v r V POULTRY FENCE Now is the. time tD fence your chickens in. Gome and get some poultry fence. I have it in differ-' ent kinds and all heights. Just received a car extra Star A Star shingles. X They are first class. Gall and .see my souvenirs, 25c to $2.00 each. They are nice presents to send to yout friends. MRS-T.N. MURPHY HARDWARE and CROCKERY BAPTISTS 1H Will 4 44AAAiiiiiAiiiAi The Golden I . LOCAL ITEMS. mains of Mrs. Ackerly's mother, the late Mrs. Mary Aldrlch. Miss Nina Hunstock Is reported to be quite sick, at the home of her mother in Baker City, and it will be Joe Anson, a prominent farmer of gome time before she will be able to 1 in tnwn tnAn- I nititrn tn T.w nranil wnd tfllf lin hr "Mv Sales luleCo in all Departments Robert Newhouse of Baker City, Is work again. here on land office business today. Third Baseman Van Horse Is quite David Brtcoux leaves tomorrow for badly Injured as a result of the splk Uklah to look after business interests, ing which he received in the first The 1 Grande baseball team re-j game with Pendleton. Three spikes turned this morning from Pendleton. , left their Imprint in the flesh of his Walter Ferguson returned this leg. morning from a business trip to Union. Mrs. W. J. Bnodgrass left this morn ing for Palo. Alto, where she will visit 'relatives the remainder of the sum mer. ; Miss Mertie Aldrich expects to re main In the city for about a week be fore returning to her home in Waver ly, Wash. Mrs. Jennie. Vincent of Council, Idaho, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. L. Sheets. Mrs. Julia Pierce left this morning for Cove, where Bhe will remain a few weeks. T. J. Tweedy is at La Grande this week on business before the land of fice Pendleton East Oregonlan. Mra. H. C. Stuart arrived last eve ning from Walla Walla, to visit at the home of her father, H. S. Massee. F. L. Meyers, cashier of the La Grande National bank, returned last evening from a visit to Wallowa coun ty. T. W. O'Dell, manager of the Oxbow Water Power company near Baker City, Is in La Grande today on busi ness matters. C. W. Todd, the Portland horse buyer. Is here with the purpose of Becurlng some more Grande Ronde horse flesh. Mrs. Sutherland of Cove, who was taken to the hospital Sunday, Is grad ually sinking and Is not expected to last through the day. Jay Van Buren and W. RVBohnen kamp have been added to the auto mmniittMi. which Is looking after Auto day for one week from Satur day. Hm Bttrton of Topeka, Kan., and Dr. Charlton of this city, and C. W, Todd of Portland, went to Elgin on the noon train. From there they will arive into Wallowa county, the former I county, Rev, to look after professional affairs, and Wallowa county, Rev, With about 40 delegates from Mal heur, Baker, ' Union and Wallowa counties in attendance, the Grande Rondo Baptist association convened at 10 o'clock this morning, Rev. W. H. Gibson of this city, presiding In the absence of Moderator Harry Secor of Baker City. . This afternoon the program, practi cally as announced in The Observer last evening, was carried ' out. To night, however, the convention will adjourn that the delegates may attend the Haudenschleld meetings. With sessions every day until Sunday eve ning, many splendid papers and in structive addresses will be read and given. Below Is published the pro gram as carried out today, followed by the arrangement of events for Friday: 10 a. m. Called to order and dele- 11 a. m. Annual sermon- by Rev. L. A, Meyers of Ontario. 2 p. m. Devotional, Rev. Erasmus Owen of Enterprise. 2: IS p. m. Reading of letters from the churches. t p. m. Echoes from the field in 10 minute talks. Harney county, Rev. C. W. Holoman, Burns; Baker county, Rev. E. P. Walt, Baker City; Malheur L. A. Meyers, Ontario; E. M. Owen, the latter to buy up horses. I Enterprise; Union county, Elder J, W. Chief of Police ,Wal den announces Oliver, La Grande. that the police department will be en larged tomorrow to keep close vigil over the customary tramps and petty thieves that follow In the wake of circus. Mrs. A. J. Titus and little daughter Alice, will leave this evening for Port- 1:60 p. m. Report of Assoclatlonal Mission board, with discussion of plans, etc., for the ensuing year. Friday's Program. 8 a. m. Devotional, Joseph Scott, Elgin. 10 a. m. State convention inter-1 LOZS' $3.50 SHOES $2.50 f 150 pairs of women's lit: J. Ox; :rds, at a wonderfully 1.) .v pvlco. This season's footwear. Including tan, vlcl kid, light and heavy soles; slues ZM to 5; regular $3.50 values, at the low price of 32.50 CHILDRENS 1.50 SHOES $1.15 Sizes .7, 7 and 8, In vlcl kid and patent, with white and colored tops; tans and reds, the best values in the for $1.1 J LADIES' SUITS Regular 15.65 sell at $9.25 In all colors and many styles; this season's most attractive garments, in tight and seml-flttlng Coats. : The materials are Panama Cloth, fancy , , . , .,! V f . . O. I... ,,U.VM ...... 1. .b.WH. - gored, pleated and trimmed with bias ' .folds. All sizes, take your pick at the following low prices; Regular $12.60 Tailored Suit. .1 8.35 Regular $1.50 Tailored Suit.. $11.00 Regular $24.60 Tailored Suit.. $10.35 $9.00 JABKETS $6.75 . Materials: Coverts and fancy stripes, trimmed in velvet and strapped with same materials, mostly seml-flttlng: Regular $10.65 Jacket ..$8.00 Regular $12.60 Jacket . t . . . . . .$.40 Regular $ MO Jacket $U5 BOYS CLOTHING 1-4 OFF Special purchase from one of the best manufacturers in this country, cut In the latest fashion, plain Knicker bocker pants; materials of fancy worsted and fancy Cashmere, tans, blues, grays, stripes) and ' checks; sites 2 Vi to 15 years: Friday and Saturday only,". .ONE-FOIRTH OFF MEN'S PANTS k OFF 460 pairs men's Pants, all the best styles In Worsteds, Casslmeres. Stripes and Checks. Friday and Sat urday only ....ONE-FOURTH OFF CDCPIAIO BARGAIN oilumloj wrme 'BASEMENT3 luifiUJ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY box . ........ 3c TABLETS, regular 5c values, each So FANCT GLASS WARE A new as- ; sortment In vases, cake plates, ber ry bowls and novelties, tn colors,. . ranging In price from. 25o to 50c . Friday and Saturday only ..... .10o ROTAL QRANITEWARE, In gray color v No. 20 Sausepan, reg. 28c; special x3o No. 24 Saucepan, reg. 3 Be; special 38o No. 28 Saucepan, reg. 60c; special SOo O. N. T. Spool Cotton ..4o land, where they will spend a few days! ests, Rev. George R. Varney, Baker and then go to Eugene, where they City, will remain during the summer. Mr. Titus and son Harry will remain here during their absence. Hon. J. W. Knowles of La Grande, will deliver a lecture at the Methodist church Saturday night. May 80. Mr.' Knowles is a pleasing speaker, one of the .leading attorneys of La Grande, and is a candidate for the office of circuit Judge. Wallowa Sun, A. F. Sheets of Joseph, Is expected In the city tonight on the evening train from Elgin. He will spend a few days visiting his son F. L. Sheet, and will then go to Salem as a delegate from Wallowa county to the grand lodge of Odd Fellows. He will also visit his dauehter. Mrs. J. W. Earles, while here. Lesse Ladue, the Pnedleton boy who was arrested recently and charged with breaking Into a box car, has been released on a $250 bond and lft to day for his home In Pendleton. The other two who were captured with him are still In the Jail here, but ex pect to get out In a day or two on 10:15 a. m. Home mission's, Rev. Ralph E. Storey, Pendleton. . 11 . a. m. Reports of committees and business. 11:40 a. m. Spiritual uplift, Rev. E. M. Owen. " ' t' 2 p. m. Devotional, Deacon J. O. Maxwell, Haines. 2:30 p. m. Foreign missions, Rev. C. W. Holoman. 3:15 p. m. Jnlon work; Its Prob-' lems and Solutions, Mrs. Bowers, Ba ker City, 8:45 p. m. Business. 7:80 p. m. Report on temperance. 8 p. m. Address, "Local Option, State and National," Rev. George R. Varney. PUn Big- Feed. The fire boys are planning a sump tuous spread for next Wednesday eve ning. All members are requested to keep the engagement In mind. ... , , ., land of- bonds. The Ladue boy Is about 14 B peuiut agt.ii i. o- flee, Is In La Grande on government years old, business, and while here Is visiting his couBin, Jim Gllham. . Mrs. T. S. TUlson and children who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Whlteman in this city, returned this morning to her home at Tonv Collier of Baker City, and Robert Burns of Hllgard, left today by team for the Uklah country, where they will cruise some of the land which will be thrown open for settle ment on June 1. There are large areas tn the Blue Mountain national forest llmntlltn ..M vl A. E. Ackerly left last which will be open for settlement on woriv Wash. They I June 1 and entry In the La Grande came here last Saturday with the re-'office on July.l.. 4 SOCIETY. Kaffee K latch. -The ladles of the Kaffee Klatch will not meet this week as many of the members wish to attend the circus. At Home. Invitations are out for an at home to be given by Mrs. M. B. Donohue Tuesday, May 19. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Hon. County Court of Union County: We, the undersigned legal voters and actual residents of the precinct of Kamela. Union county. Oregon, and having actually resided In said pre clnct- at leant thirty days Immediately preceding the date of signing and ill Ing of this petition, hereby respect fully petition your honorable court to grant to Charles W. Estes, a license to sell splrltous, mall or vinous liquors or fermented cider, commonly known as hard cider, in less quantities than one gallon, In the town of Kamela, Union county, Oregon, commencing on or about the 6th day of June, 1908. Dated this first day of May, 1908. F. G. Eyre, F. L.. Wright, J. P. Ad ams, C. W. McFall, D. Charlton, A. C, Sherman, L. Oraybeal, H. C. Hanson, N. Pae. G. W. Allen. M. T. Burnett. L. E. Tipton, G. Kllng, Ed Morell, Wm. Dye, Wm. Horton, Jo Connor, John Somers, R. J. Smith, J. R, Thompson, E. Rice, I. L. McFalls. John Richards, June Sanford, W. D. Adams, W. A. McFalle, -August Mosher, H. K. Charlton, Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 3rd day of June, 1908, apply to the county court of Union county, Ore' gon, at the court house In La Grand. Oregon, for a license to sell splrltous, malt or vinous liquors, or fermented cider, commonly known as hard cider. In quantities less than one gallon, In the town of Kamela, Union county, Oregon, commencing on or about the 5th day of June, 1908. CHARLES W. ESTES. 5-2-30. Grafting la dead Issue. Bo says Dr. H. C. Par ker of tho Isdlana School of Medi cine, In Collier's WetUy. Wa concur with hint. Blue Mountain Cough Syr up will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some others, but it con tains the Ingredients that will posi tively and absolutely cur that cough. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Saturday Specials $2.50 $2.00 STRAW HATS Regular $3.50 values, Saturday, Regular $2.50 values,' Saturday, PANAMAS Regular $15.00 values, Saturday, $12.00 Regular $8.50 values, Saturday, $7.00 Regular $7.00 values, Saturday, $5.00 DENTIST. . , Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 851. Painless txtraction. Expert golv! work. Special attention to children's teeth. La Grande National Bank Building PORTLAND ROSE Notice. Sealed bids will be reecived.for the city printing for the Mng yar. All bids to be in at theoffice the city recorder by 4 o'clock V. May 20th. By order of the ways and means committee. . 6. N. BOLTON, Chairman, ,1 Ice cream In any quantity at Blu1 Mountain Creamery Co. See our an-' nouncement . I FESTIVAL.. To Be Held tni , PORTLAND, OREGON,' , JUNE I, TO I. 1101. J Will be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA and CIVIC JUBILtE Ever held In the Pacific Northwest. Portland, the "Rose City," will be ' scene of splendor and the center of world-wide Interest for one week WANTED Girt for general house work In small family. Apply at Eastern Oregon Trust - . Savings Several Important conventions to bo bank. FOR SALE Grocery store In Port land, Ore., In good location; cheap rent; up-to-date fixtures; now $500 store; will Invoice about $1900. Ad dress, 285 Larrabee street, Portland, Ore. FOR SALE Two second-hand awn-! Ings, 24 feet long with frames and fixtures complete and In good re-, pair. Price, each, $10.00. The Peo ples' Store. I At tho Partlme. Complete change of program this evening. Mr. Williams will sing the illustrated songs and Miss Wilson and Miss Dlsqua will play a piano duet. Doors open promptly at 7 o'clock. An extra strong bill. The Pastime, Lew- Is building. ANDREWS & BERRY j LOST On dark bay mare about 12 years old; weight (00, brand A2 on left thigh, small pit on one ear. Re ward will be paid for return or In formation leading to return of said animal. 8. T. Andrew, at Golden Rule store. NOTICE FOR rriiMCATIOV. Isolated Tract Public Land Sale, Department of . the Interior, United States Land Office, La Grande. Ore., April 9, 1908 Notice Is hereby given, that as dl rected by the commissioner of the general land off'ce, under the pro visions of the act of congress ap proved June 27, 1908 (34 Stats., 617), we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m on the 18th day of May next, at this office, the following tiact of land: NWU SE14, Sec. 24. T. 6 8., R. SJ, E. W. M. Any persons claiming adversely Iho above described lands are advised to file their claims or objections on or before the time designated for sale.. F. C. BRA M WELL, Register. Ai A. ROBF.jITS, Receiver. d4-ll-6-ll WANTED Situation by a capable young man clerical. First-class references furnished. Address M. Box 351, La Grande, Ore. held in Portland on that occasion. The6.R.&.N.C0. Will Sell Special Ticket on Tills OocMloB From LA GRANDE TO PORTLAND, and Return, V ' j at $12.15 FOR, PARTICULARS CALL ON J. II. KEENEV, Local Agent. ' ; . ' WM. McMURRAY, I General Paawcogcr Agent, PORTLAND -OREGO! U C Heacock for glasses that fit. Asparagus Is being canned Free water cannery; V . at the The Observer always first with the YOUR WORK Is what we want. We don't , call on you one week for it and . tell you the next we cannot do it ( for r v you. We want it now, and all 'the time. ,. We do not think it necessary afthitime to say anything about the class of workwe turn but The fact that we have been in the LAUN- DRY business for twelve years in'La ' Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat- isfactory. Try it. A. B. C. LAUNDRY . ' TELEPHONE MAIN 7 news. )