La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 03, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    r.r'.r. rivK.
cxr.siSG Observer, ea graxde, orecon. yvedxesdat. ittse s, mm.
e -
':' " LOCAL ITEMS. ' ' 1 -'
Y !' u, if'.U.
fr e4- - - ''
Mis, J. H. Buhl la looking alter
business In .Elgin today. '
Joseph McCrnry went to Raker City
this morning to vlslt.fer a time. .
! Local Agent J. H. Keenly lft last
evening for the metropolis to spend
. tha week there. , ; ..
' County court convened this morn-.
Inf. To audit bills waa the principal
line o( action taken by the commis
sioners and court.' N
Jr' Mr- aaa Mrs. James Co.e of Endl-
tott. Wash., vent to Island City this
morning on t business trip.' ,
Mrs. A. We-stover and Cora Poe. both
jot Mineral, Wash., passed through
the city on their way to Wallowa,
where they will visit friends. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Ei. A, Holmes of Wal
lowa, are vlsltlrSg friends In th.e city
" . ' for a few days, after which they ex
pect to go to Portland.
' Superintendent Campbell and plvls-
Ion Engineer Bollons, were In the city
this morning on . business connected
with the O. R. & N.
Lee Leavltt left for i.Portland this
morning. He will remain during the
week and Join In the festivities Inci
Rudolph Buckler, familiarly known
us "Dutch," took bis departure for his
home' in The. Ta!les today. Ho has
spent the past year ia La Grande.
Stanley Carey arrived ' home tost
evening from Corvsllls, where he jsn
as m representative t from the -1
LrQrande high school' to the Interneho-
"f . lastlc track meet., ' i
Mrs. M. Fitzgerald and mother,
Mrs. E. Abbot, returned to their
home In Elgin thls'mnrnlng. aftor vis
iting several dnyj with Mr.'and'Mrs,
... J. K. Fitzgerald of' this e1ty. v .
- " ,Ed Mnrihy, of the firm of Hanson
Bros, at North Powder, if In thir eity
on business.-. He Is aecompnnJsd ! by
' Volney Lee, who Is rural rcalt carrier
V on the route out of North Powder.
, Mrs. Turner Oliver t will leave to'
night for Portland.' ' '''
, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Padgett of Flora.
--. returned tfcls marvJnj from a visit at
Eagle Valley. " " v'
MrsVl", MV. Henderson returnod to
her home in Pendleton this morning
after having vlaited several days with
Mr. SAd Mrs. Louis .Wetzel f this
City: ; . ; , : . ,( . v
Mrs. M. Grandon of Island City, Is
visiting friends In Pendleton. ' ' '
Miss Nellie and Dllla Morton left
this morning for College Place, Wash.,
ihere tHey will make ' their ' future
um, Mrs. Morton having preceded
them several weeks ago. ' " .
' Mrs, T. T.' Glenn of Bummervllle,
' left this morning for an extended visit
with her daughter, Irs. Daisy Settle'
inter of Portland. . ' . ; ' '.
V- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiddle and son
Lylo, and Miss Elv Gaskell, went to
Portland this morning. . ' '
Mr. and Mrs, Gene Holmes left this
.. morning for Portland.
Joe Gray, who submitted to an oper
Stlon for appendicitis yesterday, la dq
' Ing nicely.
. , About 0 have applied at the local
ticket office today for berths to Port
land this evening.
Arry Cornett of Galloway, Ore., and
E. L. McBroom of Rliter.Ore.; trans
acted business at the land office to
. day; " .
lifroc.". 1 l)'-,it;r.
svstAn espe. Lilly s'-onp yet of films Is
hnwn'Jii the Shcrn.'l taeatcr this
week. thf i"t!7S "Whin the Night
ingale l N'ls.llrs H-vei't-4'ene" and
'.' "In the 8ha low of the J'ep'es on the
Hill" are ;ie-1i!!v n id. If you want
to lsni, Ivt to tthnrwond's; If you
Vaotj lo wn-ti ff ' to tier.vocid' In
' fact, Kherwood's K the pluce to go at
al times. -'.'"'
. ' . - : ' ' '
Only thi mo't "dU"iiis chocolal Is
served ( Bllverthorn i :iick'a soda
fountain. - - D5-2T-627
. t .. r:- : ' V
SiiiH-riiiu nileiit Bur.
C Cnidily Knperlntenilent Ilragg Is
. busy today sending out blank forms
i neceomry to conduct of school affairs
In the country districts.. lie hus al
ready forwarded the blank notices of
the annual acbool meetings. i
, - .
Lara Nomltrr of Applicants Pass) the
, Elgllth''Gniilo Kxamlnationa.
Out M taking the eighth grade
axamlnatlona tsffh the county, a
11 r percentage were promoted.
' ' County Superintendent E. EBragg
kaa received returns from the county
. choalawbera eljihth grada examina
tions to test the proficiency of pupils
In the common branches wer held,
nd below' are given Ibe nmes of the
uccossful atudenfs, wth Ui eicep
tlo ot Allcel applicants: - "
Knrth rowdflr,"
f Dora Asfcby. Elsla. Caspar, Harry
Nice, Lily Graham, James Wilson, Syl
via Hall. Allver Moure, Ethel Kelsey,'
Minnie Bctrarm, Brtja Graham, Elsie,
.pulton, Edith nailey,' Jack 'O'Bryant,
Jessie Evans. '"' . ' '' : ' "V
Ifland City.''' ."' ' ,
Beba Williamson, Ellis Luphcr,
Ciureiice Garity, Clara Ehafer, Irene
Dahlstrom, Hay Couch, Rhoda Hlatt,
James,'Perr'.'' S;? .
. Perry.'
Albert Hansen, Robert Kelley, Bud
fiplckleinlrtf. .. ." . '";
. , ftnmnicrtlllo.
Naomi Lewis, Lulu . Ames, Ernest
Alterby, Thomas Atterby,
' ': ' cove,. s '; '.- ,.
Hazel Chadwlck, Erastus Plxton,
Esther BraztUe. .-.'..'.".'; ;' .
" "l '. Grange Hull. .'
Joe Harrison, Joseph Anaon, Zoe
Golden, Alice Snow. '
'..' ' '; ' Starkey. ;
3, X. McMillan, Manvllle Ayers.
TfliK-atet. ,
Wanda He.ller, Lestor Haller. ..
. - , ; , FruitdHle.
Frances Cirblnts, Clarissa Carblno,
Blanche imbert, Clara Lambert.
'' '; Hllgard. ' '
Jennie Casey. . ..
Iowa DL-triot.
. Ida Bittlg, Angle McHatton.
I41( Canyon. 4
Mai-y Benton, Lulu Counsel!. -
: BBrrvlen Lloyd, Leora Billings." .
In AJlcel three passed but name
have nc yet been sent In.
Lnst Gam of Balorr Series Goca to Xa
Rnmde anil Ijdti Stand WeU.'
The Baker CSty series to this ptty
has en at J and t Lm rande j v fare. J
well. Oirt ot thvs illfht games f ttvt
two series, thi locals have 1o4 but one
and have secureOf alMd that will be
hard to overtake. v la the final game
yesterday fans saw a' fast gasae that
had some of the complexion of the
Sunday game, in which La ' Grande
won. Fournler, the sottthpsw, oeeu
pled the1 pulpit for La Grat ' . ' and
did sonle fine work.' ' '
In the meantime Walla Walla has
... . . : .
taken enough" from.' Fehdletoa In the
series at thevCaj-dcn ity to put It1 In
the second place. ThU .was done yea-
terday when she .won out' -'cyv? . the
Pt by a ecore of 7 to J. ..
HUindlng of .County Cluhw.
" Plnyed Won Lost P. C
La Grande v. .''. '. . ; 7 ; 1
Walla Walla , . t7 ., i f
Pendleton .7. t '4 '.
Baker City , , , i , .7 T
" ,42S
School Report Slums That' 85 Passed
die- ( It y Elgtith Grade Evuns.
The school1 year just closed shows; a
decided Increase In the . number of
pupils enrolled In fh city schools.
The superintendent's final report for
1806-07 shows an enrollment ot 517
boy and 527 girls, a total of 1044.
The enrollment the year Just passed
Is, boys 554, girls 568, total 1117. Thus
the school population has Increased
nearly seven per cent during the past
year. Mr. Hockcnberry estimates that
the proportional increase will be
even greater during the year" to come.
The high school, of which the city
and the men at the head of schnol af
fairs, the school board) have reason to
be proud, shows a decided Improve
ment In numbers over last year. At
the final examination In 1907 70 mem
bers 'of the high school were present.
Tho t6(al enrollment for the year was
102. Ninety-six were examlnedthls
year. The enrollment was ISO. The
high" school of La Grande has the dis
tinction of being probably the only
one In th state In "which the number
of boys at the end of tho- School year
equals the number of girls."
Thirty-five have, been graduated
from the elgfith grades of the, city
schools llffo the high school next year
at "the 'opening term. ,
linker CKy Man Gora to Mi Mlimvlllc
to Takn OuUr of EiiitlWi.--
Rev. G, R. Varneyfust retiring as
pastor of the First Rsptist church of
naker City, spent yesterday . In La
Grande as the guest of Rev, W. It.
Gibson.' Mr. Varney has accepted the
cbalr of English and Publlo Bpeaklng
In Mclilnnvlle colrge, and left this
morning to take up bis restdence'ln
that city.
official ooricr tomorrow.
Board of EVrtlosi Omtmiiii will
Convene Tomorrow lo CVnint thr
- Tha onnty board of electji.g can
vassers will convene tomorrow at the
court house and for period of per
haps two days will canvass the re.
turns and attend the many matters
that always c(!ne before the boarlt.
County Cdrk Gllham Is iiii Vh lvli1 as
to Just what the personnel of the
board will be, but It will be cotnpowfl
of the county clerk and two Justices
of the peace, The Observer" will give
its readers the oftlclul County In the
Saturday afternoon edition. ,'
.v Grahaiii-Evana.,, ,
Bherley E. Graham and Mamie E
Evans, both of Elgin,, were wnlte-'j.
marriage Jast night at the H'
ley, Rev. O. H. King offfPlP,,,
Both are popular yc g Ra w
Elgin, the bride beln t0Tmtt "hello"
Blrl at the centra Ce that clty.
Kfiw Klanlti ;
The ladles. t the Kaffoe Klatch will
meet at the, home of Mrs, George Pl
roer Friday afternoon. , '
; Five Hundred.,
. Th F".ve Hundred club will meet at
the of Mrs. W, R Jones n"De-
pot street,
James Downing of Eden(i Wallowa
cwuniy, , ana Jvua Motrartano ot "war
tola, .WajBh., were, married at the
Methodist -parsonage last evening. Rev.
Deal otfltiatlng. ; . The harppy conple
will make their future home in Eden
St. Peter's Gulkl.
- The Ladies' Guild of St, Peter's
Episcopal church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock. at the home or
Mrs.-aibba. This Is a special meeting
and Important business Is to be trans
acted. A good attendance Is desired.
.The wedding of James Walnum and
Bessie Goodnough, which Is to take
place tonight at 8 o'clock, prmle, to
be one of the prettiest little hm
weddings of the season. The ceremonv
will be performed by Rev. Upton H"
Glbbs,' of the Episcopal church," and
only relatives of the contracting par
ties will be' present. ' ' k
'.The bride will appear In a charm
ing gown of white silk trimmed In
Valenciennes lace. The grom will
wear the conventional black.
The couple will be attended by
Edith Anderson of Hot Lake as brides
maid, and Frank Rechlln of this city,
as best man. The bridal pathway
will be marked by ropes of green as
paragus ferns lcadlnc from th stair
way tohe altar, over which will hang
an ImmeDsa, white bell and draperies
of green ferns. .'..
' In the dining irT" the clor scheme
is red. tnd .white,'' with J1 Immense
bouquet of carhatlons In the-.f'nter
of the table. Covers will-be laid or
12. The room will b lighted-' with
many candles and a two-course lun
cheon will be served.
Both young people are well known
In the social circle of La Grande. .
Miss Goodnough has taught In the
public schools for several years, and
Mr. Walnum Is a fireman on the O.
R, AN...
" Just try those elerv: :'.
olate so-
das at Sllverthorn & i!uc .
- 1 raHllmc.
One of the best features of this
w'k's ficogrsm Nate Ardrey and
his kanjoi And If you want to hear
the banjo really plnyed, come and hear
mm. Tiie songs as sung ty Hherwood
Williams would satisfy the ninst'crltl-
1, and the films are especially llt-
Iractlve. rrogram chnuaes every
Monday and Thursday.
. ,
Murrlngc l.l.cnw liicl.
A m.irrlnKe license was lsrued yi-s-torday
to V, A. Ilnekett and Miss
Leona M. Venahte, both of Elgin.
.Visitors lK'ketl '
The polleo yestrrtlay rounitr..! up
coiipln of , hard-looking cliarscters.
giving the nniui-e of L'harles Nllson
n.l Chnrlea llurke. They are booked
on th charge of vagrancy.
k Piillman for 1m (irtindo.
La Grande people wishing lo visit
Portland during the rose show, and
who have been waiting until a berth
could be secured, will tie glad to learn
thmt half of a car will be reserved for
La Grande tomorrow night. However,
In order to reserve a berth for the
trip, tlckatts must be piircascd tonlgt.
Allced iW Oar Robber Given Km
bult Grand Jury In NUIt Out.
- R. T. MrFerrln, ace used of robbing
a bos rar'near this eliy, waa the sub
let of the circuit court's attention to
day. Me Kerr In was given a nun-stilt
on account of a'tlve indictment.
This wsa the principal matter to come
before the court for the day.
The grand Jury In still out and
though some are looklnei for a return
of true bllla thle evening or tomorrow
morning, others are of the opinion
that the body will remain InUut until
later tusnvrrow. and jnay aol thea
bring true bltlef. .
Mrth fbemrd.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nellsoo ef
Cove, twine, a by and a girl.-
" SL'JIMONS.- " r .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
' Oregon for Union, .Count.
The Oregon Bailroad & Navigation
Company,- plaintiff,, vs. John .East!'
and Susan Eustlack, his wife, '
Crane, and Ethel Crane, his ,. '
fred W, Crane, a m'.nb- .
pher Crane, a mlno ; ,. .
... .. . . , iTi'lVnustils.
10 tne aoove-nn - .
EastlacU, " "
Alonro- Eastlack, his wife.
. vane anu linel t.rane, nis
, -fvlf red W. Crtene, a minor, and
nJ.stouher Crane, a minor: ';;
In the, name of theststto o Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and a.nwer tho compliant tiled aiiiinst
you in the above entitled court and
cause,o or before the 12th day of
June, that being silx full weeks
after Ova date of the, first publica
tion of this summons, and If you fall
to appear and answer said com.
plahvt, the , plaintiff herein will take
JuG-gmcnt against you for the relief
demanded in its complaint herein, to.
wit; For Judgment of. the above en
titled court In the above entitled
cause, appropriating to the plaintiff
alt of lots two (2), three (J), four (4)
and flee (5), ot block twelve (12), In
Riverside addition to the Town of La
Grande, In Union county, Oregon. f6r
the purpose of furnishing, additional
" . ii :, wucuing- laeiunes - and
repair snobs within tha town of La
Grande, Oregon, to properly serve the
public, in order that the public and
different persons traveling ' or ship
ping freight over plaintiffs road may
bo accommodated; and public Inter
est requires the construction of 'such
side tracks, additional .switching fa
duties and repair shops and the pros
ecution of said enterprise, and for an
assessment of all the damages that
will result to . the said defendants,
John Eastlack, Susan Edstlack. Alon-
to crane, Ethel Crane, Alfred -W.
Crane and Christopher Crane, by rea
sort of the taking an appropriation of
said property by the plaintiff,"", and
upon the payment, by the plaintiff of
the damages assessed and awarded on
the trial of the said causo the plaintiff
take, a Judgment appropriation all of
said property upon which to construct,
build, equip, operate and -.maintain
additional side tracks, switching facll-
. Ittea and repair shops within the town
of La Grande. ,. ... '
This summons la published for six
consecutive weeks by the order of the
Hon. T. H. Crawford, judge of ths
above entitled court,: made . on the
24lh day of April, 1905; the date of
the first publication thereof, being on
tba 1st djr of May, l08, and the 12th
day of June, JtOS.-ls to be the date
of the last publication thereof. .- .
w, w. cotton;
W. A. KORRtNll'i.11
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office, La Grande, Oregon, , ,. '
March 26 th. 1808. f ' ' ,v
The United Btates of America' and
Trances Harris, plaintiffs, vs. Wil
liam H. Patten, defendant.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed In this office by Frances
Harris, contestant, against Homstead
entry Not 10188, mad May 18,' 1801
(C. G 8800), In) the SEU Section. 8,
Township S, N.', Range 40, E. W. M
by William II. Patten, contestee, Jn
which It Is alleged that the said Wil
liam H. Patten wholly ailed to ebm-j
ply with the homestead Iaw: prior to
proof; that he failed to maintain'reg
Idence prior to proof, and has sinoe
wholly abandoned said entry, and that
snjd alleged" absence from said land
wa not due to hls employment In the
army, navy or marine corps of the
United Btatoa as a private soldier, of
fliier, seaman, or 'marine during the
war with. Ppalii er during any other
war In which the United Ptates may
be engaged, and said parties are here
by notified to appear,' resp.and of
fer evidence touching said allegatlim
at 18 o'clock a. m on June 8, 1808,
before the register and receiver of the
Unltedtates land mi flee la La Grand,.
Oregon. -"'.,.
The said contestant having! In a
proper affidavit, filed April 28th, 1808,
set forth facta which show that af'ur
due diligence, personal service of this
notice cannot be made. It Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publica
tion. , ,,S f. C, BRAMWJELL,
R.II. LLOrty V Register.
- Attorney for Contestant ,
FOR WENT Furnished modern flat.
Inquire of Mrs. 8, C. Zuber.
Newport, Ore., la Ukely to bare a
water system. "
i4tw i Kirjr". J
In ' .i Wii'.'inms pasture, south of
S?,i.dt', a light r.l yearling. wlih
fWi taco and white on U?a, to j
Ivwid; - also,
Chooolatn-c-ilorrd mare.
branded Hmx left hip. Owners can
have samo, by .r'h'S, for this adver
tisement and other chats
It. W. Stoner Takes Trip East ami Will
' Spend Summer l Atlantic City.
II. W. Stoner, for long a resident of
this city, and until recently street su
perintendent, will leave tonight for the
east, where he will spend the sum
mer with relatives. After visiting tnft i
larger cities on the way, ho will go t-
Atlantic City, N. J., and remain fori
tho summer. Mr, Stoner will not set I
a time for his retucfli toutwe nrediet I
that ere many moons he will begn to
iiuim i.uiKMiKiy ot tiu Oregon.
Arrival and Iicpanure of Tralsa al
','-.,' La Grande. '
No. 1, westbound. Portland Special,
arrives 5:25 a. m.; departs, 5:20 a, m.
No? I, eastbound . passenger, mall
and express, arrives at 5:15 a. m.; do
parts 1:50 a. m. -
No. t, eastbound Chicago 8peclal,
arrives 5:05 p. m.: departs, 8:15 p. ta.
No. 5, westbound passenger,' mall
and express, arrives 5:55 p. m.; de
par'u, 10 p. m. V- . . '
4'1 ' Elgin Branch.' ','.' '. !
"Regular mixed raln , 'leaves La
Grande tit, 8 o'clocH and returns at J
o'clock p.'v m. The jogging train '
leaves La Grande at 12:80 p.m. and !
returns at 1: 45 p. m. '. I
y. IL JIEEXET, Agent.
. La Grande, Oregon.
Bates cried on short notice.
Satisfaction guaranteed. .
No extra' charge for distance.
Route No. I. 'Phone No. 155x8
' t $ ,
: Proceeds td Apply
Dr. w. p. -3ic:,;:::s:.-a.85i. .....
Painless xtractlon.
Expert goSO work, gpcrlal
i., .iindren' teeth.
1 La" Grande. National Bank 'BuiM'.r..;
v Will be Made by the
j This Season aa FoUvc
. v yi
. IU3.15
. $00.00
, $00.00
To - -
St. T.onls
St. Paul . ...i...... ... .. ,
Kansas City
..MAY A, IS '.' '
.11 XE 6, 0, 10, 80
JVLY 6, 7, 22,23
Good for return In 90 days with stop
over privilege at pleasure within"
limits. , v '
For any further Information call on"
J. II. KKENEY, Local Agent, ,
Or write to - k
General Passenger Agont,
i Stanici$ ii Bii
- '"' LftGrandt, Oregon
Phone ; Red 1921 X
mm -
to Building Fund
75c i:
i .
50c i!
n nmc (is.
11 '1 :
- r -
t t