La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 16, 1908, Image 1

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NTMBElt J13.
' . , "
, stupid Interchange of Pennants Over
l'lagshlp of the Atlantic Fleet Left
lias Pat. Rear Admiral Dayton In
Command of tlie Entire Fleet
-Sperry Woa to Have Been In Com
niond Sperry't Flag Droops Do-
.'. spondently CruliteVs South Mon-
if ; Ban ranciaco, May 16. The esprit
ae corps of the Atlantic squadron has
receivea a saa jou. mere are lt.uuu
' . ' iBulklng sailors and swearing oiucers
'who are Buffering; from an aggravated
case of humftlatlon as a consequence
' of Admiral Dayton and the cruiser
squadron's withdrawing from the big
- ..' ;show. When through with the haul
' Ing down of the pennant of Rear Ad
miral Thomas he became for time the
tsenlor officer present, and today the
two-starred blue pennant of the com-
mander In chief Is floating from a
mere cruiser and an officer not Iden
tified with the big fleet at all, la run
ning the whole show.
It had been arranged that when
"Thomas left, Sperry was to be In com
mand, as It 'was understood Dayton
..-and 'the cruiser squadron would leave
rat once for the south. But with the
"hauling down of the Thomas flagi the
.'blue two-stnrred pennant of Dayton
."went up and Sperry's red flag Is droop-
"lon over the Connecticut. t
L rf Now If any officers of the battle
tshlp squadron want to do a little so
cial, stunt on shore he must ask per
mlBslon of almost an alien officer.
This has made many aching hearts
- .Jn the big fighters today. , Many ren
isons are glvfn for the delay In sailing
of the cruisers, but the general opin
ion is mat uayton just nung around so
tas to take a slight fall out of the bat
' -tleshlps and remind the people of the
! -coast that the cruiser squadron Is also
VvKlolng business In these waters. ' The
cruisers will sal! south Monday.
Held for Libel.
, BakerBfleld, Cm., May 16. Justice
P.Iack today held R. A. Crothers and
TFremont Older, proprietor and editor
of the San Francisco Bulletin to an
tswer to the superior court on charges
f libel preferred by William S. Tevls,
Mhe millionaire of t!:ls city. The de
fendants gave bail In the sum of $41,-
)Wnn. tn priihi.
c-. . . .
"T.vmored That l'n Hie Will Rei Void
of American Merchant Marine.
1 San Francisco, May 16. It was
The Suit we make for
you will set you won
dering why you have
been paying the other
tailors so much money
Hundreds of neat, bright new summer
goods to show you. Come in NOW
and order a Royal Tailor suit and ret
the legal guarantee that every gar
ment will hold its style and fit until
worn out.
$17.50 AND UP
stated today that the Oriental-Occidental
Steamship company will go out
of business tn SO days. It Is also hint
ed that the Pacific Mall Steamship
company will discontinue within a
short time. If so, this will about re
move the flag of the United States
from merchant marine of the Pacific.
Howard for Express Robbers.
- Seattle, May 1. The Great North
. .em railroad has offered $5000 for
the capture of the train robbers who
robbed the Wells-Fargo express and
mail car last week near Seattle.'
Rioting In China.
Toklo, May 16. Rioting In Panku,
China, Is Increasing and. much prop
erty has been destroyed and many kill
ed and wounded.
Government Policy Wins. -Toklo.
May 16. The government
won by a substantial majority In the
parliamentary elections neiu niiy.
Automobile Features of Next Saturday
Will Be Exhibition and Demonstra
: tlon Raced Between I'axt Cars of
the Inland Empire A Novelty to
See Cars Dashing' Around Curved
. Tracks Special Trains to . the Fair
Grounds and Back Agnjn.
That mlle-a-minute performances
will b the order of the day next Sat
urday afternoon at the fair grounds,
is an assured fact. Automobile own
ers of Walla Walla. Baker City, Pen
dleton and very probably Portland,
will have fast cars here for demonstra
tion and exhibition runs.
The different makes of cars will be
pitted against each other In exhibition
performances, and that the mile course
will be circled In a minute is practi
cally certain.' Few realize what it Is
to see a mechanical device take the
sharp curves of a race track, going
at the rate of a mile a minute, and
the grandstand will no doubt be
crammed with excited spectators. The
feature races will not be all, as many
machines from the county are going
to enter in a long list of races. '
The Auto committee has applied for
a special train to take spectators to the
fair groundsand to bring "them, back
after the races. Fare for the round
trip will be 28 cents. Admission to
the grounds will be free.
It Is very likely that the auto parade
will be held In -the morning, or Just
before noon, to give the owners time
to get their machines In shape for the
afternoon races.
t: -
Dr. Evans, Who Figured Conspicuous
ly In tlie Two Trials Held Over Har
ry Thaw, Testifies In Habeas Corpus
Proceedings Today That Thaw Is
Apparently Sane The Doctor Con
versed With Thaw Last Night He
Found Him Rational.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., May It.
Harry K. Thaw entered the court
room today minus his usual broad
smile that he has been wearing of
hand by Attorney Oraham and coach- J
ed for the part he was about to play
when he. takes the stand In the pro-1
ceedlngs brought to release him from ,
Matteawan asylum. It is probable
that he may testify late today.
Dr. Evans, who testified In the two
Thaw trials, was the first witness to- j
day. He declared that he thought the-
defendant was sane. He based his j
opinion on his observation of Thaw ,
white the latter was In Matteawan. v I
"I saw Thaw last night and told him
he ought to take the stand. I believe
thnt n A ran ennv nM t li nni i rt thnt
Is sane. In this manner." I
Otld Follows In Quaker City.
, Philadelphia. Pa., May 16. With
the conferring of the Rebekah degree
this evening, the grand encampment
and grand lodge meeting' of 'the Odd
Fellows and Rebekahs of Pennsylva
nia will be opened and will continue
through the greater portion of next
week. Many members of the
havo already arrived and the pros-
pects Indlcste the largest attendance
In the history of the grand lodge, dity
hall will be brilliantly Illuminated In
honor of the visitors and the keys to
the city will be presented to the grand
lodge officials. Receptions, excur
sions, dances and drills by the military
branches of the' orCer will continue
during the week.
Elgin, May 16. (Special.) Rains
hold no terror for enthusiastic far
mers about this city. When occasion
al severe sleet storms and almost in
cessant rains, the Initial stock and
market day was pulled off here this
afternoon and ' this morning. The
judging of stock commenced at 11:30
o'clock, but due to the severe sleet
storm that passed over the city at tlyit
time, action was deferred -until later
this afternoon. . . '
Baker City, May 16. (Special.)
Before a large crowd, and In excellent
A-eather, the eastern Oregon track and
field meet Is being run off this after
noon and In the finals now finished,
La Grande has scored and Walters of
Island City has taken third in fast
100 yard race. Young of La Grande,
Is the only man to ' register at . this
ttage. The winners at t:IS are:
100-Yard Dash.
Gordon, Pendleton, first: Bear, Ba
ker City, second; Walters, Island
City, third; time 10 1-5 seconds.
120-Yard Hurdles
Jay, Pendleton, first; Young, La
Srande, second; A. Means, Pendleton,
third; time 17 seconds.
Pole Vault.
Moody and Fisher, Ontario, tied for
first; Young, La Grtnde, third; height
J feet 10 Inches.
Slwt Pat.
Arthur Meant, Pendleton, first; L.
Means, Pendleton, seeond;' Enberg,
Cleveland Has Trouble With Its Mu
' nk ipul Street Car System General
Strike Called Tills Morning and In
dications Are That Afralr W1U Be
come Serious Managers Say Cars
Will Be Running In 10 Hours Xo
. Militia Needed.
Cleveland, O., May 16. A strike of
street car men was called this morning
at :4S o'clock and nearly alt munici
pal lines, which li the three-cent fare
mmA tlmt tin, A fw mild dls-
turbances followed, but no violence
has been reported. - '
A majority of the employes refused
to walk out with the strikers, but It Is
expected that they will do so within
the next few hours.
superintendent Cook of the car
lines, states that the usual number of
cars-will be running within 10 hours.
The union men claim ' that the strike
resulted from President Dupont
breaking faith with the" men. The
strike, has been threatened for some
(w-ijlt(.ira tutB a ju J
indicate for a while that the militia
J might be needed, but ths present po
lice force seemed emply able to han
dle ths situation. Three arrests have
been made. ' "
Figures given out by the union
sho wthat over i300 men are out.
' Stone Chief of Police.
The; first real disturbance to mark
the strike here occurred this after-
nopn when the chief of police was hit
by a stone thrown by a strike sym-
pathlrer during a trifling disturbance
a j.h'y Lakevlew barns. A.suad of
police was trying to drive back a mob
when the stone was thrown. He was
hit In the head but fortunately little
injury was Inflicted. '
Every attempt to start a car is fol
lowed by howls from the mob who
hope In this way to terrorize those
who have not left their posts.
The parade at I o'clock was signal
lied by a large crowd who braved the
very Inclement weather. Sixty splen
did horses were Included in the pa
rade. One of the largest crowds that
Elgin has seen In some time is here
this afternoon. Full announcement
of winners In the many events at the
stock show, will be announced later in
the day. The market duy sales fol
lowed the parade.
Baker, third: distance, 40 fett 9 In
ches. , f
Finch and White 'of Baker City,
qualified In the first preliminary heat
of the 1 20-yard dash.
loads or the state IUiumcU to Give
Rates to Portland.
Cnt of the ddcst features of I'uo
reiiDiican convention Thursday was
when the railroad officials refused t"
grant special privileges to the dele
gates, sayt a Portland paper. In the
past, the tallroads have been good to
the delegates, and those who did nit
travel to the conventions on passos
were granted a special rate.
Now that there Is law against glv
Ing passes, every man In the conven
tion who was not a railroad attomr
had to pay hit own fare. One of the
first motions made In the state con
ventlon was that a special commltttfo
of three be appointed by the chair-
I man to wait on the officials of tt-i-
Southern Pacific and asl for a re
duced rate a one-third rate was what
the delegates thought would be about
In th-' afternoon the commtlttfe re
ported that the railroad company pos
itively dttl'M'd to give the reduction
whereat tiie delegates discovered thut
there ha' teen a radical change Jt
heart or the part of tl.e rallroids
since Orevni passed a railroad com
mission law
Seven Thousand Dollars Will Be Paid
for Arrettt of Crime Fiend.
La Porte,' Ind., May It. Seven
thousand dollars has been appropri
ated as a reward for the arrest of
Mrs. Gunness, If she Is still alive. The
county commissioners took this step
this morning. Five thousand dollars
was also set aside as expenses for the
coroner and tisuuu for the sherur (or
the investigation. It Is not thought
that there are many more bodies on
the farm.
Knmih, Ctali, MurdcV Case of Last
Month AsKiime New Color Today
When Alvln Heaton Coitfeswe That
He Killed His Sweetheart to Avoid
Marriage With Her shot Her Four
Times and Hid Body In Rocks
Went Homo to Avoid Suspicion.
Kanab, Utah, May 16. Alvln Hea
ton, aged, IS, today made a full writ
ten, confession, giving the details of
how he murdered .Mary, Stevens. Ms
sweetheart, last' April, because she In
sisted that he marry her, and then
hid her body In the rocks In Gurden
Hollow. t j
He states the crime was premedi
tated, He realized that he would be
charged with the crime and he en
deavored to build up an alibi.
"I met her at S o'clock," he states,
"and she Insisted that I marry her.
I begged htr to let me off. She re
fused and told mo that under the law
sho could compel me to do so. Then
i shot her four times, and hid her
body In the rock and wont home on
a swift trot."
He then did the chores and made
himself conspicuous about the house
In order to prove he had becrt at home
during the time the murder was sup
posed to have been committed.
Conference Delegates Entertained.
Washington, May 16. More than
1000 delegates to the Baltimore con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
church, were entertained today by the
American university. They were ad
dressed by President Roosevelt, Vice
President Fairbanks and Senator Dol-
llver. Bishop Cranston presided. '
I every citizen to so
low citizens will esteem him for his goodness,
his kindness, and his usefulness. The principles of
good citizenship should constitute the code of rules i
for every kind of business whether public or private.
This applies particularly to the drug business, be
cause, ru'lrl to the limited knowledge of the qualities
of druss by th? general public. It follows that the fe
ll .bility of the druggist Is the chief guarantee cf
good service.
La Grande ' ' & Oregon
Unofficially Announced Today Tliat
Roosevelt Is After the Mikado With -"
Big Stick In Regard to Relations of
Passport Agreement May Become
Necessary to Address . Sliarp Re
monstrance to Mikado If Influx Does)
Not, Cease Immediately.
' Washington. May It. Unofficial
announcement was made today that
President Roosevelt has in strong
terms called the attention of Japan to
borers and that the mikado has been '
Informed that .unless the matter Is at
once regulated, the United States wilt
be compelled to adopt an exclusion
There was a big drop In the ijumber
of Japanese arrivals Immediately af
ter the passage of the resolution last
year putting the passport agreement
into effect, but the number of brown
men coming In has been 'steadily
crawling iip,
' As Japan would strongly oppose an
action looking to legalization of a pol
icy of exclusion, President Roosevelt .:
hat decided to let that country regu
late the matter so that it would not
suffer any humiliation. ' ' .
But M tn mikado has been slow In
stopping the Influx, the president feels
that It is hit duty to call a halt, even
If he has to address a remonstrance
to Japan.' ( j
Norway's Independence Day.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 16. Nor-:
way'a independence day, the lTth of
May, will be celebrated In an elabor
ate manner by the; descendant of the .
Vikings who comprise a considerable
portion of the population of the great
northwest. The exercises In this city.'
to be held thlt evening, will be espe
cially notable, owing to the presence
of Ove Gude, the newly appointed Nor
wegian minister to the United States.
He will deliver .the chief address. An
elaborate musical program will be
carried out. The actual anniversary
tbmorrow will be observed by special '
services In Norwegian churches in all
the principal .cities and towns of Min
nesota, the Dakota, :; Manitoba and
Wisconsin. : ' "?,"v .
Brutal Murder In New York. ,
Wlliatunk, N. J.. May 16. William
Phepard, hit wife and ; Miss ; Jennie
Bendy were murdered some time dur
ing the night In the Shepard farm
house at Matawan. Identification of
the asfiiKsIn Is not known here. A 1-year-old
child of the Shepard people
was perhaps fatally 'shot. ' The trage
dy Is veiled In mystery. One ofhe
farm hands disappeared and a posse
Is searching for him. " No motive. Is
known. '. '
Mrs. C. L. Blakely .of Union, it vis
aing with Mrs. J. R. Oliver today.
live and act that hi fel
gwtnttwtmtmttttftftif tu t ttu m;