"Xa OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAT 5, 198S. ly many time In the British stadium ! at the Franco-British exhibition. In the BprlnU, Dan Kelly, holder of the word's record, will be entered, and It Is ft safe bet that America wilt win. FURNITURE Pn l!i,J)ed' every Frtds-y Morning. i CCBREY BROTHERS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORE (IT C05T FOR O.5.. I Ciiited Pre Telegraph Service. PllTlFFMPS S rat. I ! ' 1 si)y, pr month... . Otlly. single copy..........., .03 jrv - . i j ' . a 2.50 . : FOB '30.02'". pw weieiel: 22.50 Dally, alx months, In advance... S.ttf W1rt. In aAuanf 11 Hit Weekly, alx months. In ad ranee. .75 LOS ANGELES MAN CRIES. Entered at the poatoffUs M U WHILE FRIEND IS SCORED. Grande' as ceoond-class matter. SEEL1WG : OUT -.v; 6.50 f '.T0VXTm?tS ; - Tkis paper will not publish any ftr- tSele appearing over a nam de plume Kcned articles will be received rb- feat to the discretion of ihe edlt.ir Pleas sign your articles and savs dls appointment. .Advertising Rates. Display ad. rates furnished upon application." ;"-'! '' Local reading notices 10 per line first insertion; to per line for each subsequent insertion. Resolutions of condolence, Co a line. Cards of than!:s. 60 a line. , K; DROPS .OP WATER, -j ., ' '. Mi u axi torwura." - : . ' The boys' of 16 to' 20 years of age can do without beer If they have to. We have voted dry. tot us give Ihe plan a fair trial; It may be better than you think. Don't you think that eastern people will think JuBt as much of us? , Who Is to blame? Wallowa county protests to be con tent The majority over there was In excess of that of the previous election. THE DALLES IS WET. The prohibition wave sweeps on and on. Probably 20 of the S3 counties In the stnte have gone dry. Will the consumption of liquor be decreased? We shall see what we shall see. ; From Troutdale to the Snake river, along Jus T. R. & N.. The Dalles, wll be for two years the only place on he line where the thirsty traveler can wash the dust out of his throat with anything stronger than water, he understands the wink to give the drug clerk! , Think of Pendleton with.no saloons! Think of Old Umatilla, at one time the largest city between The Dalles and Cheyenne, with no thirst parlors! How will It affect those towlis? Walt and see. But the Optimist opines that there will be no decrease In the num ber of -drug stores In either place. The Dalles Optimist. We shall take particular pleasure In reporting the progress of our Colum bia River neighbor. No doubt It will be astounding. e ' . The people of Oregon have by their votes gone on record as being willing to support the University of Oregon. This Is as It should be. There should never have been any question about this. Oregon taxpayer have always been In favor of supporting her educa tional Institutions and her cltliens see no reason why at this time any change .should be adopted along the lines of curtailment of school appropriations. Oregon citizens believe that the best educational advantage are none too good for her young men and women, and Ihe Oregon taxpayer Is willing to fool the bill. It seems that It Is an nhsnluts neces sity that the French people break loose with sums sort of a scandal about every so often. French army circle enn mout always be depended upon to furnlxh material for a pub lic uproar when all other sources fall. The new officers will soon take their ponttlnns. The men elected are all good men, and there is no question but that county affairs will be prop rly conducted. , The officers e'ected are the people's choice, nnd thereforo the people must be satisfied. America, W ill Win Olympic. New York, June 8. America's chains of victory In the Olympic In ternntlonsl athletic championships at London this summer, ' looks like a rlach of the lead pl variety. On the . eve of the selection of the men who will defend Unci Sam' track and . field honors at the British capital. It Is evident that the Olympto commit le will find It a comparatively eay matter to select athletes who will romosre more than favorably with the kest that Europe and Australia can produce.. ' While the score . may be somewhat lower than It was In 1101 at Atsrtim, owing to' 'changed condi tions, It la almost certain that the filar and Stripes Will wave victorious- One Man Finally Prosecuted His lite- Long Friend for Extortion, and Weeps Bitterly When lie Meets Sue ia In the Prosecution. Los Angeles, June B. J. Whyte Ev ans wept like a child while Attorney Anderson made the closing argument of the . prosecution , against Dr. J, 8 Owens, on' a charge of extortion. Anderson pointed out what It had cost Evans, to prosecute Owens, his former friends and business assoclutc, when he knew the fact that he had been In the penitentiary became known to men In Portland where he had be gun life anew and was swinging big financial deals. Anderson severely ar raigned uweoi tor homing a crime committed 21 years ago, over Evans' head. Attorney Rutth for the defense, fiercely grilled Evans, declaring the prosecution witness to be a wolf In beep's clothing. . While the arguments were being made today, Owens filed a civil suit against Evans to recover 15818 which he alleges he had loaned Evans. ' ROOSEVELT AND SON GO TO AFRICA ri'TS QV1ETV8 OX TIIIItD . TEIIM AGITATION. AcromiNinlcd by Olilewt Son, Irewldnt Will 8ull for Afrka Imni.xllnl.Iy After Ue l'.ml of Ills Term Will Hunt All (Sorts of Ittg Game, . , Washington, D. C, June S. It was formally announced , at. the . White House today that at the end of the president's term of office, that he and Kermlt, the eldest son of the Roose velts, will sail for . Cairo, Egypt, and there outfit for a long big game hunt ing trip In Africa. This means a final squelching of the third term boomers, and Is what the president has been longingly waiting for. AT THE CHURCHES Latter Day Saints. Sunday sohool, 19 a. m.; regular service, I p. m.j mutual Improvement association meets 'conjointly at T:S0 p. m. Control Clmn-li of CliriHt. Rlble school, S : 4 S a. m. ; morning worship, 11 a. n..: T. P. 8. C. E. and Junior 7 p. m.; Evangelistic service. 8 p. m. A cordial Invitation to every one. , (lirlHtUm Slrm-o 84rilecM, In Mahaffey building. Depot street. Sunilny, 11 a, m., subject, "God, the Only Catue and Creator." Wednes day, 7;S0 p. m. Tho reading room Is open Tuesday and Bnturdoy from 2 to 4 p. m. All are Invited. UrM IYe-bj-U'rinn 1nm-li. Funiluy school, 9:45 a. m., W. I- Hrrnholtit, superintendent. ' Morning subject. "Clod's Way." C. E. senice. 7 p. m.; evening subjeot, "After-Elec tion Thoughts," Prayer meeting Thursday. I p. m. Hpoclal music by the choir at each Lord's day service. Itey. B. W. Soeinnnn, mlnlxti-r. Ilr-l lljiptlM Cliunh. Corner Sixth and Q. At 9:4S, Sun day school, Dr. J. E. Kf-venaon, super Intendent; 11, morning worn hip, er man 4y pastor on "The A II C of Gospel Truth"; 7 p. m., n. Y. P. V. -Ill be led by Miss Ellen Gibson, theme. "What Is True Penitence?" g. evening worship. Sermon, "Hovr Ihe ttattte Was Won." . Thursday, Vrsyer meeting at 7:3s. followed by teach ers' meeting at 1:30. Chorus choir led by C. Q. Greene, leads the service of praise. Cordial welcome to all. W It. Gibson, psstor. rir-i Methodist Fplsrop! Churrti. Corner M and Fourth streets. " Sun' day, t:4S a. m Dlbt school; 11 a. m., public worship, sermon, "A Royal Grant," first of a series to Christians, yeung and old; II m das meeting; T p. in., Kpworth league, leader, Mrs. ! Olive Bolton, subject, "The Promise THE CELEBRATE V "AZtZ tvTWQES" PEST HflbE 2Q PERCENT OFF REMEMBER we are Reducing Stock on NEW FURNITURE and Sellinfi out all Second Hand Goods at Cost. I am making this the LOWEST PRICED furniture House In the city. V . EASY TERMS, AT LIVING PRICES TO RIGHT PARTIES. - NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Phone Black 641 ; ' 911 Tiff STRFFT of the Father." At 8 p. m public worship, subject, "The Stranger at the Door;" Monday, 7:30, Bible study class, "Hebrews." Thursday, 8 p. m.. m., at the home of A. C, Huntington, W. F. M. 8. and W. H. M. S., program and tea. All cordially Invited to tea from 4 to 8. A cordlaly welcome to all. Rev. C. E. Deal, pastor. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or., June t, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that JAXIE H. TENTZER, of Elgin, Oregon, who, on' March 6th, 1908, made timber and stone sworn statement, No. 595, for 8W14 SETi, Sec. 4,'Wli NEK and NW4 8E14, Section 9, Township t South, Range 85 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establltih claim to the land above described, before the reg ister and receiver at La Grande, Ore gon ,on the 10th day of August, 1908. -ww-ww v w w w w w v w w w f -w I WE HAVE ITl HAT? THE VERY BEST : line of GROCERIES and : VEGETABLES In the : city, evervthlng tooth some and wholesome : for stylish dinner tables THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY I E. P0LACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 ICE CREAM This is the open season for pared to furnisfi the trade member refreshment parlors Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen E. D. S ELDER, VV. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. 1 'DEALERS IIARDVVARE,S10VtS.ftRITtRF.CLILDIC MATERIAL If You Want Gasoline t Pumps, Pipe or Plumb'n. ---- 9 V w W 9 W B. HfllSTCN r a. Everv Thin 0 - "The Place Where NOTHING is Too Much Trouble" FERGUSON'S Claimant names as witnesses: Josh ua C. Smith, of La Grande, Ore.; Sam uel Parker, of Elgin, Ore.; Carrol L. Yentzer, of Elgin, Ore.; Albert Tau scher. of Elgin, Ore. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Strayed or Biolen. A norrel filly, 2 years old; branded "F. B." on left shoulder. White stripe full length of forehead, and one white - w -w w w f w -w w w w V ', ' - 4 Ice Cream and we are pre- 1 with the very best. Re- are the finest in Eastern 5 the Candy Man Engines, Wind Mills. Tanks Crt Our Prices ' - for Your Corresnondent Needs at i hind foot. One bay, I-year-old, branded the same as first named, loading to recovery. Fred Braden, Ladd Canyon. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; pleasantly lo cated. Inquire of Mrs. Hattle R. MacDonald, 1616 8!j;th street. 'Phone OF THE FRATERNAL- ORDERS L-A GRANDE, ORE. ,- J Woodmen of Ute World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting members wel come. M. M. MARQUIS, I. H. KEENET, Consul Commander. Clerk. F. O. Z La Grande Aerie No. 2S9, F. 0. E., meets every Friday night In Elks' hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. II. LLISHMAN, W. 8. . Pcrewtcra ot America. Court Maid Marian No. 23 meets 'cond ad fourth Wednesday night n K. of P. hall. Brothers are Invited o attend. NERI ACKLES, C. R. O. V. HENDRICKS, F. S. Board of Trustee: Dr. O. L. Blg rs, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8., hold lated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays oi each month. Visiting memoers cordially Invited. MART O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Btar Encampment No. II, L O. O. l meet, every COnd and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd W b.,L VUHIn. patriarch. ....'y. welcome. n. K. rnv r- t welcome. D. E. COX. r p W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. MeeU first and third Thursday eve at L O. O. F. halL Visiting members always w.lcom. J. A. ARBUCKLE. President C J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. B.F.O.E. La Grand. Lodg No. 411. m.tj each Tburwlay evening at I o'clock in Ok ball en Adam, avenue. Vtott Ing brother are cordially Invited to attend. ' W. B. SARGENT. Exalted Rtfo O. B. M'CVLLT. Ree. Ue. Thone Red 1161 1411, 1413, 1415 Adams Ave. Black 402. Land for Rent. We have 320 acres of excellent land) for rent Call at once. F. S. BRAMWELL, C. J. BLACK. WANTED To buy a first-class milch) cow. "Phone Main 20. 6-Btf DIRECTORY . Z . -' i. o. o. r. . . La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets In. their hall every Saturday night. Vls- wtwiuore cvruiauy inviiea .xo at. tend. Cemetery plat may be seen afc Model Restaurant -., , T. J. BCROaoiN, N. O. D. E. COX, Secretary. . C J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Be.' M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. T70I meets every Monday evening at I. O. O. F. nail. All visiting neighbor are cor dially invited to attend. E. C. DA via, C. . D. E. COX. Clerk. Relief committee: E. C. Darns. Charles Disqua, A. J. Warner and D- E. Cox. A. F. A. 51. La Grande Lodg,e No. 41, A. P. V A. M., holds regular meetings first ind thhd Saturday, at 7:10 n. m. L. IL RUSSELL, W. M. C D. HUFFMAN. SaereOr. Hrotlicrliood of Owls. La Grsnds Nest No. 17, meet Irs the K. of p. hall every Tuesday eve ning at I o'clock. Visiting brothers, cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. I K. of P. Rd Cross Lodge No. 17. meet .veVMonZ V meeU ?Z "".,5T ,Ten,n ,a CmU Corp. building. A Pythian w.lcom ZmXtl i " "nignia. D. II. rnnrrnn n r n. L. UNCOLN. K, of R. A B. L. O. T. M. '". . " lve No. 27. L. O. T M ... ry first and third Thursday of mm. " 1 1 oc"k In th. after visiting members m.i. " VIIVIIIV, BADIK KLIVTWORTH. U C. MRS. EVA M IXTTRE. K. of R. Itobekaha, . : ... '.. rsui m ' ' u mestg evsry evening at th ,. 0 a - ;. All vuitm, m.n.b.r, to att.nd. . - Jm LAUIU' TiLBa, n. 'a, : Jennie smith. .cr,urr.