EIGHTAGFS. FTEXIXG, CBSKRVER, LA GRAXDE, ORF.GOX. MOXDAY, APRIL 18, 1808. PAGE fCEVtr1. WHY XOT LA CRAXDE? w THE COLUMIBA OIL AND GAS DEVELOPING COMPANY .INCORPORATED CXDER THE UW S OF THE STATE OF WASIIIXG 4 TOX. CAPITAL STOCK 1,000,000 SHARES OFFICE: SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. 401 Mr hols Block. Corner Riverside and Washington Street. OIL FIELDS IN SLVLHECR COCXTY, OREGON. PURPOSE OF THE COMPANY STHE PURPOSE OF THIS COMPANY IS TO PLACE ON THE MAR KET ENOUGH TREASURY STOCK TO PURCHASE A STANDARD DRILLING RIG, PLACE IT ON THE COMPANY'S CLAIMS, AND CON TINUE WORKING THIS RIG UNTIL A THOROUGH TEST HAS BEEN MADE FOR OIL OR GAS. . PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY THIS COMPANY HAS AND OWNS FORTY-K1UHT CLAiatb oiiJ ' ATED IN THE HEART. OF THE MALHEUR OIL DISTRICT. ' . THE COMPANY ALSO HAS A 8MALL DRILLING RIG, COMPLETE, , AT VALE, MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. OUTLOOK THE SURFACE OF THE MALHEUR OIL FIELDS ARE ROLLING, WITH DEEP RAVINES. SHARP POINTS AND HILLS. IT IS COVERED WITH SAND AND GRAVEL AND IS. DEVOID OF VEGETATION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SAGEBRUSH. . THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS FIELD SHOW IT TO BE OF THE NATURE OF A DRY, BARREN PLAIN OR BASIN, THE SUB-DIVISIONS REFERRED TO CONSISTING OF SILICIFIED AND CLAY SHALES, SANDSTONE, CLOSE AND COARSE GRAINED. THE UNDERLYING FORMATIONS ARE CLAY. SANDSTONE AND ' CALCAREOUS CONCRETIONS, WHITE CALCAREOUS SHELLS, FOSSIL IFEROUS CONCRETIONS, CARBONIFEROUS LIME AND LIME SHALE. THE FORMATION GENERALLY IS SUCH A3 TO GIVE THE LANDS IN QUESTION A HIGH CHARACTER AS LANDS PECULIAR TO OIL FOR MATIONS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. THE SANDSTONE STRATA 13 IMPREGNATED AND STAINED WITH DEPOSITS WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM SUCH SOURCE. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY IN A RECENT REPORT FROM A GOVERNMENT EXPERT A STATEMENT WAS MADE TO THE EFFECT THAT THE MALHEUR CO UNTY OIL FIELDS OF OREGON STOOD IN THE HIGHEST CLASS, LIKE THOSE OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. AND OTHER PROMI NENT PACIFIC COAST FIELDS. A NUMBER OF OTHER EXPERTS, PROMINENT AND THOROUGH LY RELIABLE, STATE THAT THE FORMATIONS OF THIS OIL CENTER POINT TO AN UNLIMITED WEALTH IN OILS AND GASES. SUPERINTENDENT BEARDSLEY'S REPORT IN A LETTER FROM SUPERINTENDENT J. T. BEARDSLEY, OF VALE. OREGON. DATED IN JANUARY, 1908, HE STATED THAT AT A . DEPTH OF SEVENTY FEET. ON THE COLUMBIA GROUP, OIL SAND AND COLORS OF THE BEST QUALITY WERE ENCOUNTERED, A SAMPLE OF WHICH CAN BE FOUND IN THE COMPANY'S OFFICES AT SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. TO THOSE INTERESTED STOCK 15 CENTS PER SHARE THERE WILL BUT A FEW SHARES SOLD AT THIS LOW PRICE OF FIFTEEN CENTS. ANY INFORMATION WANTED ON THIS OFFER WILL BE GLADLY GIVEN BY THE COMPANY'S SOLE AGENT AT LA . GRAXDE, RAY W. LOGAN, AT HIS OFFICE IN THE LA GRANDE NA TIONAL BANK BUILDING. IX A VERY FEW DAYS BLUE-PRINTS SHOWING THE COM PANY'S GROUND, AXD ALSO THAT OF OTHERS WHO ARE SPENDING) LARGE AMOUNTS TO DEVELOP THE OIL FIELDS IN MALHEUR COT7N TT, OREGON, WILL BE AT THE AGENTS OFFICE, , THOSE WHO A VERY FEW MONTHS AGO BOUGHT STOCK IN THE MAl.HF.rit OIL GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, THE UNION, ORE GON, COMPANY, AT 12 M CENTS PER SHARE, COULD NOW SELL WITH A HANDSOME PROFIT, BUT HAVE TAKEN ALL THEIR STOCK OFF THE MARKET, KNOWING THE VALrE OF IT IN A VERY SHORT TIME, FROM THE WORK NOW DONE BY THAT COMPANY. NOW 19 THE TIME TO GET IN OX THIS STOCK ISSUE AT THIS VERY SMALL PRICE, BEFORE THE RAISE, WIUCH IS BOUND TO COME LATER, AXD INVEST YOUR MONEY IN A HOME COMPANY, THAT YOU KNOW IS GOOD, ,1, , 1 I v ' OFFICERS WM. PARKER, Prmldcnt. , 4. B. WATERS, Vlee-Prcsldent. R. F. LOl'XSHERRY, Scc-Treas. J. T. BEARDSLEY, Superintendent. DIRECTORS 3. B. WATERS, t. L. AUMOCK, J. T. BEARDSLEY, R, F. LOUXSBERRY. ADVISORY BOARD WM. PARKER, 3. V. MARLOW, A. E.KNAPTOX, CILVS. BESGROVE, and W. A. INGRAM. R. IV. LOGAN, SOLE AGENT LA GRANDE, 0REGQN The La Grande National bank Building Pendleton Gets Federal Building Ap roirlation by House. Washington, D. C, May 15. Mayor E. J. Murphy, Pendleton, Ore. An appropriation seventy thousand dollar public b.-.' Pendleton passed house. ". R. ELLIS. The above --ic ;.u usage received Friday eveniu l;y T.Iayor E. J. Mur phy of Pcndlet ci, Jas caused more Joy wlt'-;-i t':e.ii:y then any .single piece ot I v al ln.eUlsnco that has been rccilve j fur nwny, week. suys the Pcnuleto.i East Orcgonlan.' - The pas;s;e of the appropriation by the hor. practically means that Tendleton will be given , a federal building, and that in the near future, for the appropriation provides for both the securing of the Bite and the erection of a building. The Pendleton building was includ ed In the omnibus appropriation bill, Which was favorably reported to the house on Thursday. The measure provides for buildings at Albany, the completion of one at Eugene, buildings At Belllngham, : North Yakima " and T-?TT'rt7 w fnm mi ' rtN'mftf Walla Walla, Everett and Pocatello. Albany Is given but $65,000 for its building and site. Now that the bill has passed the house It only remains for the senate to confirm, the measure and those in formed upon the- situation bolleve there will be no trouble In the senate, for the house usually acts In the ca pacity of treasury watchdog. A federal building for this city will be for the accommodation of the post office. United States commissioner, of fices of the bureau of animal Indus try .and of the federal court should a district be organized with, this place as headquarters. i Wc Want Your Wants IN : ' Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or mora want-seekers vary day Can you afford to spend one cert per word of your want ad whs; rasults are the keynote? t - FOR RENT. FOR RENT A five-room house- on Adams avenue, opposite Mrs. Ma son's orchard; $8 per month. In quire of Mrs. Mason, 'phone Black ill!.' .' ' FOR RENT New -room house with bath and pantry. Large lot; slRht ly location; yery cheap. Call M. (. " FOR RENT The skating rink hall. Largest hall In La Grande; hard wood floor.' Mrs. Zuber. .: - " STATE GRANGE OFFICERS. ' Those Who Were Elected at Eugene Before Convention Closed. The following slate of officers for the ensuing year was elected by dele gates to the state grange at Eugene .last week, Just prior to adjournment: The election of officers was com. Qleted late last evening. The follow tng were elected: Master, A. T. Buxton of Gaston, re elected; overseer, A. T. Shoemake, of Josephine county; lecturer, J. J. John son of Portland; steward, W. A. Young of Arietta, re-elected; assist ant steward, E. W. StaatB, of Alrlle; chaplain, Oscar Eaton,' Oswego, re elected; treasurer, H. Hlrschberg, In dependence, re-elected; secretary, Mrs, Mary S. Howard, Mullno, re-elected for the sixth year; gatekeeper, L. S. Lambert. Stayton; Cere, Mrs. Cora Legg, of St. Helens; Pomona, Mrs, Lulu E. Miller of Albany; Flora, Mrs, Brown of Lane county; member of executive committee, Eugene Palmer, of Albany; legislative committee, A. I, Mason of Hood River; F. M. Gill of Estacada. . 1 FOR RENT Three-room house on Fourth street; close In. 5-Utf Secds :Seeds AM Kinds FIELD and GARDEN In bulk and in packages. We have been the seed distributor of this county l for several years and our stock as usual is complete. Feed of All Kinds EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES : : STORAGE : : IA. V. OLIVER Slater Block . FOR RENT Suite of three rooms. furnished complete. Inquire of Mrs. G, D. Simmons. 7 . ' . : FOR SALE About 8000 feot of thor oughly dry shiplap. Apply at G. E. Fowler's office. FOR SALE One ' -year-old horsci, broke to drive single, for a lady; tw milch cows with young calves. Sove pigs, 100 chickens, three wagons, on surrey, one buggy and several fan Implements. ' Five pieces of 'town property. Improved. Bargain If aol at once. Inquire of Mary E. Chlld ers. Island City. FOR RENT Furnisned rooms, close In. Inquire at 1417 Washington av enue. Next door to rink. FOR RENT Large store ' building, with shelving and counters. Inquire at 1417 Washington avenue.' ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for housekeeping;, also bedrooms. In quire at 1417 Washington avenue.' FOR RENT Furnished front room. close ' In; modern conveniences, 'Phone to Black 951. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. E. C, Moore, corner Q and Fourth streets. 'Phone Red 1462. p WANTED. WANTED A position as , statloTHWT e.Mwi1 iMrliaa. Cm give reference If required. Address Box 758. La Grande. ; ,-. ' :' WANTED To trade lots In La Grande for hones. Call at Hill's drug store. WANTED Three waitresses, at Model restaurant Applr WANTED A man and wife to take charge of a ranch near Cove. . Ap ply to A. B. Conley, or address him ' In this city. , Must be competent. T WANTED Girl for general house work In small family. Apply At Eastern Oregon Trust A Bavins 1 ; bank. WANTED Situation by ft capable young man clerical. First-class references furnished. Address M. Bos 161, La Grande, Ore. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs. .One dollar for each setting. Telephone to Red 212. FOR SALE Team, ot heavy work horses, 1400 and 1500 pounds; ( and 7 years; also team driving mares. In quire 1417 Washington Ave. , S-litl FOR SALE Two second-hand awn Ings, 24 feet long with frames and fixtures complete and In good re pair. Price, each, $10.00. The Peo ples' Store, FOR SALE 500 feet of picket fence- In good condition. Apply to Mrs. Zuber. WANTED Chance make qulclr. service In moving furniture an pianos with special equipment for safe hauling. All kinds of transfer business solicited. Leave orders t. Halsten's store or 'phone to Red 1161. J. W. Black. At ClilluV Harness) Shop A full line of tenia, wagon sheets, bed covers pni summer robes Just ar- . rived at Jack Chi Ids' harness shop on,, Fir street. Ice cream In any quantity at Blue Mountain Creamery Co, Sea our an nouncement. V . ( Coupons books at a 5 per cent dis count -You are the saver, i LA GRANDE CASH MEAT CO. WE HAVE ITI W HA.T? THE VERY BEST line of GROCERIES and VEGETABLES In the city, everything tooth some and wholesom for stylish dinner tacles THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. F0LACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 W. H. B0HNENKAMP CO. X HARDVVARE,STOVES.FLRMTtRF.BUILDIG MATERIAL S :dealers. in: i ... . . , '- Agents for Huntington Lime, the best that reaches t this market: Try It. .' ; -C: III I1 1 t'A