c' XI. ! V - I k VOLUME TO. ; v IA GKAKDE, TOION COCNTT, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAT 20, 1908 " " . ; " ssrrE .-ft .nans death DFCURRGiCY BILL GENERAL FILIBUSTER '., STARTED BY LA FOLLETTE. No Adjournment of Congress ThU evening and Possible Death for the Currency B1U to New Senttion at Washington -La Folljtte Join the : Filibuster Faction Sara Bill to Im. practical, Evasive and Dangerous- under Mar Give in.. Washington, Hay St. Possibility of .unexpected delay and a possibility of death of the currency bill waa devel oped this morning when Senator Stone of Missouri returned here and , was nottned that R. M. La Toilette of Wis consin would Join In talking the bill to death. It la now believed that a vote will be delayed until next week by La Fol letta, who say It la evasive, danger ous, doesn't meet the requirements. 8enator Gore also promised to Join the filibuster faction. These developments changed the whole situation here as last night It was believed congress would adjourn this evening. There Is a possibility that the republican leaders will sur render when ftltbuBterere threaten to tuna guns on the bill. Culberson! opened the debate this -afternoon rAid saldr "The dangerous Inflation or carrency under the sys tem provided In this measure will prove disastrous and result In contrac tion of the money supply." He criti cized President Roosevelt and his ad ministration as being wasteful and ex travagant. . La Follotte began the flllibuster by demanding a count to see If a quorum was present He was overruled by Fairbanks. t y Paraxitcs Fight Moths. Boston, .May 29. Over 100,000 moth-destroying parasites have been let loose from the experiment station at Melrose Highlands this month, as result of the campaign Inaugurated The Fair's Great Unloading Sale Starts Thursday Morning, June 4f It Will Pay You to Wait For It ' A mon-tar stock to be turned over to the public, for their benefit as individuals. A July Sale In June. It has to happen now. Our summer clearing sales usually begin after July 4th, but this year We are compelled to cut loose early for the reason that the stocks splenJid, complete stocks throughout the entire store are entirely too heavy,' and we must hasten to dispose. " . ' Profits Entirely For the People to be raid them as individuals, to that a few dollars spent in this great sale will go the circuit of the entire famil; . Why it will pay you to walk 'In the firs1, place, this great sale will be conducted for the benefit of ih people as individuals, so that the many great savings will mean much to them. Secondly: Our great stocks of fine merchandise throughout every department i3 trcmenduously heavy, so we are fotced to cut prices with a ferocious X vengeance in crder to get rid of our surplus stuffs witnin t WAITI V.'AITl WAIT! lor this great sale. It will pay you III aii'li.f. ijMiBiivii i vi juui glad and easy choosing. .. ft nrea ffvHflftrlWlvflvrlnKMtvtTlT tm4frmtmtlt by the national and state agricultural authorities against the dstructive gyp sy and brown-tall moths. Four dis tinct varieties of parasitic files and beetles have been used. In such experi ment The large colosma beetles, aa well as two other species closely al lied to them, climb the trees, seize the caterplllara and never' let go until they have devoured the wriggling Insect The tachlnid flies lay their eggs upon the outer akin of the caterpillars, usually close up to the head. The larvae that hatch penetrate the skin of the caterpillar and feed upon Its Intestines. , . N IJ IIITmWINFUK III I U I II III I I It I. VI LA NT) OPENING ATTRACTS ;, 1400 LAND SEEKERS. The Opening of the Twin Falls-Salmon River. Circulation Project on Mon day Vi lli Be a Record Breaker Mil lions Deposited Two Hours After Opening of Registration Book) One of the Greatest Irrigation Schemes in the World. Boise, May 29. Two Tiours after registration opened at Twin Falls this morning for a drawing for opunlng on the 80,000 acres under the Twin Falls Salmon River Circulation project, a half million dollars had been deposited and 1400 land seekers registered. A special train from Chicago arriv ed this morning and later a delegation of 500 from Wyoming and Colorado. The opening on Monday, will be the biggest land drawing ever held under provisions of the Carey act. ' , Only half of the project Is to be opened at this time, the rest next fall. The tract located south of the orig inal Twin Falls projects, and Is a part of the great system of circulation works developed by eastern capital ists under state supervision. It covers a half million acres, and is one of the woild's greatest Irrigation schemes.- iviuiiiy, anu mc Jicuuiu uipiaji Is? A m WIS m WB FORCED I RE-ENTER ASYLUM ALLEGED MISTREATMENT , NOT GIVEN CREDIT. Chairman of the Lunacy Commission Roles That Harry Thaw Must Re 1 tarn to Matteawan Asylum Dan gerous to Have Even Partial Free dom Doctors Positive That Game to Incurable Paranoia fa Liable to Break Out at Any Time. Albany, N .Y, May XI. Despite protest at mistreatment Harry Thaw must return to Matteawan asylum, ac cording to Dr. Ferris, chairman of the state lunacy commission. "Thaw Is undoubtedly an- Incurmoie paranoiac and U liable to have an outbreak , at any time," Ferls said.' "Matteawan Is the only place In the United ' States where criminally Insane can be prop erly cared for." ' He said further: "I have carefully observed Thaw, ao have Matteawan doctors. My opinion Is not guess work. I am positive the case Is Incurable, it would be a great error to allow ever partial freedom." Thow alleges that Baker, the Mat teawan superintendent, "has It In foi him." He saya he was vn(,rsecutei' (here by officials and attendants. Ferris says he Investigated ,' the charges and bejMeves them results o' delusions that Thaw continually har bors. e Thaw's attorneys are preparing tc make a hard fight to keep the client out of Matteawan. ,. Captain Walnwrlght Promoted. Tacoma, May 29. The booming o; 13 guns this morning signalized the promotion of Captain Richard Wain wrlght to the rank of rear admiral and complete command of the seconf division of the battleship fleet Th admiral's flag was hoisted over thf Georgia." President Roosevelt yester day promoted "Walnwrlght and Cap tain Schroeder, who ranks above Walnwrlght a period of 16 days. and pay you well. Store now VCfffg afldflyCU I Or fWUf La Grande x ST. Oregon Inn LI DIED III HIS BATH TI PORTLAND FINANCIER , ' 'ENDOWS HOME FOR AGED. The Pioneer Capitalist of Portland, P. J. Mann, Leaves Snug Sum for Ae-cd In the 'Way of Endowment for a Home Mrs. Mann Must Take Care of Family Fondling Who U Not Pro vided for In the Will Museum Was Robbed Last Night. Portland, May II. The half million dollar estate left by P. J. Mann, the pioneer capitalist, who died of heart failure In a bath tub last night will be used to establish a home tor aged. Mrs. atann Mas a lite estate, and will probably order the home erected Im mediately. Mann, within the month, bought a 10 -acre tract for the site. Nogt Masn. a Japanese foundling, who haa lived with the Manns for IS years, la uuprovlded for ao far as learned. Mrs. Mann will take car of him. Nogl has never been legally adopted, but has been looked upon as an heir. He has his own auto and everything money buys. ' An Artistic Robber. The artistic temperament of a burg lar saved the Art Crafts society here thousands of dollars when a thief en tered the museum last night and stole the oxhlblts'of Mrs. Cunningham of San Francisco and Mrs. Watklns of Cleveland, O. Tho robber passed up exhibits worth thousands of "dollars, and confined hlB thefts to two wom en's work, worth $100. INTER-RACE MARRIAGE. Negro and White Society Lady Married In New York Today. , New York. May 29. The first di rect result of activities of the Cosmo politan club, which gave Its famous dinner last month, at' which white women sat by negroes, came today In tho wedding of Joseph Antonla Maceo, negro, to T-tabelle Markey, a beau '.Iful blonde and an American. Maceo Is the son of General Maceo, the Cu ban patriot, and has been a student In Syracuse uilverslty, where his ex penses were paid by the Cuban gov ernment The couple was not at the Cosmo-' oolltan dinner, but they have been Interested in the movement The mar riage took place In the First Baptist church. GKANEY WONT PEACH. pnrovhcd by Prosecution to Turn State's Evidence for Immunity. San Francisco, May 29. Eddit Qraney, tho Indicted member of the prizefight trust, has been approached byt the graft prosecution with an offer f Immunity for turning state's evl lence. Oraney Indignantly turned the proposition down, declaring he woud never "peach even to savo himself. Abe Ruefs next tiitil will be for bribing supervisors to pass the prlsu Hght ordinance. BEVEHIDGK TOO FAST. Was Kltitcd But Got Anxious and Lost Ills National Chairmanship. Chicago, May 29. It waa learned from Congressman Lorlmer Of Illi nois, that the reason Senator Burrowr was selected as temporary chairman of the republican national convention was that Bevrrldge became too enthu- ilastlc when he wos slated ' for the place. Beverldge wrote a "keynote' speech In advance, advocating Presi dent Roosevelt for a third term. The national committee heard of the ac Hon and sidetracked the Indlanlan. Conductor KUIed. Centralla, Wash., May 29. Mike Helfrlch, of Tacoma, a conductor, fell under a train and was killed this morning. . Denver Race Mo-t. Denver, Col., May 29. Indications point to an exceptionally larg entry !lt for the annual 11-day racing meet I at Overland park, running from June ! 11 to July 13, entries for which will cUl? tomorrow. The Durses and ana. ' clnl ,uk' " eTtly Increas ed this season and now aaaresate 175,000. The value of the olaaslo Col orado Derby has been raised from $1,- 000 to 12000, and even the overnights have, been raised to S0O each. Id addition there are five other stakes and purses, ach of a value of l00. The Colorado Derby, which will be run Saturday, June IS, will be a sweep stake for -year-olds, foals of 1905. The association will add to the en trance money an amount sufficient to make the value of the event 12000, of which tlSOO will go to the winner, 1300 to second, and 1200 to third. The Derby distance, aa In previous seasons at Overland, will be a mile and an eighth. U II LI IL HILLLU FREIGHT TRAIN WRECKED AND PROPERTY DESTROYED Because a Darn Across the Current River, Near Port Arthur, B. C Broke Suddenly a Freight Train Was Wrecked Engineer, Fireman and Ilrakenuin Killed In Accident 1 Loss by Flood and Wreck la EsU mated to lie Hair Million Dollars. Vancouver, May 20. Word has been received here of tho breaking of a big dam across the Curren r.'ver at Port Arthur, B. C, the terminal of the Grand Trunk railroad, killing three, wrecking a freight train, city power station and carrying away a mile of track. The loss Is placed at a half million. , The dnm broke suddenly. A train running along the Canadian Pacific track below, was carried away. The englneor, fireman and a braltelnon ' were killed. Parlor KoclullMs. New York, May 29. Plans for or ganising an International body of parlor aoelnllsts," to be known as the International Socialist Educational al liance and to be composed of clergy men and men of other professions, were made today at a meeting of the Christian Socialist Fellowship. The Rev. John D. Long, the Rev. Charles Vail, the Rev. E. E. Cnrr. Edwin Markham, the poet, Dr. M. Thorner, a Jewish rabbi, and other clorgymen and literary workers are Interested In the movement Prepare Rose Carnival, Portland, May 2. Preparations for Portland's great rose carnival are now reaching a stage of completion and the city has already commenced to blossom as the rose for next week's magnificent fiesta. Thousands of dollars have been expended In prelim inary preparations for the decorative effects, spectacular pageants and pub-' lie amusements that Will mark evarv day of next week. Many thousands of visitor are expected from all over the coast and northwestern sections. OUGHT TO BE Tut IT of every ci(lz:nto D C DM BREAKS low citizens villi esteem him for his goodness, f his kindness, and his usefulness. The principles of 1 good citizenship should constitute the code or rules for every kind of business whether public or private. This applies particularly to the drug business, be cause, owing to the limited of drugs by the general public, it follows that the re liability of the druggist Is the chief guarantee of goodservlce.4 . . , . . HILL'S DRUG STORE La Grande ' MrMMtMM i i .i ,,, T-rzirw tlfllMYIS WELL Mill HCNDREPS COME FROM CORNERS OF THE VALLEY. From -lug Steeds, Natty Lady Rider, Wild Animals and Bands Caloro Make a Spectacular Parade The . Weather Changs In Time to AUost Largo Attendance of Farmers AH Streets Jammed With People tor Blocks aa Large Parade Winds : Past, "How the bugle played and slav ed; how the horses neighed sad neighed!- . Thua spoke Jamea Whltcomb Riley one an4 sneh waa mhiAHIas Mn when the Sella-Floto ctrcua parade winded Its way passed the block of admiring throngs. . ',, The clrcua trains arrived In La Grande early this morning from Ilakee City and long before the average busi ness man was about his work, the vil lage of tenta at the circus grounds had been erected, the hundreda of m ployea had been given thel'r ; break fasts, the animals had been fed. and In fact, everything was ready for the big parade that It might Btart on time. The sudden clearing of climatic con ditions oday allowed for a large crowd of people from the valley, and when the special train and the remi- lar train from the east had reached La Grande the crowd had assumed such proportions as are seldom seen. even on circus days. All day long the throngs jostled be tween the circus grounds and the city proper. Merchants did a prosperous business and everybody was happy. . The parade was full of beautiful steeds that arched the necks and pranced along s band after band fil led the air with circus music. Ilc-IIoti Setting Again. Ft.' Louis. May 29. ".Mollycoddle," the mnternal rooster of N. D. Kltchell, , of Maplowood, .will soon become a' mother again. ".Mollycoddle" achieve cd nrtlonal fame recently by hatch ing IS Plymouth Rock chickens from 15 eggs. Even this feat left his ma ternal Intitlncts unsatlafled, and he la sitting again, with good prospects of another large brood. Poor Seal Season. Montreal, Que., May Report from the seal fisheries state that the catch this ys,r will probably be much smaller than usual, and a stiff Increase In the price of seal skin will likely ' result The catch for 10 was worth ItOO.OOO. and that of last year M&0, 000. Estimates place the value of this Jr's catch at lea than $300,000. ' Suppressing Rebellion. Toklo, May St. The government Is pleased with resujta of the fighting fn Korea. It la announced that the re bellion will be crushed by August In many part of Korea Insurgents have already surrendered. HAPPINESS AND GLORY I so live and act that his fel knowledge or the qualities I JS ' ' oi 'V Oregon ..ft i. c ! ) A. MMM4tMIM'HiMMaj