,
which will be a credit to the city.
Watch for our opening announcement.
Mnrlutll-VNU Plica Suit.
The Marshall-Well Hardware Co.,
through J, W. Knowles, their attorney,
has filed papers in a suit to recover
t ! 00.88 from B. F. Webb, alleged to
be the amount due the hardnure firm
for goods bought by Webb.
Divorce Granted,
In the suit for divorce of Samuel T.
Booth vs. Myrtle Booth, the plaintiff
was granted a decree setting aside the
marriage contract. "
In Expecting Hooka.
J. H. MImnaugh, former county
clerk, this morning began his work of
expertlng all the county books, accord
ing to a contract made with the coun
ty court.
An ounce of advertising' prevention
Is worth a pound of "reorganization"
Advertising Is to business what rain
and sunshine are to vegetation.
PROF. E." PORTER P T. Principal.
I.a Grande, Krlir"l of Music.
Mrs. Day, assistant. fijhool, 105
Greenwood Ave., one "- -vth of
Adams Ave. 'Phone b.t.. j ,).
Only the nvwt delicious clwioiate Is
served at Sllverthorn St Mack's soda
fountain. D5-27-2T
i nis uorset is: timpire
in shape above the waist
The hips and front are
long and have hose sup
porters attached.
White Batiste $1.00
YJamei's Rust-Proof
. Style 281
This style is designed
for long waist, well propor
tioned figures. The skirts
are extra long at front and
sides. ;Hose supporters
attached. -,
White Batiste $1.50
Warner's Rust-Proof
Sye 291 ,v
...... r ....
bust corset for tall, we!i
developed figures. Very
deep bust gore.
White Batiste $2.C0
Warner's Rust-Proof No. 2 Brassiere is to be worn with or without a corset. The It
straps cross in back and tie in front. White Batiste, trimmed with torchon lace and It
wash ribbon. Used mostly by stout well developed figures. PRICE 50cts. J J
Xtle lo Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given ta all whom
It may concern, that Mertle Aldrlch
has been appointed . by the county
court of Union county, Oregon, admin
istratrix of the estate of Mary A. Al
drlch, deceased. ' All persons having
claims against the estate of said de
ceased are required to present them
with proper vouchers within six
months from the date hereof, to the
administratrix at the office of Arthur
C. Williams, rooms I and 2, southwest
corner of Depot street and Adam
avenue, La Grande, Union county,
Dated June 6,1908. '
Administratrix of the Estate of Mary
A. Aldrlch, Deceased.
Strayed or Stolon. ,
A sorrel filly, t years old; branded
F. B." on left shoulder. White stripe
full length of forehead, and one white
hind foot. One hay, 2-year-old,
branded the same -as first named
leading to recovery. Fred
Ladd Canyon.
trade for
erty. 'Phono or call on H
A first grade piano; will
a team or good city prop-
A. Wat
son, Red 1401.
F(3n 8ALF One dark bay . drlvlnff
horse, "Bnnhnw," 17. ' hands high.
C. Liiulsey, Island City, Ore.
Mrs. D.
Free to Yw and lw Slstsr But
taring trwe Weman'a llm4irts.. .
ism a women. I
know woman's sofTerlaga, '
bars found the eura.
will nsiL tnm of sny ehsrg. Br, Item treat
cnent with full tea true-lions to any uiiatar rom
woowa silmanta. I want to toll an woman aluut
thiaeuro ymt, mjt roader. forirounwM. rourdauHhr. '
your mvthiT, or rour aluter. I want to tall rou huw
to cure rourarlvsa at noma witnuut tha hrlp of a.
oreUw, lfaa caniwt nndrratanil womm'i aunrrlnmu
What wo woman know from iparteoca, wa hr vow
bat tar than any doctor. 1 know that air noma tnak
nint Is aafa and sura cui-a for tancorrboro w diKharsra. lIccrutloB, Dl.pucamm or
Falllng of tna Womb, lroluae. Scanty or I'alnfwk
Parloda, lltarina or Ovarian Tumor, or (jrowthat
lao pains tn tha baad, back and bowel, bcaiinc
own Irellnr, flarvouannaa, oaanina Urllnf up
tha aplna, an-lmcboly, oculrw to try, hot Uu.h.
waarineaa, kidney and blmdiUr tnjul.ka wberai
cuuaad by .aakiMwaas pecullnr to our ari.
I want to arnd yo a comnlcta tan day's treat
MM tntlroly frae to prova toynu tl at yn'auci;t
jrouraalf at boma, aaaily. quickly and surely. Il-
rnjatment a complete trial j and If yon should wu.h to contlnua, H will mat you only about 1 r "ntia
no year mmm and addresa, toll ma how you sufTw if yoi wish, and 1 will andyou t Tcai-nat-t
lur vour ear, mtirnly fm. In plum wrapper, hf roturn mad. I will also Mnd vou n-aa of c.t. u,w
wat WN Aiisi! with ?m?"J&?Vr
Mrn to think few bfr.ell. Thn whan tha doctor "Voa mnat hav. an oiwmtlon." you on
tZ.yamt'-'JW' hV "r1 h""l' ib n,y hon,a ronwdy. It cure. all.
a n ."""T1 To ' Osoxhlor.. I will ..plain a almpl. treatmont inkh ,i,miui
Cdl! v! euru laearrhoea- J"Kn Hicknt,4i and I'ainfui or lrragular alauatruUioa la Yousa
j t"unr.
uraaen, m.o
WhrroTur joa live, I can f..r yuu u, . of yn ,r own locality who know ami win trlartly b-H
auircrar that thia Hum Iraatmcnt rmlly ci.ry. all wumcn'a Hia-. and rnakw womn wlL
nr. pluninar rhu.t. Ju.t a.nd ma your a Mr.., and tlis fr- ton day a traaunant la ouca.
i tha booU Writ todnr, aa you nwy ool an U.ia oUtr atain. iUurata
tn. SUMW1CS3, Sox H.
Kotr Dame, Intl., U. S. .
o a
1 1
A '.,
! lie
.. EVENT NOW ON .. i
Offers You the Greatest Possible Shopping Opportunities in Every Department
It :
Boys' 13 tO to 14.50 Suits, ages 4
to lb, now ,..'...,..ia.t
V. Boys' $4 80 to 14.00 Butts, agea t
ft to 15, now
Boys' 40c knee Pants, al) sizes,
now I-
Toung Men's Suits, worth up to
17.59. now 3.a,t
110.00 to 512.50 yo men's Suits
ages It to 20, n. v .. w .....
112.50 to 515.00 young men's Suits
ags 15 lo 20, now it. 15
110.00 and 212 00 , men's. Bulls. .'".
sizes 14 to 17, now 4.t
0 to 512.50 men's Suits, all w
is, now $7.u it
ji men s Fun, an
815.00 to tlt.0 men's Suits, all
styles, now ,.
; the mm I
- -,,(
80 doara nra'i Vrrm Shirts, la light, (. ;rk and medium colors; regular
TSc and SSo valuta, smtw gH .
, aa - w--o- 4 - -' a
-. - - - --- AAAAAAAA... ...