La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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XOII1ER 241.
While In San Francisco Mr. Sillier of
. Till City, VMtod the Principal Pub
licity Bureau and Found But Little
' Descriptive Matter About Oregon
Even That Almost Entirety Supplied
"by Real Estate Firms Good Adver
tising Channel.
That the publicity bureaus of San
Trancisco are sadly In need of boost
literature compiled by chambers of
commerce and commercial clubs, la the
"verdict reached by William Miller, who
returned this mornnlg from San
'Francisco and who looked into pub
licity matters while away. He visited
, -the principal bureau of that city and
' found that but One or two cities of
Oregon are represented In that bu-
-reau by carefully compiled literature.
There was considerable matter in
-the hands of the agents, furnished by
.real estate, firms and private corpora
tions, but very little of a community
aiaturo. ,
I That literature carefully gotten up
sand placed in the hands of these bu
reaus throughout the west would gain
-wide circulation Is a certainty. The
only feature which may not be so jde
tslrable about the entire matter is that
"these bureaus supply literature of such
:a community as are asked for, only.
It La Grande had a shelf In the San
'Francisco office and a stranser called
;at the bureau for Information regard
ing Oregon, the agents In charge
would naturally tutm into the hands
of the news-hungry Individual, things
.descriptive of La Grande and Union
county. 1
Mr. Miller will report his Investiga
tion to the Commercial club managers
mt their next meeting. The Informa
tion obtained In this way will prove
valuable aid to the board when the
publicity work Is taken up.
m i i
Z You'll be in a hurry can't wait otherwise you might miss some of the many things
J ; you will want to see on Gircus Day '
"J You can do your shopping easily and quickly at our store.
Oi;r stock will be so arranged that you will not have to wait and can supply your'
wants without delay, and Circuis Day Specials will be displayed in such a manner that
Z you can select what you want without our assistance. ,
. Circus Day Specials in Every Department
Ladies' Suits at Enormous Reductions All 15.00 to 6.5Q Mens' Suits $10.85
In Black, Tan, Blue, Gray and Wine At this price will be included all boy's
colors; short, long and medium jackets, and young men's suits as well as any
Regular prices from 8.50 to 22.50, spec- mens, suit in stock at the above regular
ial for Gircus Day t . Half Price prices of 15.00 to 16.50. Special for
- - Gircus Day - - 10.35
$16.50 to $22.50 Black Suits for $12.50 T '
, Li . . . e T ,. , One lot men's su.ts, regular price to
In light weight Cheviot, Serge, Ladies j 200 Special for Gircu3 D h 89
Cloth and Herring Bone Worsteds; Box 3
Pleated Skirts, strap trimmed; 26-inch ,
fitted and semi-fitting Jackets, silk Mens' 3.50 hats, any style, special, 2,95
lined - $12.50 Mens' 3.00 hats, any style, special, 2A5
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mens' 2 50 hats, any style, special, 1.95
Boy's 2.75 to 3.00 shoes - 2.29
All Ladies' Wool Suits at special re- Ladies' 3.50 to 4.00 tan Oxfords 2A8
ductions for Gircus Day..- ; Mens' 4 50 to 5.00 shots - 3A9
rcrprn n.:fna
i; 1 ; !r mm
New Wires to Coat.
Chicago, May 15. The Chl-
cago,. Milwaukee & Si. Paul
railroad today announced that
they Intended building a com-
merclal telegraph system be-
tween Chicago and the' Pacific
coast points to compete with the
two companies now in the field.
They also ordered the construc-
Hon of 70 new locomotives at a
cost of i 1,400,000.
To Judge Thompson's Sanity.
Tacoma, May 15. Chester Thomp
son arrived In Tacoma today from
Walla Walla, for a hearing on sanity.
pra ppneerc
tnillLllfl bllUdJLd
After Securing Their Marriage 14
. wiwe. and Having Carefully Planned
Their Elopement, a Newspaper Re-
lorter and His Camera Frustrate
. -Cupid riuns Both Are Popular
Students In University of Culifornln
Girl Only 18 Years Old.
San Francisco, May 15. Harry Nor
man Child of Spokane. Wash., and
Miss Gladys Cummlngs, both students
at the University ' of California, are
mournlnff today the rude manner in
which fate some times interferes and
the best planned elopements "gang
atrlee." After the ring had been pur
chased and license secured a news
paper photographer secured a snap
shot, of the couple and threw such a
chill Into their inutrimonlal enthusi
asm that they called It all off.
Child Is a member of the Sigma Al
pha Epsllon fraternity.' while Miss
Cummlngs Is a member of the prepar
atory school, secretary of the Omega
Nu, and a popular student. She is IS
years old.
Circus Day
Conference of Governors at Washing
ton Goes on Record Today as Heart
ily In Favor of Appointing State Re
source . Commissions Bryan Pleads
for Irrigation In Northwest Presi
dent's Suggestions Rapidly Adopted
by Conference.
Washington, D. C, May 15.- A res
Iolutlon was passed this morning at the
conference of srovernors favoring the
appointment of state commissions on
the conservation of resources. - .
The governors In , attendance are
rapidly falling In line with sugges
tions of the president and the greatest
enthusiasm prevails for well known
measures on forest and river Improve
ment.. - : '
Bryan was called to the platform
by President Roosevelt, early in the
session' and made an able address fa.
vortng Irrigation, especially . In ; the
Pacific northwest.
Pass Amended Currency Bill. '
Washington, MRy 15. The senate
this afternoon passed an amended Al
drlch bill as a substitute to the house
Vreeland currency measure, and the
matter is now to go before a confer
ence between two branches of the
Reward for Roblers.
El Paso. May 1J. Bandits who
robbed the Wells-Fargo express office
of J 3 5,000 at French, N. M., passed
through Emory Gap, N. M., at this
morning. They are evidently -making!
for the wilds of Commeron county. A
reward of 15000 has been offered for
their capture.
O. R. & N. Detective Woods of The
Dalles, Is in the city today, keeping
close watch on "undesirables" who
follow In the al:o of circus trains.
JwlsBstMaAi SM
Shortly After the Circus Trains Arrive
In the City, Farmers Commence to
Fill the Streets and by Parade Time
All the BuNinetts Streets Were
Filled With Admiring People Per
formance Tills Afternoon Was a
Strong Attraction.
- It was a wet, nasty day, but It was
circus day nevertheless. Early this
mnrolmr in ? Trllr.rr.
Matheson the Norrls & Rowe circus
trains arrived in La Grande, and be
fore the rains had '. assumed their
steady patter, the work of unloading
the cars and erecting the tents was
, Streets Crowded With People,
Spattering through the mud of the
country roads tod through the- wet
streets came the farmers from an ear
ly hour until 9 o'clock. Long before
the hour of the parade the streets
were a sea of umbrellas, but the
throng at that time was a mere trifle
Compared with the size of it when the
(tudent population of the 'city waF
turned loose at 10:30 o clock. It was
remarkable to notice that the crowds
did not diminish because of the rain
Just before noon the Norrls & Rowe
circus parade slowly wended Its way
through the streets before hundreds
of admiring eyes.
The peanut venders end the fellow
with the toy balloons were also In evi
dence and assumed an air of Indiffer
ence such as prosperity can only pro
duce. The foghorn tones of the fellow with
the leather lungs" was heard 16 ex
claim, "Hold your hosses,, the ele
phants are earning," and then, oh,
then, such a craning of necks.
The parade past, 'and luncheon over
the throng scurried to the exhibition
grounds where the outside free attrac
tions were given. The fat lady, the
lattooed Greek, Texas Jack, who
throws knives at his wife, and is such
x poor marksman that he did not hit
her once; the esqutmos, "Zip," Ear
lum's what Is It, the pretty one with
the huge snakes. Doss, the human
telescope, South Eea Island Joe and
!ils wife. Be no, the bearded lady,"thc
'lundred and one ladles and gentle
men that nature took liberties with,
ire all 'lth Norrls & Rowe this year.
The pink lemonade, the sawdust, the
rnts, the peanuts, anii the bnbbio of
tongues of representatives of every
.union arc all with the big show.
The .doors of the Hg show were op
ened at 1 o'clock and tho performance
vas started at 2:15. A large audi
ence, considering the Inclement wea
.her." was present when the ring mas
ter blew his whistle, which summons
the performers Into the ring. The
rrnnd entree In which all of the per
formers of the show take parts, Is a
eery pleasing spectacle. The . trap
lings and the coloring of the rich cos
tumes made a most pleasing effect.
From this time on during the two and
a half hours of the show dozens oft
?reat arts were Introduced, as many!
as six acts taking pluce at the same
The work of the Peerless Potters.
nerlallsts, was good. The Honey
Mora troupe, the Orton family, the
St. Loon family, the Waldorf troupe,
the Qulgamato troupe, the McDonald
family were all excellent.
Another performance will be given
Htirry Irrlgnllon Project.
Bole, May !5. The Kuhn Inter-
i ests have take ver the Wood River
irrigation project adjoining the Twin
Falls north side project, and will push
the work to completion. The Wood
River tract Includes more thsn SO, 000
acrm, aim urinun me ioiui lami segre
sated under the Twin FuIIm nrnAnt
up to 800.000 acres..
Romb Fnder Wreet Car.
Calcutta. May 15. An attempt was
made to blow up the street car with
a bomb resulted In the Injury of four
passengers. The ear was running at
a hlfch rat ef speed when It struck
' Fairbanks in the Game.
Washington, May 15. In dtr-
ect contradiction to the story
that Vice-President Fairbanks
was planning to drop out of the
race for president, 4t was an-
ndunced today that he will open
headquarters in the Auditorium
Annex, Chicago, Monday. The
headquarters will .be In charge
of District Attorney Joseph B.
Kealing of Indianapolis. i
the explosive. In raiding certain
quarters of the natives the police have
discovered placards advising the na
tives to keep off first-class cars. It
Is though a native placed the bomb.
nil llltn nnnrn
nil Mltli MU
When John D. Rockefeller Is Asked to
Explain Statement That Ho Is a So
cialist, Ho IkMlges the) Ihhuo awl
Talks Golfing Does Say, However,
That He Did Not Bring Rev. Aked
Over Front England Because the
Latter Is a Sociality.
Pocantlco Hills, N. Y., May 15.
"Who. is this man Robert Hunter?"
asked John D. Rockefeller today when
told that Hunter had Informed dele
K'fttes assembled in the socialists' con
vention that the oil king was a social
ist and that he had brought Dr. Aked
over from England to be pastor of his
church tiecauso the latter was a 0'
clallst. . ,
i "That's-the mildest of all the -eruW
things I have been Called," he said
"Such statements do no good, but stir
up discontent. If he thinks he In right
let him hold that opinion. It can
hardly be said I brought Aked hero.
Aak him on that p:!nt. Dut you can
say I found the golf link in fine con
dition yesterday."
State AHMx-uitlnn Will Sleet In Port
land Juno 11.
Posters are out acnounrlng the 37th
imnunl meeting of the .Oregon PIj.
necrs' association In Portland, June 11.
Tho Orogfjn lndlnn wiir veterans will
also meet lit the siuno time and place.
. Portland Is arranging to give the
pathfinders and Indian fighters a
tight royiil reception and all who can
should arrange to attend. The roll
roads will mnk a special rate for .he
occasion. This rate will be mudo
known to th? public In a few days.
I'M Cantor Reims.
Los Angeles, May 15, Because they
mistook poisonous casjtor beans for
maninnlta berries. Miss Itaphllle Bur
grori, a Humluy school teacher. Is
dead, and three children of J. Reich
:zy are very III. Twenty other chil
dren are slightly 111.
I every citizen to so
low citizens will esteem him for his goodness,
his kindness and his usefulness. The principles of
good citizenship should constitute the code of rules
I for every kind of business
This applies particularly to the drug business, be
cause, cv'-S ta the limited knowledge of the qualities
X of drill, ly ifv ;rncral
li b.hly of tn3 druggist
good s:rvlje. .
- a
j La Grande m
m to
' 111
Acting Superintendent Baker In Charge
of Mnttcanan Asylum, Testifies Be
fore the Hearing That to liCt Tliavr
Out Now Would Be Menace to Pub
: lio Safety Testifies That Thaw Be
lieves Weak Morals Not a Bad Thing
Jerome Present.
, Poughkeepsle, N. T., May IS. Ha
beas corpus proceedings to effort s -release
of Harry K. Thaw from Mat-
teawan Insane asylum were begun to- '
day In this city. District Attorney Je
rome appeared In person. Acting Su
perintendent Baker of the asylum In
.which Thaw has been kept since his ;
Incarceration, wag the "first witnesa
called by Jerome. - ; , ,
Baker testified that Thaw had ex
plained to him that hi Insanity cam
on just prior to the killing of White
and passed away shortly after. Baker
stated that Thaw had said that he did
not tblnk weak morals any more sign
I of Insanity than drinking a cordial af- .'
tor dinner. ' , -
He also atated that Thaw had told
him much of his life prior to the kill--Ing
of Stanford White. ; The witness
declared he believed that the libera- ,
tlon of Thaw at this time would be a
menace to the public safety.
Dr.' McDonald testified that Thaw
was a victim of incurable paraonla.
Attorney Peabody, for Thaw, an
nounced today that Thaw would go on ;
the stand and tell his own story of the
shooting of White.
Republican Candldnto Cake, Seeking
the V lilted States Scmilorlul Toga.
Is nt Cih-viiIIIh Tonight Spoke at
100 I'lnec In I. Inn C; nut y Travels
by Team, Train or Automobile
Chamberlain to Tour Willamette
VuHey Monday, i , " j,
Alhnny, May 15. Traveling 0 ,;
miles by train, team and automobile, ;
Judge H. M. Cake completed his tour '-.
of Linn county today, having spoken .';
at 108 places, He will speak at Cor- '
vallls tonight. .
Chamberlain nt Forest Grove, , I
Portland, May IS. Governor Geo. '
E. Chamberlain .will speak at Forest '
Grove tonight In the Interest of his t
senatorial campaign. He will rest
Sunday in Portland, and go to Ash
land Monday for a tour of the Wil
lamette valley. '
live and act ttut hii fel-
whether public or private.
public. It follows that the rc-
is the chief guarantee of i
.. - . .;