V A- 1 V n ry y AX VV'Ai it ' Vi rrl MrS TA nl nil Vli. : AUV VW! rf SA WrFf A VT riCv" f! C 1 mm w-.,i.b volume vn LEADERS US iOUSIAXA DEAL IS - " FINALLY DECIDED tPOX. VVhat Ik Consldere! a Victory for Tan But What Antl-Tnft Men Claims for Theirs, Occurred at Chicago Today .-. Vlicn Louisiana Compromise Was . Adopted Warmouth Says He Will . llott Convention Villon Something j U Done the First Split. Chicago. June 9. The first plit since the republican national commit tee begun hearing 'contests was made today when, after a hot discussion end much objection, It was finally de termined to divide the Louisiana rep resentation, but even this Is considered a victory for Taft, as it leaves hi tnen in control of the state. The fight has tautened the name of "Lily whites" on the Taft men and the term "Black and tans" on the al lies. .So far as contests In the south are concerned, the ' decision means that Pearl Wright, a Taft supporter, will be the sole dispenser of federal patronage In Louisiana. Former Gov-' ernor Warmouth of Louisiana Is furi ous at the result When the commit tee adopted the compromise resolu tion he was asked to accept- It. "I 'lll bolt the convention first." he aid; there can be no compromise that I could accept; It Is Impossible." Warnmouth says he will never en ter an agreement with the black and tans. The committee took adjourn ment before going on with the con tests, In ordor to allow Warmouth to cool off. The compromise gives nine votes from Louisiana to each side. MlNNlipl Men ScaHil, The Taft dcl.-gates at large from Mississippi were seated thla after noon. Chicago, June . Efforts th. Taft men to sweep everything before them wai esiimed tolay, whin n" Louisiana compromise prcposli'.on. yrhlch ciu.ed adjournment Mondav, 'was taken up by thr national commit tee today. , . Former ' Governor Marmouth of Louisiana, speaking for the Taft leaders, said: "We mut go into the . convention with a full vote or nto enter. W must rule or get out, for there can be no compromise." (Senator Charles Dick arrived today and opened headquarters for Senator J. II. Foraker, his colleague, end Says that Foraker's candidacy U serious. John Montgomery in the' Interest of John Hays Hammond, la the only iworklng candidate for second place on the ticket. Mr. Wu to k WIhi'k Wu? Champaign, HI., June 9. His ex cellency. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese tnlnlffter to the rmted Slates, will be the orator of the day ut the University of Illinois commencement da, exer cises tomorrow. Xorili Tcxn I Mm I.iiw. Penlson, Tf!.n.. June I. One vt the largest meeting!-. In lt hMi-y" opened here today by th North Ter ns MedU'al own Utlnn. More limn 100 proinluriit liflilitrs nrq in a t ndance. Cllnt'in, 1'iiv.i, June 9. Iowa 'l.,t Federiitlnn of Lulmr convi:n d In 16tli annual eKlnn "lure tills morning, w ith a 'large representation pr s-nl frum all the lnti"r IvvJli of the state. It Is expected that many Important tnatU-Ts. Inil'jiilng the r"!lil'al action ot organized labor In towa, will be cnsldercd. , 4 KJcht Tlpntsuml HonMrvii. r jtykk. Kn., June 9. Eight Uouwnd are reported hnmees I, a result of the floods. Late reports say the river la rising hourly. Great fears are enter tained for the safety of proper ty and llvti. Train and mall service are tied up her. : NO TRAFFIC FOIl A WEEK. Uutte District Still In Grip of Flood and Service l- InipoKllil. . Butte. Mont.. June 9, It will be at least a week before traffic Is re sunied as a result of the damage to railroad tracks by the floods in this section of the state. 1 The Northern Pacific has succeeded In opening its oenice east, but traisis are stalled, to some extent ' by landslides 20 miles from Butte. ; :'' ';! - Many new station buildlng are be ing reconstructed along the line; and levees ore being constructed along the shores of the Boulder In order to save towns from beliij,- swept away. MIIPS MCST SAIL. uiy oi Atlantic Armaria W III Lmvo Seattle During Comlm; Vi. .Kavy'Tard, Pugct Sound. June 9 Orders have been received here to send ships of the Atlantic fleet under going repairs here, to San Francisco as early as possible. The ' Georgia leaves June !;. the. Illinois on the 20th; the Wisconsin on the 22d; the Kentucky on -the 25th; the Nebraska on the 27th; the Rhode Island, Vir ginia, New Jersey on the 26th, and the Kearsarge on the 29th. FIItE IX VAXCOCVER. Fortunate Turn of tlio Wind Saves o Large. Tort Ion of tho City. Vancouver, Wash., Jnue 9. A fire starting In tle center of the Ptttoek & Leadbetter mill at noon today caute'd a Iocs of .250,000 and de stroyed the main part of the plant. The origin of the flro lg unknown. Fortunately the wind was In the right direction to save the town from burn ing, as only one fire engine was In the town. The fire burned several hours before the firemen wore sure that ad joining property was safe. A portion of the Northern Pacific trestle was destroyed. ' feline Milncd by Khvtrtclly. Your shoes thlned by electricity Is the latest. One of these Interesting devices has Just been set up at the corner of S9th street and Broadway, .V, T., and every day 2000 people re c.v an automatic shine. . If Stuve Ilrodie, the world's famous bootblack, could see the electric shoe thlnlng machine work he would turn over in Ills grave. The shine costs but a nickel. -You step up to the ma chine, Insert a foot In the proper opening, press the button and In less than two minutes your boots are pol ished even better than a bootblack could do It. The shoo-ill Inc-r Is no larger than the automatic weighing machine. The machinery Is contained In an uptight position. On either side of the platform Is a brass rail for the patron to steady himself while the ihoe Is being polished. The foot is thrust through an opening In the plnt ,'orm until It rests on a metal form. While standing with one foot In the opening the nicked Is dropped In the lot and the shining bi glns. On ?t of hruh" cornea up and cleans' tin dust and mud from the shoe. The vile and heels as well as the uppHr part are cleaned. While they are do ing this n f-lt brush rwms up nnd "N ans, the fror.l of the stie. As S'ViP is this operation l completed the tru.-h"S slip Into pi, ire and ii n w st 'k ready f'r husinevt. in the tnterv.V. t lll.ersl roa'lng ft t.l.uklng h.is lien applied through tubes so that when 'lie nw litusli nrv In place the real shining heirlns. It t.ik-i less than a minute to shine one shoe. The other f'it In then Inserted In ;he opening, the electric button I yvn a second puh and the progmm is repeated. AlthoiiRh the patron ptiihs the button twice he "bin to .'rop In bu't ne tih kcl as the iwech mlsm Is prvllej with A double r lease. Th electric f-hoe-slilner Is u:i of the most novel mechanisms evn r-Atrnti'd. and will Oo tin work n.rni) limes belter an fnnter than any boot black. 7 Airbrake )lm St. Paul, Minn., June Pomo nl the leallng railroad m-n t,t the conn try are taking part In the session com menced here today by 'the American Airbrake association. J Tht meeting will continue four day. tA GRANDE, UXIOX COUNTY, OREGON. TIKSUAV, ' JVXE 1905. TEHTiTI IIIHl REPUBLICAN PLATFORfil DRnFTED AND ENDORSED INDORSEMENT CP PRESENT ADM I PeOTECIION, FOR LABOR ORGANIZATIONS ALSO A PLANK vvasntngton, It. v., June 9. Wade Ellis, attorney general "of Ohio, re turned from the Virginia beach. today with a rough draft of the republican platform to be adopted at the Chicago convention. The substance of the platform are declarations which he drew tentatively with the approval of administration, and Is as follows; "In dorsement of the policies of the present administration." This Is to be the central Idea ' of the platform. Other features are: "Tariff; unequivocal declaration for revision) railroads, declaration favor ing reasonable traffic agreements Portland, June 9. William Jen-. nlng Bryan is the Idol of Oregon democrats as demonstrated In the state convention here today. When1 - . the Nebraskan-s name was mentioned ' the delegates went wild w ith enthusl-' OREGON flSIS KINGS MEET; ROYAL KISSES FOLLOW ItevaH Russia, June 9. Traffic In the gulf of Finland was suspended to day for two days to make way for the visit of King Edward to the czar. The czar and retinue arrived this morning and was Joined two hours later by King Edward, who kissed the cf.ar af fectionately on both cheeks. They re- mulned In conference for some lime. Tomorrow Nicholas acts as host on the imperial yacht Btandart. T The circuit court today was princi pally occupied In hearing the case of Freeman 8. Ladd of this city against J. W. Iiellly of Island City. The liti gation wart brought by the plaintiff to recover l:'78 on a note. Attorney Ivan hoe & Ilodgln appear for the plaintiff and Cochran & Co.hnin for the defendant. Immediately following the termina Oil B THREE OTHERS HIT EE VICTIMS OF TENNESSEE DISASTER Los Angeles, Oil.. Juno 9. Threv ! shU. or the Atlun.lu fleet, wl.hh occur-;'" i-c.l lust rinttiKlny. are In a rlilcljf """ '" ""' d-'"h ll .t following I rendition today Ami ere not i:;pectcd j ibr dc plornlile ie.-cM nt at sen, ur.',- j to live nt this time. Waller H.irnj,. roel pH.r of llrook-l As o.,n 4 the rescue of thp In- ' Ivn; A. Hayes, t, r i.-nder, of Uroo't. : .-. e.uciKi ,i,e,. men ..re found ami rsred for, the uiteiiilsnts Art Mentally Miuots M-lf. Huntington, Ore., June 9. Elmer! Almaul4t, aged 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank AlirKiulsl, it this city, came to his death from the acciden tal dlvhsrgn of a 2-caIlbr rifle In his own hands. Elmer went out ti his unrle'e form, about seven miles from town, Paturdsy. He took hi rifle, n4 tu gone from the hoes only a few minutes, when he came staggering In and felt fnslde the door. No one ran tell Just how the accident happened, as there were ao wtnew. Hi gun era found about tt feet from to house under a tree. Th wound HiSTR ATI G fl POLICIES IS KEYNOT without fear of prosecution; win also pronounce In favor of national con trol ns against combination owner ship; trusts; resolution condemning such combinations as create monopo lies; limit of production and control of prices; finance; note congratulat ing country and congress on passage of the eurrency bill; navy, plank urg Ihg Increase In fighting ships; new states admission of Arixona and Jif'ew Mexico aa new states. Shipping Endorsement of the ship subsidy idea. Labor -recommendation for enactments to Insure labor organiza tions against snap Judgments by the eourta in Issuance of injunctions." LIKE col. en earn and so much noise via made that Chairman O. P. Coshow' voice 'cmild no b heard. undoubtedly be endors- ed before the convention a.l I.,,,-.,., c.show mentioned the name of Bryan In making his opening fcpoech. London, June 9. Although tome of the British papers criticize the king for making the visit to Russia, a ma jority of the paper look upon the visit with favor. All attach great significance to the visit. The Pall Mull Gazette thinks the conference will have a quieting effect In India, particularly on the northwest frontier und on Afghanistan, where uprisings nro frequent. tion of the case late this afternoon, tho court took up the equity cases. Although a few mimes remain In. the Jury bolt and others are subject to recall. It Is not apparent that there will be any more J'iry cases In the present term of the circuit tnar.. Judge Crawford dlrrnl.med the Juror last evening, with the understinidliiK that thty may be recalled at any time. bcMevimr m th n,., ti.. .,. , e. ntu.illy recover. TIl s who tie j " "Uh c'"""" '"' ! '"-"'.v. i,; t. Biumtitls. fireman, of Noi folk, : Vn. ss on the HkIiI sl-le. the si,,i ram;, lug upward through the lung. The rororer's Jury rive a yi tdut of uccl ditilul de ath fioio the 01s. herge of a gun In hi own bands. No 0 In Tmo hn-tliKi. No. f came through this morning In two sections. Th first section carried passengers and was loaded to Ms fullest capacity with excursionists r-lurnlng from the rose fiesta. The second section carried bnggag and fruit from, the Hood nivrr country. Th train was an hour late, which Is unusual for th train romlng from th west. TO. DISGRACE OITICEll. jKVc-m-h Lieutenant Will Bo Sirl,)oil of Decorations lu lYoiit of Men. '. Paris, June 9. Lieutenant Clime, the traitor convicted by court martial for, selling documents describing tho defenses pf Toulon and a coda of Big. cals, will be publicly degraded before the men he commanded next Monday. ills sword will be broken In front of him, his uniform will be stripped of all decorations, and he will then be compelled to pass In frtnt of his men. ACCIDENT AT SEA. British Stenicr Strikes Rock and Goes Dow n, a Complete. Wreck. Hong Kong, June. 9. Late report received today from the scene eon firm the wreck of the British steamer Poy An, which struck a rock off Lnntae island last night. Eight natives are i dead. Ninety Europeans were res-i cuea. in, ship u, a tottt 1()SI, Nl trace of orientals was founds today. The vessel was in service between Canton and Macao. ROVTIXQ IiORHXS. Jnpnncso Soldleni and Korean Insur gents Clash FrotQuiMilly. Seoul, Corea, June 9. A terrific thinning out of Korean Insurgents by Japanese troops Is continuing at a rapid rate,, according to a statement made today by officials at the Jap- anose army headquarters here. Be tween June 1 and T Jap troops gaged In 28 battles, killed 113 Koreans besides - wounding many. The Japs captured numbered only 28. Many ploces the Insurgents are Intrenched nnd are making trouble for the Jups; guerilla fighting le progressing. D-rol for Kclio. The O. R. & X. company is arrans in, to build a new de,,,,, El.ho amI a contractor is w L. , J 7 " . a contractor Is now there for the pur pose of doing tome preliminary work. The new station house Is to be built across the railroad track from where It now stands. At present the build ing kite Is occupied by a ' couple of warehouses and these are to be re moved. According to reports from Echo an O. R. & N. contractor from The Dalles Is now at Echo and will probably have the work of removing tho warehousej as well at construct ing the new' depot. East Oregnnlan. Terrible CllWon Xer Rome. Itonie, June 9. Fourteen were killed outright and (0 Injured In a collision of tho rilgrlm passenger train and a freight at I'.ocapletra station. Many of the Injured are expected to die. The freight was running fust when It struck the passenger truln. telescoping three roarhes. the occu pants being killed or Injured. Many were pinned under the debris. Fire broke out. but was quickly put out, preventing a horrible disaster, Mw-tlnji of n.iiil.cr. La Crosse, Wis., June . Hankers f the Seventh Wlsrr.nin and First Mlnnesoti dl.irht 'groups met here today In Joint contention. " i- t t-i t Ct'CHT TO HE Tilt .11. 1 01 cvfry clli(:nl0 J low citizens will esteem lilm for his goci!r.css, t t his kliii'ncss, and his usefulness. The ptir.clpls of X good citizenship should constitute the' coc of n:l:s for every kind cf business whether public or ptlvate. ; This applies parllniilarly' to the drug business, bc- . cause, oulni to the limited x or cruss by the general public. It follows that the. re- 1 liability cf the druggist gopd service. HILL'S DRUG' STORE La Grande NCMBI.ll SOU. iPIII fill PUBLICITY 0 EXPJPtT teOOSTEU WILL , "?7iK'- ' DE MERE TUCIlSDAV. EmlmslAHtlc! Meeting of Club Last Mht Rills' Agnla-t Old Club Are Audited nig Irrigation Scheme 1 DUiiMH-d Utile Difficulty 111 tlio Wuy of Ittnllzntlon Ijt Grande to. Have Iiouslii"; Celebration. The board of directors of the Com mercial club held their regular meet ing last night and Indulged In a gen eral discussion of future plans, and j audited the bills against both the old .organization and the new. The bills presented against thfl old Commercial oiub amounted to about 9186. Tha expenses of the now club amount to between J90 and 1100, so far. To meet these diibursenients the treasury' contains about 1170, realized from th sale of the furnishings in the old building, so thut very little will need to be drawn from the funds collected from members of tho present organi zation. The expert "of the Pacific Monthly company will be here Thursday and HI en-,,tu'n tl,e mttcr of selecting a secro tary to the pnbllclty organization will be gone Into. Suitable quarters, more easily accessible to the public than the Commercial club rooms, will be obtulned for the hendtiu.irtera of the publicity campaign. ' . Irrigation Scheme. Probably the moat Important prop osition -yet to come before the club is a scheme, submitted Inst ntht, for an I" mm'- for an I ,mmNW ,rr,"ln V'M to Include practically tho whole valley. The of ficials of the club consider it favora. bly, and the only obstacle In tha way of an assured success la the difficulty. If any exists, of getting tho farmer sufficiently Interested. While the sit-, uatlon Is peculiar here, !n a much as) we have a habit of ruining excellent crops without irrigation, no sensible man doubt for an Instant that our products, In addition to being mad more valuable as to variety, would be Increased several fold with Irrigation. La Crando Will Celebrate, The matter of celebrating ' th Fourth came before the club last night and to say jhat (he members present were enthusiastically in favor ot mak ing the event the grandest of its kind ever seen In eastern Oregon, la put ling It mildly. The biggest financial Interests of tha city are. pledged to the movement, and already today the fruitgrowers end farmers are asurlnr the official of the club of their htanllcst co-operation. Mn Meeting Tonight. A mas meeting will be hold to night In the Commercial club room t'l discuss plans f,,r the celebration, and everybody with an bb a for mak ing a rousing good time Is :pectcd to b present am lay hn plan before the gathering. M t tf 1 H Ht4 - . IMPPIMSS A0 GLORY so live and act that his fcl- knculcdic of the auaUlies j Is the chief luarantee cf vm Oregon 4 ) t994tttfra