J PAGE SIX, " - g.t..i.u UHSEKVEn, LA GRANDE. OKt-.tiOX. THURSDAY, MAY 11. 1S08. . il I U 3 I I if M If.'! t S H i La Grande Professional Directory PIIY.SICIANS. O. I BIQGEHS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office Balaton Building, over J. M. Berry! Store. Office 'Phone Bleck mi. Residence 'Phone Bed 1001. J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Office In Mew Bank Building. Rooma 10-21. 'Phone : Residence, Main It; Office, Mala 79. DR. A. U RICHARDSON. Plinrtflmn and Knrtrcok. Offloe over Htll'e Drug Store. Office 'Phone lie. Residence Main 65 N. MOUTOR, M. D.a Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adama Ave. and Depot 8L Office Main (8 - Realdence Main' DENTISTS. ' C B. CArXKOBN. Office over HlU'a Drug Store. La Grande Oregor. J. C. PRICE, li. M. JJ. ' Dentist. Room 2 J, La Orande National Bank Building. 'Phone Black ll. La Grande Oregon BACON ft HALL. Phvaiciana and Burgeona, .Office If A Orande National Bank I Building. 'Phone Main 18. C. T. Bacon, Residence, Main if. M. K. Hall, Realdence, Main SI. Iw . in. ilOOHK DR. H. C. P. MOOR Osteopathic Physician. Klrktvllle Graduatea Under Founds Office Bnmmer Building. Phonb: Office Main IS; Rea. Main 64 C. IL IPTOJf, PH. C, M. I. PlijMli'litn ami Sursoon. Speclnl attention given to Eye, Ear Nose nnd Throat. Office In La a-ftmle National Unk Building. Thonea Office, Muln 2; l)cslluncc , Malu 32. VLTKIUXAI'Y 8CRGEOX8. DU. P. A. CHAHLTON, Veterinary Siirirrcn. Office at lllll'a Drug Store. La Grand Residence 'Phone Red T01. Office 'Phone Black I3l. lnderndent 'Phone Rl. ' Or. 8, II. Eusley Dr. J. K. Htevenson Rea. Red 181. Rea. Black 351 ' EA3LEY ft STEVENSON. Dental Parlora and Lalmratorr. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge work, a specialty. Office Opposite Foley Hotel. , Office 'Phone Black til. TEACHKRB OF MUSIO PROF. B. PORTER DAT. Prlncii. - La Grande School of Muste Mrs. Day assistant. RcTnnnl nnnn lite Foley irotel. Phone Red 472. MISS STELLA D. OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry's Store. 10CTHICAIi KNGlNKKKt). L. A. PICKLER. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Englneerla, and Surveying. Eatlmates, plana and specifications - Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande Orego C. 11. THORNTON. AivliSiort unci iaisliiivr. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engl tinning. Twenty Yi-ars" Kxperlence. REPUDIATES f.W.GAINES ABSTltACTERS. TrToIoverT Ahstwu-ta of TKIe. Flro Insurance. Office next door to La Grande Na tlonal Bank. La Grande ....... Oregon DR. W, II. IULEV. Graduate Ohio Stats University Vac clnatlon, Dentistry and Surgery of al; kinds. Country calls promptly aa ' swerod. Offloe 1414 Adama Av 'Phonea. P ) ctflc. Black 101. Independent, White 20. i. ATTOKXEY8. t'lias, E. Cochran Ceo. P. Cociiraw COCHRAN ft COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Grande National Bunk Building. La Grande .... . Oregor It. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts "of the State und United States. E'K'n OreKon 3 SIEGRIST 8c CO. JEWELERS AMD pPTlClANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTIV11NT Wo are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount- v ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. Wo will save you money SIEGRIST & GO- I JEWELERS AMD OPTICIANS o,tt;4,Mt4 Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ,5 D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops sad Foundry S As announced in The Observer sev 'eral days ago, there Is room for doubt as to the color of the "trade" followed by one P. W. Gaines. The freight re duction scheme which he practices, has become knowledge of the Oregon railway commission, and the follow ing self-explanatory letter Is the out come: Salem, Ore., May 13, 1908. (To the Editor of The Observer.) Dear Sir: Our attention has been called to an article In a recent Issue of your paper with regard to Mr. F. W. Gaines who la said to be promising farmers In Union county that he will secure a the transportation of their products, In return for which service he Is to receive a percentage of such reduction. We note his claim that he Is working in conjunction with the railroad com mission of Oregon, and address you in this regard lest some misapprehen sion arise as to the true state of facts. The pnly correspondence we have had with Mr. Gaines has been with reference to the effect of the recent order of the commission which mack a reduction In the class rates between Portland and points east of The Dalles. In a letter under date of May 4th wc explalned this matter to him vcr; carefully, and have not heard from him since. If he contemplates bring ing the matter of rates on grain o any other product before the commln slon, we have received no advice t that effect. In any case, no reduction it a rate can be ordered by the com mission without a formal comnlalnt j bfing filed, an opportunity being give:-: the railroad company to answer, r.n ' a public hearing being had at whle! the railroad company and all interest ed parties may appear and be heaif' Moreover, no voluntary change I rates can bo made by any railroad eompany without giving 10 clays' no tice to the eommlsMlon. nnd poMIng no tice of such change In every depot stntlon nnd office where an agent l maintained for 10 days hefore the change takes plnce. In this mannp full publicity Is given to changes I rates and there a no opportunity to discriminate between shippers tr, means of "midnight" rates and other like devices. ! We are glad at all times to ane questions as to the activities of th. commission, as our work Is open t' the P'lhllc nnd may be inspected a' tny time Ijy those interested. No on person is entitled to or receives an; more of the confidence of the com mission than the public at largo. We shall be very glad to have vo give this communlcntlnn mihii,ii-- :ind thanking you In advance for th courtesy, we arc. Yours very truly, HAILKOAD COMMISSION OP ORr GON. By Geo. O. Goodall, Secretary A $5000 HOTEL FOK SALE for 13000 If sold this month, Hn hot and cold water, electric lights, rurnlshed. In a good location for 'teady roomers and boarders, and rsnsients, 11 roma and toilet upstairs. Office, dining-room, kitchen, parlor' :wo bedrooms and bath room dowr talra. Good basemen under all. Any mo wishing a good proposition of thb lnd can call on V. J. Ransom at th. Palmer house, or 'phone Black 401. Strayed or Stolen. A sorrel filly. J yPars old; brartdcJ F. B." on left shoulder. White a?rio full length of forehead, and one whit hind foot. One bay, 1-year-old branded the same as first named. leading to recovery. Fred Braden. Ladd Canyon. Rooms 4-S. Orders solicited for cream. We leliver all orders la quantities of one ' tnllon or more. I BLUE MOUNTAIN CRKAMBUT. I Ami for Rent, tV hitrs SIO acres cf excellent lanJ for rvot. full at one. F. n. PRAMWIU, C. J. BLACK. TIio World's Best Climate la not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria Is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, according to altitude. To iver come climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy Is Electric Bit ters, the great alterative and blood purifier: tho antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and Insomnia. Bold tinder guarantee at the Newlin Drug Co.'a drug store. Price 60c. For 6mc. Stock ranch of 1520 acres, located one-half mile south of Union; SO acres In alfalfa. All under water. Stock, machinery, etc., go with place. Call on or address owner, C. F. Slemsen. . Change of Management. I have purchased the Interest of W. F. Anderson In the Anderson & Meyers barber shop, and will hereafter con duct the affairs of the firm. I take this means of thanking the shop's patronage In the past and to cater to , a continued patronage. HARRY U. MEYERS. Yni, in Wnier Consumers. Patrons not on meters wishing to use city water for Irrigating purposes will please aPULat the recorder's ttf i, afflt C. G. HOLST, Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction guaranteed; ' estimates furnished on any kind of masonry work on short notice. Mantels and fireplaces a specialty. Room No. 1, Smith Rooming house, la Grande, Ore, 'Phone B-sd lit. flee and the lvatiX s'O the wafr from E to 7 p. m. DA30tf ;e pibper application. fatenden? will turn Hours for Irrigating H. C. GILMAN, . Water Supt. O. M. Heacock, La Grande's eye specialist. " ' ' For Sale. Two extra fine fresh milk cows, will be sold cheap If taken at once. Apply to Robert Miller, B avenue. ICE NEW AN west quality of Ice, taken from tho Grande Ronde Rive- above Perry Sawmill. Best Quality of Chain W O O D Not the light edging, but plank ends and heavy slabs cut to 16 Inch lengths. We call attention to the size of our loads and the fact that our wood Is DRY.. Wood and Ice, wholesale and retail. A Blgffcr loud of a Better Wood put In your Wood House. ICE AXD WOOD AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. I I W K? ii V. E, BEAN Phone Red 1741 The best thing you can do with your tvarl nlln. tnnklfTn nr U'hntpvpP you may call your savings. Is to put tdt where it is sure to grow and be safe while It Is growing. The bank Is the spot, and our bank Is the right one In which to ( deposit your Bavings, both for security and good Interest. Every man and woman ought to have an In dependent bank account. Let us show you how money grows when In our keeping. - s The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings OFFICERS: F. M. BYRKIT, President. WM. MILLER, Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. SCROGGIN, Assistant Cashier. F. J. HOLMES. -Treasurer. CIRCUS DAY at LA GRANDE Performances at 2 and n pim. This date will Positavely not chanje FRIDAY MAY 15 FRIDAY r!t.fl$rr 4 W r m 4 42 DOUBLE LENGTH R. R. CARS Hill mi ,22 Famous Equestrians ifi T? H .. . Vl-tta mm, 23 far Cus if -Tilt BrjiUTlrUl- PEOPL 350 HORSES MUSEUM Double Menag Real Roman Hippodrome Scores of Trained Wild Pretty EDNA B T--or ' . tO L.-.vtly Lac'.is. of p-..i., on u Great 0?" 11 Arabian Tumblers v letra.tecL viuii ins set eerie Beas MARCTTA Th Only Lady in th Kntir World who thrawa n BMM MOt or a Swiftly Running Hors. Thundering Roman Charict Races SEALS & SEA LIONS COMPLETE JAPANESE CIRCUS SENSATIONAL EQUILIBRI r Lady Japanese Artists in America ' AstotiisMna AnwnHim HIGHEST JUMPING HORSES tKUi'PtKrORMING ELEP CAMELS, LLAMAS AND BOS CAKE WALKING HORSES Reckless Rough Riders SHETLAND PONY BALLET Jarvelous ,rla" Supreme 7 Russian Cossacks SUPERB GARLAND k ENTREE ISTS INDICUS TBftlMED IMPORTED ARABIAN STALLIONS m STRKl PARADES. (; 1. ' .--:-- -T