La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 06, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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evEXixa csbit.vek, LA ckasde, oukc.c:s sATrruoAY, Jvxt: , ioi.e.
,li,.j,i.H..Mr.vfv".V-W"jjn.!iiH I1"!'"
Gleaning From Uio Diamond
an Track.
Valley Baseball,
here will b several exhibition of
" great American game in the valley,
Sorrow. La Grande fans will either
e to visit Elgin, Perry or cross the
untatne to Pendleton If they wish
hav a chance to execrate the un
ity Individual who Is popularly
posed to hold the Indicator we
in the heroic fellow who stands
Ind the pitcher, commonly known
h "empire," sometimes' Imporper
alledi by aesthetic individuals who
id before their mirrors before s;o-
to a ball game and practice say
"prunes and prisms," the umpire,
lgln and Union will struggle for
privilege of crossing the home
e on the Elgin grounds, and Cove
i entertain Torry. ,
slow we give the Btanding of the
teur clubs of the county as report-
so us by their respective managers:
Won Lost P. C.
5 . .714
B ' 2 .714
4 J .687
1 - 1 .500
s. ... i i i .boo
First Ciamo at IVnilli'lon.
"Mlders, the limp third tmncrnan for
Trande, should amputate his trou
legs, and utilize the spare cloth
a muffler. "
ay secret satisfaction the fans have
taking in crediting La Grand'
Uon In the percentage column to
fact that Baiter City was unusual
. -eak, was shattered yesterday when
1 Orande's almoHt perfect tram work
brought Into relief. The team
developed tea mwork to a degree
- tsurpasslne either Pendloton ' . or
Ha Walla, and the rensoa for their
nt position Is obvious. Pendleton
l'en:TIctoTi Money. ,
''At tT nr.p:r.'V atrMefit cry,
v hair.-may nit ba thrombi In
1 -nWplpnt M?eran. local nnsnoall
i; -- Played
in .7
imervllle . ,. .7
9 '...
biers ...... .2
fans will be urged today to stand by
the Pendleton team and lend a little
financial support to the local members
of the league. A subscription com
mittee composed of ; several leading
business men will make a thorough
canvass of the city, calling upon the
different firms foir pledges of support.
About I1S00, It Is figured, , Will be
needed for the purpose. Tribune,
TCnlon at Elgin Sunday. '
The t'nlon ball team will be' In this
city next Sunday for a game with the
locals. Union has a fast bunch of am
ateur ball players, and an Interesting
game Is promised. So far this year
the teams have played two games,
one a tie, the other resulting In a
victory tor Union, and the locals will
do their best ta even the score. The
gama will be called at 2:30 In the
afternoon. The expense of bringing
Union here Is considerable and the lo
cal management Is deserving of good
patronage. Elgin boys will appear In
their new uniforms for the first time.
The new suits arrived this week and
add greatly to the appearance of the
team. They are white, with red stock
ings, and the letter "E" in red decor
shirt fronts. Elgin Recorder.,
When" Baker City was here playing
at baseball, Pendleton tans said that
they had come down to give us some
practice games. It must seem to our
Umatilla braves that the Babes made
good use of their opportunities for
practice. The first game over there
resulted In a. score of 7 to 2 In favor
of La Grande. In a letter to Grant
Lincoln, Manager O'Brien says:
"Everybody sure played a swell
game; no errors, and we wilt bring
the bacon home; three out 'of the
(our, anyway. There were no rooters
from home, and we walked over to th.
bleachers and told them that we would
play them, the umpire and the team."
The game yesterday was better even
than Thursday's, the score Veins- cut
down to S -and I; again in our favor.
It certainly looks as If the boys would
como , home with' an average of at
least .633, with a probability of a tet
ter one .917.
Ia Uie County Court, for tie County
' of I'nlon, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of George
Newbert, deceased.
To A. A. Newbert, and all known and
unknown heirs of "George Newbert,
deceased, resident and non-resident,
Greeting: '
In the name of the state of Ore
gon you are hereby cited and required
to appear In the county court of the
state of Oregon, for the county of
Union, at the court room thereof, at
La Grande, In the county of Union, on
Monday, the sixth day of July, 1908
at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that
day, then and there to show cause. If
any you have, why an order should
not be made, authorizing and directing
the administrator of the above entitled
estate to sell the west of the north
east 4. section 12, township 2, south
of range 87, E. W. M.; lots 3 and 4,
In block 1S9, Chaplin's addition to La
Grande, Union county, Oregon: and
lots 1 and I. In block 85, Chaplin's
addition to La Grande, Union county,
' Witness, the
'--- wro. J, C, HENUI.
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Union,
with the sen) of said Court affixed
this third 'Say of June, 1903.
1 dj6-lS-20-27-Jul4 Clerk.
Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 8 CI.
Painless extraction.
Expert golii work. Special attention
to children's teeth.
La Grand National Bank Building.
Good Pasture.
On section of pasture land three
miles from La Grande; plenty of wa
ter and shad. Ed Burke, La Grande.
Oregon, -..i 8-4tf
Tern per
Fair, with bright
smiles after a
cup of
WANTED To tftiy a first-class milch
cow. 'Phono Main 20. -Ctf
If You Want Gasoline Engines, Wind Mii:$. Tanks
Pumps, Pipe or Plumbing Get Our Prices
" M4-HKM4
This is t2 o?3i season for Ice Cream and we are pre- J
pared to furnia :' tne trade with the very best. Re
ms.T.bsr refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern
Oregon. A rort for Ladies and Gentlemen ::::::
, D. S ELDER, the Candy Man g
. . . - - a T
I . .
we have: iii
the: very best
line of GROCER I ES and
city, everything tooth
some and wholesome
fo stylish dinner tables
, . .. fc. P0LACK, Proiif .Phone ; Main 76 v r
A Grand Family MetlMnc.
"It gives me pleasure speak a good
word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr.
Frank Conlan of No. 43( Houston St.,
N. T. "It'a a grand family medicine
for dyspepsia and liver complications;
while for lame back and weak kidneys
It cannot be too lilnhly recommended
Electric Bitters regulate the digestive
functions, purify the blood, and Impart
renewed vigor and vitality to the weak
and debilitated of both sexes. Bold
under guarantee at Ncwlln's drug
store. ......... i "
Another Good Find.
H. H. Mulkcy was in Joseph Monday
displaying some excellent samples of
copper or taken from a prospect
which he discovered on Middle Moun
tain. The ore Is very rich In copper
running from $30 to $30 per ton. The
hxlge discovered by Mr. Mulkey is
about B',4 feet wide and Is on the
same contact as the Royal Purple, the
Transvaal and the McCnlly & Christy
copper mine. This contact can be
traced quite easily to the head of Went
Eagle creek, a tributary of the Mln
am. Jrirph Herald.
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. :
- : San Francisco
All kinds of Cement and
Concrete work.
I No contract tco large or
too small. -Satisfaction
Otilq for Kiilj.
Flf'.y head of stock cattle, cutt!e It
good condition; now on rnst.
ulre of
dJU Meacham, Oregim.
When k child wukon un In the mlldl of th
ftlRht Willi a severe utuiclt o croup as re-
1V-1 1 DO
Will b Made by th
' This Season as Follows: -ROUND
To Iivect
Oik-ago tV3.t
St. LouU '..
St. Paul $SS.1S.
OinuliA UOO.OO
Kansas City .. , , , , . .......... $C0.O
' tickets wiix be on sale
quvatly hRitpeni. no time thould loit In
value. Proiui
up vlt.h nunetlli of a iloulatul
autiua u orun cccessury vo
Cough Remedy
has nerer brvu known to fnll li ftn y ese nl
II Itiw tu mho fur ovtroao-tiiM ot k cm
ury. TJuro i none iivrt.-r. It run do-
pemleduiiitn. Whvexpcrtrnitit? iH.;iU'iant
io tiiko nl contafM-t uo iiiirujtul fries,
Wcuuu: tiirtra nut.. Wccuts.
. -eWlix uro co.
Asked If our bottled ginger ales, so
das, sarsaparlllas and carbonated min
eral waters are up to the mark, the
well posted man beams on one with
his answer: "Well, I guess yes.
Couldn't well be otherwise, for our
beverages are as pure as they are -de-
liclous, wholesome as they are spark
ling. Your orders, please.
Union Boiling Works
A Pertinent Question.
.MAY 4, IS
JULY 6, T, 23,
AVGl'KT , t, :
1, iz
dood for return la 90 days with stop
over prlvllegre at pleasure within ,
For any further Information call on.
J, II. KICENEY, Lx-h1 Agent, .
6r write to
General Pasiienger Agent, T
for OSiiSdron:
Was WsMlnjf Away.
"I had been troubled with kidney
disease for th last five years,
writes Robert R. Watts of Salem, Mo.
"I lost flesh and nver felt well and i
doctored with leading physicians and
tried mil remedies suggrsted without 1
relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney .'
Cur and less than two bottles com- 1
pletely cured me and I am now sound
and well.' During the summer kidney
Irregularities are oft caused by ex
cesslve drinking or i. overheated.
Attend to the kliliuvt .1. . ce by us
ing Foley's Kidney t. T. Hill.
f 11 0?
Ijind for Rent
We have 310 acres of exigent land
ior rent. Call at one.
" Are your eyes good yet have you
perfect vision for long or short dls
tancesT It there Is anything the mat
ter with them, now Is the time to
have them examined and. If necessary,
properly fitted with correct Glasses.
The wrong kind if lenses would In
jure Instead of Improve your sight.
I am an Eye ((xx-iallHt, and under
stand everything In connection with
th human eye, and Classes for same.
Children require the very gentlest
and safest bowel regulator you can
give them. Violent purgatives are
likely to do more harm than good.
And moreover, they cause unnecessary
suffering from griping and nausea.
are undoubtedly best bowel-medicine for
children ever discovered. Tbcy atict Na
ture to renew her functions eo quietly nnd
naturally that there is no unpleasantness
whatever. They cure constipation without
griping or nausea, and afford immediate and
lasting relief.
Rexall Orderlies are pleasant tasting,
vanilla flavored tablets, and children take
them as eagerly as they would candy.
Laro Bom 30 tablets), 5o.'
. Small Box (12 tablets), 100.
, Ths
is th strongest
vo mad. If
the Otdatiie
do not b."4
you, il you'r
aot entirely sat
isfiod with them,
bring back
th vmpty bos
and w wilt
promptly hmai
back your mo
ey. TV com.
pf formu
la of that nsr
UsatW (Wo
pots rqut
Pleasant to taho and does not crlpe or p&useato
Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Troublo
Stimulation Without Irritation.
Obiro Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative tyrup combined with the deli
cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas
ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken.
It is much more pleasant and effective
than Fills, Tablets and Saline Waters,
as it does not derauge the Stomach, or
irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels.
Oarao Laxative Fruit 8yrup will posi
tively eare chronio constipation as it re
stores the natural action of the intestinal
tract. Ordinary cathartics may (five tem
porary relief but the stomach is upset
and the bowels are irritated without any
permanent benefit having been derived.
The condition of the patient remains un
changed. The Stomach, Liver and Dowel e
have not been stimulated and in a few
days a stronger purgative may have to be
taken. This it why Tills and Aperient
Waters never give permanent relief.
Their violent action results in an unnat
ural movement of the bowels and it is nec
essary to keep taking them indefinitely.
Why ORINO is different.
Oarao Laxative Fruit syrup is the only
preparation that really acts upon all
of the digestive organs. Other prepar
ations act upon the lower bowel only and
do not touch the Liver. It can very read,
ily be seen that a preparation that does
not act upon all of the digestive organ
can not cure Chronio Oonstlpation.Torpid
Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc.
For Biliousness and Sicll
Take Oanso Laxative Fruit Syrup. It
sweeto&a the stomach, aids digestion and
acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and
bowels without irritating these organs.
Clears the Complexion.
Oxixo Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates
the liver and thoroughly cleanses the
system and clears the complexion of
pimples and blotches. It is the best lax.
ative for women and children as it la
mild and rleanant. and does not gripe ot
sicken. l.efuse substitutes.
;: Tahe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and If yoo
are not satisfied your money will be refunded
Prepared enly by POLIY A CO., Chicago, III. -,
- 1 1 : s i frei eeeeee
A. T. 11 ILL, Drvgf M.