La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 10, 1908, Image 1

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' la GiujfDE, union coram, Oregon, Wednesday, june io, ios.
SUM HER 807.
' Greatest and Best Celebration In
Eastern Oregon Will Be Held In
This City on July Fourth ConMiier-
dal Clan Backed by Bnstneaa In
terests, Say So Details Yet to Be
Worked Out, But the Proper Spirit
Animates the Promoters,
Cothmittee on Arrangements).
Mac Wood, chairman.
t FredLG. Taylor.
. ' W. H. Bohnenkamp.
George Stoddard. . .
William Miller.
Elner Sebbelov,
' George L. Cleaver. ;
John Collier.
." Nearly every business Interest In the
city was represented at the mass meet
ing last night In the Commercial club
rooms. The purpose of the gathering
'was to discuss plans (or the proper
celebration of the Fourth In La
Grande. The directors of the Com
mercial club had declared themselves
favorably the night before, and nearly
all of them were present and took part
In last night's meeting. That we will
have the greatest and most, elaborate
celebration ever given In eastern Ore
gon Is certain. It only remains to for-
t mutate plans that, carried , out, will
J spell success In big letters. We have
the spirit and after all, that Is the
prerequisite of success In any under
taking. And there Is a greater degree
of harmony among the business Inter-
; est of the city than at any previous
period of our history. The banks de
clared In favor of a celebration, the
big lumber companies have done like
wise no Interests, except It be a few
. of the saloon men, are at all hostile to
the Idea.
At the meeting Inst night an organ
tuition was formed with Mac Wood
In the chair and George Currey acting
as secretary. Mr. Wood will appoint
a committee of seven to take charge
' of the arrangements. A suitable place
for the exercises of the day has not
been definitely ' decided upon, but
there are several groves within reach
of town that will serve admirably.
And there always remains the oppor
tunity to turn several squares Into a
i-yower-by the use of evergreens. The
fraternal organizations will be extend
ed every courtesy by the celebration
committee, and It Is certain that at
least the O. A.R. .Veterans and the
Woman's Relief Corps will take an
active part In the festivities.
An effort was msde early this morn
ing to get Governor Chamberlain to
deliver the address of the day, but he
la already engaged to make a speech
elsewhere. There are a number of
A other prominent men available, one of
whom will be secured within a dsy or
he Ten
J3e tub and rW elfth Coagrflunal
jrVtS of Mlsaoarl Represented by
' Jetegatln Ilaghea Adherents
' C.ed North Carolina .' f ads
Libianl Delegate foe Tart flex re
, lory Hitchcock "naggta" lor Tart.
Jk ITti rlf.
publican national convention convened
today the Missouri contests were taken
up, J5 minutes being allotted to each
aide Tor argument J. L. Minnfs pre
sented the claims of the Tatt delega
tion. : . - . . ' ' v . ,
- The-Taft delegates from the 11th
and 12th" congressional districts of
Missouri were seated . today, by ' the
committee,' defeating the Hughes men,
who wanted the delegation split. -
North Carolina contests were taken
up next. After arguments lasting half
an hour;' each, the Taft delegates ' at
large were Seated, , ' i ,i
Judge Marcus Schoup of Dayton, Is
here to represent For'aker in the con
test In the Sixth congressional district
of Ohio. . ...... .
Hitchcock, Tart's managerthis af
ternoon said: , . t v. ....t.
- "I am not a candidate for vice-president
or manager of the republican
campaign or anything else. I am here
solely for the purpose of securing the
nomination of Taft.
Grande Ron lie Fruitgrowers Are Sow
Facing: the Serious Problem of Their
Ure With a Crop That Gives Ap
pearance of Breaking AU Anticipa
tions, the Grow ers May Not Be Able
to Reap the Harvest Must Have
Pickers at Once,
With the advent of warm weather
comes a serious problem to the frutt.J
growers of Union county.' . From every
district In the valley coma calls for
cherry pickers. , 8o bumper-like Is the
crop that the growers feel assured
they will be unable to care for the
picking In the proper time unless there
Is an Influx of pickers from points
without. The famine for help Is now
rife In Walla Walla, where the ranch
ers are going to extreme ends to re
tain what little help they can procure.
It Is, evident that the same condition
will exist here unleMAome one loos
ens up and agrees to lid the growers.
Where 40 or 60 were formerly em
ployed to handle the fruit picking, J00
are now called for.
This represents the gigantic crop
that la evident. Though the warmth
has been retarded somewhat, a few
weeks like the present one will hurry
the ripening. The 12th of July han
been commonly decided upon as the
day which will mark the harvest of
cherries In the Cove district The
other sections will form In -Hne- about
that date.
Thecold weather of the past few
weeks served to thin out the trees
psrtlally and now that the weather Is
warm the remaining crop will have
ample opportunity to round Into splen
did form and assume that teeth-watering
effect ao familiar to consumer
of locally grown fruit
Hcanriuhma Gown Makes Appaoranw
In Fashionable Church Wedding.
Washington, June 10. The dlrec-tolre-
gown made Its first appearance
at the altar today when Juliette Wll
llama, daughter of Colonel and Mrs
John R. Williams, wss married to
Joseph Letter, the Chicago million
aire, In one of the most fashionable
aeddlngs ever held her. The bride's
gown was the topic of conversation In
oclety circles.
The gown was made of white satin
in a modified dlrectolr mode and la
the creation of a Wsshlngton modiste.
, Mrs. Levi Z. Letter, mother of the
groom, presented her son with the
Letter mansion In Dupont circle, with
all the valuable works of art
Maksa Dag Mtnw.
City of Mexico, June II. The first
bench show of the Mexlcsa Kennel
c:ub, postponed from May II at the
rgaat raqneat of exhibitors, will be
epeaad toaterrew. Owner of itW
era tie essease ft aM parts .
Oregon Democrats Adopt Platform
Which Endorses Election of V. 8.
Senator By Popular Vote Cham
berlain Administration Endorsed
Touch Savings Banks Many Planks
In Platform Full List of Delegates
: to Denver Gathering. .; . . , , . -1,.., v . .
Portland, June 10. (Special.)
Oregon's democratic delegation of six
members are pledged to vote for and
support W, J. Brysii at the national
convention In Denver, as long as he Is
a candidate for the presidency, ac
cording to a platform adopted by the
state convention here yesterday.
The platform Indorses the Initiative
and referendum by which the direct
primary law Is enacted. One plank
Indorses popular election of United
States senators.
Other features of the convention are
the endorsement of the administration
of Governor Geo. E.' Chamberlain;
recommended that the party establish
a law for electing senators by the di
rect vote of the people; denounced ex
travagance of the postal service; urged
the enactment by congress of an
amendment to the Interstate commerce
act whereby the proposed advances
In rates are not to become effective
uatll the interstate commission can
determine their reasonableness; rec
ommended postal savings banks.
' J. D. Slater an Alternate.
The deelgates at large selected are:
M. A. Miller of Linn county; R. D.-ia-man
of Multnomah county; W. F. Mat
lock of Umatilla, and J. O. Booth of
Josephine county.
The alternates are: Dr. H. L. Hen
derson of Clatsop; John Manning of
Multnomah: James H. Beema.i of
Jackson; J. D. Slater of La Grande.
Union county.
First congressional district delegates
are Dan J. Fry of Marion county; L.
M. Travis of Lane county.
The alternates: 3. E. Hedmes of
Clackamas county; Beth Rlggs of Polk.
The Second congressional district
delegates are D. M. Watson of Mult
nomah county; C. K. Hnry of Mult
nomah. Alternates: John C. Welch of Mult
nomah; George B. Culllson of Wasco.
Kentucky for Bryan.
Louisville, Kv., June 10. Judging
from the sentiment of early arrivals
to" attend the state convention tomor
row, the Kentucky delegation will he
solid forBryan, though some fuvora
ble mention of Governor Johnson In
made, but his supporters are In the
More Bryan Delegate.
Roswell. N. M.. June 10. The ter
ritorial democratic convention begnn
here today with Bryan's chances of
getting a pledged delegation for him.
excellent There aeems to be no ques
tion but that the six delegates will be
Instructed to vote for him at Denver.
Montana DenuxTata Face Political
Combat Over Bryan and Johnson. -
Boxeman, Mont, June 14. The
democratic state conveatlon opened
here today with every prospect of a
fight between Bryan and Johnson of
Minnesota, for the delegation to the
national convention. Bryan Is strong
among the democrats of the state, but
one county Is Instructed for Johnson.
It Is Deer Lodge, wherein Anaconda Is
located, and Is the stronghold of fhe
Marcua Daly faction. Pryan has the
support of Senator Clsrk's organ. T!i
convention mill select six delegates to
Denver. ,
Taxedo Hone Show.
New Tork, June II. Entries close
today with Pierre Lorillard. Jr., for
the annual exhibition of the Tuxedo
Park Horse Show asancUMn at Tuxe
do park, June II aad II. Nuawoaa
valuable eupa, te bs we eot right, are
Ter4 by Ue so station for this
ILW Ttfl unty
Walla Walla Series With Locals Opens
; Tomorrow Afternoon at 3 O'clock,
'jl Fans Will See Many Now Feat
ares New Left Fielder. New Team
aud New Umpire Visitors Will Give
First Glimpse at Washington Style
; of Ball ToMaln. j,..v. .,..........
The Walla Walla slabsters will ar
rive In La Grande tonight from Baker
City and then opens a series In this
city which will teem with Interest V
local fans. Tomorrow at I o'clock La
Grande will see several now features.
One of them will be the Walla Walla
team itself, which Is new here. An
other Is Left Fielder Houston, and
still another is Kooser in the umpire
department. ; All this combined with
the fact that La Grande has a fearful
lead on the pennant racers, should at
tract a targe crowd throughout the
series here, which closes on Sunday
Rooms have been reserved In the
Smith rooming house for the visitors,
and they will make their headquarters
there while in the city.
Excitement Rons High In Utah Today
Over AU-Nlglit Search for Daugh
ter of Governor Culler Fair Dam
sol Hopped on a Pony and Run
Away With Tony Married by Mor
mon Elder In Ogtlcn Governor
Overtakes Party But Comes Away
"Stung." ' .
Suit Lake. Utah, June 10. An excit
ing scene was enacted this morning
when Governor Cutler of Utah, after
an all-night search with his son, found
!il daughter Mabel and 'her delivery
wagos driver husband nt a mountain
resort, eight miles up the canyon from
Idlewlld. Cutler demanded his daugh
ter leavs her husband and return home
but she refused. The governor and
the groom, T. E. Butler, almost came
to blows In the argument
Mabel eloped last night with Butler.
and the couple were married In Ogden
by tho janitor of the county court
house, who la a Mormon elder. The
governor was in pursuit within a few
hours. He took the mldnlaht train
for Salt l-o ke, but teamed there the
couple had left for the mountains.
The bride says aha would rather live
In an humble cottage with her hus
band than In a mansion without him.
Honolulu Koreans Art . Dangeroosly
and PliKs Relieved In EtIM.
Honolulu, June II. Hecret meet
tng of Koreans are exciting Interest
here, especially In the Japanese ousr
tera, where It Is felt thst some sort of
vengeance la being planned similar to
that carried out In . Ban Francisco
when Diplomat Durham Stevens wss
assassinated. Loral Koreans are In
constant touch with Ssn Francisco
lUg Issue of Honda.
It. Louis, June II. flids wl l be
opened today for 11.(00,000 worth of
municipal bonds, for delivery July 1
bearing I per cent Interest No bids
for less thsa 11000 were received.
Twe and 4 half millions of the money
reeelved from the sale of the bonds
will be used In the erection of a new
municipal building. A half mlllloa
the Mississippi. The city hospital will
get 1800,000, and the-balance will be
used in improvements of the fire de
partment, bridges, viaducts,, hishway
and parks. .' ;
v Scranton Dug fchow,
Scranton, Pa., Jun10. A two days'
uog show, the first annual event of
the Anthracite Kennel club, was open
ed today and has attracted much at
tention among Jho fanciers of Penn
sylvania and surrounding states. "
New Mexico Democrats. '
Roswell, N. M., June 10. The New
Mexico democratic territorial conven
tion began here today," with every In
dication of the instruction of the six
delegates for Bryan,
Cans Will Retire,
San Francisco, June 10. Local
sports sr surprised by Joe Gans'
statement that he will retire after his
fight with Battling Nelson oh July 4.
Colorado Fruitgrowers Have Been
Blessed With New Invention Whkti
Prevent Damage to Orchards by
Frosts Set of Cans Bum Crude Oil
and Thus Prevent Damage Mr.
Carbine la to Thoroughly Investi
gate the Scheme May Be Adopted
E. Z. Carbine has been investigating
the practical points of a frost prevent
ive in orchards, which has recently
been Invented at Grand Junction, Cot.
It Is a can-shaped object which burns
crude oil and a set of them placed In
an orchard will, If Ignited at the prop
er time, prevent freeslng of fruits.
The system has been generally adopt
ed In the fruitgrowing districts of Col
orado and Utah, and If Mr. Carbine
finds them up to expectations as re
ports say, he will make It a point o
lay In a store of them.
In Colorado, It is said, the cans have
saved many acres and acres of 'or
chards by timely lighting of a match
to the oil csns. ' .
Mr. Carbine left for Utah today and
before returning will know the rxact
worth of the new machine, which mny
next year be the means of saving
much money for Grande Ronde fruit
SMkane Woman Suicides.
Pan Francisco, June 10. M. M.
Nelson, thought to be from, Spokane,
wss found dead In a room Iq the hotel
St. Anthony today, the body sitting
upright In a chair and a bullet through
the head and a revolver clutched In
her hand. On her person was IKS
found In her pockets and $211 In gold
strapped around her In a belt She
Is about 40 years old and well dressed.
of every citizen to so live and act that his fcl ; ;
low citizens will esteem him for his goodness, ;;
his kindness, and his usefulness. The principles or
good citizenship should constitute the code of rules
for every kind of business whether public or private, j ;
Thlsapplier. particularly to the drug business, be-;;
cause, owing to the limited
I of drugs by the general public. It follows that the re
liability of the druggist
good service.
La Grande jt
Reaudents of Flooded Districts Flea
With What Good They Can Carry
Danger of Overflow From Mis
souri River Is A ho Great Great
Caps In Dykca That Cannot IJ
. Patched Up Water SUM .lUula
over rtoooed aertloa or the fJityv"
Kansas City, June 10 The worst
flood conditions since the memorable
Inundation of 190J, prevail here today.
The Kaw river has flooded the went
bottoms, and people living in that part
of the city are' compelled to flee.,
Great excitement prevails and the wa
ter Is still rising.
All uight a patrol guarded the tem
porary dykes thst were thrown up to
meet the high water. At daybreak,
the water gained an upper hand and
began pouring through a great gap in
the dykea workmen were unable to re
pair. People fled with all the good
they could carry. .
The Missouri river is also rising,
but men are working to prevent a
flood from thst source.
Reported on .Walt Street Today That
Ilarrimaa and tlie Goulds Are on
Friendly Terms and General Plana
of Adlutttntent on Questionable Mat
' ters Are Now In 'lands of Hnrriman
Has Some Effect , on Proposed
Rullroud Extensions.
". New York, June 10. The chief
topic on Wall street today Is the re
ported amicable adjustment nf lh
differences between the Gould and
Harrlmnn factions. It Is understood
that an agreement was effected Just
before Georgo Gould departed for
Europe, covering all disputed points .
between th two interests in the west
Gould retains possession of properties
west of Pittsburg and will contlnua
building the Western Pacific, but It Is
to ba operated in hsrmony with Hsr
rlman lines, Under the agreement
Gould It not shle to carry out his plan
for a great transcontinental line be
cause It provides he Is not to cross the
Alleghrnles with a western connection
to Join the Western Marvland Una.
knowledge of the qualities
Is the chief guarantee f
rirY7r j rrf saMi ft
Caleaga, Js tl.WlMa Cs-a
nates tsre ewtfcert
trUI We seed Car the free brldg across