EIGHT PAGES. EVENING OBSERVER. IA GttAKDffi, CT.r'OTT. 6ATTKDAV, JENE , 1808. twf. nvn. u 1 u Tlifonged fhe Sore Connualy Since This Great Sale Started fin k 5 1 Mil 77 tr. file; mi 3 mmmmmmm 4 . r Mk And it is a Pleasure for Us To Know We Have Satisfied Them So. CONTINUES ALL IMEXT WEEK and THE BARGAINS ARE SO EXTENSIVE AND SO TRUTH FULLY STATED, THE CUSTOMER IS MOT D1SAPG.NTED V i O-MGHT After 6 We will Sell at EXTRA SPEC ml Men's 50o fancy Sox ... ..27c. .Men' best 35c and 25c Hone ....19c Men's new Straw Hats, 20 per cent off 11.25 dress Shirts, tonight afior 79c J2.60 ana $3.00 soft and stiff HaU now" .11.78 Fine 50c Neckwear, tonight after 6 18c 60c and 75c Men's Summer Under wear only ...V. .... .S9c Men's best styles, to Shoes. .... .$2.19 PRICES Men's $1.50 and $4 tan and black Oxfords 1 ... $2.39 $1.60 and $18.50 stylishly tailored ' Men's Suits, tonight after .... .$9.85 Patterns produced from the finest fabrics, skilfully tailored and fash ., toned Into splendid garments, ready to put on. . Ladles' $10.00 freshly trimmed and ',. stylish Hats, on sale tonight , .(3.48 $2.09 and $5.50 good Shirt Waists, whlrh have been slightly soiled: tonight after 88c Great sale of handkerchiefs, both men's and ladles' bought In a great purchase if drummer's samples, yet used on the sample cards as shown by the wholesalers' drummer. . . Values'from ., .. .!5c to $1 Values from ?5c to $1.00, on sale to night , ,.eto.87o A good time to supply yourself with good handkerchiefs. 'ft-' - -- - 'WILL PRY YOU , '." To be here tonight mi Tn ffls) nde lb urn Oregon ft- fOIIHTY f WJ (Elgin Recorder.) W, J. Sargent, a well known La Grande attorney, was a business visitor In this city yesterday, J. D. Slater, who is building Elgin's Dew school building, vlelted over Sun day at his borne in La Grande, F. A. Galloway, formerly with the Clty drug store, was down from La Orando this weeK. looking after biiKl ntm mntlor. I. R. Snook, cTJC.y roi -ir.lt r-elert, vtn down from J.a C.-rtm'.j t:s week to ilellvcr n h )! , wM.'h lio had sold to Dr. K. :. j;:tbv. l r.-:i taught Snook a ne' one w :!''' !n t i vn. E. W. lur.iMi ! (; "i.'v.':! ? lay eve nlns; to take In tiie l.se .':irnlval at Portland. EJ lnl.:l t,..''.t we an nuunre t:ie fuel t fiur that s-rnie of bis frit-nils nil'ii tiilnK he had om jnltted some rr.'n r.;t r.i a result of ine "lonmnm tiy. vr.un was nnnueu him In Miind.iy's election. II. P. Oliver la a viillor la the city "from La Ore nde. V. if. II. MIHit at Ilcrt. The funeral of the late William II. II. Miller took place from the family home In May Park this morning at 10 o'clock, i. The remains were Interred in the Masonic cemetery. The G. A. K. conducted the burial services. KILLths COUGH and CURE the LUNGS WITH s Drying'! lev; Discovery Pain OLD ii Trtal .ttie rn inn ALL THBOTNBtUH(lTWOIItllF. OUARANTiED B ATIHFACiOiii OB XOSBY BXjraUSEJCX Tlie Dcst Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Eery bottle of Dr. Pierce's frond fsmwl Bi(Klit'lnis leaving the great labo ratory at liiitliilo, N. bas printed noon Its wrapper all the Inrredlent r:trlng into lis cnmpmiiion. This fact tione places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cini'S i u clun nil by (Jienutnes. They Kinnot be claswd with patent or secret I oiedlcincA tx-cauM) they are neil'her. ThS) iswnyeo many unprejudiced phylclint brencrthe them and recommend them to tlic.ir patients. Tliejr know wbat they are. composed of, and that the Ingredients are tlioso endorsed by the must euilucut mulli-al autliorillps. The further . fact that neither Dr Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery, the f:reat stomach tonic, liver hivlgorator, nvirt ri'iulnior and blood puritier. nor till Kiivorlte i'n script Ion " (or weuk. over worked, broken-down, nervon women, enutuins onv alcohol, also entitles thcol to s plnco a!l by tuxaix lven. Mnnv year ao. Dr. Pierre dlsrorerwl th.it cfiemirally pure glycerine, ol proMr itrengtlt. Is a fn-tUT solvent and preserve atJve o( the tp.ctilclital pr!n-lili i nld In if In our Itul'trcnouH, or trntUn. iixsll eli.al plants than Is nlculiol; aim. Inn tier ciote. that It piiM-aN valuahle nnslicltmi pin!'r'l s of It own. belli demulcent, oiitrltivit. utitlueplic, und a must clliclvni au'il' r:ne,it. Nell her of Hie t!)Ove millclt:es rop tn in" uli-olml, ir ni:r hannful, halili fnimliijt ilri.it, n will U- fi'u (mm a tlam- at tho formula ,rlnt"d on each i.ule wrnpr r. 1'tii y urc i-lu to uw aud poten; to rii.-e. Not only do phr,-lari prescribe thl thore. non-secret ri;eli.-lne larrely, but the mout lntWII:,-eiit l enple n.nploir tlum people wliu witul.l not tl : of ning the onllnarv p it nt. or s ret medlcini'n, tvery Ingiedient etner'ng Int'i the com- rotitlon of Dr. l'len-e's meii:cines has lie strongest kind of an endorsement from le.-ilin medical wtI'its ot the e.eral schools of ractL-e. No other medicines put tip for lik purposes bar any such proclomil encl.irsemeiit. Dr. Pierce's I'lessnnt Ivll'-ts cnr con s1lmtlon. (.'otiMlpallon Is the rause -jf many rilrnses. Cure the cause ami too Cire the di'ssn. One Pellet' Is a tfeiillt laiative. snl two a ml Id oalbaMic Drug gists sell them, ami aothlni la 'Just u goksi.' Eaay W uaa as cawi;. TIMPFR LANT. AT JUNE t. 1878. NOTICE FOR PrnMOATION. U. B. Land Office. La cirande, Ore., April 87th, 1108. Notlc tn hereby given that In torn pllanra with the provisions ot the act i of congreni of June 8. 1878. entitled ' "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public, land states by art of August 4. 188. OEOROIANA B- CO A LW ELL, of Perry, county of ITnlon, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this of fice her sworn statement No. 8908. for the purchase of the B Bi of Hc. No. 87. in Tp. No. I. 8., 11. N. 87, R. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought ks more vsl uable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to nald land before the reg ister and receiver at La Grande, Ore ron on Tuesday, the 14th day of July, 1908. bhe names as witnesses: Herbert Coalwell, William Coalwcll, Harry Coal well. Charles Coalwell, ill of Perry, Ore. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to 'file their claims in this I office on or before sold 14th day of I July, 1908. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 11th, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that BLANCHE BAKER, of La Grande, Oregon, who, on May 0th, 1908, made Timber and Stone sworn statement No. 6022, for SEVi NW4 and NE14 SW14. Section 8, Townhlp 4 S.. Range 87 E. W. M., has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above dLRiiibed, before register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the 8d day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnusc: Ray Hanson. Mary . E. Wilson. Mike Le page, James Milntvre, all of La A tag from a 10-cent piece win count FULL velua 'A Uf from a 5-ccnt ploca will count HALF valua vith valuable tags 1 Save your tags from HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST MASTER WORKMAN . . ... . STANDARD NAVY y' J.T. Old Statatman CidPaacb Tkitlty 18-ez. Sptar KaarJ tailor Prlda Eglantkia stony Tar IrUfia Bt Old Honttty . Black Star W. N. Tknlty't Blfjraur ,2S Tanptwry rick ; Mr i-.'wi' Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many otfnr useful presents as shown by catalog : . .: Gold Cuff Buttons M Tagt Fountain Pea 100 Tags English Steal Raaor SO Tag OecUsman'i Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags s Leather Pocketbook 80 Tag Steal Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Sbeara 7) Tag Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tagg Pocket Knife 40 Tag Playing Cards 30 Taga 60-yd. FUhinj Real 0 Taga Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. pnEMiufei DEPAnTr.iErjT, V TIIS Af.iRICAfi TOCACCQ CO., St Louis, Moi Grande, Ore. . f. C. BRAMWELL. ReglHter. GASOLINE LWGWZ IRRIGATION, SPRAYING AND PIMPING MACHINERY Fairbank-Mors Oaolina Enjinci for pumping, spraying, sawing, grindlrg Outfits complete. Fairbanks Scale for weighing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors for power and light Fairbanks-Morse Windmill, aodTower. Fairbsnks-Morse Grinders, Feed Chop pers, Well Pumps. All first quality good at lowest Alway In stock. Liberal term. Prompt reply to irquiriea and quick shipments. Write, for caUlogua and pries. FRANK KILPATRICK, Agt., La Grande FAIRBANKS, MCRSE &, Co PORfLAND, 0RE00N I5 siai- X Drilling HUa. 6l li erecting; a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON 1 for'tho manufacturo of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gaa, to.,etc A moderate amount of money yrlll ttart yon la a protbl0 baalnets. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES hav been proved bj Competitive Trtts to ba The ttet In 1 lie World, For full particular regard log well (trilling siatbmts, tools, supplies, etc, write to THE STAR KIUISIKACIKKCO. ' AKHOHt OHIO 1 '