La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 10, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    rat.?, mxn.
Evxxrxa oaemvEsi, la cnsrbzm.aas. Wednesday, jtmt. to, ig.
4.i4 Vi4lWi
. i'.-r"J.t4 every Friday Moralise.
editors and prof eiktorr
C si ted Frees Telegraph Service.
isfcily. per month..... 41
EX:T, single copy......; ' ,S
ffcdly, en year is advance IS. 50
BeEjr, alx months, la advance... t.ii
Weekly, one year la advance.
Weekly, tU months, la ad mace. ."J
Catered at the poetoffJ; at t
Grande, as second-clan natter.
Tiila paper will not publish any ar
ticle appearing over a noin de plume
IKjued articles wW be received nb-
tet te the discretion of the edltjc
ftoace sign year article and saTe dls
OpetntasenL ,.
Advertlalag Rates.
Display ad. rates foralihed upon
local reading- notice 10c per line
Cbrat Insertion; Ic per Una for each
rateequent insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, le a line
Cards of thna. to a line. '
Now the next thing for us to do
to icive our attention to a successfu
" it'm' mer' jf La Grande are always
liberal upon such occasions, and wtth
the personnel of the executive com
mittee that has been sefc-cted, success
is assured. Another fortunate feature
to the fact that the eastern Oregon
Yet-ran's association and the W". K, C.
have selected La , Grande as their
meeting place this year, which always
adds to the general celebration,
f .. see-. . ; .
To pacify uncalled for and tnwsr
ranted objections by Manager Hosier
f the Baker City club of the Inland
Empire baseball league. Manager
CBrien of the La Grande Babes, ha
employed a -new umpire. 1 which has
ecessltated a slight shake-up In the
local club. Former Vmptre William
flpHtmsn retires la favor of TVIlilam
Xoosev. former left fielder of the La
Grande team. Mr. Kooser knows
baseball from top to bottom, but so
does Bplllman for that matter, and
though the tatter was slightly In dis
favor at one of the recent games, fans
were well aware of the fact that 8pl)t
ssan was doing clean work. The
howls of the bugs was passed by un
noticed. rw rtarer Here.
The left garden will be occupied by
Houston. formerly of the Pendleton
ggregntlon. He will give Ms first
perfortraoee hers tomorrow afternoon
against Walls' Walla. In passing. The
Observer feels confident that Kooser
will make good In hts nt-x vocation,
but It grlcTvs at the release of 8;,lil
i Norrrr: rcrt rri'LiCATinx.
Walter llo.n. ,e ll-e-.r-ol.! s.n of r r.,rtm,t nf th. inrior,
Mr. and Mrs. E. !. Itean met wi-h a. V-. . Lan j 0fnir Gr:4nJ 0f
painful act I.I. nt t.l.iy. while l:h his' j j ni
father -olotd-.r.g k- from th, H.anl yrt. ,J htrr ,
ke g.,n. Tn brk occurred be- J JA V,K TLNTZEK,
7f Vth ,kr': h'P ,hi" :'"- Mrrh Sth
right leg, It. Hubbard was tMU. u wJ, ,-.nirrr ,., ;toR ,wcrn
tal lite brwk. The Utile Mlw, ii,.h ,;;1U nt. ;; iri f(r SWI gJ.
VHty.- la suffering mm h pa'n as a-svo t vi. . . 1 v ,
V rap., Tl)Wn,n.D ,
W recovery. The ... id-nt r-.ulted t J J W.H.rr.e.te' MeCllan. ha.
from . piece ,4 to fo.jlng on the boy. j n..a ef , mW
. . . ! Prof. to eetablL'h claim t. the
1 the case of F. . Ladd vs. J. w. , lt-r snd recelvr at La G.-ande. Ore
Rellly In the circuit court ye.trr.Uy. j gon ,ns the Uth day of Augu.t. Mot
the plaintiff was given Judgment f r j Claimant nam-s as wltaessra: Josh
1141. TJ with Si attorney- lees ! ua C. mlth. of I Grande. Ore : pam
Ivanhoe llotlgla appeared for the'uel Parker, of n re. 1 1
plaintiff and Cuehraa Cochran were
attorneys the defendant.
Polh resart.
Pen Kelly. D. 1. Is this afternoon
sleeping away the effect of an over
indulgence la the cup that both cheers
gad Inebriate. The letter affiled
fcle every day asm mean plain "drunk
and disorderly.- .......
Minmaota Veterans.
Minneapolis, Minn. Juae 1 Min
neapolis is the host today of hundreds
of Minnesota veterans, ho are in at
tendance at the annual encampment
ot the departnwut of Minnesota, O. A.
.- . Attention Foresters.
Ay Forester are requested to be
present at meeting tonight." Election
of officers. Feed later.
. DE5T1ST.
Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red ill.
Palnlesa txtraction.
Expert foij work. Special attention
to children's teeth.
La Grande National Bank Bundles
That the leading medical writer and
. teacher ot all the several schools of
BTaetiea sudors m.nA t .v
strongest terms ponlbie, each and every
. . 'hr mw uie oofuposiltoa
of Dr. Pierce's tk,iden Medical Discovery
lor the cure of weak stomach, dtnoemis.
catarrh r.f ibunk -u... - 1 .. . . . .
brpid liver, or blliotisness. chronic bowel
urviiii, ing s,i raiarrDai aiseases of
batevi-r rrgion, name or nature. It it
t.fp a specific reined y tor all u-n chronic
or lonj standing cases of catarrhal aflee
tutu and Uiir r.-siltant, as brunchlal
U roat and lungdlM aw-iiejceptcoiutump-tiiruiacnjmi
amixl with severe coughs. It
is not so rl actito oilu and eougha
,UF '""-Ting, ur rnronic cases 11 11
w-.-ecially efricsctous In prorliiciug P'T
ii in-lriks root and (J'i.mi s root sli of are hisiily iri'i as remedies f.w
all the above mentioned aatlu by such
emiunt m.ltcal writ.-nt and tenclwrs as
Prof. IJsrttioidW, of JrTrn Med Col
ore: Pr-f. ifare. of the I niv. of Pa ;
Prof. Finle rJiinf wood, Jf. I.. of Ues-?-7
V& l1''. C'liit-; Prot John
King.- M, !.. iare O'tu-innatl ; Pmf.
John M. Scod'lvr. M. It., late of CIre!n
rati: Pr.f. fciwin . H!e. M. D.f of
llsbneiaann Ml Citiirae, Chicago, aa
Koisof othTs e,iiia.i;r eminent iu Uisit
several nf .m,-ti.(t.
- The "tirfil-n .Meoic;-! r-overv h lbs
enly mu-iae nut un uf jjij. through
drr.rgut ftf Hi e f.urr'tK that has an?
inch pmfairttnfil eifl-.rwmenl worts
bvw than any nnmt -r of ortlinarv ti-
monlals. i pibNcttv of it formula
on the bottle wrapror i! t'.e best poit!e
guaranty of It nwrr.t. A glance at tills
Bettished fomiu.a S!:w.tlial-Uid
M'dical I'twi.v.jnr" cnjiiw to i.'m.
oits or h;rra?!s! arenr aid no aWVil
rtemicaily nire tri' g!Tcf-r:ne
beini u"i itwearf. Olrcveine I entirely
noJeettnnal.! and bul.- n a rucl
BMful Imn-ejfi-nt in the cum rrf aii sttfn
a -h a well a hroacUlnl. throat and hine
aaciion. Tiere liie hitiet meun-il
aittbffiry for t:. use in all s b caea.
The - Discovery " Is a cuncetn ted glyo
er:e extract of native, meuicinal ruoli
and la safe sn4 relitiule.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
r.edical authorities, endorsing Its ingrn
0 ens ma i(t fire on reqie. Address
Dr. B. V. Pierce. BuffaVx. Y
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Union County.
James Dick, plaintiff, vs. Ella Dick,
To Ella Dick, the above named de
fendant: ;
In the name of the state of Ore
gon yoa are hereby required to appear
enl answer the plaintiff's complaint
filed In the above entitled court and
suit, on or before the llth day of Jury.
JtOt. and In case you shaU fail to
answer said complaint by the Hth day
f July. lioi. the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you for the dissolu
tion of the bonds of matrimony cslst-
lug between the plaintiff and ihe de
fendant, and for costs and disburse
ments. This summons Is published In the
La Grande Weekly Observer by an or
dr of the Hon. T. II. Crawford. Judg
of the circuit court of the state of
Ortgon for I'nton county, which order
retire the publication ttcr-of or..:'
ecjt for six consecutive weeks, the
T.r-t p:iVlMitl-Tt thereof King te 4th
j l1.iv of Jur..
Attorney fit Plaintiff.
Tvntjer. 0f Elgin. Ore : Albert Tan.
'her. ef Elgin. Ore.
- P. C B RAM WELL Reghter.
TiMPrn un. at jirsr 1. n:$
,Led Offl.-e. La Oraad-. Or..
April Ilfh.
' Notice Is hereby grrew that le com
pliance with the prevMnne of the act
cf rngrea of June t. ItTt. entltrei
A act lor the sal of timber lands
la tb state ef Cattfovskia, Oregon.
$35.00 .mKrZRQK' bZeSSt. -nOL':':. -PEELED : v $310
. ,. - - tC ifN
6.30 R0US9D":T0P : TrlBfES
30.02 PEW
REMEMCER ue are Redacini Stock on MEW FURNITURE and Selling out all Second Hand J
Goods at Cost. I am making this the LOWEST PRICED furnitore House In the city.
Phone Clack 641
When a medicine baa stood the tct frr a r.t v,-
crwiuna ani is tneti more popular than ever, "there can be no doubt of its
merit. This is the record of S. S. S. ' 1X3 period cl existence is marked by a
long line of cures of blood and skin diseases of every character, and its value
in the tretn ent of stich troubles has become 60 well known that it is today
the mostextt nsively used blood medicine on the inarkeL For Rheumatism,
Catarrh, cr ifitia. Sores and Ulcers. Skiu Diseases and all other troubles
due to an impure or poisoned condition cf the blood, S. S. S. has no equal.
It counterac and drives out the poisons, humors and germs, cleanses the
ystem of alt unhealthy matter, cares the disease permanently and restores
stronjf, robt st health. Where the Wood is weak or anaemic, and unable to
furnish the 1y with the nourishment and strength it needs, S. S. S. sup
plies it with the healthful properties and acts splendidly in toning up and
reinvijorati tjj the system. It jroes down to the very bottom of all blood
disorders, a-id in this way reaches inherited taints cn which the ordinary
biood medic aes have no effect. Xot only is S. S. S. certain in its results,
but it is at be same time an absolutely safe remedy. It is made entirely of
roots, herbs and barks of known healing and curative value. It does not
contain the ?)i?Ltest trace of mineral in any form to damage the delicate
parts of'ths ?tc!u, and may be used by children with the same good results
ad perfect . ;t'ety as by older people, it is ni t an experkcertt to uie S. S. S.;
it is a rwtje t with a record and one Las previa i:s worth by its forty
years oi gu -essfal service. If yoa are in rit-.i ('. a blond 'purifier for a;'
cause bejiu .he. use of S. S. S , write o:.:r physicians cr.d thty will send yi;'.
a book cone -uicgyour trmiiile, aJ vv.Il ivj wi;l;t ch.rre acy t-u-.zii.
icedicl ai te that is rsfrtirtd. '
TEE STTTFT f.Prcrx CC. .IL,trr-
XvaJt and Washlnirton tereitory. as
extended n alt the public land states
by art of An(tut t. 12, '
of Perry, county cf fnlon. srate of
t'reeon. has this day filed in this of
fice her sworn statement No. fOG.
for the purchase of the S1 S'rlVi of
B. No. 27. in Tp. No, I. R. Nr.
T. E. W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought to more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes and to etab!tih
his claim to said land before the reg
ister and recerver at Tji Orande, Ore
son on Tuesday, the 14th day of July.
the names as witnesses: Herbert
Coalwell. William Coalwe!!. Harrv
Coalwell. Charles Coalwell. all of
Perry, Ore.
Any aa all persons clalmlns; ad
versely the above described lands are
re-queeted to file their claims In this
office oa or before said Hth day of
July, !.
F. C BRASfWEUU Resister.
f.-aJ. Land Office. La Orande, Ore
March 19. 1S.
Notice Is hereby (ttven that In eom-e-liance
with- the provtion of the act
of cencreps of June S. ItTt. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land?
In the states of California. Xe.
vada and Washington territory." at
vepdcd to ."l the r:b!lc land state'
by art of A'ir'i 4. 132.
a'h:llf..s a. -essox.
f The fallen. cr":nry ot Wsvo. ste
"f trrtr,n. hJs this d.iy flie t la this
ffi,-e hi .rn :atement No. tTl,
C .r the !rrh of lh E't NK'i.
J'A', NHS. NE'l SK'. of S-rtl r
V-i. ltt. in T"n!Mj No. 2 Sta.
rv-inre. No. IT. E. V.'. 51. an.l. ul.l of
'i t crouf to ,hi Cist tbe, nni 'VXf t
more Val'inb:e, for Its tlrr.tHT "T
'''T.i' tb.m fT a"-lr'.ilfi-a! pari
ir.d ti eetsh lh hU ci-.lm to .M I land"
l-f.ire the rslter end ree-ive- at Ij I
;-an.!e. Ong n. on Tuts-Uy, th lf.b'
lay of Jun. 10S. '
If rimi ltne": Henry P. I
Fftroevitnt. of The IHii;., Ore. .: Im-
i I lrt.ho-;v. ..f L- lirmile, Or...:
I"rl I.yon, of I, e-rdo, O. r.; llt'gU
S'.. K-n. of tto-wl !-. it-t, i'r.
Any anC u!! ront f'.t;;tln nd
irr'r the hetve d-Hn-.-Se.I i-in-ls nre
rr;f.eed t- t'.'.t thtlr rUiim In thlt
';i r .a i'T b-t ir suld 14tn day o; lfts.
T. C. BRAMWELL. r.efl.ter.
t W'rtTie-st of the Iaterior.
U. . Land Office at La Grande. Or.,
May It. lint.
Notice is hereby give) that
of I -a ftrakde. Jreiiis. ho. on Vv
It. 1J. made homestead entry No.
IMs. for KH SW,. fK' tW S, .
sV FK Ni . He. t'"ti :i. Town.hlp J
. loose IT. W. M.. has fld no
tice ef Intrathm to mike final five,
year proof, to establleh claim to the
land above deerrtbed, bvfure ratster
snd receiver of the U. 8. land office at
I -a Orande. Oregon, oa the ftb day ot
Jaty. ll.
Claimant name as wHneeees: John
Carroll. Alb.rt Clay. J. R. Wamstaft
John Keiien. all of La Oreads. Ore.
F. C. BRAMWEUU Keglster.
timbfr land, a i jtxb t. 1I7I.
Department ef the Interior.
V. a lnd O'fire, La Grande. Ore,
April II. lt.
XuUce Is hereby liven that Henry
?. rturdtvant, of Th Dalles, county
't Wasco, state t.f Oregon, has applied
to p'jrehasw, under the act of congress
of J-jre 3, 1ST. extended by act of
August 4. im. the XWi,. Sr.c'.lon II.
Tp. I IL 27. E. W. M... and will
'fr proof to show that the land
o'.ight is more vaitia-ble for Its t!niber
or etone than fr tgricujtoral pi:r
rsei. and to stsbllsh his cistni o aH
land before John Halley. Jr.. V. S.
commissioner, at his office. Pendleton.
Ore., on the 1st day of July, -
He name as witnesses: David C.
Brlchoux. of La Grande, Ore.: Earl
Lyons, of La Grande, Ore.; Achilles 8.
Esson. of The Dalles. Ore.; Hagb B.
Esson. of H$o4 River, Ore. ,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 1st day -of
July. 108.
F. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
Department of tne Interior.
C. Land office at La Grande, Or
May llth. i'jhi.
Notice Is hereby given that
of La Grande1. Oregoi, who. on Mav
th. litis, made Timber and
worn ststnrnt No. n;;. far SE'i I
- and NK SWi,. flection 3.
Tvwnshlp 4 S.. P.anre IT E. W. M..
has fllwd not'i-e of Intention lo make
final proof. f estblih claim to the
l.xnd above desrrih-'!. before reKister
snd rect iver at La Grande. Oregon, on
the Jd day of A'lgut.
Claimant nam-i f wlirtises- . Ray
Hanson. Mary E. Wilson. Mike Le-'"-
V-!-.t-.-re. ;i ,.f l.t
i fr- .rrfm9emmcmsr wv'Tf ' m rn -a,,,, - - MM'-''stssssssssassissssswgsss
E mm mm 0F WEm
pniuGonin consur.iPTion
"Twe years ace a severs cold settled ea my longi U4
aaacie te wera ana scarcer? aoit ta staao. i thea
after astn ant bottle I went seek to work, as well
f i TDST AT Tlir : OTfiUfl A flir
Claim of Central Figure in Recent Contro-
' versy Is NoveL .y..-"-
' The new theory advanced by I T.I
Cooper relative to the human stom
ach has attracted such widespread
attention that tV public in cities
visited by the young man has been
Joined by many physicians In a dis
cussion of his beliefs and medicines.
; Mr, Cooper says that human health
Is dependent almost entirely upon
the stomach. He says that no dis
ease can be conquered without first
alleviating all stomach disorders. He
further says that most men and worn-!
en ot this- generation are half-sick,
owing to. degenerate stomachs. Aaa
lastly, he claims that his New Vl
emery medicine viil rejuvenate the
huraan stomach in 90 days.
" Cooprr has been traveling from
cce city to another, conducting la
each what he calls a campaign of
education. For the past year he ha3
tact the public In the larger cltici
of the country, and hts success hat
keen phenomenal. Thousands of
people have Cocked to his headquar
ters wherever he has pone, and. the
trie cf his medicine has bees beyond
anything of the kind ever before
Possibly the most Interesting fea
ture of the attention this young- man
has attracted Is what his army of
followers, whom he has converted to
his beliefs through his medicines,
have to say on the subject. The fol
lowing statements are from two well
known residents ot Chicago and Bos
ton, respectively, and the enthusiasm
of these is characteristic; of Cooper's
admirers generally.
- Mrs. H. a Mack, of 8201 State
street. Chicago, says: - have been
suffering for IS year from a com
bination of stomach troubles, catarrh
ana constipation. I had a gnawing
Win ta the pit of my stomach, a sort
Grande. Ore.
T. C. BRAMWELIe, Register.
' . interior.
Ki ;:rr at Ui urande.
i aiay utn. 1S08.
of La Grande, Ore.n. who. on May
-t.l. UlUtll?
99. made Timber snd Ptnne
statem-nt No. njl, f,,r xvi,
.-sh-h, r-ertion 19. Tounkhln l &
Hanse 17. E. W. M.. hit. fii,d notice of
Intention to make final proof, to es.
I.SII.h - ....
iiti t.f mi- .ana above ii--i
"""'I ee-.ure register and re,:rivr
waVTvC uSX 1
as I m was." W Wery, aa
. Thone Red 1161
1411,1413,14(5 Adzms Ave.
of a dull pain that I could not quite an-
aerstaaa. 'alien mere was a dull bead,
ache, and my mind seemed to be
wandering continually. I could not
eat, and what little solid food I did
eat I could not retain on my stomach.
I tried every remedy I could think of,
and also tried out a number of patent
medicines, but without any apparent
result. It was through one of my
friends that I heard ot Cooper's prep
aration, aud I immediately decided
to try seme of it It is two weeks
since I took my first dose of It, and
I feel like a new woman. The head
ache seems to have disappeared, and.
the rtn In my stomach along with,
it. The medicine is worth its weight
In gold, and I want to thank Mr.
Cooper for what be has done for
Mr. Edwin F. Horse, of 20 OaWey
street, Dorchester, a suburb of Bos
ton, says: "For three years I had
not a well day. My stomach was la
frightful shape; the mere thought ot
food would nauseate me, and I really
had a horror ot anything to eat. Alt
solid food would cause me extreme
Indigestion, bloating and gas on my
stomach, and nothing tasted right.
Some time ago I got some of this
Cooper's medicines, about which
there Is so much talk. I actually
feel as well and strong as a boy ever
since the first bottle. Every sign of
stomach trouble has disappeared, and.
I have a hearty appetite and eat
three square meals; every thine,
seems to taste good. Anyone wh
knows what chronic indigestion 1st
ctn appreciate what this means to
me. I consider this the most remark
able medicine I ever heard of.1
We sell Mr. Cooper's tnedMnea,
as4 Had them to be all he claim.
,Aai Ts HiP
at La Grande. Oregon, on the Sd day
of August. 1S0S.
Claimant names as witnesses: Mike
LePare. .Marx- E. Wilson. Blanche Ba-s-r.
James Mclntyre. all of La Grande.
F. C BRAMWELL. Register.
if you wi,n
to raise stock, fruit or
babies Echo hi. tV, n j'.v
,he an) th
. mji uje r;egttiT.
A new sawmill is being erected on
tne Tualatin, south of Monmmith.
rr , a m
W. J. Aims, Banner Sprlega, Teaa.'
i I
tLi. HKWUJg DRCO CO, - 1 7,,
sfX, , - e ef