PAr.E THUIIE. EATTRDAT. JUT 1C. JfOS. EIGHT PAGES. - - - .i...,.-.I.1..i..iA.4. Ferguson's uson's WE HAVE NOT A LARGE STOCK, BCT IT IS NEW, CLEAN AXD CP-TO-DATE :: NOTHING IS TOO MUCH TROUBLE NOTHING IS TOO MUCH TROUBLE - trtmr. onsFTlvm. IA GRANDE. OREGON, : 400Tta00lvvy,"'r'''" " ... J Fers r "fra ICE CREAM This is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pre- : pared to furnish the trade with the very best. Re member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen :::::: E. D. S ELDER, the Candv Man NUIHAL FORECAST WE ARE GETTING IN OUR NEW STOCK OF L.TJMBE3 WHICH 4 will be sold at reduced prices House bills special prices. We have Fir finish and VG Fir Flooring We have the best grade of Cedar shingles. These are two grades of the same brand, : : : : : 1 STODDARD LUMBER CO. j, I BRICK IS CHEAPER '2 Brick building, at the present price of lumber, is 3 cheaper as well as better. It has been demonstrated tnat my brisk is superior to any made in Oregon. I 5 uanfurrish common brick in any quantity. No order X too lartre or too small to receive prompt attention. I Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. . Estimates cr.eertuiiy on application. furnished. Prices made known jGRO.--tCRIEGE.Rj Phones Residence, Black 701. Yard. Red B21. La Grande, Oregon Children's Hats for School Sailors Dress Hats Bidts, Bags, and Purses E. Ck ADAMS lYl weiirnciii4xvjv. AVEME Washington. Mar Secretary Tatt will bo the presidential nominee of the republican party in this year's forced upon even the most unwilling, now that all the state and congression al district conventions have been held. While many of the j southern states will send contesting delegations, on the face of the returns from the south, the war secretary Is apparently In con trol of the situation and most of th Dixie legations .Will probably be found lined up ffHh ln oll4 wet fur the Ohloan. , Unless tH6F In a iro- found change In sentiment biwell now and the date set for the convert Hon, Taft's nomination on the face of returns from the state' and diet riot conventions Is assured. In the last week or two many of the hIgh-Balarled writers and employes at the headquar ters of opposing candidates have been dismissed, and the more candid of the boomers of Cannon, Knox, Hughes, Fairbanks, et at., admit that the bat tle Is already apparently lost. While Interest In the republican con test la subsiding, the next week Will be a busy one In democratic circles. Conventions and primaries will he held In many states. In different parts of tho country, and will afford a fair measure of the strength of the Bryan opposition. Democratic conventions will be held Monday m California, at Fresno, and In Washington at Spokane. Accord ing to advices' frortt the1 Coast, Bryan Is certain of liidbrserfierK by both con ventions. State prfmarie' wfll be held In Alabama on Mon'd"ay". fne . senti ment In that state Is alleged to be foY Bryan for president, and the delega tion will probably go for him, as well as Instructed for a platform In line with the policies he advocates. On Tuesday a prlmray election will be held In Florida, at which dele gates to the Denver convention will be chosen. There Is little doubt that the entire Florida dojegatlon will be for Bryan, as the opposition has boen weak and dispirited and the Nebras kan Is a favorite with a large major ity of the Democratic voters. Wednesday will be an Important day In the democratic calendar, since stfito conventions Will be held In Pennsyl vania, Missouri, and South Carolina. The conventions will be watched with a great deal of Interest by Washington politicians. In South Carolina the fight over Bryan has not been so bitter as In the northeastern states, but there haa been much powerful opposition to the Nebraskan. Senator Tillman, th most powerful figure In South Caro lina politics, Is thought to favor Bry an, but he will not take an active part In the campaign. The convention to bo held next Wednesday In Columbia will elect the district delegates as well as the delegates at large. In Michigan, where the democratic state convention will be hold at Lan ins: on Wednesday, considerate wu- tlment in favor of Johnson baa devel-j oped. The state committee refused to Indorse Bryan, and this action put heart Into the Johnson boomers, who have been carrying on a vigorous cam paign during the last few weeks. Ac cording to reports received from Mich igan, the voters are about evenly di vided between the Bryan and Johnson factions and any attempt to instruct NOTICE FOR. FTOUCATION. Isolated Tract Public Land sale. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office La Qrande. Ore,, April I, 10. ' Notice 1 htrtby given, that at di rected by the commissioner of , the general land off'ce, under the pro visions of the act of congress ap proved June 27, 1J00 (34 Stat,, (it), we will offer at public salt to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m, on the 18th day of May next, at this office, the following Hact of land: . NWH SE14, Sec. 4, T, t 8 R. 33, B. W. M. --r 7TW,, ''flw Averlv the above described landa are advlwd to file their claims or ohJeeAlaaa on ur before the time designated for aale, F. C BRAMWEU Register. A. A, ROBHitTS, RCelV0r, d4-U-5-l PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE PAINTING , AND PAPERHANGINO staniels & Ou$S U20 ADAMS AVENUE Im uranoe wiw We Sure Cur? tor Asthma, guarantee U cura asthma, 'T. " . . I bronchitis and catarrh. If our medl- fof Bryart will probably lead to a hot I cheerful)jr refund a llKfll uil Hie nuur ui ma wwimimwu. - State Cdiivttitlort In Jefferson City next Wednesday, The selection of a dele gation favorable to Bfyafl Is a cer tainty. Popular setitlnleHt among the rank and tile of MIbbouI'1 democrats U all In favor of the Nebraska candidate. The Pennsylvania democratic con vention, to bo held In Harrlsburg on Wednesday, will be the most import ant Of the week in its far-reaching ef-! facts; For" nearly three months the, Pennsylvania Bryan league has been carrying on 4 spirited campaign to sc- pure the Indorsement of Ita candidate, and the embodying In the platfortn of his views on national question! if the league should be successful In Its endeavors to capture the big Pennsyl vania delegation, the position of th Bryan boomers In the Denver con vention would be rendered almost Im pregnable. Those wha favor Johnmn or Gray realize this and will mak4 every effort to stem th Bryan tide .'n the convention and (o follow New ITdrk's lead In snrffng an unlnstructr ed delegation. Write Arnold's Asthma Cure Co., 333-334-336 Arcade Build ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next 30 days, Morris W, Knight, Cove, Ore, Box S3. Notice. Bealed bids wlllytfoVeeclved for the city printing for j doming year. All bids to be In at (lie f firnf the city recqrder by 4 o'cKuMfrTm., May 30th By order of the ways and means committee.' S. N. BOLTON, . Chairman. Phono Red 1921 SCQtl & MmW As house cleaners we are the people who are equip ped for doing the irork. Leave your sarpets on your floors, give us your ornoi and smile at our work and we will smile together. ' PHONE, Black 1772 ( YOUR WORK Is what we want We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all "the time. ; We do not think It necessary atthisjtime to say anything about the class of workjwe turn out3 The fact that we have been in the LAUN x DRY business for twelve years in!La Grande we think sufficient evi : dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it A. B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN 7 The Worfcl'a Best Climate Is not entirely free from disease, oil the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria Is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, according to altitude. To over come climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, . fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bit ters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and Insomnia. Sold under guarantee nt the Newlin Drug Co.'S drug store. Price 50c. NEW . MAN Beet Quality of Ice, taken from the Grande Ronde Rive? above Perry Suwmlll. Best Quality of Chain Not the light edgings, but plank ends and heavy slabs cut to 1- Inch lengths. We call attention to the size of our loads and the fW that our wood Is DRY., Wood and Ice, wholesale and retail. ". ' A Rigger load ot a Bolter Wood put In your Wood Ilouxc. (V ' . v .; ICE AXD WOOD AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAI1K ;' V. E, BE Phone Red 1741 1 vr?J Em Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. TUT not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. B 8ur Tm Gat Foley's v Thera ara nbstitirtea mad to tell oa the good nam of Foley " Honey mnd Tar. Bewara of them. Yon should have coofidenca ia a coah core that haa baea sold with nnlrersal satisfaction for . thirty-fiva ytara. The genuina Foley' Honey mnd Tor b la a yellow Package. Set that yod get it. : . Three alsea A Mother TetUfleo Thli Is it cerlfy that my daughter was down for almost one year with a cold. The doctors finally pronounced it consumption. Wa bad riven up nope for ber recovery. I was given a sample ootuo oi roiejra Honey and Tar. I gave it au to Ber u about tnrea nonrs. ioney and Tar. I gave the cough, and rave her rest. It atopped SocbotUa There can and beo-an srivinir it. not be too much said ia favor of Foley's Honey and Tar. It saved my child's life. Ia three month' time she wa wall. Mr. George Bataoa, Fountain Grove, Ma. 25c. 50e and 1.00. The 50-oent size contain two and one-half time a much a the aaaU sla and the 1.00 bottle almost six times a much. 1 SOLD ISO REGOEKDED BY T. OXLL, DnggM.