r.:i! Ftirn. FT GUT FACES. EVENING OFJERYER, LA GRANDE, OREGOX, BATfRDAY, MAY 1, J808. SI I 5 5! ? .... t t a i ii I i vl !i if U tede Evening CDserver Published dally except bunday. CCRRET BROTHERS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Col ted Press Telegraph Service. iaily, per month.. . ... itiaily, single copy. ......... .., ' .05 rCfeily, one year In advance U.50 JDatly, six months, In advance... I. Bo -Veekly, one year In advance. , .$1.00 "Weekly, six months. In adance. .7$ "Bntored at the poetoffiij t m Grande as second-class matter. Ttols paper wUl not publish any ar Hole appearing over a nom de plume Algned articles will be received sab- 4ot to the discretion of he edlt.irs Please sign your articles and save dlr Appointment. - ' i . : . Advertising Rates. Display ad. rates furnished upon .application. local reading notices 10c per line Orst insertion; 6o per line for each , -subsequent Insertion. , f Resolutions nf mnAnlenc. (n a 1ln. . Cards of thanlm. Be a Una. The comlnit election 'will be from one standpoint, the most critical In the history of Oregon. All the other states In the union will look to the .election returns on the second of June to see how the Initiative and referen dum works In practice. If the results show that this new method of leginla tlon leads to safe and conservative law making, that the safety of essen tlal state Interests and Institutions are thereby safeguarded, we may look to the rapid adoption of direct legislation throughout the country. But If the returns show that the majority of the people are too Indifferent to express themselves at the polls, and that Irre sponsible agitators can at any time strike down and cripple a state Instltu- tlon as certain Irresponsible agitators tamp No. 700, Woodmen of the are trying to strike down the state World. After the lodge session, dur unlverslty, then other communities Ing which a new member was Instruct- will undoubtedly pause and the prog ress of direct legislation will be jeop ardized. The Dalles will hold a cherry ex hibit. The merchants have offered substantial prizes for the various va rieties and the cherry growers are en terlng Into the 'Cherry exhibit" plnnlclt5r' with a hearty good will. La Grande. should take notice of this move on the pan or rne Danes and also have a cherry exhibit. As fine cherries as were ever grown anywhere are grown In the Grande Ronde valley. The jrrowers are willing to co-operate with, the business men and make Cherry day at La Grande an event to be re membered. Let the fruit men and the business men hold a meeting and , formulate their plans In time to make a complete success of La Grande's first cherry day. . u A petition has been filed with the county clerk of Malheur county, to enable the people of that county to de cide as to whether they will have open saloons any longer. The peti tion calls for a vote on the county as a whole, so If the majority vote dry, the whole county will be dry; and If the county votes wet the precincts which vote dry will be dry, while the wet precincts may retain the saloon. This Big Closing inis has ocrn one this pat of the state. and organs but we still marked to a still lower T.II.MTE Gen. Agent ILtRS PIANO HOUSE Kood River wants a new county. and the Commercial club there sums up in facts and figures why this should be done. "The assessed valuation In he proposed Hood River county for 1907 was J2.763.250, the area is about 500 square miles and the population about 7500. This will leave' In Wasco county an asHesseil valuation of $5, 437,720, an area of about 1448 square miles and a population of about 11.- 300, thus leaving It among the larg est and strongest counties in the state." ' a- The Portland Journal inquires: 'Supposo you average voter sit down ana figure up wnat party aanerence ever did for you." Well, let us see Chamberlain has always voted the democratic ticket without a break and has never run for office on any other. What's the matter with Chamberlain? Pendleton Tribune. The creamery at Prairie City Is aroUBlng the farmers of that locality to the t fact that there is money in cows and the Institution is growing more In favor with the farmers every day. . i.- Oddity In advertising counts. Ta coma no doubt stands In the front rank In this respect, as It has a dog, Owney," which has circumnavigated the globe. Incidentally, from the way he Is sweeping the country, he might well be called "Tornado" Taft, says an ex change. y i . Telegraphing by telephone Is the latest novelty In Philadelphia. ELGIN NEWS ITEMS. Some Interesting Iocals From the F.l- 'rekljr IU ft'-r.i ' Wednesday evening marked a pleas. ant event In the history of Rock Wall ed in the mysteries of Woodcraft, all repaired to the City hotel, where they sat down to a splendid banquet, which had been In preparation for several days. That the choppers were equal to the occasion, goes without denying, and It was pronounced as being one of the brst pred ever served In the J. O. Brown, the sawmill man, came ( to town yesterday and shipped a piece of broken machinery to La Grande fur repairs. The breakdown occurred yesterday morning and the mill will be closed until Monday. "Uncle" Jackson Graham, who ar rived down from La Grande several days ago, is spending the week fishing with E. 8. Huff on Wallowa river. As J. Erie Cowan was allowing an automobile to pass him near the Hall garth place last evening, as he was en route home from attending a fune ral at Summervllle, he was thrown from the rig and received a painful in jury on the back of his head. He was rendered unconscious for a time but reports this morning are to the effect that he will enjoy a speedy recovery. 8. N. Bolton, a member of the La Grande Implement firm of Bolton A Bodmcr, was transacting business In this city yesterday. D. Fitzgerald, proprietor of the La I Grande Iron works, was looking aftyr Out Sale of the DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC of the most remarkable piano sales ever attempted m We have sold nearly a c irload of pianos, player pianos. have left many alluring barga'ns. some of which we have figure. w a tki- nsmnn a in s nir. Vi"iwi aiu. iu.ii , iu ut.u) THE KFGl KH PRICES. REMEMBER, THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OP TUP" sur "H.L rraillAPH NKVEK K I.VPMt .TE1 AGAIN. IT WILL PAY OV TO JUKE AXV I.1TTI.E SSULL SACRIFICE THVT MIGHT BE NFcTsstnv XJ? TKMt CirrriNG A PIANO IN THE WTrRK. F-.SY TEIUIS OF ,10 TO , MONTHLY, OR SETTLE ONE. TWO O, Fl YO cZZZJ TOWM BVYEHS WHO CANNGT CALL SHOlLBf W1UTE OR PUOXE IX)R COMPLLTE 1URGAIN IJST. STORE OPEN EVENINGS All ims kZ aiOOSE- OCTF- CLOSING OUT STOCK 2 FREE! THE ACME 'Phone Black 641, 213 FIR STREET Hnalnm 4i PMoMn yterdRV. He WIS accompanied by his brother-ln-lawj R I Coleman, of Clarkston. DENTIST. Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 851. Painless extraction. ; Expert golJ work. Special attention to children's teeth. La Grande National Bank Building. A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal To all knowing sufferers of rtieu matlsm, whether muscular or of Ihe joints, sciatica, lumbngos, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treat ment which has repeatedly cured' all of these tortures. She feels It her duty to send It to all sufferers free. You cure yourself at home as thous ands will testify no change of cli mate being necessary. This flmplc Wood AD Coal ? at I Why Pay More? : Best Yellow Pine, now, but green rut. Dry 18 inch $5.50 ; per cord Rock Spring Coal per ton $7.50 t TRUCK and TRANSFER Phone your orders to Main 10. Quick service guaranteed. Storage in fire proof and damp proof building. G. E. FOWLER 1 liitms Asr am snr a m m ... T FX t-i j4 of DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. ... ' V-.'! FREE!! ACME TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD FOR EVERY HOLLAR YOm SPEND WITH VS, WE WILL PRESENT YOU FREE ONE TICKET TO THE ELECTRIC TIIEATR. TniS YOU SEE $5.00 PURCHASES ENTI TLES YOU TO FIVE TICKETS. BUY A S..5.00 "ACME," THE REST RANGE MADE, AND GET 53 TICKETS AND SEE THE BIG SHOW WITH US. ACME RANGE r. B.HAISTEN discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Su ru bers, Box R, Notra Dame, Ind. Danger in a Cold Because you have ceatracted ordinary coldi and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment Imagine that eolds an not dangerous. Mot only pneu monia, but also tbe Infectious diseases such as diphtheria and scarlet fever start wltb s cold. The cold prepares the system for tbi receptloa and derelopment of the germs ol these diseases. Take our ad vicecure you oold while yon eaa. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by Its remarkable cares ef colds bss becom a staple article sf trade and commerce. Itl prompt: Ittseffestaali It ! reliable. Try It NEWLIN DRUG CO. Ptrlv Let Me Clear That Window With My I SPECIAL GROUND GLASSES l Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded . . JO. A. HEACOCKJ CO.'S Stock will End h m EfAN Of One Rosewood Case Upright Piano ; ; ; ; One Mahogany Case Upright Piano ; ; ; One Mahogany Case Upright Piano ; ; ; ; One Walnut Case Upright Piano ; ; ; ; One Walnut Case Upright Piano : ; une uaK case upright . . FREEH RANGE ED STRINGILiM, 4 AUCTIONEER. 4 Gales cried on short notice. . Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - . OREGON Route No. 2. 'Phone No. 19x 4 4444444444444444 LA GRANDE J 4k l SCIIOOLof MUSIC : Studio over Selder's candy parlors. : : PROF. DAY, Principal $.4. 4 ! THE GEORGE LIMBER RETAiL We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We'are prepared to furnish and promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. this Week. Prices ROCK BOTTOM PRIPFS - ' : : Piano '.; w FREE!!! THE ACME Thone Red 1161 1411, 1413, 1415 Adams Ave. SiIGrIrIN3 Arrival and Departure of Trains aft tat Grande, No. 1, westbound Portland Special,, arrives 9:25 a. m.; departs, 9:80 a. m. No. 6, eastbound passenger, main and express, arrives at 8:15 a. m.; de parts 6:50 a. m. No. S, eastbound Chicago Special, -arrives 8:05 p. m.: departs, 8:10 f. nu. No. 6, westbound passenger, main and express, arrives 9:BS p. m.; de parts, 10 p. m. Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves La. Grande at 8 o'clock and returns at it o'clock p. m. The logging tralna leaves La Grande at 12:80 p. m. an: returns at 7:45 p. m. J. II. KEEXEY, Agent, IjB Grande, Oregon. PALMER COMPANY DEPARTMENT 4- 4- deliver material ttE m e4e4e4e4e4e4e4e4e4eeeeseAA a a. Better than Ever ' ' ' ' ; $165.00 : ; ; . 188.00 ; ; ; 228.00 : 1 ; 248.oo ; 288.00 -''ft 1316 ' ADAMS AVENUE V sBfAsAsftflt99WW9. 1, 1 j!Xlti3aa'.ui.-a. IP'